LEAP DOCUMENTATION ================================= Files in the directory "docs" show up automatically at https://leap.se/docs when this repository is pushed. Directory structure --------------------------------- Every directory corresponds to a single web page. Within each directory, there are source files for different languages. For example: docs/ client/ en.haml -- used for https://leap.se/en/docs/client es.haml -- used for https://leap.se/es/docs/client If you don't care about translating a page, and it has no children, you can omit the directory: docs/ client.haml -- user for https://leap.se/*/docs/client Menu --------------------------------- A page does not show up in the navigation unless it appears in menu.txt. The order in menu.txt determines the order in the navigation. Localization --------------------------------- The strings for titles and navigation menu are loaded from locales/*.yaml files. (alas, not yet in this repo, still in leap_website) Supported syntax --------------------------------- * .haml -- parsed as HAML file. * .md -- parsed a Markdown.