Known working combinations -------------------------- Please consider that using other combinations might work for you as well, these are just the combinations we tried and worked for us: Debian Wheezy ------------- * `virtualbox-4.2 4.2.16-86992~Debian~wheezy` from Oracle and `vagrant 1.2.2` from Ubuntu Raring 13.04 ------------------- * `virtualbox 4.2.10-dfsg-0ubuntu2.1` from Ubuntu raring and `vagrant 1.2.2` from Troubleshooting Vagrant ======================= To troubleshoot vagrant issues, try going through these steps: * Try plain vagrant using the [Getting started guide]( * If that fails, make sure that you can run virtual machines (VMs) in plain virtualbox (Virtualbox GUI or VBoxHeadless). We don't suggest a sepecial howto for that, [this one]( seems pretty decent, or you follow the [Oracale Virtualbox User Manual]( There's also specific documentation for [Debian]( and for [Ubuntu]( If you succeeded, try again if you now can start vagrant nodes using plain vagrant (see first step). * If plain vagrant works for you, you're very close to using vagrant with leap ! If you encounter any problems now, please [contact us]( or use our [issue tracker](