path: root/vendor/supply_drop
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/supply_drop')
13 files changed, 0 insertions, 634 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c2c050..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-require 'supply_drop/rsync'
-require 'supply_drop/async_enumerable'
-require 'supply_drop/plugin'
-require 'supply_drop/syntax_checker'
-require 'supply_drop/thread_pool'
-require 'supply_drop/util'
-require 'supply_drop/writer/batched'
-require 'supply_drop/writer/file'
-require 'supply_drop/writer/streaming'
-require 'supply_drop/tasks'
-Capistrano.plugin :supply_drop, SupplyDrop::Plugin
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/async_enumerable.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/async_enumerable.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d5a116..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/async_enumerable.rb
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-module SupplyDrop
- module AsyncEnumerable
- def each(&block)
- pool =
- super do |item|
- pool.schedule(item, &block)
- end
- pool.shutdown
- end
- def map(&block)
- pool =
- super do |item|
- pool.schedule(item, &block)
- end
- pool.shutdown
- end
- end
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/plugin.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/plugin.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 48198b4..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/plugin.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-module SupplyDrop
- module Plugin
- def rsync
- SupplyDrop::Util.thread_pool_size = puppet_parallel_rsync_pool_size
- servers = SupplyDrop::Util.optionally_async(find_servers_for_task(current_task), puppet_parallel_rsync)
- failed_servers = do |server|
- rsync_cmd = SupplyDrop::Rsync.command(
- puppet_source,
- SupplyDrop::Rsync.remote_address(server.user || fetch(:user, ENV['USER']),, puppet_destination),
- :delete => true,
- :excludes => puppet_excludes,
- :ssh => ssh_options.merge(server.options[:ssh_options]||{}),
- :flags => '--copy-links'
- )
- logger.debug rsync_cmd
- unless system rsync_cmd
- end.compact
- raise "rsync failed on #{failed_servers.join(',')}" if failed_servers.any?
- end
- def prepare
- #run "mkdir -p #{puppet_destination}"
- #run "#{sudo} chown -R $USER: #{puppet_destination}"
- end
- def noop
- puppet(:noop)
- end
- def apply
- puppet(:apply)
- end
- def lock
- if should_lock?
- cmd = <<-GETLOCK
-if [ ! -f #{puppet_lock_file} ]; then
- touch #{puppet_lock_file};
- stat -c "#{red_text("Puppet in progress, #{puppet_lock_file} owned by %U since %x")}" #{puppet_lock_file} >&2;
- exit 1;
- run cmd.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')
- end
- end
- def unlock
- run "rm -f #{puppet_lock_file}; true" if should_lock?
- end
- private
- def should_lock?
- puppet_lock_file && !ENV['NO_PUPPET_LOCK']
- end
- def puppet(command = :noop)
- #puppet_cmd = "cd #{puppet_destination} && #{sudo_cmd} #{puppet_command} --modulepath=#{puppet_lib} #{puppet_parameters}"
- puppet_cmd = "cd #{puppet_destination} && #{sudo_cmd} #{puppet_command} #{puppet_parameters}"
- flag = command == :noop ? '--noop' : ''
- writer = if puppet_stream_output
- else
- end
- writer =, puppet_write_to_file) unless puppet_write_to_file.nil?
- begin
- exitcode = nil
- run "#{puppet_cmd} #{flag}; echo exitcode:$?" do |channel, stream, data|
- if data =~ /exitcode:(\d+)/
- exitcode = $1
- writer.collect_output(channel[:host], "Puppet #{command} complete (#{exitcode_description(exitcode)}).\n")
- else
- writer.collect_output(channel[:host], data)
- end
- end
- ensure
- writer.all_output_collected
- end
- end
- def exitcode_description(code)
- case code
- when "0" then "no changes"
- when "2" then "changes made"
- when "4" then "failed"
- when "6" then "changes and failures"
- else code
- end
- end
- def red_text(text)
- "\033[0;31m#{text}\033[0m"
- end
- def sudo_cmd
- if fetch(:use_sudo, true)
- sudo(:as => puppet_runner)
- else
- "NOTICE: puppet_runner configuration invalid when use_sudo is false, ignoring..." unless puppet_runner.nil?
