require 'ipaddr' require 'fileutils' module LeapCli; module Commands desc "Manage local virtual machines" long_desc "This command provides a convient way to manage Vagrant-based virtual machines. The Vagrantfile is automatically generated in test/Vagrantfile." command :local do |c| c.desc 'Starts up the virtual machine' c.arg_name 'node-name', :optional => false #, :multiple => false c.command :start do |c| c.action do |global_options,options,args| vagrant_setup vagrant_command(["up", "sandbox on"], args) end end c.desc 'Shuts down the virtual machine' c.arg_name 'node-name', :optional => false #, :multiple => false c.command :stop do |c| c.action do |global_options,options,args| vagrant_setup vagrant_command("halt", args) end end c.desc 'Resets virtual machine to a pristine state' c.arg_name 'node-name', :optional => false #, :multiple => false c.command :reset do |c| c.action do |global_options,options,args| vagrant_setup vagrant_command("sandbox rollback", args) end end c.desc 'Destroys the virtual machine, reclaiming the disk space' c.arg_name 'node-name', :optional => false #, :multiple => false c.command :destroy do |c| c.action do |global_options,options,args| vagrant_setup vagrant_command("destroy", args) end end c.desc 'Print the status of local virtual machine' c.arg_name 'node-name', :optional => false #, :multiple => false c.command :status do |c| c.action do |global_options,options,args| vagrant_setup vagrant_command("status", args) end end end public def vagrant_ssh_key_file file_path = File.expand_path('../../../vendor/vagrant_ssh_keys/vagrant.key', File.dirname(__FILE__)) Util.assert_files_exist! file_path if == Process.euid # if the vagrant.key file is owned by ourselves, we need to make sure that it is not world readable FileUtils.cp file_path, '/tmp/vagrant.key' FileUtils.chmod 0600, '/tmp/vagrant.key' file_path = '/tmp/vagrant.key' end return file_path end private def vagrant_setup assert_bin! 'vagrant', 'run "sudo gem install vagrant"' unless `vagrant gem which sahara`.chars.any? log :installing, "vagrant plugin 'sahara'" assert_run! 'vagrant gem install sahara' end create_vagrant_file end def vagrant_command(cmds, args) cmds = cmds.to_a assert_config! '' nodes = manager.filter(args)[:local => true].field(:name) if nodes.any? vagrant_dir = File.dirname(Path.named_path(:vagrantfile)) exec = ["cd #{vagrant_dir}"] cmds.each do |cmd| exec << "vagrant #{cmd} #{nodes.join(' ')}" end execute exec.join('; ') else bail! "No nodes found. This command only works on nodes with ip_address in the network #{}" end end def execute(cmd) log 2, :run, cmd exec cmd end def create_vagrant_file lines = [] netmask ='').mask('/').last).to_s lines << %[ do |config|] manager.each_node do |node| if node.vagrant? lines << %[ config.vm.define :#{} do |config|] lines << %[ = "minimal-wheezy"] lines << %[ config.vm.box_url = ""] lines << %[ :hostonly, "#{node.ip_address}", :netmask => "#{netmask}"] lines << %[ end] end end lines << %[end] lines << "" write_file! :vagrantfile, lines.join("\n") end end; end