diff options
authorelijah <>2013-02-23 20:51:41 -0800
committerelijah <>2013-02-23 20:51:41 -0800
commit4b30306691c2c4c623871aa663a0e8083b4b11fc (patch)
parent0db0bc3b6f0bc616fa9b1319be3083e4ea6affce (diff)
added `rake doc` command.
4 files changed, 149 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 54ae637..e25ce30 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -27,8 +27,11 @@ $spec_path = 'leap_cli.gemspec'
$base_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
$spec = eval($base_dir, $spec_path)))
$gem_path = File.join($base_dir, 'pkg', "#{$}-#{$spec.version}.gem")
-$lib_dir = "#{$base_dir}/lib"
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift $lib_dir
+require File.join([$base_dir, 'lib','leap_cli','version.rb'])
+LeapCli::REQUIRE_PATHS.each do |path|
+ path = File.expand_path(path, $base_dir)
+ $LOAD_PATH.unshift path unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(path)
def built_gem_path
Dir[File.join($base_dir, "#{$}-*.gem")].sort_by{|f| File.mtime(f)}.last
@@ -125,108 +128,13 @@ end
# rd.title = 'Your application title'
# end
-desc "Generate documentation"
-task 'doc' do
- require 'leap_cli'
- require 'leap_cli/app'
- class DocMaker < GLI::Command
- def initialize(app)
- @app = app
- @listener =[],[],[])
- end
- def create
- @listener.beginning
- @listener.program_desc(@app.program_desc) unless @app.program_desc.nil?
- @listener.program_long_desc(@app.program_long_desc) unless @app.program_long_desc.nil?
- @listener.version(@app.version_string)
- if any_options?(@app)
- @listener.options
- end
- document_flags_and_switches(@listener, @app.flags.values.sort(&by_name), @app.switches.values.sort(&by_name))
- if any_options?(@app)
- @listener.end_options
- end
- @listener.commands
- document_commands(@listener, @app)
- @listener.end_commands
- @listener.ending
- end
- private
- def document_commands(document_listener,context)
- context.commands.values.reject {|_| _.nodoc }.sort(&by_name).each do |command|
- call_command_method_being_backwards_compatible(document_listener,command)
- document_listener.options if any_options?(command)
- document_flags_and_switches(document_listener,command_flags(command),command_switches(command))
- document_listener.end_options if any_options?(command)
- document_listener.commands if any_commands?(command)
- document_commands(document_listener,command)
- document_listener.end_commands if any_commands?(command)
- document_listener.end_command(
- end
- document_listener.default_command(context.get_default_command)
- end
- def call_command_method_being_backwards_compatible(document_listener,command)
- command_args = [,
- Array(command.aliases),
- command.description,
- command.long_description,
- command.arguments_description]
- if document_listener.method(:command).arity == 6
- command_args << command.arguments_options
- end
- document_listener.command(*command_args)
- end
- def by_name
- lambda { |a,b| <=> }
- end
- def command_flags(command)
- { |flag| flag.associated_command == command }.sort(&by_name)
- end
- def command_switches(command)
- { |switch| switch.associated_command == command }.sort(&by_name)
- end
- def document_flags_and_switches(document_listener,flags,switches)
- flags.each do |flag|
- document_listener.flag(,
- Array(flag.aliases),
- flag.description,
- flag.long_description,
- flag.safe_default_value,
- flag.argument_name,
- flag.must_match,
- flag.type)
- end
- switches.each do |switch|
- document_listener.switch(,
- Array(switch.aliases),
- switch.description,
- switch.long_description,
- switch.negatable)
- end
- end
- def any_options?(context)
- options = if context.kind_of?(GLI::Command)
- command_flags(context) + command_switches(context)
- else
- context.flags.values + context.switches.values
- end
- !options.empty?
- end
- def any_commands?(command)
- !command.commands.empty?
+desc "Dumps all command line options to doc/"
+task :doc do
+ Dir.chdir($base_dir + "/doc") do
+ if system('../bin/leap _doc --format=LeapCli::MarkdownDocumentListener')
+ puts "updated doc/"
+ else
+ puts "error"
- puts
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli.rb b/lib/leap_cli.rb
index 384a5f2..714211a 100644
--- a/lib/leap_cli.rb
+++ b/lib/leap_cli.rb
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ require 'leap_cli/config/secrets'
require 'leap_cli/config/object_list'
require 'leap_cli/config/manager'
+require 'leap_cli/markdown_document_listener'
module LeapCli::Commands; end
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/app.rb b/lib/leap_cli/app.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 90c4ae9..0000000
--- a/lib/leap_cli/app.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-require 'gli'
-require 'highline'
-require 'forwardable'
-require 'lib_ext/gli' # our custom extensions to gli
-# Typically, GLI and Highline methods are loaded into the global namespace.
-# Instead, here we load these into the module LeapCli::Commands in order to
-# ensure that the cli logic and code is kept isolated to leap_cli/commands/*.rb
-# no cheating!