- ''
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/rsync.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/rsync.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a3d4898..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/rsync.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-module SupplyDrop
- class Rsync
- class << self
- def command(from, to, options={})
- flags = ['-az']
- flags << '--delete' if options[:delete]
- flags << includes(options[:includes]) if options.has_key?(:includes)
- flags << excludes(options[:excludes]) if options.has_key?(:excludes)
- flags << ssh_options(options[:ssh]) if options.has_key?(:ssh)
- flags << options[:flags] if options.has_key?(:flags)
- "rsync #{flags.compact.join(' ')} #{from} #{to}"
- end
- def remote_address(user, host, path)
- user_with_host = [user, host].compact.join('@')
- [user_with_host, path].join(':')
- end
- def excludes(patterns)
- [patterns] { |p| "--exclude='#{p}'" }
- end
- def includes(patterns)
- [patterns] { |p| "--include='#{p}'" }
- end
- def ssh_options(options)
- mapped_options = do |key, value|
- next unless value
- #
- # Convert Net::SSH options into OpenSSH options.
- #
- # For a list of the options normally support by Net::SSH (and thus Capistrano), see
- #
- #
- # Also, to see how Net::SSH does the opposite of the conversion we are doing here, check out:
- #
- #
- # API mismatch:
- #
- # * many OpenSSH options not supported
- # * some options only make sense for Net::SSH
- # * compression: for Net::SSH, this option is supposed to accept true, false, or algorithm. OpenSSH accepts 'yes' or 'no'
- #
- #
- case key
- when :auth_methods then opt_auth_methods(value)
- when :bind_address then opt('BindAddress', value)
- when :compression then opt('Compression', value ? 'yes' : 'no')
- when :compression_level then opt('CompressionLevel', value.to_i)
- when :config then "-F '#{value}'"
- when :encryption then opt('Ciphers', [value].flatten.join(','))
- when :forward_agent then opt('ForwardAgent', value)
- when :global_known_hosts_file then opt('GlobalKnownHostsFile', value)
- when :hmac then opt('MACs', [value].flatten.join(','))
- when :host_key then opt('HostKeyAlgorithms', [value].flatten.join(','))
- when :host_key_alias then opt('HostKeyAlias', value)
- when :host_name then opt('HostName', value)
- when :kex then opt('KexAlgorithms', [value].flatten.join(','))
- when :key_data then nil # not supported
- when :keys then [value] { |k| File.exist?(k) }.map { |k| "-i #{k}" }
- when :keys_only then opt('IdentitiesOnly', value ? 'yes' : 'no')
- when :languages then nil # not applicable
- when :logger then nil # not applicable
- when :paranoid then opt('StrictHostKeyChecking', value ? 'yes' : 'no')
- when :passphrase then nil # not supported
- when :password then nil # not supported
- when :port then "-p #{value.to_i}"
- when :properties then nil # not applicable
- when :proxy then nil # not applicable
- when :rekey_blocks_limit then nil # not supported
- when :rekey_limit then opt('RekeyLimit', reverse_interpret_size(value))
- when :rekey_packet_limit then nil # not supported
- when :timeout then opt('ConnectTimeout', value.to_i)
- when :user then "-l #{value}"
- when :user_known_hosts_file then opt('UserKnownHostsFile', value)
- when :verbose then opt('LogLevel', interpret_log_level(value))
- end
- end.compact
- %[-e "ssh #{mapped_options.join(' ')}"] unless mapped_options.empty?
- end
- private
- def opt(option_name, option_value)
- "-o #{option_name}='#{option_value}'"
- end
- #
- # In OpenSSH, password and pubkey default to 'yes', hostbased defaults to 'no'.
- # Regardless, if :auth_method is configured, then we explicitly set the auth method.
- #
- def opt_auth_methods(value)
- value = [value].flatten
- opts = []
- if value.any?
- if value.include? 'password'
- opts << opt('PasswordAuthentication', 'yes')
- else
- opts << opt('PasswordAuthentication', 'no')
- end
- if value.include? 'publickey'
- opts << opt('PubkeyAuthentication', 'yes')
- else
- opts << opt('PubkeyAuthentication', 'no')
- end
- if value.include? 'hostbased'
- opts << opt('HostbasedAuthentication', 'yes')
- else
- opts << opt('HostbasedAuthentication', 'no')
- end
- end
- if opts.any?
- return opts.join(' ')
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- #
- # Converts the given integer size in bytes into a string with 'K', 'M', 'G' suffix, as appropriate.
