## ## LOGGING ## module LeapCli module LogCommand @@logger = nil def log(*args) logger.log(*args) end def log_raw(*args) logger.log(*args) end def logger @@logger ||= LeapCli::LeapLogger.new end # deprecated def log_level logger.log_level end end end module LeapCli class LeapLogger # # these are log titles typically associated with files # FILE_TITLES = [:updated, :created, :removed, :missing, :nochange, :loading] attr_reader :log_output_stream, :log_file attr_accessor :indent_level, :log_level, :log_in_color def initialize() @log_level = 1 @indent_level = 0 @log_file = nil @log_output_stream = nil @log_in_color = true end def log_file=(value) @log_file = value if @log_file if !File.directory?(File.dirname(@log_file)) Util.bail!('Invalid log file "%s", directory "%s" does not exist' % [@log_file, File.dirname(@log_file)]) end @log_output_stream = File.open(@log_file, 'a') end end # # master logging function. # # arguments can be a String, Integer, Symbol, or Hash, in any order. # # * String: treated as the message to log. # * Integer: the log level (0, 1, 2) # * Symbol: the prefix title to colorize. may be one of # [:error, :warning, :info, :updated, :created, :removed, :no_change, :missing] # * Hash: a hash of options. so far, only :indent is supported. # def log(*args) level = args.grep(Integer).first || 1 title = args.grep(Symbol).first message = args.grep(String).first options = args.grep(Hash).first || {} unless message && @log_level >= level return end # prefix clear_prefix = colored_prefix = "" if title prefix_options = case title when :error then ['error', :red, :bold] when :fatal_error then ['fatal error:', :red, :bold] when :warning then ['warning:', :yellow, :bold] when :info then ['info', :cyan, :bold] when :note then ['NOTE:', :cyan, :bold] when :updated then ['updated', :cyan, :bold] when :updating then ['updating', :cyan, :bold] when :created then ['created', :green, :bold] when :removed then ['removed', :red, :bold] when :nochange then ['no change', :magenta] when :loading then ['loading', :magenta] when :missing then ['missing', :yellow, :bold] when :skipping then ['skipping', :yellow, :bold] when :run then ['run', :magenta] when :failed then ['FAILED', :red, :bold] when :completed then ['completed', :green, :bold] when :ran then ['ran', :green, :bold] when :bail then ['bailing out', :red, :bold] when :invalid then ['invalid', :red, :bold] else [title.to_s, :cyan, :bold] end if options[:host] clear_prefix = "[%s] %s " % [options[:host], prefix_options[0]] colored_prefix = "[%s] %s " % [colorize(options[:host], prefix_options[1], prefix_options[2]), prefix_options[0]] else clear_prefix = "%s " % prefix_options[0] colored_prefix = "%s " % colorize(prefix_options[0], prefix_options[1], prefix_options[2]) end elsif options[:host] clear_prefix = colored_prefix = "[%s] " % options[:host] end # transform absolute path names if title && FILE_TITLES.include?(title) && message =~ /^\// message = LeapCli::Path.relative_path(message) end log_raw(:log, nil) { [clear_prefix, message].join } if @log_in_color log_raw(:stdout, options[:indent]) { [colored_prefix, message].join } else log_raw(:stdout, options[:indent]) { [clear_prefix, message].join } end # run block, if given if block_given? @indent_level += 1 yield @indent_level -= 1 end end # # Add a raw log entry, without any modifications (other than indent). # Content to be logged is yielded by the block. # Block may be either a string or array of strings. # # if mode == :stdout, output is sent to STDOUT. # if mode == :log, output is sent to log file, if present. # def log_raw(mode, indent=nil, &block) # NOTE: print message (using 'print' produces better results than 'puts' when multiple threads are logging) if mode == :log if @log_output_stream messages = [yield].compact.flatten if messages.any? timestamp = Time.now.strftime("%b %d %H:%M:%S") messages.each do |message| @log_output_stream.print("#{timestamp} #{message}\n") end @log_output_stream.flush end end elsif mode == :stdout messages = [yield].compact.flatten if messages.any? indent ||= @indent_level indent_str = "" indent_str += " " * indent.to_i if indent.to_i > 0 indent_str += ' - ' else indent_str += ' = ' end messages.each do |message| STDOUT.print("#{indent_str}#{message}\n") end end end end def colorize(str, color, style=nil) codes = [FG_COLORS[color] || FG_COLORS[:default]] if style codes << EFFECTS[style] || EFFECTS[:nothing] end ["\033[%sm" % codes.join(';'), str, NO_COLOR].join end private EFFECTS = { :reset => 0, :nothing => 0, :bright => 1, :bold => 1, :underline => 4, :inverse => 7, :swap => 7, } NO_COLOR = "\033[0m" FG_COLORS = { :black => 30, :red => 31, :green => 32, :yellow => 33, :blue => 34, :magenta => 35, :cyan => 36, :white => 37, :default => 39, } BG_COLORS = { :black => 40, :red => 41, :green => 42, :yellow => 43, :blue => 44, :magenta => 45, :cyan => 46, :white => 47, :default => 49, } end end