-module LeapCli::Commands
- extend GLI::App
- extend Forwardable
- #
- # delegate highline methods to make them available to sub-commands
- #
- @terminal =
- def_delegator :@terminal, :ask, 'self.ask'
- def_delegator :@terminal, :agree, 'self.agree'
- def_delegator :@terminal, :choose, 'self.choose'
- def_delegator :@terminal, :say, 'self.say'
- def_delegator :@terminal, :color, 'self.color'
- def_delegator :@terminal, :list, 'self.list'
- #
- # make config manager available as 'manager'
- #
- def self.manager
- @manager ||= begin
- manager =
- manager.load
- manager
- end
- end
- #
- # info about leap command line suite
- #
- program_desc LeapCli::SUMMARY
- program_long_desc LeapCli::DESCRIPTION
- #
- # handle --version ourselves
- #
- if ARGV.grep(/--version/).any?
- puts "leap #{LeapCli::VERSION}, ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}"
- exit(0)
- end
- #
- # load commands and run
- #
- commands_from('leap_cli/commands')
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/markdown_document_listener.rb b/lib/leap_cli/markdown_document_listener.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60b012e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/markdown_document_listener.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# A class to generate a markdown file with all the information available with the
+# help subcommand.
+# This is adapted from GLI::Commands::RdocDocumentListener
+require 'stringio'
+require 'gli/commands/help_modules/arg_name_formatter'
+module LeapCli
+ class MarkdownDocumentListener
+ def initialize(global_options,options,arguments)
+ @io =$0) + ".md",'w')
+ @nest = ''
+ @commands = [File.basename($0)]
+ @arg_name_formatter =
+ end
+ def beginning
+ end
+ # Called when processing has completed
+ def ending
+ @io.close
+ end
+ # Gives you the program description
+ def program_desc(desc)
+ @io.puts "@title = 'Command Line Reference'"
+ #@io.puts "# #{File.basename($0)} - #{desc}"
+ @io.puts
+ end
+ def program_long_desc(desc)
+ @io.puts desc
+ @io.puts
+ end
+ # Gives you the program version
+ def version(version)
+ #@io.puts "v#{version}"
+ #@io.puts
+ end
+ def options
+ #@io.puts "<div class='options'>"
+ @io.puts
+ if @nest.size == 0
+ @io.puts "# Global Options"
+ else
+ #@io.puts "#{@nest}# Options"
+ @io.puts "**Options**"
+ end
+ @io.puts
+ end
+ # Gives you a flag in the current context
+ def flag(name,aliases,desc,long_desc,default_value,arg_name,must_match,type)
+ invocations = ([name] + Array(aliases)).map { |_| add_dashes(_) }.join('|')
+ usage = "#{invocations} #{arg_name || 'arg'}"
+ #@io.puts "#{@nest}## #{usage}"
+ @io.puts "* `#{usage}` "
+ @io.puts String(desc).strip + " "
+ @io.puts String(long_desc).strip + " " if long_desc
+ @io.puts "Default Value: #{default_value || 'None'} "
+ @io.puts "Must Match: #{must_match.to_s} " unless must_match.nil?
+ @io.puts
+ end
+ # Gives you a switch in the current context
+ def switch(name,aliases,desc,long_desc,negetable)
+ if negetable
+ name = "[no-]#{name}" if name.to_s.length > 1
+ aliases = { |_| _.to_s.length > 1 ? "[no-]#{_}" : _ }
+ end
+ invocations = ([name] + aliases).map { |_| add_dashes(_) }.join('|')
+ #@io.puts "#{@nest}## #{invocations}"
+ @io.puts "* `#{invocations}` "
+ @io.puts String(desc).strip + " "
+ #@io.puts
+ #@io.puts String(long_desc).strip
+ @io.puts
+ end
+ def end_options
+ #@io.puts "</div>"
+ end
+ def commands
+ #@io.puts "#{@nest}## Commands"
+ #@nest = "#{@nest}#"
+ end
+ # Gives you a command in the current context and creates a new context of this command
+ def command(name,aliases,desc,long_desc,arg_name,arg_options)
+ @commands.push(name)
+ #@io.puts "#{@nest}## Command: <tt>#{([name] + aliases).join('|')} #{@arg_name_formatter.format(arg_name,arg_options)}</tt>"
+ @io.puts
+ @io.puts "#{@nest}# #{@commands.join ' '} #{@arg_name_formatter.format(arg_name,arg_options)}"
+ @io.puts
+ @io.puts String(desc).strip
+ @io.puts
+ @io.puts String(long_desc).strip
+ @nest = "#{@nest}#"
+ end
+ # Ends a command, and "pops" you back up one context
+ def end_command(name)
+ @nest.gsub!(/\#$/,'')
+ @commands.pop
+ end
+ # Gives you the name of the current command in the current context
+ def default_command(name)
+ @io.puts "Default Command: #{name}" unless name.nil?
+ end
+ def end_commands
+ @nest.gsub!(/\#$/,'')
+ end
+ private
+ def add_dashes(name)
+ name = "-#{name}"
+ name = "-#{name}" if name.length > 2
+ name
+ end
+ end