@title = 'Frequently asked questions' @nav_title = 'FAQ' @toc = true Puppet ====== Where do i find the time a server was last deployed ? ----------------------------------------------------- The puppet state file on the node indicates the last puppetrun: ls -la /var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml What resources are touched by puppet/leap_platform (services/packages/files etc.) ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Log into your server and issue: grep -v '!ruby/sym' /var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml | sed 's/\"//' | sort How can i customize the leap_platform puppet manifests ? -------------------------------------------------------- You can create a custom module `site_custom`. The class `site_custom::setup` will get included in the first part of the deploy process, and `site_custom` during the second part. Of cause you can also create a different git branch and change whatever you want, if you are familiar wit git. Facter ====== How can i see custom facts distributed by leap_platform on a node ? ------------------------------------------------------------------- On the server, export the FACTERLIB env. variable to include the path of the custom fact in question: export FACTERLIB=/var/lib/puppet/lib/facter:/srv/leap/puppet/modules/stdlib/lib/facter/ facter Etc === How do i change the domain of my provider ? ------------------------------------------- * First of all, you need to have access to the nameserver config of your new domain. * Update domain in provider.json * remove all ca and cert files: `rm files/cert/* files/ca/*` * create ca, csr and certs : `leap cert ca; leap cert csr; leap cert dh; leap cert update` * deploy