Configuration Files ================================= All configuration files are in JSON format. For example { "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" } Keys should match /[a-z0-9_]/ Unlike traditional JSON, comments are allowed. If the first non-whitespace character is '#' the line is treated as a comment. # this is a comment { # this is a comment "key": "value" # this is an error } Options in the configuration files might be nested. For example: { "openvpn": { "ip_address": "" } } If the value string is prefixed with an '=' character, the value is evaluated as ruby. For example { "domain": { "public": "" } "api_domain": "= 'api.' + domain.public" } In this case, "api_domain" will be set to "". The following methods are available to the evaluated ruby: * nodes -- A list of all nodes. This list can be filtered. * -- A list of all services. * global.tags -- A list of all tags. * file(filename) -- Inserts the full contents of the file. If the file is an erb template, it is rendered. * file_path(filename) -- Ensures that the file will get rsynced to the node as an individual file. The value returned by `file_path` is where this file will utlimately live when on the node. * secret(symbol) -- Returns the value of a secret in secrets.json (or creates it if necessary). * variable -- Any variable inherited by a particular node is available by just referencing it using either hash notation or object notation (i.e. self['domain']['public'] or domain.public). Circular references are not allowed, but otherwise it is ok to nest evaluated values in other evaluated values.