About LEAP command line interface =================================================== This gem installs an executable 'leap' that allows you to manage servers using the LEAP platform. You can read about the [platform on-line](https://leap.se). Installation =================================================== Install prerequisites: sudo apt-get install git ruby ruby-dev rsync openssh-client openssl rake gcc make zlib1g-dev NOTE: leap_cli requires ruby 1.9 or later. Optionally install Vagrant in order to be able to test with local virtual machines (recommended): sudo apt-get install vagrant virtualbox zlib1g-dev NOTE: the packaged virtualbox and vagrant that comes with Debian and Ubuntu are rather ancient. Most people have better luck by downloading these packages from the upstream: * https://downloads.vagrantup.com/ * https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Install the `leap` command: sudo apt-get install rake git clone https://leap.se/git/leap_cli.git cd leap_cli rake build Install as root user (recommended): sudo rake install Install as unprivileged user: rake install # watch out for the directory leap is installed to, then i.e. sudo ln -s ~/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/bin/leap /usr/local/bin/leap With both methods, you can use now /usr/local/bin/leap, which in most cases will be in your $PATH. To run directly from a clone of the git repo, see "Development", below. Usage =================================================== * Run `leap help` for a help with commands. * Visit https://leap.se/docs/platform for tutorials and detailed documentation. Development =================================================== How to set up your environment for developing the ``leap`` command. Prerequisites --------------------------------------------------- Debian Squeeze sudo apt-get install git ruby ruby-dev rubygems sudo gem install bundler rake export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin Debian Wheezy sudo apt-get install git ruby ruby-dev bundler Ubuntu sudo apt-get install git ruby ruby-dev sudo gem install bundler Install from git --------------------------------------------------- Download the source: git clone https://github.com/leapcode/leap_cli.git cd leap_cli Running from the source directory --------------------------------------------------- To run the ``leap`` command directly from the source tree, you need to install the required gems using ``bundle`` and symlink ``bin/leap`` into your path: cd leap_cli bundle # install required gems ln -s `pwd`/bin/leap ~/bin # link executable somewhere in your bin path which leap # make sure you will run leap_cli/bin/leap leap help If you get an error, make sure to check ``which leap``. Some versions of ``bundle`` will incorrectly install a broken ``leap`` command in the gem bin directory when you do ``bundle``. Why not use ``bundle exec leap`` to run the command? This works, so long as your current working directory is under leap_cli. Because the point is to be able to run ``leap`` in other places, it is easier to create the symlink. If you run ``leap`` directly, and not via the command launcher that rubygems installs, leap will run in a mode that simulates ``bundle exec leap`` (i.e. only gems included in Gemfile are allowed to be loaded). Changes ==================================================== 1.7 * requires platform 0.7 * deployment logging (see /var/log/leap) * compatible with new tapicero * selectively destroy some dbs with `leap db destroy` * faster apt-get update * added `leap scp` command * bug fixes 1.6.2 * auto generate certs on compile * use internal ruby md5sum for compatibility on mac * may override or customize tests by putting tests in `files/tests` * bug fixes 1.6.1 * requires platform 0.6 * better `leap test run` * added `leap tunnel` command * only print stack trace if `--debug` flag was specified * prompt user to upgrade host ssh key if a better one exists * bug fixes