# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # memorystore.py # Copyright (C) 2014 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ In-memory transient store for a LEAPIMAPServer. """ import contextlib import logging import threading import weakref from collections import defaultdict from copy import copy from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall from twisted.python import log from zope.interface import implements from leap.common.check import leap_assert_type from leap.mail import size from leap.mail.utils import empty, phash_iter from leap.mail.messageflow import MessageProducer from leap.mail.imap import interfaces from leap.mail.imap.fields import fields from leap.mail.imap.messageparts import MessagePartType, MessagePartDoc from leap.mail.imap.messageparts import RecentFlagsDoc from leap.mail.imap.messageparts import MessageWrapper from leap.mail.imap.messageparts import ReferenciableDict logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # The default period to do writebacks to the permanent # soledad storage, in seconds. SOLEDAD_WRITE_PERIOD = 15 FDOC = MessagePartType.fdoc.key HDOC = MessagePartType.hdoc.key CDOCS = MessagePartType.cdocs.key DOCS_ID = MessagePartType.docs_id.key @contextlib.contextmanager def set_bool_flag(obj, att): """ Set a boolean flag to True while we're doing our thing. Just to let the world know. """ setattr(obj, att, True) try: yield True except RuntimeError as exc: logger.exception(exc) finally: setattr(obj, att, False) class MemoryStore(object): """ An in-memory store to where we can write the different parts that we split the messages into and buffer them until we write them to the permanent storage. It uses MessageWrapper instances to represent the message-parts, which are indexed by mailbox name and UID. It also can be passed a permanent storage as a paremeter (any implementor of IMessageStore, in this case a SoledadStore). In this case, a periodic dump of the messages stored in memory will be done. The period of the writes to the permanent storage is controled by the write_period parameter in the constructor. """ implements(interfaces.IMessageStore, interfaces.IMessageStoreWriter) # TODO We will want to index by chash when we transition to local-only # UIDs. WRITING_FLAG = "_writing" _last_uid_lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, permanent_store=None, write_period=SOLEDAD_WRITE_PERIOD): """ Initialize a MemoryStore. :param permanent_store: a IMessageStore implementor to dump messages to. :type permanent_store: IMessageStore :param write_period: the interval to dump messages to disk, in seconds. :type write_period: int """ from twisted.internet import reactor self.reactor = reactor self._permanent_store = permanent_store self._write_period = write_period # Internal Storage: messages """ flags document store. _fdoc_store[mbox][uid] = { 'content': 'aaa' } """ self._fdoc_store = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict( lambda: ReferenciableDict({}))) # Sizes """ {'mbox, uid': } """ self._sizes = {} # Internal Storage: payload-hash """ fdocs:doc-id store, stores document IDs for putting the dirty flags-docs. """ self._fdoc_id_store = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict( lambda: '')) # Internal Storage: content-hash:hdoc """ hdoc-store keeps references to the header-documents indexed by content-hash. {'chash': { dict-stuff } } """ self._hdoc_store = defaultdict(lambda: ReferenciableDict({})) # Internal Storage: payload-hash:cdoc """ content-docs stored by payload-hash {'phash': { dict-stuff } } """ self._cdoc_store = defaultdict(lambda: ReferenciableDict({})) # Internal Storage: content-hash:fdoc """ chash-fdoc-store keeps references to the flag-documents indexed by content-hash. {'chash': {'mbox-a': weakref.proxy(dict), 'mbox-b': weakref.proxy(dict)} } """ self._chash_fdoc_store = {} # Internal Storage: recent-flags store """ recent-flags store keeps one dict per mailbox, with the document-id of the u1db document and the set of the UIDs that have the recent flag. {'mbox-a': {'doc_id': 'deadbeef', 'set': {1,2,3,4} } } """ # TODO this will have to transition to content-hash # indexes after we move to local-only UIDs. self._rflags_store = defaultdict( lambda: {'doc_id': None, 'set': set([])}) """ last-uid store keeps the count of the highest UID per mailbox. {'mbox-a': 42, 'mbox-b': 23} """ self._last_uid = defaultdict(lambda: 0) """ known-uids keeps a count of the uids that soledad knows for a given mailbox {'mbox-a': set([1,2,3])} """ self._known_uids = defaultdict(set) # New and dirty flags, to set MessageWrapper State. self._new = set([]) self._new_queue = set([]) self._new_deferreds = {} self._dirty = set([]) self._dirty_queue = set([]) self._dirty_deferreds = {} self._rflags_dirty = set([]) # Flag for signaling we're busy writing to the disk storage. setattr(self, self.WRITING_FLAG, False) if self._permanent_store is not None: # this producer spits its messages to the permanent store # consumer using a queue. We will use that to put # our messages to be written. self.producer = MessageProducer(permanent_store, period=0.1) # looping call for dumping to SoledadStore self._write_loop = LoopingCall(self.write_messages, permanent_store) # We can start the write loop right now, why wait? self._start_write_loop() else: # We have a memory-only store. self.producer = None self._write_loop = None def _start_write_loop(self): """ Start loop for writing to disk database. """ if self._write_loop is None: return if not self._write_loop.running: self._write_loop.start(self._write_period, now=True) def _stop_write_loop(self): """ Stop loop for writing to disk database. """ if self._write_loop is None: return if self._write_loop.running: self._write_loop.stop() # IMessageStore # XXX this would work well for whole message operations. # We would have to add a put_flags operation to modify only # the flags doc (and set the dirty flag accordingly) def create_message(self, mbox, uid, message, observer, notify_on_disk=True): """ Create the passed message into this MemoryStore. By default we consider that any message is a new message. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the UID for the message :type uid: int :param message: a message to be added :type message: MessageWrapper :param observer: the deferred that will fire with the UID of the message. If notify_on_disk is True, this will happen when the message is written to Soledad. Otherwise it will fire as soon as we've added the message to the memory store. :type observer: Deferred :param notify_on_disk: whether the `observer` deferred should wait until the message is written to disk to be fired. :type notify_on_disk: bool """ from twisted.internet import reactor log.msg("adding new doc to memstore %r (%r)" % (mbox, uid)) key = mbox, uid self._add_message(mbox, uid, message, notify_on_disk) self._new.add(key) # XXX use this while debugging the callback firing, # remove after unittesting this. #def log_add(result): #return result #observer.addCallback(log_add) if notify_on_disk: # We store this deferred so we can keep track of the pending # operations internally. # TODO this should fire with the UID !!! -- change that in # the soledad store code. self._new_deferreds[key] = observer if not notify_on_disk: # Caller does not care, just fired and forgot, so we pass # a defer that will inmediately have its callback triggered. reactor.callLater(0, observer.callback, uid) def put_message(self, mbox, uid, message, notify_on_disk=True): """ Put an existing message. This will also set the dirty flag on the MemoryStore. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the UID for the message :type uid: int :param message: a message to be added :type message: MessageWrapper :param notify_on_disk: whether the deferred that is returned should wait until the message is written to disk to be fired. :type notify_on_disk: bool :return: a Deferred. if notify_on_disk is True, will be fired when written to the db on disk. Otherwise will fire inmediately :rtype: Deferred """ key = mbox, uid d = defer.Deferred() d.addCallback(lambda result: log.msg("message PUT save: %s" % result)) self._dirty.add(key) self._dirty_deferreds[key] = d self._add_message(mbox, uid, message, notify_on_disk) return d def _add_message(self, mbox, uid, message, notify_on_disk=True): """ Helper method, called by both create_message and put_message. See those for parameter documentation. """ msg_dict = message.as_dict() fdoc = msg_dict.get(FDOC, None) if fdoc is not None: fdoc_store = self._fdoc_store[mbox][uid] fdoc_store.update(fdoc) # content-hash indexing chash = fdoc.get(fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY) chash_fdoc_store = self._chash_fdoc_store if not chash in chash_fdoc_store: chash_fdoc_store[chash] = {} chash_fdoc_store[chash][mbox] = weakref.proxy( fdoc_store) hdoc = msg_dict.get(HDOC, None) if hdoc is not None: chash = hdoc.get(fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY) hdoc_store = self._hdoc_store[chash] hdoc_store.update(hdoc) cdocs = message.cdocs for cdoc in cdocs.values(): phash = cdoc.get(fields.PAYLOAD_HASH_KEY, None) if not phash: continue cdoc_store = self._cdoc_store[phash] cdoc_store.update(cdoc) # Update memory store size # XXX this should use [mbox][uid] key = mbox, uid self._sizes[key] = size.get_size(self._fdoc_store[key]) # TODO add hdoc and cdocs sizes too def get_docid_for_fdoc(self, mbox, uid): """ Return Soledad document id for the flags-doc for a given mbox and uid, or None of no flags document could be found. