module LeapCli module Commands def self.print_config_table(type, object_list) style = {:border_x => '-', :border_y => ':', :border_i => '-', :width => 60} if type == :services t = table do = style self.headings = ['SERVICE', 'NODES'] list = object_list.keys.sort list.each do |name| add_row [name, object_list[name].node_list.keys.join(', ')] add_separator unless name == list.last end end puts t puts "\n\n" elsif type == :tags t = table do = style self.headings = ['TAG', 'NODES'] list = object_list.keys.sort list.each do |name| add_row [name, object_list[name].node_list.keys.join(', ')] add_separator unless name == list.last end end puts t puts "\n\n" elsif type == :nodes t = table do = style self.headings = ['NODE', 'SERVICES', 'TAGS'] list = object_list.keys.sort list.each do |name| services = object_list[name]['services'] || [] tags = object_list[name]['tags'] || [] add_row [name, services.to_a.join(', '), tags.to_a.join(', ')] add_separator unless name == list.last end end puts t end end desc 'List nodes and their classifications' long_desc 'Prints out a listing of nodes, services, or tags.' arg_name 'filter' command :list do |c| c.action do |global_options,options,args| if args.any? print_config_table(:nodes, manager.filter(args)) else print_config_table(:services, print_config_table(:tags, manager.tags) print_config_table(:nodes, manager.nodes) end end end end end