# soledad.py # Copyright (C) 2014 LEAP # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Soledadad MailAdaptor module. """ import re from collections import defaultdict from email import message_from_string from functools import partial from pycryptopp.hash import sha256 from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.python import util from zope.interface import implements from leap.common.check import leap_assert, leap_assert_type from leap.mail import constants from leap.mail import walk from leap.mail.adaptors import soledad_indexes as indexes from leap.mail.constants import INBOX_NAME from leap.mail.adaptors import models from leap.mail.imap.mailbox import normalize_mailbox from leap.mail.utils import lowerdict, first from leap.mail.utils import stringify_parts_map from leap.mail.interfaces import IMailAdaptor, IMessageWrapper from leap.soledad.common.document import SoledadDocument # TODO # [ ] Convenience function to create mail specifying subject, date, etc? _MSGID_PATTERN = r"""<([\w@.]+)>""" _MSGID_RE = re.compile(_MSGID_PATTERN) class DuplicatedDocumentError(Exception): """ Raised when a duplicated document is detected. """ pass class SoledadDocumentWrapper(models.DocumentWrapper): """ A Wrapper object that can be manipulated, passed around, and serialized in a format that the Soledad Store understands. It ensures atomicity of the document operations on creation, update and deletion. """ # TODO we could also use a _dirty flag (in models) # We keep a dictionary with DeferredLocks, that will be # unique to every subclass of SoledadDocumentWrapper. _k_locks = defaultdict(defer.DeferredLock) @classmethod def _get_klass_lock(cls): """ Get a DeferredLock that is unique for this subclass name. Used to lock the access to indexes in the `get_or_create` call for a particular DocumentWrapper. """ return cls._k_locks[cls.__name__] def __init__(self, **kwargs): doc_id = kwargs.pop('doc_id', None) self._doc_id = doc_id self._future_doc_id = kwargs.pop('future_doc_id', None) self._lock = defer.DeferredLock() super(SoledadDocumentWrapper, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def doc_id(self): return self._doc_id @property def future_doc_id(self): return self._future_doc_id def set_future_doc_id(self, doc_id): self._future_doc_id = doc_id def create(self, store): """ Create the documents for this wrapper. Since this method will not check for duplication, the responsibility of avoiding duplicates is left to the caller. You might be interested in using `get_or_create` classmethod instead (that's the preferred way of creating documents from the wrapper object). :return: a deferred that will fire when the underlying Soledad document has been created. :rtype: Deferred """ leap_assert(self._doc_id is None, "This document already has a doc_id!") def update_doc_id(doc): self._doc_id = doc.doc_id self._future_doc_id = None return doc if self.future_doc_id is None: d = store.create_doc(self.serialize()) else: d = store.create_doc(self.serialize(), doc_id=self.future_doc_id) d.addCallback(update_doc_id) return d def update(self, store): """ Update the documents for this wrapper. :return: a deferred that will fire when the underlying Soledad document has been updated. :rtype: Deferred """ # the deferred lock guards against revision conflicts return self._lock.run(self._update, store) def _update(self, store): leap_assert(self._doc_id is not None, "Need to create doc before updating") def update_and_put_doc(doc): doc.content.update(self.serialize()) return store.put_doc(doc) d = store.get_doc(self._doc_id) d.addCallback(update_and_put_doc) return d def delete(self, store): """ Delete the documents for this wrapper. :return: a deferred that will fire when the underlying Soledad document has been deleted. :rtype: Deferred """ # the deferred lock guards against conflicts while updating return self._lock.run(self._delete, store) def _delete(self, store): leap_assert(self._doc_id