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the message UID :type uid: int :rtype: unicode or None """ doc_id = self._fdoc_id_store[mbox][uid] if empty(doc_id): fdoc = self._permanent_store.get_flags_doc(mbox, uid) if empty(fdoc) or empty(fdoc.content): return None doc_id = fdoc.doc_id self._fdoc_id_store[mbox][uid] = doc_id return doc_id def get_message(self, mbox, uid, dirtystate="none", flags_only=False): """ Get a MessageWrapper for the given mbox and uid combination. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the message UID :type uid: int :param dirtystate: one of `dirty`, `new` or `none` (default) :type dirtystate: str :param flags_only: whether the message should carry only a reference to the flags document. :type flags_only: bool : :return: MessageWrapper or None """ if dirtystate == "dirty": flags_only = True key = mbox, uid fdoc = self._fdoc_store[mbox][uid] if empty(fdoc): return None new, dirty = False, False if dirtystate == "none": new, dirty = self._get_new_dirty_state(key) if dirtystate == "dirty": new, dirty = False, True if dirtystate == "new": new, dirty = True, False if flags_only: return MessageWrapper(fdoc=fdoc, new=new, dirty=dirty, memstore=weakref.proxy(self)) else: chash = fdoc.get(fields.CONTENT_HASH_KEY) hdoc = self._hdoc_store[chash] if empty(hdoc): hdoc = self._permanent_store.get_headers_doc(chash) if not empty(hdoc.content): self._hdoc_store[chash] = hdoc.content hdoc = hdoc.content cdocs = None pmap = hdoc.get(fields.PARTS_MAP_KEY, None) if new and pmap is not None: # take the different cdocs for write... cdoc_store = self._cdoc_store cdocs_list = phash_iter(hdoc) cdocs = dict(enumerate( [cdoc_store[phash] for phash in cdocs_list], 1)) return MessageWrapper(fdoc=fdoc, hdoc=hdoc, cdocs=cdocs, new=new, dirty=dirty, memstore=weakref.proxy(self)) def remove_message(self, mbox, uid): """ Remove a Message from this MemoryStore. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the message UID :type uid: int """ # XXX For the moment we are only removing the flags and headers # docs. The rest we leave there polluting your hard disk, # until we think about a good way of deorphaning. # XXX implement elijah's idea of using a PUT document as a # token to ensure consistency in the removal. try: key = mbox, uid self._new.discard(key) self._dirty.discard(key) if key in self._sizes: del self._sizes[key] self._fdoc_store[mbox].pop(uid, None) except Exception as exc: logger.exception(exc) # IMessageStoreWriter def write_messages(self, store): """ Write the message documents in this MemoryStore to a different store. :param store: the IMessageStore to write to """ # For now, we pass if the queue is not empty, to avoid duplicate # queuing. # We would better use a flag to know when we've already enqueued an # item. # XXX this could return the deferred for all the enqueued operations if not self.producer.is_queue_empty(): return False if any(map(lambda i: not empty(i), (self._new, self._dirty))): logger.info("Writing messages to Soledad...") # TODO change for lock, and make the property access # is accquired with set_bool_flag(self, self.WRITING_FLAG): for rflags_doc_wrapper in self.all_rdocs_iter(): self.producer.push(rflags_doc_wrapper, state=self.producer.STATE_DIRTY) for msg_wrapper in self.all_new_msg_iter(): self.producer.push(msg_wrapper, state=self.producer.STATE_NEW) for msg_wrapper in self.all_dirty_msg_iter(): self.producer.push(msg_wrapper, state=self.producer.STATE_DIRTY) # MemoryStore specific methods. def get_uids(self, mbox): """ Get all uids for a given mbox. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :rtype: list """ return self._fdoc_store[mbox].keys() def get_soledad_known_uids(self, mbox): """ Get all uids that soledad knows about, from the memory cache. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :rtype: list """ return self._known_uids.get(mbox, []) # last_uid def get_last_uid(self, mbox): """ Return the highest UID for a given mbox. It will be the highest between the highest uid in the message store for the mailbox, and the soledad integer cache. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :rtype: int """ uids = self.get_uids(mbox) last_mem_uid = uids and max(uids) or 0 last_soledad_uid = self.get_last_soledad_uid(mbox) return max(last_mem_uid, last_soledad_uid) def get_last_soledad_uid(self, mbox): """ Get last uid for a given mbox from the soledad integer cache. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode """ return self._last_uid.get(mbox, 0) def set_last_soledad_uid(self, mbox, value): """ Set last uid for a given mbox in the soledad integer cache. SoledadMailbox should prime this value during initialization. Other methods (during message adding) SHOULD call `increment_last_soledad_uid` instead. