module LeapCli; module Commands extend self extend LeapCli::Util def path(name) Path.named_path(name) end # # keeps prompting the user for a numbered choice, until they pick a good one or bail out. # # block is yielded and is responsible for rendering the choices. # def numbered_choice_menu(msg, items, &block) while true say("\n" + msg + ':') items.each_with_index &block say("q. quit") index = ask("number 1-#{items.length}> ") if index.empty? next elsif index =~ /q/ bail! else i = index.to_i - 1 if i < 0 || i >= items.length bail! else return i end end end end # # # # FYI # Capistrano::Logger::IMPORTANT = 0 # Capistrano::Logger::INFO = 1 # Capistrano::Logger::DEBUG = 2 # Capistrano::Logger::TRACE = 3 # def ssh_connect(nodes, options={}, &block) node_list = parse_node_list(nodes) cap = new_capistrano cap.logger.level = LeapCli.log_level user = options[:user] || 'root' cap.set :user, user cap.set :ssh_options, ssh_options cap.set :use_sudo, false # we may want to change this in the future # # supply drop options # cap.set :puppet_source, [Path.platform, 'puppet'].join('/') # cap.set :puppet_destination, '/root/leap' # #cap.set :puppet_command, 'puppet apply' # cap.set :puppet_lib, "puppet/modules" # cap.set :puppet_parameters, '--confdir=puppet puppet/manifests/site.pp' # #cap.set :puppet_stream_output, false # #puppet apply --confdir=puppet puppet/manifests/site.pp | grep -v 'warning:.*is deprecated' # #puppet_cmd = "cd #{puppet_destination} && #{sudo_cmd} #{puppet_command} --modulepath=#{puppet_lib} #{puppet_parameters}" # # allow password authentication when we are bootstraping a single node. # if options[:bootstrap] && node_list.size == 1 hostname = cap.set(:password) { ask("SSH password for #{user}@#{hostname}> ") } # only called if needed # this can be used instead to hide echo -- Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt end node_list.each do |name, node| cap.server, :dummy_arg, node_options(node) end yield cap end private # # For available options, see # def ssh_options { :config => false, :user_known_hosts_file => path(:known_hosts), :paranoid => true } end # # For notes on advanced ways to set server-specific options, see # # def node_options(node) password_proc = {Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt "Root SSH password for #{}"} # only called if needed { :password => password_proc, :ssh_options => { :host_key_alias =>, :host_name => node.ip_address, :port => node.ssh.port } } end def new_capistrano # load once the library files @capistrano_enabled ||= begin require 'capistrano' #require 'capistrano/cli' require 'leap_cli/remote/plugin' Capistrano.plugin :leap, LeapCli::Remote::Plugin true end # create capistrano instance cap = # add tasks to capistrano instance cap.load File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../remote/tasks.rb' return cap end def parse_node_list(nodes) if nodes.is_a? Config::Object elsif nodes.is_a? Config::ObjectList nodes elsif nodes.is_a? String manager.filter!(nodes) else bail! "argument error" end end end; end