is not None, "Need to create doc before deleting") # XXX might want to flag this DocumentWrapper to avoid # updating it by mistake. This could go in models.DocumentWrapper def delete_doc(doc): return store.delete_doc(doc) d = store.get_doc(self._doc_id) d.addCallback(delete_doc) return d @classmethod def get_or_create(cls, store, index, value): """ Get a unique DocumentWrapper by index, or create a new one if the matching query does not exist. :param index: the primary index for the model. :type index: str :param value: the value to query the primary index. :type value: str :return: a deferred that will be fired with the SoledadDocumentWrapper matching the index query, either existing or just created. :rtype: Deferred """ return cls._get_klass_lock().run( cls._get_or_create, store, index, value) @classmethod def _get_or_create(cls, store, index, value): assert store is not None assert index is not None assert value is not None def get_main_index(): try: return cls.model.__meta__.index except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("The model is badly defined") def try_to_get_doc_from_index(indexes): values = [] idx_def = dict(indexes)[index] if len(idx_def) == 1: values = [value] else: main_index = get_main_index() fields = cls.model.serialize() for field in idx_def: if field == main_index: values.append(value) else: values.append(fields[field]) d = store.get_from_index(index, *values) return d def get_first_doc_if_any(docs): if not docs: return None if len(docs) > 1: raise DuplicatedDocumentError return docs[0] def wrap_existing_or_create_new(doc): if doc: return cls(doc_id=doc.doc_id, **doc.content) else: return create_and_wrap_new_doc() def create_and_wrap_new_doc(): # XXX use closure to store indexes instead of # querying for them again. d = store.list_indexes() d.addCallback(get_wrapper_instance_from_index) d.addCallback(return_wrapper_when_created) return d def get_wrapper_instance_from_index(indexes): init_values = {} idx_def = dict(indexes)[index] if len(idx_def) == 1: init_value = {idx_def[0]: value} return cls(**init_value) main_index = get_main_index() fields = cls.model.serialize() for field in idx_def: if field == main_index: init_values[field] = value else: init_values[field] = fields[field] return cls(**init_values) def return_wrapper_when_created(wrapper): d = wrapper.create(store) d.addCallback(lambda doc: wrapper) return d d = store.list_indexes() d.addCallback(try_to_get_doc_from_index) d.addCallback(get_first_doc_if_any) d.addCallback(wrap_existing_or_create_new) return d @classmethod def get_all(cls, store): """ Get a collection of wrappers around all the documents belonging to this kind. For this to work, the model.__meta__ needs to include a tuple with the index to be used for listing purposes, and which is the field to be used to query the index. Note that this method only supports indexes of a single field at the moment. It also might be too expensive to return all the documents matching the query, so handle with care. class __meta__(object): index = "name" list_index = ("by-type", "type_") :return: a deferred that will be fired with an iterable containing as many SoledadDocumentWrapper are matching the index defined in the model as the `list_index`. :rtype: Deferred """ # TODO # [ ] extend support to indexes with n-ples # [ ] benchmark the cost of querying and returning indexes in a big # database. This might badly need pagination before being put to # serious use. return cls._get_klass_lock().run(cls._get_all, store) @classmethod def _get_all(cls, store): try: list_index, list_attr = cls.model.__meta__.list_index except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("The model is badly defined: no list_index") try: index_value = getattr(cls.model, list_attr) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError("The model is badly defined: " "no attribute matching list_index") def wrap_docs(docs): return (cls(doc_id=doc.doc_id, **doc.content) for doc in docs) d = store.get_from_index(list_index, index_value) d.addCallback(wrap_docs) return d # TODO # [ ] get_count() ??? def __repr__(self): try: idx = getattr(self, self.model.