# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# account.py
# Copyright (C) 2013 LEAP
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
Soledad Backed Account.
import copy
import logging
import os
import time
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.mail import imap4
from twisted.python import log
from zope.interface import implements
from leap.common.check import leap_assert, leap_assert_type
from leap.mail.mail import Account
from leap.mail.imap.fields import WithMsgFields
from leap.mail.imap.mailbox import SoledadMailbox, normalize_mailbox
from leap.soledad.client import Soledad
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
PROFILE_CMD = os.environ.get('LEAP_PROFILE_IMAPCMD', False)
def _debugProfiling(result, cmdname, start):
took = (time.time() - start) * 1000
log.msg("CMD " + cmdname + " TOOK: " + str(took) + " msec")
return result
# Soledad IMAP Account
# TODO remove MsgFields too
class IMAPAccount(WithMsgFields):
An implementation of an imap4 Account
that is backed by Soledad Encrypted Documents.
implements(imap4.IAccount, imap4.INamespacePresenter)
selected = None
closed = False
def __init__(self, user_id, store):
Keeps track of the mailboxes and subscriptions handled by this account.
:param account: The name of the account (user id).
:type account: str
:param store: a Soledad instance.
:type store: Soledad
# XXX assert a generic store interface instead, so that we
# can plug the memory store wrapper seamlessly.
leap_assert(store, "Need a store instance to initialize")
leap_assert_type(store, Soledad)
# XXX SHOULD assert too that the name matches the user/uuid with which
# soledad has been initialized.
self.user_id = user_id
self.account = Account(store)
# XXX should hide this in the adaptor...
def _get_mailbox_by_name(self, name):
Return an mbox document by name.
:param name: the name of the mailbox
:type name: str
:rtype: SoledadDocument
def get_first_if_any(docs):
return docs[0] if docs else None
d = self._store.get_from_index(
return d
# XXX move to Account?
# XXX needed?
def getMailbox(self, name):
Return a Mailbox with that name, without selecting it.
:param name: name of the mailbox
:type name: str
:returns: a a SoledadMailbox instance
:rtype: SoledadMailbox
name = normalize_mailbox(name)
if name not in self.account.mailboxes:
raise imap4.MailboxException("No such mailbox: %r" % name)
# XXX Does mailbox really need reference to soledad?
return SoledadMailbox(name, self._store)
# IAccount
def _get_empty_mailbox(self):
Returns an empty mailbox.
:rtype: dict
# XXX move to mailbox module
return copy.deepcopy(mailbox.EMPTY_MBOX)
# TODO use mail.Account.add_mailbox
def addMailbox(self, name, creation_ts=None):
Add a mailbox to the account.
:param name: the name of the mailbox
:type name: str
:param creation_ts: an optional creation timestamp to be used as
mailbox id. A timestamp will be used if no
one is provided.
:type creation_ts: int
:returns: a Deferred that will contain the document if successful.
:rtype: bool
name = normalize_mailbox(name)
leap_assert(name, "Need a mailbox name to create a mailbox")
if name in self.mailboxes:
raise imap4.MailboxCollision(repr(name))
if creation_ts is None:
# by default, we pass an int value
# taken from the current time
# we make sure to take enough decimals to get a unique
# mailbox-uidvalidity.
creation_ts = int(time.time() * 10E2)
mbox = self._get_empty_mailbox()
mbox[self.MBOX_KEY] = name
mbox[self.CREATED_KEY] = creation_ts
def load_mbox_cache(result):
d = self._load_mailboxes()
d.addCallback(lambda _: result)
return d
d = self._store.create_doc(mbox)
return d
# TODO use mail.Account.create_mailbox?
# Watch out, imap specific exceptions raised here.
def create(self, pathspec):
Create a new mailbox from the given hierarchical name.
:param pathspec:
The full hierarchical name of a new mailbox to create.
If any of the inferior hierarchical names to this one
do not exist, they are created as well.