- #
- # reverse of interpret_size in
- #
- def reverse_interpret_size(size)
- size = size.to_i
- if size < 1024
- "#{size}"
- elsif size < 1024 * 1024
- "#{size/1024}K"
- elsif size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024
- "#{size/(1024*1024)}M"
- else
- "#{size/(1024*1024*1024)}G"
- end
- end
- def interpret_log_level(level)
- if level.is_a? Symbol
- case level
- when :debug then "DEBUG"
- when :info then "INFO"
- when :warn then "ERROR"
- when :error then "ERROR"
- when :fatal then "FATAL"
- else "INFO"
- end
- elsif level.is_a? Integer
- case level
- when Logger::DEBUG then "DEBUG"
- when Logger::INFO then "INFO"
- when Logger::WARN then "ERROR"
- when Logger::ERROR then "ERROR"
- when Logger::FATAL then "FATAL"
- else "INFO"
- end
- else
- "INFO"
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/syntax_checker.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/syntax_checker.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fe9cda4..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/syntax_checker.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-module SupplyDrop
- class SyntaxChecker
- def initialize(path)
- @path = path
- end
- def validate_puppet_files
- Dir.glob("#{@path}/**/*.pp").map do |puppet_file|
- output = `puppet parser validate #{puppet_file}`
- $?.to_i == 0 ? nil : [puppet_file, output]
- end.compact
- end
- def validate_templates
- Dir.glob("#{@path}/**/*.erb").map do |template_file|
- output = `erb -x -T '-' #{template_file} | ruby -c 2>&1`
- $?.to_i == 0 ? nil : [template_file, output]
- end.compact
- end
- end
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/tasks.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/tasks.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e73b280..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/tasks.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-Capistrano::Configuration.instance.load do
- namespace :puppet do
- set :puppet_source, '.'
- set :puppet_destination, '/tmp/supply_drop'
- set :puppet_command, 'puppet apply'
- set :puppet_lib, lambda { "#{puppet_destination}/modules" }
- set :puppet_parameters, lambda { puppet_verbose ? '--debug --trace puppet.pp' : 'puppet.pp' }
- set :puppet_verbose, false
- set :puppet_excludes, %w(.git .svn)
- set :puppet_stream_output, false
- set :puppet_parallel_rsync, true
- set :puppet_parallel_rsync_pool_size, 10
- set :puppet_syntax_check, false
- set :puppet_write_to_file, nil
- set :puppet_runner, nil
- set :puppet_lock_file, '/tmp/puppet.lock'
- namespace :bootstrap do
- desc "installs puppet via rubygems on an osx host"
- task :osx do
- if fetch(:use_sudo, true)
- run "#{sudo} gem install puppet --no-ri --no-rdoc"
- else
- run "gem install puppet --no-ri --no-rdoc"
- end
- end
- desc "installs puppet via apt on an ubuntu host"
- task :ubuntu do
- run "mkdir -p #{puppet_destination}"
- run "#{sudo} apt-get update"
- run "#{sudo} apt-get install -y puppet rsync"
- end
- desc "installs puppet via yum on a centos/red hat host"
- task :redhat do
- run "mkdir -p #{puppet_destination}"
- run "#{sudo} yum -y install puppet rsync"
- end
- end
- desc "checks the syntax of all *.pp and *.erb files"
- task :syntax_check do
- checker =
- "Sytax Checking..."
- errors = false
- checker.validate_puppet_files.each do |file, error|
- logger.important "Puppet error: #{file}"
- logger.important error
- errors = true
- end
- checker.validate_templates.each do |file, error|
- logger.important "Template error: #{file}"
- logger.important error
- errors = true
- end
- raise "syntax errors" if errors
- end
- desc "pushes the current puppet configuration to the server"
- task :update_code, :except => { :nopuppet => true } do
- syntax_check if puppet_syntax_check
- supply_drop.rsync
- end
- desc "runs puppet with --noop flag to show changes"
- task :noop, :except => { :nopuppet => true } do
- transaction do
- on_rollback { supply_drop.unlock }
- supply_drop.prepare
- supply_drop.lock
- update_code
- supply_drop.noop
- supply_drop.unlock
- end
- end
- desc "applies the current puppet config to the server"
- task :apply, :except => { :nopuppet => true } do
- transaction do
- on_rollback { supply_drop.unlock }
- supply_drop.prepare
- supply_drop.lock
- update_code
- supply_drop.apply
- supply_drop.unlock
- end
- end
- desc "clears the puppet lockfile on the server."