__meta__.index) except AttributeError: idx = "" return "<%s: %s (%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, idx, self._doc_id) # # Message documents # class FlagsDocWrapper(SoledadDocumentWrapper): class model(models.SerializableModel): type_ = "flags" chash = "" mbox = "inbox" seen = False deleted = False recent = False flags = [] tags = [] size = 0 multi = False class __meta__(object): index = "mbox" def set_mbox(self, mbox): # XXX raise error if already created, should use copy instead new_id = constants.FDOCID.format(mbox=mbox, chash=self.chash) self._future_doc_id = new_id self.mbox = mbox class HeaderDocWrapper(SoledadDocumentWrapper): class model(models.SerializableModel): type_ = "head" chash = "" date = "" subject = "" headers = {} part_map = {} body = "" # link to phash of body msgid = "" multi = False class __meta__(object): index = "chash" class ContentDocWrapper(SoledadDocumentWrapper): class model(models.SerializableModel): type_ = "cnt" phash = "" ctype = "" # XXX index by ctype too? lkf = [] # XXX not implemented yet! raw = "" content_disposition = "" content_transfer_encoding = "" content_type = "" class __meta__(object): index = "phash" class MetaMsgDocWrapper(SoledadDocumentWrapper): class model(models.SerializableModel): type_ = "meta" fdoc = "" hdoc = "" cdocs = [] def set_mbox(self, mbox): # XXX raise error if already created, should use copy instead chash = re.findall(constants.FDOCID_CHASH_RE, self.fdoc)[0] new_id = constants.METAMSGID.format(mbox=mbox, chash=chash) new_fdoc_id = constants.FDOCID.format(mbox=mbox, chash=chash) self._future_doc_id = new_id self.fdoc = new_fdoc_id class MessageWrapper(object): # This could benefit of a DeferredLock to create/update all the # documents at the same time maybe, and defend against concurrent updates? implements(IMessageWrapper) def __init__(self, mdoc, fdoc, hdoc, cdocs=None): """ Need at least a metamsg-document, a flag-document and a header-document to instantiate a MessageWrapper. Content-documents can be retrieved lazily. cdocs, if any, should be a dictionary in which the keys are ascending integers, beginning at one, and the values are dictionaries with the content of the content-docs. """ if isinstance(mdoc, SoledadDocument): mdoc = mdoc.content if not mdoc: mdoc = {} self.mdoc = MetaMsgDocWrapper(**mdoc) if isinstance(fdoc, SoledadDocument): fdoc = fdoc.content self.fdoc = FlagsDocWrapper(**fdoc) self.fdoc.set_future_doc_id(self.mdoc.fdoc) if isinstance(hdoc, SoledadDocument): hdoc = hdoc.content self.hdoc = HeaderDocWrapper(**hdoc) self.hdoc.set_future_doc_id(self.mdoc.hdoc) if cdocs is None: cdocs = {} cdocs_keys = cdocs.keys() assert sorted(cdocs_keys) == range(1, len(cdocs_keys) + 1) self.cdocs = dict([(key, ContentDocWrapper(**doc)) for (key, doc) in cdocs.items()]) for doc_id, cdoc in zip(self.mdoc.cdocs, self.cdocs.values()): cdoc.set_future_doc_id(doc_id) def create(self, store): """ Create all the parts for this message in the store. """ leap_assert(self.cdocs, "Need non empty cdocs to create the " "MessageWrapper documents") leap_assert(self.mdoc.doc_id is None, "Cannot create: mdoc has a doc_id") leap_assert(self.fdoc.doc_id is None, "Cannot create: fdoc has a doc_id") # TODO check that the doc_ids in the mdoc are coherent # TODO I think we need to tolerate the no hdoc.doc_id case, for when we # are doing a copy to another mailbox. # leap_assert(self.hdoc.doc_id is None, # "Cannot create: hdoc has a doc_id") d = [] d.append(self.mdoc.create(store)) d.append(self.fdoc.create(store)) if self.hdoc.doc_id is None: d.append(self.hdoc.create(store)) for cdoc in self.cdocs.values(): if cdoc.doc_id is not None: # we could be just linking to an existing # content-doc. continue d.append(cdoc.create(store)) return defer.gatherResults(d) def update(self, store): """ Update the only mutable parts, which are within the flags document. """ return self.fdoc.update(store) def delete(self, store): # Eventually this would have to do the duplicate search or send for the # garbage collector. At least the fdoc can be unlinked. raise NotImplementedError() def copy(self, store, newmailbox): """ Return a copy of this MessageWrapper in a new mailbox. """ # 1. copy the fdoc, mdoc # 2. remove the doc_id of that fdoc # 3. create it (with new doc_id) # 4. return new wrapper (new meta too!) raise NotImplementedError() def set_mbox(self, mbox): """ Set the mailbox for this wrapper. This method should only be used before the Documents for the MessageWrapper have been created, will raise otherwise. """ self.mdoc.set_mbox(mbox) self.fdoc.set_mbox(mbox) def set_flags(self, flags): # TODO serialize the get + update if flags is None: flags = tuple() leap_assert_type(flags, tuple) self.fdoc.flags = list(flags) def set_tags(self, tags): # TODO serialize the get + update if tags is None: tags = tuple() leap_assert_type(tags, tuple) self.fdoc.tags = list(tags) def set_date(self, date): # XXX assert valid date format self.hdoc.date = date def get_subpart_dict(self, index): """ :param index: index, 1-indexed :type index: int """ return self.hdoc.part_map[str(index)] def get_body(self, store): """ :rtype: deferred """ body_phash = self.hdoc.body if not body_phash: return None d = store.get_doc('C-' + body_phash) d.addCallback(lambda doc: ContentDocWrapper(**doc.content)) return d # # Mailboxes # class MailboxWrapper(SoledadDocumentWrapper): class model(models.SerializableModel): type_ = "mbox" mbox = INBOX_NAME flags = [] recent = [] created = 1 closed = False subscribed = False # I think we don't need to store this one. # rw = True class __meta__(object): index = "mbox" list_index = (indexes.TYPE_IDX, 'type_') # # Soledad Adaptor # # TODO make this an interface? class SoledadIndexMixin(object): """ this will need a class attribute `indexes`, that is a dictionary containing the index definitions for the underlying u1db store underlying soledad. It needs to be in the following format: {'index-name': ['field1', 'field2']} """ # TODO could have a wrapper class for indexes, supporting introspection # and __getattr__ indexes = {} store_ready = False _index_creation_deferreds = [] # TODO we might want to move this logic to soledad itself # so that each application can pass a set of indexes for their data model. # TODO check also the decorator used in keymanager for waiting for indexes # to be ready. def initialize_store(self, store): """ Initialize the indexes in the database. :param store: store :returns: a Deferred that will fire when the store is correctly initialized. :rtype: deferred """ # TODO I think we *should* get another deferredLock in here, but # global to the soledad namespace, to protect from several points # initializing soledad indexes at the same time. leap_assert(store, "Need a store") leap_assert_type(self.indexes, dict) self._index_creation_deferreds = [] def _on_indexes_created(ignored): self.store_ready = True def _create_index(name, expression): d = store.create_index(name, *expression) self._index_creation_deferreds.append(d) def _create_indexes(db_indexes): db_indexes = dict(db_indexes) for name, expression in self.indexes.items(): if name not in db_indexes: # The index does not yet exist. _create_index(name, expression) continue if expression == db_indexes[name]: # The index exists and is up to date. continue # The index exists but the definition is not what expected, so # we delete it and add the proper index expression. d1 = store.delete_index(name) d1.addCallback(lambda _: _create_index(name, expression)) all_created = defer.gatherResults(self._index_creation_deferreds) all_created.addCallback(_on_indexes_created) return all_created # Ask the