:type pathspec: str
A deferred that will fire with a true value if the creation
:rtype: Deferred
:raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be added.
# TODO raise MailboxException
paths = filter(None, normalize_mailbox(pathspec).split('/'))
subs = []
sep = '/'
for accum in range(1, len(paths)):
partial = sep.join(paths[:accum])
d = self.addMailbox(partial)
except imap4.MailboxCollision:
df = self.addMailbox(sep.join(paths))
except imap4.MailboxCollision:
if not pathspec.endswith('/'):
df = defer.succeed(False)
df = defer.succeed(True)
def all_good(result):
return all(result)
def load_mbox_cache(result):
d = self._load_mailboxes()
d.addCallback(lambda _: result)
return d
if subs:
d1 = defer.gatherResults(subs, consumeErrors=True)
d1 = defer.succeed(False)
return d1
# TODO use mail.Account.get_collection_by_mailbox
def select(self, name, readwrite=1):
Selects a mailbox.
:param name: the mailbox to select
:type name: str
:param readwrite: 1 for readwrite permissions.
:type readwrite: int
:rtype: SoledadMailbox
name = normalize_mailbox(name)
if name not in self.mailboxes:
logger.warning("No such mailbox!")
return None
self.selected = name
sm = SoledadMailbox(name, self._store, readwrite)
return sm
# TODO use mail.Account.delete_mailbox
def delete(self, name, force=False):
Deletes a mailbox.
Right now it does not purge the messages, but just removes the mailbox
name from the mailboxes list!!!
:param name: the mailbox to be deleted
:type name: str
:param force:
if True, it will not check for noselect flag or inferior
names. use with care.
:type force: bool
:rtype: Deferred
name = normalize_mailbox(name)
if name not in self.mailboxes:
err = imap4.MailboxException("No such mailbox: %r" % name)
return defer.fail(err)
mbox = self.getMailbox(name)
if not force:
# See if this box is flagged \Noselect
# XXX use mbox.flags instead?
mbox_flags = mbox.getFlags()
if self.NOSELECT_FLAG in mbox_flags:
# Check for hierarchically inferior mailboxes with this one
# as part of their root.
for others in self.mailboxes:
if others != name and others.startswith(name):
err = imap4.MailboxException(
"Hierarchically inferior mailboxes "
"exist and \\Noselect is set")
return defer.fail(err)
return mbox.destroy()
# XXX FIXME --- not honoring the inferior names...
# if there are no hierarchically inferior names, we will
# delete it from our ken.
# if self._inferiorNames(name) > 1:
# ??! -- can this be rite?
# self._index.removeMailbox(name)
# TODO use mail.Account.rename_mailbox
def rename(self, oldname, newname):
Renames a mailbox.
:param oldname: old name of the mailbox
:type oldname: str
:param newname: new name of the mailbox
:type newname: str
oldname = normalize_mailbox(oldname)
newname = normalize_mailbox(newname)
if oldname not in self.mailboxes:
raise imap4.NoSuchMailbox(repr(oldname))
inferiors = self._inferiorNames(oldname)
inferiors = [(o, o.replace(oldname, newname, 1)) for o in inferiors]
for (old, new) in inferiors:
if new in self.mailboxes:
raise imap4.MailboxCollision(repr(new))
rename_deferreds = []
def load_mbox_cache(result):
d = self._load_mailboxes()
d.addCallback(lambda _: result)
return d
def update_mbox_doc_name(mbox, oldname, newname, update_deferred):
mbox.content[self.MBOX_KEY] = newname
d = self._soledad.put_doc(mbox)
d.addCallback(lambda r: update_deferred.callback(True))
for (old, new) in inferiors:
self._memstore.rename_fdocs_mailbox(old, new)
d0 = defer.Deferred()
d = self._get_mailbox_by_name(old)
d.addCallback(update_mbox_doc_name, old, new, d0)
d1 = defer.gatherResults(rename_deferreds, consumeErrors=True)
return d1
def _inferiorNames(self, name):
Return hierarchically inferior mailboxes.
