require 'yaml' module LeapCA module Config extend self attr_accessor :ca_key_path attr_accessor :ca_key_password attr_accessor :ca_cert_path attr_accessor :max_pool_size attr_accessor :client_cert_lifespan attr_accessor :client_cert_bit_size attr_accessor :client_cert_hash attr_accessor :db_name attr_accessor :couch_connection def self.load(base_dir, *configs) configs.each do |file_path| file_path = find_file(base_dir, file_path) next unless file_path puts " * Loading configuration #{file_path}" yml = YAML.load( if yml yml.each do |key, value| begin if value.is_a? Hash value = symbolize_keys(value) end self.send("#{key}=", value) rescue NoMethodError => exc STDERR.puts "ERROR in file #{file}, '#{key}' is not a valid option" exit(1) end end end end [:ca_key_path, :ca_cert_path].each do |attr| path = self.send(attr) || "" if path =~ /^\./ path = File.expand_path(path, base_dir) self.send("#{attr}=", path) end unless File.exists?(path) STDERR.puts "ERROR: The config option '#{attr}' is set to '#{path}', but the file does not exist!" exit(1) end end end private def self.find_file(base_dir, file_path) return nil unless file_path if defined? CWD return File.expand_path(file_path, CWD) if File.exists?(File.expand_path(file_path, CWD)) end return File.expand_path(file_path, base_dir) if File.exists?(File.expand_path(file_path, base_dir)) return nil end def self.symbolize_keys(hsh) newhsh = {} hsh.keys.each do |key| newhsh[key.to_sym] = hsh[key] end newhsh end end end