# # The Leapfile is the bootstrap configuration file for a LEAP provider. # # It is akin to a Gemfile, Rakefile, or Capfile (e.g. it is a ruby file that gets eval'ed) # module LeapCli def self.leapfile @leapfile ||= Leapfile.new end class Leapfile attr_accessor :platform_directory_path attr_accessor :provider_directory_path attr_accessor :custom_vagrant_vm_line attr_accessor :leap_version attr_accessor :log attr_accessor :vagrant_network attr_accessor :environment def initialize @vagrant_network = '' end # # The way the Leapfile handles pinning of environment (self.environment) is a little tricky. # If self.environment is nil, then there is no pin. If self.environment is 'default', then # there is a pin to the default environment. The problem is that an environment of nil # is used to indicate the default environment in node properties. # # This method returns the environment tag as needed when filtering nodes. # def environment_filter if self.environment == 'default' nil else self.environment end end def load(search_directory=nil) directory = File.expand_path(find_in_directory_tree('Leapfile', search_directory)) if directory == '/' return nil else # # set up paths # @provider_directory_path = directory begin # load leaprc first, so that we can potentially access which environment is pinned in Leapfile # but also load leaprc last, so that it can override what is set in Leapfile. read_settings(leaprc_path) rescue StandardError end read_settings(directory + '/Leapfile') read_settings(leaprc_path) @platform_directory_path = File.expand_path(@platform_directory_path || '../leap_platform', @provider_directory_path) # # load the platform # platform_file = "#{@platform_directory_path}/platform.rb" unless File.exists?(platform_file) Util.bail! "ERROR: The file `#{platform_file}` does not exist. Please check the value of `@platform_directory_path` in `Leapfile` or `~/.leaprc`." end require "#{@platform_directory_path}/platform.rb" if !Leap::Platform.compatible_with_cli?(LeapCli::VERSION) Util.bail! "This leap command (v#{LeapCli::VERSION}) " + "is not compatible with the platform #{@platform_directory_path} (v#{Leap::Platform.version}). " + "You need leap command #{Leap::Platform.compatible_cli.first} to #{Leap::Platform.compatible_cli.last}." end if !Leap::Platform.version_in_range?(LeapCli::COMPATIBLE_PLATFORM_VERSION) Util.bail! "This leap command (v#{LeapCli::VERSION}) " + "is not compatible with the platform #{@platform_directory_path} (v#{Leap::Platform.version}). " + "You need platform version #{LeapCli::COMPATIBLE_PLATFORM_VERSION.first} to #{LeapCli::COMPATIBLE_PLATFORM_VERSION.last}." end unless @allow_production_deploy.nil? Util::log 0, :warning, "in Leapfile: @allow_production_deploy is no longer supported." end unless @platform_branch.nil? Util::log 0, :warning, "in Leapfile: @platform_branch is no longer supported." end @valid = true return @valid end end def set(property, value) edit_leaprc(property, value) end def unset(property) edit_leaprc(property) end def valid? !!@valid end private # # adds or removes a line to .leaprc for this particular provider directory. # if value is nil, the line is removed. if not nil, it is added or replaced. # def edit_leaprc(property, value=nil) file_path = leaprc_path lines = [] if File.exists?(file_path) regexp = /self\.#{Regexp.escape(property)} = .*? if @provider_directory_path == '#{Regexp.escape(@provider_directory_path)}'/ File.readlines(file_path).each do |line| unless line =~ regexp lines << line end end end unless value.nil? lines << "self.#{property} = #{value.inspect} if @provider_directory_path == '#{@provider_directory_path}'\n" end File.open(file_path, 'w') do |f| f.write(lines.join) end rescue Errno::EACCES, IOError => exc Util::bail! :error, "trying to save ~/.leaprc (#{exc})." end def leaprc_path File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.leaprc') end def read_settings(file) if File.exists? file Util::log 2, :read, file instance_eval(File.read(file), file) validate(file) end end def find_in_directory_tree(filename, directory_tree=nil) search_dir = directory_tree || Dir.pwd while search_dir != "/" Dir.foreach(search_dir) do |f| return search_dir if f == filename end search_dir = File.dirname(search_dir) end return search_dir end PRIVATE_IP_RANGES = /(^127\.0\.0\.1)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9]\.)|(^172\.2[0-9]\.)|(^172\.3[0-1]\.)|(^192\.168\.)/ def validate(file) Util::assert! vagrant_network =~ PRIVATE_IP_RANGES do Util::log 0, :error, "in #{file}: vagrant_network is not a local private network" end end end end