#cloud-config cloud_init_modules: # - bootcmd - resizefs - set_hostname - update_hostname - update_etc_hosts # - ca-certs # - rsyslog - ssh cloud_config_modules: # - mounts - ssh-import-id - set-passwords #- ssh #- grub-dpkg - apt-update-upgrade - timezone #- puppet #- updates-check #- disable-ec2-metadata # - runcmd cloud_final_modules: - rightscale_userdata - scripts-per-once - scripts-per-boot - scripts-per-instance - [scripts-user, always] - keys-to-console # - phone-home - final-message ####### # Optional settings ####### apt_preserve_sources_list: true manage_etc_hosts: true ##runcmd: # - [ ls, -l, / ] #packages: # - pwgen # set the timezone timezone: Etc/UTC # allow root login through ssh disable_root: false # set the correct local locale: en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 ###### # Change these setings !!! ###### hostname: cloudinit-test fqdn: cloudinit-test.leap.se user: root password: chpasswd: { expire: False } # paste ssh_authorized_keys at the end because config can get easily corrupted when pasting shit ssh_authorized_keys: - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAdABIwAAAGEA3FSyQwBI6Z+nCSjUUk8EEAnnkhXlukKoppND/RRClWz2s5TCzIkd3Ou5+Cyz71X0XmazM3l5WgeErvtIwQMyT1KjNoMhoJMrJnWqQPOt5Q8zWd9qG7PBl9+eiH5qV7NZ mykey@host # Dont's edit below this line