database for currently existing indexes, and create them # if not found. d = store.list_indexes() d.addCallback(_create_indexes) return d class SoledadMailAdaptor(SoledadIndexMixin): implements(IMailAdaptor) store = None indexes = indexes.MAIL_INDEXES mboxwrapper_klass = MailboxWrapper # Message handling def get_msg_from_string(self, MessageClass, raw_msg): """ Get an instance of a MessageClass initialized with a MessageWrapper that contains all the parts obtained from parsing the raw string for the message. :param MessageClass: any Message class that can be initialized passing an instance of an IMessageWrapper implementor. :type MessageClass: type :param raw_msg: a string containing the raw email message. :type raw_msg: str :rtype: MessageClass instance. """ assert(MessageClass is not None) mdoc, fdoc, hdoc, cdocs = _split_into_parts(raw_msg) return self.get_msg_from_docs( MessageClass, mdoc, fdoc, hdoc, cdocs) def get_msg_from_docs(self, MessageClass, mdoc, fdoc, hdoc, cdocs=None, uid=None): """ Get an instance of a MessageClass initialized with a MessageWrapper that contains the passed part documents. This is not the recommended way of obtaining a message, unless you know how to take care of ensuring the internal consistency between the part documents, or unless you are glueing together the part documents that have been previously generated by `get_msg_from_string`. :param MessageClass: any Message class that can be initialized passing an instance of an IMessageWrapper implementor. :type MessageClass: type :param fdoc: a dictionary containing values from which a FlagsDocWrapper can be initialized :type fdoc: dict :param hdoc: a dictionary containing values from which a HeaderDocWrapper can be initialized :type hdoc: dict :param cdocs: None, or a dictionary mapping integers (1-indexed) to dicts from where a ContentDocWrapper can be initialized. :type cdocs: dict, or None :rtype: MessageClass instance. """ assert(MessageClass is not None) return MessageClass(MessageWrapper(mdoc, fdoc, hdoc, cdocs), uid=uid) def _get_msg_from_variable_doc_list(self, doc_list, msg_class, uid=None): if len(doc_list) == 3: mdoc, fdoc, hdoc = doc_list cdocs = None elif len(doc_list) > 3: fdoc, hdoc = doc_list[:3] cdocs = dict(enumerate(doc_list[3:], 1)) return self.get_msg_from_docs( msg_class, mdoc, fdoc, hdoc, cdocs, uid=None) def get_msg_from_mdoc_id(self, MessageClass, store, doc_id, uid=None, get_cdocs=False): metamsg_id = doc_id def wrap_meta_doc(doc): cls = MetaMsgDocWrapper return cls(doc_id=doc.doc_id, **doc.content) def get_part_docs_from_mdoc_wrapper(wrapper): d_docs = [] d_docs.append(store.get_doc(wrapper.fdoc)) d_docs.append(store.get_doc(wrapper.hdoc)) for cdoc in wrapper.cdocs: d_docs.append(store.get_doc(cdoc)) def add_mdoc(doc_list): return [wrapper.serialize()] + doc_list d = defer.gatherResults(d_docs) d.addCallback(add_mdoc) return d def get_parts_doc_from_mdoc_id(): mbox = re.findall(constants.METAMSGID_MBOX_RE, doc_id)[0] chash = re.findall(constants.METAMSGID_CHASH_RE, doc_id)[0] def _get_fdoc_id_from_mdoc_id(): return constants.FDOCID.format(mbox=mbox, chash=chash) def _get_hdoc_id_from_mdoc_id(): return constants.HDOCID.format(mbox=mbox, chash=chash) d_docs = [] fdoc_id = _get_fdoc_id_from_mdoc_id() hdoc_id = _get_hdoc_id_from_mdoc_id() d_docs.append(store.get_doc(fdoc_id)) d_docs.append(store.get_doc(hdoc_id)) d = defer.gatherResults(d_docs) return d def add_mdoc_id_placeholder(docs_list): return [None] + docs_list if get_cdocs: d = store.get_doc(metamsg_id) d.addCallback(wrap_meta_doc) d.addCallback(get_part_docs_from_mdoc_wrapper) else: d = get_parts_doc_from_mdoc_id() d.addCallback(add_mdoc_id_placeholder) d.addCallback(partial(self._get_msg_from_variable_doc_list, msg_class=MessageClass, uid=uid)) return d def create_msg(self, store, msg): """ :param store: an instance of soledad, or anything that behaves alike :type store: :param msg: a Message object. :return: a Deferred that is fired when all the underlying documents have been created. :rtype: defer.Deferred """ wrapper = msg.get_wrapper() return wrapper.create(store) def update_msg(self, store, msg): """ :param msg: a Message object. :param store: an instance of soledad, or anything that behaves alike :type store: :param msg: a Message object. :return: a Deferred that is fired when all the underlying documents have been updated (actually, it's only the fdoc that's allowed to update). :rtype: defer.Deferred """ wrapper = msg.get_wrapper() return wrapper.update(store) # Mailbox handling def get_or_create_mbox(self, store, name): """ Get the mailbox with the given name, or create one if it does not exist. :param name: the name of the mailbox :type name: str """ index = indexes.TYPE_MBOX_IDX mbox = normalize_mailbox(name) return MailboxWrapper.get_or_create(store, index, mbox) def update_mbox(self, store, mbox_wrapper): """ Update the documents for a given mailbox. :param mbox_wrapper: MailboxWrapper instance :type mbox_wrapper: MailboxWrapper :return: a Deferred that will be fired when the mailbox documents have been updated. :rtype: defer.Deferred """ return mbox_wrapper.update(store) def delete_mbox(self, store, mbox_wrapper): return mbox_wrapper.delete(store) def get_all_mboxes(self, store): """ Retrieve a list with wrappers for all the mailboxes. :return: a deferred that will be fired with a list of all the MailboxWrappers found. :rtype: defer.Deferred """ return MailboxWrapper.get_all(store) def _split_into_parts(raw): # TODO signal that we can delete the original message!----- # when all the processing is done. # TODO add the linked-from info ! # TODO add reference to the original message? # TODO populate Default FLAGS/TAGS (unseen?) # TODO seed propely the content_docs with defaults?? msg, parts, chash, multi = _parse_msg(raw) size = len(msg.as_string()) body_phash = walk.get_body_phash(msg) parts_map = walk.walk_msg_tree(parts, body_phash=body_phash) cdocs_list = list(walk.get_raw_docs(msg, parts)) cdocs_phashes = [c['phash'] for c in cdocs_list] mdoc = _build_meta_doc(chash, cdocs_phashes) fdoc = _build_flags_doc(chash, size, multi) hdoc = _build_headers_doc(msg, chash, body_phash, parts_map) # The MessageWrapper expects a dict, one-indexed cdocs = dict(enumerate(cdocs_list, 1)) return mdoc, fdoc, hdoc, cdocs def _parse_msg(raw): msg = message_from_string(raw) parts = walk.get_parts(msg) chash = sha256.SHA256(raw).hexdigest() multi = msg.is_multipart() return msg, parts, chash, multi def _build_meta_doc(chash, cdocs_phashes): _mdoc = MetaMsgDocWrapper() _mdoc.fdoc = constants.FDOCID.format(mbox=INBOX_NAME, chash=chash) _mdoc.hdoc = constants.HDOCID.format(chash=chash) _mdoc.cdocs = [constants.CDOCID.format(phash=p) for p in cdocs_phashes] return _mdoc.serialize() def _build_flags_doc(chash, size, multi): _fdoc = FlagsDocWrapper(chash=chash, size=size, multi=multi) return _fdoc.serialize() def _build_headers_doc(msg, chash, body_phash, parts_map): """ Assemble a headers document from the original parsed message, the content-hash, and the parts map. It takes into account possibly repeated headers. """ headers = msg.items() # TODO move this manipulation to IMAP #headers = defaultdict(list) #for k, v in msg.items(): #headers[k].append(v) ## "fix" for repeated headers. #for k, v in headers.items(): #newline = "\n%s: " % (k,) #headers[k] = newline.join(v) lower_headers = lowerdict(dict(headers)) msgid = first(_MSGID_RE.findall( lower_headers.get('message-id', ''))) _hdoc = HeaderDocWrapper( chash=chash, headers=headers, body=body_phash, msgid=msgid) def copy_attr(headers, key, doc): if key in headers: setattr(doc, key, headers[key]) copy_attr(lower_headers, "subject", _hdoc) copy_attr(lower_headers, "date", _hdoc) hdoc = _hdoc.serialize() # add parts map to header doc # (body, multi, part_map) for key in parts_map: hdoc[key] = parts_map[key] return stringify_parts_map(hdoc)