@nav_title = "Bitmask" @title = 'Bitmask' @summary = "The Internet Encryption Toolkit: Encrypted Internet Proxy and Encrypted Mail" Bitmask ======= **Bitmask** is the multiplatform desktop client for the services offered by [the LEAP Platform](platform). It is written in python using [PySide](http://qt-project.org/wiki/PySide) and licensed under the GPL3. Currently we distribute pre-compiled bundles for Linux and OSX, with Windows bundles following soon. You can find the complete up-to-date documentation [at the python package documentation site.](http://pythonhosted.org/leap.bitmask "Bitmask documentation") We include below some sections of the user guide and the development documentation so you can get started. User Guide ---------- * [Installing Bitmask](client/user-install) * [Running Bitmask](client/user-running) Tester Guide ------------ This part of the documentation details how to fetch the last development version and how to report bugs. * [Howto for testers](client/testers-howto) Hackers Guide ------------- If you want to contribute to the project, we wrote this for you. * [Setting up a development environment](client/dev-environment) Supported OSs ------------- Currently supported OSs (32 and 64 bits) are: * Debian 7 (32bits lxde and 64 bits gnome3) * Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS, unity) * Ubuntu 13.10 (latest, unity) * Mac OSX >= 10.8 * Windows 7 (32 bits only) * Windows 8 (planned)