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param value: the value to set :type value: int """ leap_assert_type(value, int) logger.info("setting last soledad uid for %s to %s" % (mbox, value)) # if we already have a value here, don't do anything with self._last_uid_lock: if not self._last_uid.get(mbox, None): self._last_uid[mbox] = value def set_known_uids(self, mbox, value): """ Set the value fo the known-uids set for this mbox. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param value: a sequence of integers to be added to the set. :type value: tuple """ current = self._known_uids[mbox] self._known_uids[mbox] = current.union(set(value)) def increment_last_soledad_uid(self, mbox): """ Increment by one the soledad integer cache for the last_uid for this mbox, and fire a defer-to-thread to update the soledad value. The caller should lock the call tho this method. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode """ with self._last_uid_lock: self._last_uid[mbox] += 1 value = self._last_uid[mbox] self.write_last_uid(mbox, value) return value @deferred_to_thread def write_last_uid(self, mbox, value): """ Increment the soledad integer cache for the highest uid value. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param value: the value to set :type value: int """ leap_assert_type(value, int) if self._permanent_store: self._permanent_store.write_last_uid(mbox, value) def load_flag_docs(self, mbox, flag_docs): """ Load the flag documents for the given mbox. Used during initial flag docs prefetch. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param flag_docs: a dict with the content for the flag docs, indexed by uid. :type flag_docs: dict """ # We can do direct assignments cause we know this will only # be called during initialization of the mailbox. fdoc_store = self._fdoc_store[mbox] for uid in flag_docs: fdoc_store[uid] = ReferenciableDict(flag_docs[uid]) def load_header_docs(self, header_docs): """ Load the flag documents for the given mbox. Used during header docs prefetch, and during cache after a read from soledad if the hdoc property in message did not find its value in here. :param flag_docs: a dict with the content for the flag docs. :type flag_docs: dict """ hdoc_store = self._hdoc_store for chash in header_docs: hdoc_store[chash] = ReferenciableDict(header_docs[chash]) def all_flags(self, mbox): """ Return a dictionary with all the flags for a given mbox. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :rtype: dict """ flags_dict = {} uids = self.get_uids(mbox) fdoc_store = self._fdoc_store[mbox] for uid in uids: try: flags = fdoc_store[uid][fields.FLAGS_KEY] flags_dict[uid] = flags except KeyError: continue return flags_dict # Counting sheeps... def count_new_mbox(self, mbox): """ Count the new messages by mailbox. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :return: number of new messages :rtype: int """ return len([(m, uid) for m, uid in self._new if mbox == mbox]) # XXX used at all? def count_new(self): """ Count all the new messages in the MemoryStore. :rtype: int """ return len(self._new) def count(self, mbox): """ Return the count of messages for a given mbox. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :return: number of messages :rtype: int """ return len(self._fdoc_store[mbox]) def unseen_iter(self, mbox): """ Get an iterator for the message UIDs with no `seen` flag for a given mailbox. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :return: iterator through unseen message doc UIDs :rtype: iterable """ fdocs = self._fdoc_store[mbox] return [uid for uid, value in fdocs.items() if fields.SEEN_FLAG not in value.get(fields.FLAGS_KEY, [])] def get_cdoc_from_phash(self, phash): """ Return a content-document by its payload-hash. :param phash: the payload hash to check against :type phash: str or unicode :rtype: MessagePartDoc """ doc = self._cdoc_store.get(phash, None) # XXX return None for consistency? # XXX have to keep a mapping between phash and its linkage # info, to know if this payload is been already saved or not. # We will be able to get this from the linkage-docs, # not yet implemented. new = True dirty = False return MessagePartDoc( new=new, dirty=dirty, store="mem", part=MessagePartType.cdoc, content=doc, doc_id=None) def get_fdoc_from_chash(self, chash, mbox): """ Return a flags-document by its content-hash and a given mailbox. Used during content-duplication detection while copying or adding a message. :param chash: the content hash to check against :type chash: str or unicode :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :return: MessagePartDoc. It will return None if the flags document has empty content or it is flagged as \\Deleted. """ docs_dict = self._chash_fdoc_store.get(chash, None) fdoc = docs_dict.get(mbox, None) if docs_dict else None # a couple of special cases. # 1. We might have a doc with empty content... if empty(fdoc): return None # 2. ...Or the message could exist, but being flagged for deletion. # We want to create a new one in this case. # Hmmm what if the deletion is un-done?? We would end with a # duplicate... if fdoc and fields.DELETED_FLAG in fdoc.get(fields.FLAGS_KEY, []): return None uid = fdoc[fields.UID_KEY] key = mbox, uid new = key in self._new dirty = key in self._dirty return MessagePartDoc( new=new, dirty=dirty, store="mem", part=MessagePartType.fdoc, content=fdoc, doc_id=None) def iter_fdoc_keys(self): """ Return a generator through all the mbox, uid keys in the flags-doc store. """ fdoc_store = self._fdoc_store for mbox in fdoc_store: for uid in fdoc_store[mbox]: yield mbox, uid def all_new_msg_iter(self): """ Return generator that iterates through all new messages. :return: generator of MessageWrappers :rtype: generator """ gm = self.get_message new = [gm(*key) for key in self._new] # move content from new set to the queue self._new_queue.update(self._new) self._new.difference_update(self._new) return new def all_dirty_msg_iter(self): """ Return generator that iterates through all dirty messages. :return: generator of MessageWrappers :rtype: generator """ gm = self.get_message dirty = [gm(*key, flags_only=True) for key in self._dirty] # move content from new and dirty sets to the queue self._dirty_queue.update(self._dirty) self._dirty.difference_update(self._dirty) return dirty def all_deleted_uid_iter(self, mbox): """ Return a list with the UIDs for all messags with deleted flag in a given mailbox. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :return: list of integers :rtype: list """ # This *needs* to return a fixed sequence. Otherwise the dictionary len # will change during iteration, when we modify it fdocs = self._fdoc_store[mbox] return [uid for uid, value in fdocs.items() if fields.DELETED_FLAG in value.get(fields.FLAGS_KEY, [])] # new, dirty flags def _get_new_dirty_state(self, key): """ Return `new` and `dirty` flags for a given message. :param key: the key for the message, in the form mbox, uid :type key: tuple :return: tuple of bools :rtype: tuple """ # TODO change indexing of sets to [mbox][key] too. # XXX should return *first* the news, and *then* the dirty... # TODO should query in queues too , true? # return map(lambda _set: key in _set, (self._new, self._dirty)) def set_new_queued(self, key): """ Add the key value to the `new-queue` set. :param key: the key for the message, in the form mbox, uid :type key: tuple """ self._new_queue.add(key) def unset_new_queued(self, key): """ Remove the key value from the `new-queue` set. :param key: the key for the message, in the form mbox, uid :type key: tuple """ self._new_queue.discard(key) deferreds = self._new_deferreds d = deferreds.get(key, None) if d: # XXX use a namedtuple for passing the result # when we check it in the other side. d.callback('%s, ok' % str(key)) deferreds.pop(key) def set_dirty_queued(self, key): """ Add the key value to the `dirty-queue` set. :param key: the key for the message, in the form mbox, uid :type key: tuple """ self._dirty_queue.add(key) def unset_dirty_queued(self, key): """ Remove the key value from the `dirty-queue` set. :param key: the key for the message, in the form mbox, uid :type key: tuple """ self._dirty_queue.discard(key) deferreds = self._dirty_deferreds d = deferreds.get(key, None) if d: # XXX use a namedtuple for passing the result # when we check it in the other side. d.callback('%s, ok' % str(key)) deferreds.pop(key) # Recent Flags def set_recent_flag(self, mbox, uid): """ Set the `Recent` flag for a given mailbox and UID. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the message UID :type uid: int """ self._rflags_dirty.add(mbox) self._rflags_store[mbox]['set'].add(uid) # TODO --- nice but unused def unset_recent_flag(self, mbox, uid): """ Unset the `Recent` flag for a given mailbox and UID. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param uid: the message UID :type uid: int """ self._rflags_store[mbox]['set'].discard(uid) def set_recent_flags(self, mbox, value): """ Set the value for the set of the recent flags. Used from the property in the MessageCollection. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param value: a sequence of flags to set :type value: sequence """ self._rflags_dirty.add(mbox) self._rflags_store[mbox]['set'] = set(value) def load_recent_flags(self, mbox, flags_doc): """ Load the passed flags document in the recent flags store, for a given mailbox. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param flags_doc: A dictionary containing the `doc_id` of the Soledad flags-document for this mailbox, and the `set` of uids marked with that flag. """ self._rflags_store[mbox] = flags_doc def get_recent_flags(self, mbox): """ Return the set of UIDs with the `Recent` flag for this mailbox. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :rtype: set, or None """ rflag_for_mbox = self._rflags_store.get(mbox, None) if not rflag_for_mbox: return None return self._rflags_store[mbox]['set'] def all_rdocs_iter(self): """ Return an iterator through all in-memory recent flag dicts, wrapped under a RecentFlagsDoc namedtuple. Used for saving to disk. :return: a generator of RecentFlagDoc :rtype: generator """ # XXX use enums DOC_ID = "doc_id" SET = "set" rflags_store = self._rflags_store def get_rdoc(mbox, rdict): mbox_rflag_set = rdict[SET] recent_set = copy(mbox_rflag_set) # zero it! mbox_rflag_set.difference_update(mbox_rflag_set) return RecentFlagsDoc( doc_id=rflags_store[mbox][DOC_ID], content={ fields.TYPE_KEY: fields.TYPE_RECENT_VAL, fields.MBOX_KEY: mbox, fields.RECENTFLAGS_KEY: list(recent_set) }) return (get_rdoc(mbox, rdict) for mbox, rdict in rflags_store.items() if not empty(rdict[SET])) # Methods that mirror the IMailbox interface def remove_all_deleted(self, mbox): """ Remove all messages flagged \\Deleted from this Memory Store only. Called from `expunge` :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :return: a list of UIDs :rtype: list """ mem_deleted = self.all_deleted_uid_iter(mbox) for uid in mem_deleted: self.remove_message(mbox, uid) return mem_deleted def stop_and_flush(self): """ Stop the write loop and trigger a write to the producer. """ self._stop_write_loop() if self._permanent_store is not None: self.write_messages(self._permanent_store) self.producer.flush() def expunge(self, mbox, observer): """ Remove all messages flagged \\Deleted, from the Memory Store and from the permanent store also. It first queues up a last write, and wait for the deferreds to be done before continuing. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param observer: a deferred that will be fired when expunge is done :type observer: Deferred """ soledad_store = self._permanent_store if soledad_store is None: # just-in memory store, easy then. self._delete_from_memory(mbox, observer) return # We have a soledad storage. try: # Stop and trigger last write self.stop_and_flush() # Wait on the writebacks to finish pending_deferreds = (self._new_deferreds.get(mbox, []) + self._dirty_deferreds.get(mbox, [])) d1 = defer.gatherResults(pending_deferreds, consumeErrors=True) d1.addCallback( self._delete_from_soledad_and_memory, mbox, observer) except Exception as exc: logger.exception(exc) def _delete_from_memory(self, mbox, observer): """ Remove all messages marked as deleted from soledad and memory. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param observer: a deferred that will be fired when expunge is done :type observer: Deferred """ mem_deleted = self.remove_all_deleted(mbox) observer.callback(mem_deleted) def _delete_from_soledad_and_memory(self, result, mbox, observer): """ Remove all messages marked as deleted from soledad and memory. :param result: ignored. the result of the deferredList that triggers this as a callback from `expunge`. :param mbox: the mailbox :type mbox: str or unicode :param observer: a deferred that will be fired when expunge is done :type observer: Deferred """ all_deleted = [] soledad_store = self._permanent_store try: # 1. Delete all messages marked as deleted in soledad. sol_deleted = soledad_store.remove_all_deleted(mbox) try: self._known_uids[mbox].difference_update(set(sol_deleted)) except Exception as exc: logger.exception(exc) # 2. Delete all messages marked as deleted in memory. mem_deleted = self.remove_all_deleted(mbox) all_deleted = set(mem_deleted).union(set(sol_deleted)) logger.debug("deleted %r" % all_deleted) except Exception as exc: logger.exception(exc) finally: self._start_write_loop() observer.callback(all_deleted) # Dump-to-disk controls. @property def is_writing(self): """ Property that returns whether the store is currently writing its internal state to a permanent storage. Used to evaluate whether the CHECK command can inform that the field is clear to proceed, or waiting for the write operations to complete is needed instead. :rtype: bool """ # FIXME this should return a deferred !!! # XXX ----- can fire when all new + dirty deferreds # are done (gatherResults) return getattr(self, self.WRITING_FLAG) @property def permanent_store(self): return self._permanent_store # Memory management. def get_size(self): """ Return the size of the internal storage. Use for calculating the limit beyond which we should flush the store. :rtype: int """ return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, self._sizes, 0)