:param name: name of the mailbox
:rtype: list
# XXX use wildcard query instead
inferiors = []
for infname in self.mailboxes:
if infname.startswith(name):
return inferiors
# TODO use mail.Account.list_mailboxes
def listMailboxes(self, ref, wildcard):
List the mailboxes.
from rfc 3501:
returns a subset of names from the complete set
of all names available to the client. Zero or more untagged LIST
replies are returned, containing the name attributes, hierarchy
delimiter, and name.
:param ref: reference name
:type ref: str
:param wildcard: mailbox name with possible wildcards
:type wildcard: str
# XXX use wildcard in index query
ref = self._inferiorNames(normalize_mailbox(ref))
wildcard = imap4.wildcardToRegexp(wildcard, '/')
return [(i, self.getMailbox(i)) for i in ref if wildcard.match(i)]
# The rest of the methods are specific for leap.mail.imap.account.Account
# TODO ------------------ can we preserve the attr?
# maybe add to memory store.
def isSubscribed(self, name):
Returns True if user is subscribed to this mailbox.
:param name: the mailbox to be checked.
:type name: str
:rtype: Deferred (will fire with bool)
# TODO use Flags class
subscribed = self.SUBSCRIBED_KEY
def is_subscribed(mbox):
subs_bool = bool(mbox.content.get(subscribed, False))
return subs_bool
d = self._get_mailbox_by_name(name)
return d
# TODO ------------------ can we preserve the property?
# maybe add to memory store.
def _get_subscriptions(self):
Return a list of the current subscriptions for this account.
:returns: A deferred that will fire with the subscriptions.
:rtype: Deferred
def get_docs_content(docs):
return [doc.content[self.MBOX_KEY] for doc in docs]
d = self._store.get_from_index(
self.TYPE_SUBS_IDX, self.MBOX_KEY, '1')
return d
def _set_subscription(self, name, value):
Sets the subscription value for a given mailbox
:param name: the mailbox
:type name: str
:param value: the boolean value
:type value: bool
# XXX Note that this kind of operation has
# no guarantees of atomicity. We should not be accessing mbox
# documents concurrently.
subscribed = self.SUBSCRIBED_KEY
def update_subscribed_value(mbox):
mbox.content[subscribed] = value
return self._store.put_doc(mbox)
# maybe we should store subscriptions in another
# document...
if name not in self.mailboxes:
d = self.addMailbox(name)
d.addCallback(lambda v: self._get_mailbox_by_name(name))
d = self._get_mailbox_by_name(name)
return d
def subscribe(self, name):
Subscribe to this mailbox if not already subscribed.
:param name: name of the mailbox
:type name: str
:rtype: Deferred
name = normalize_mailbox(name)
def check_and_subscribe(subscriptions):
if name not in subscriptions:
return self._set_subscription(name, True)
d = self._get_subscriptions()
return d
def unsubscribe(self, name):
Unsubscribe from this mailbox
:param name: name of the mailbox
:type name: str
:rtype: Deferred
name = normalize_mailbox(name)
def check_and_unsubscribe(subscriptions):
if name not in subscriptions:
raise imap4.MailboxException(
"Not currently subscribed to %r" % name)
return self._set_subscription(name, False)
d = self._get_subscriptions()
return d
def getSubscriptions(self):
return self._get_subscriptions()
# INamespacePresenter
def getPersonalNamespaces(self):
return [["", "/"]]
def getSharedNamespaces(self):
return None
def getOtherNamespaces(self):
return None
# extra, for convenience
def deleteAllMessages(self, iknowhatiamdoing=False):
Deletes all messages from all mailboxes.
Danger! high voltage!
:param iknowhatiamdoing: confirmation parameter, needs to be True
to proceed.
if iknowhatiamdoing is True:
for mbox in self.mailboxes:
self.delete(mbox, force=True)
def __repr__(self):
Representation string for this object.
return "" % self.user_id