@nav_title = "Bitmask" @title = 'Bitmask' @summary = "The Internet Encryption Toolkit: Encrypted Internet Proxy and Encrypted Mail" Bitmask ======= **Bitmask** is the multiplatform desktop client for the services offered by [the LEAP Platform](platform). It is written in python using [PySide](http://qt-project.org/wiki/PySide) and licensed under the GPL3. Currently we distribute pre-compiled bundles for Linux and OSX, with Windows bundles following soon. We include below some sections of the user guide and the development documentation so you can get started. User Guide ---------- * [Installing Bitmask](client/user-install) * [Running Bitmask](client/user-running) Tester Guide ------------ This part of the documentation details how to fetch the last development version and how to report bugs. * [Howto for testers](client/testers-howto) Hackers Guide ------------- If you want to contribute to the project, we wrote this for you. * [Setting up a development environment](client/dev-environment) Supported OSs ------------- Currently supported OSs (32 and 64 bits) are: * Debian 7 (32bits lxde and 64 bits gnome3) * Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS, unity) * Ubuntu 13.10 (latest, unity) * Mac OSX >= 10.8 * Windows 7 (32 bits only) * Windows 8 (planned)