- task :remove_lock, :except => { :nopuppet => true} do
- supply_drop.lock
- end
- end
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/thread_pool.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/thread_pool.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 082cf4a..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/thread_pool.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-require 'thread'
-module SupplyDrop
- class ThreadPool
- def initialize(size)
- @size = size
- @jobs =
- @retvals = []
- @pool = do |i|
- do
- Thread.current[:id] = i
- catch(:exit) do
- loop do
- job, args = @jobs.pop
- @retvals <<*args)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def schedule(*args, &block)
- @jobs << [block, args]
- end
- def shutdown
- @size.times do
- schedule { throw :exit }
- end
- @retvals
- end
- end
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/util.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/util.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f4f9f4..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/util.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module SupplyDrop
- module Util
- def self.thread_pool_size
- @thread_pool_size ||= DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_SIZE
- end
- def self.thread_pool_size=(size)
- @thread_pool_size = size
- end
- def self.optionally_async(collection, async)
- if async
- async_collection = collection.clone
- async_collection.extend SupplyDrop::AsyncEnumerable
- async_collection
- else
- collection
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/batched.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/batched.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e5fc826..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/batched.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-module SupplyDrop
- module Writer
- class Batched
- def initialize(logger)
- @outputs = {}
- @logger = logger
- end
- def collect_output(host, data)
- @outputs[host] ||= ""
- @outputs[host] << data
- end
- def all_output_collected
- @outputs.keys.sort.each do |host|
- "Puppet output for #{host}"
- @logger.debug @outputs[host], host
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/colorful_streaming.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/colorful_streaming.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e88e552..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/colorful_streaming.rb
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- require 'paint'
-module SupplyDrop
- module Writer
- class Streaming
- def initialize(logger)
- @mode = Capistrano::Logger::DEBUG
- @logger = logger
- end
- def collect_output(host, data)
- if data =~ /^(notice|err|warning):/
- @mode = $1
- # make deprecation warnings like notices
- if data =~ /^warning: .*is deprecated.*$/
- @mode = 'notice'
- end
- # make variable scope warnings like notices
- if data =~ /^warning: Scope*$/
- @mode = 'notice'
- end
- # force the printing of 'finished catalog run' if there have not been any errors
- if @mode == 'notice' && !@error_encountered && data =~ /Finished catalog run/
- @mode = 'forced_notice'
- elsif @mode == 'err'
- @error_encountered = true
- end
- end
- # log each line, colorizing the hostname
- data.lines.each do |line|
- if line =~ /\w/
- @logger.log log_level, line.sub(/\n$/,''), colorize(host)
- end
- end
- end
- def log_level
- case @mode
- when 'err' then Capistrano::Logger::IMPORTANT
- when 'warning' then Capistrano::Logger::INFO
- when 'notice' then Capistrano::Logger::DEBUG
- else Capistrano::Logger::IMPORTANT
- end
- end
- def colorize(str)
- if defined? Paint
- color = case @mode
- when 'err' then :red
- when 'warning' then :yellow
- when 'notice' then :cyan
- when 'forced_notice' then :cyan
- else :clear
- end
- Paint[str, color, :bold]
- else
- str
- end
- end
- def all_output_collected
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/file.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/file.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 61454d8..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/file.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module SupplyDrop
- module Writer
- class File
- def initialize(writer, file)
- @wrapped_writer = writer
- @logger = => file)
- @logger.level = Capistrano::Logger::TRACE
- @file_writer =
- end
- def collect_output(host, data)
- @wrapped_writer.collect_output(host, data)
- @file_writer.collect_output(host, data)
- end
- def all_output_collected
- @wrapped_writer.all_output_collected
- @file_writer.all_output_collected
- @logger.close
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/streaming.rb b/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/streaming.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e180ec8..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/lib/supply_drop/writer/streaming.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-module SupplyDrop
- module Writer
- class Streaming
- def initialize(logger)
- @logger = logger
- end
- def collect_output(host, data)
- @logger.debug data, host
- end
- def all_output_collected
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/vendor/supply_drop/supply_drop.gemspec b/vendor/supply_drop/supply_drop.gemspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 34c7e34..0000000
--- a/vendor/supply_drop/supply_drop.gemspec
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-require 'rake'
- do |s|
- = "supply_drop"
- s.summary = "Masterless puppet with capistrano"
- s.description = "See"
- s.version = "0.12.0"
- s.authors = ["Tony Pitluga", "Paul Hinze"]
- = ["", ""]
- s.homepage = ""
- s.files = FileList["", "Rakefile", "lib/**/*.rb"]
- s.add_dependency('capistrano', '>= 2.5.21')