module LeapCli; module Commands desc 'Log in to the specified node with an interactive shell' arg_name '', :optional => false, :multiple => false command :ssh do |c| c.action do |global_options,options,args| node = get_node_from_args(args) options = [ "-o 'HostName=#{node.ip_address}'", "-o 'HostKeyAlias=#{}'", "-o 'GlobalKnownHostsFile=#{path(:known_hosts)}'", "-o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=yes'" ] if node.vagrant? options << "-i #{vagrant_ssh_key_file}" end username = 'root' # the echo sets the terminal title. it would be better to do this on the server exec "echo -n \"\\033]0;#{username}@#{node.domain.full}\007\" && ssh -l #{username} -p #{node.ssh.port} #{options.join(' ')} #{}" end end end; end