## ## CONFIGURATION ## output_directories = [ 'android', 'android/res', 'android/res/drawable-ldpi', 'android/res/drawable-mdpi', 'android/res/drawable-hdpi', 'android/res/drawable-xhdpi', 'mac', 'icons', 'icons/white', 'icons/black', 'icons/white/16', 'icons/white/22', 'icons/white/32', 'icons/white/64', 'icons/black/16', 'icons/black/22', 'icons/black/32', 'icons/black/64', 'icons/logo', 'web', 'web/22', 'web/32', 'web/64', 'web/128', 'web/qr', 'linux', 'linux/hicolor', 'linux/hicolor/24x24', 'linux/hicolor/24x24/apps', 'linux/hicolor/32x32', 'linux/hicolor/32x32/apps', 'linux/hicolor/48x48', 'linux/hicolor/48x48/apps', 'linux/hicolor/64x64', 'linux/hicolor/64x64/apps', 'linux/hicolor/128x128', 'linux/hicolor/128x128/apps', 'linux/hicolor/256x256', 'linux/hicolor/256x256/apps', 'linux/hicolor/scalable', 'linux/hicolor/scalable/apps', 'riseup', 'riseup/linux', 'riseup/mac', 'riseup/android' ] android_launcher_target = [ {:size => 36, :dpi => 120, :dest => 'android/res/drawable-ldpi'}, {:size => 48, :dpi => 160, :dest => 'android/res/drawable-mdpi'}, {:size => 72, :dpi => 240, :dest => 'android/res/drawable-hdpi'}, {:size => 96, :dpi => 320, :dest => 'android/res/drawable-xhdpi'} ] android_icon_target = [ {:size => 18, :dpi => 120, :dest => 'android/res/drawable-ldpi'}, {:size => 24, :dpi => 160, :dest => 'android/res/drawable-mdpi'}, {:size => 36, :dpi => 240, :dest => 'android/res/drawable-hdpi'}, {:size => 48, :dpi => 320, :dest => 'android/res/drawable-xhdpi'} ] white_icon_target = [ {:size => 16, :dest => 'icons/white/16'}, {:size => 22, :dest => 'icons/white/22'}, {:size => 32, :dest => 'icons/white/32'}, {:size => 64, :dest => 'icons/white/64'} ] black_icon_target = [ {:size => 16, :dest => 'icons/black/16'}, {:size => 22, :dest => 'icons/black/22'}, {:size => 32, :dest => 'icons/black/32'}, {:size => 64, :dest => 'icons/black/64'} ] linux_target = [ {:size => 24, :dest => 'linux/hicolor/24x24/apps/bitmask.png'}, {:size => 32, :dest => 'linux/hicolor/32x32/apps/bitmask.png'}, {:size => 48, :dest => 'linux/hicolor/48x48/apps/bitmask.png'}, {:size => 64, :dest => 'linux/hicolor/64x64/apps/bitmask.png'}, {:size => 128, :dest => 'linux/hicolor/128x128/apps/bitmask.png'}, {:size => 256, :dest => 'linux/hicolor/256x256/apps/bitmask.png'} ] # # default target filetype is png, unless otherwise specified # svg_to_raster = [ # icons ['source/icons/white/*.svg', white_icon_target], ['source/icons/black/*.svg', black_icon_target], ['source/leap/kid-square.svg', {:size => 256, :dest => 'icons/logo/leap256x256.png'}], ['source/leap/kid-jumping.svg', {:width => 200, :dest => 'icons/logo/leap200.png'}], ['source/leap/kid-jumping.svg', {:width => 128, :dest => 'icons/logo/leap128.png'}], ['source/leap/kid-jumping.svg', {:width => 64, :dest => 'icons/logo/leap64.png'}], # android ['source/android/icons/*.svg', android_icon_target], #['source/android/leap-launcher.svg', android_launcher_target], #['source/android/leap-launcher.svg', {:size => 512, :dest => 'android/leap-icon.png'}], #['source/leap/kid-jumping-silhouette-light.svg', android_icon_target], #['source/android/vpn_disconnected.svg', android_icon_target], #['source/android/vpn_progress.svg', android_icon_target], #['source/android/leap-debug-launcher.svg', android_launcher_target], #['source/android/leap-debug-launcher.svg', {:size => 512, :dest => 'android/leap-debug-icon.png'}], ['source/masks/mask-launcher.svg', android_launcher_target], ['source/masks/mask-launcher.svg', {:size => 512, :dest => 'android/hi-res-icon.png'}], ['source/masks/feature-graphic.svg', {:width => 1024, :height => 512, :dest => 'android/feature-graphic.png'}], #['source/android/mask-silhouette.svg', android_icon_target], # mac ['source/masks/mask-launcher.svg', {:size => 1024, :dest => 'mac/bitmask-1024x1024.png'}], #['source/masks/mask-launcher-flat.svg', {:width => 32, :height => 26, :dest => 'mac/bitmask.tiff'}], #['source/statusbar/mac-menu-icon.svg', {:width => 22, :height => 21, :dest => 'mac/menubar-icon-22x21.png'}], #['source/statusbar/mac-menu-icon.svg', {:width => 44, :height => 42, :dest => 'mac/menubar-icon-44x42.png'}], # web ['source/leap/kid-jumping-bw.svg', {:size => 16, :dest => 'web/favicon-bw.ico'}], ['source/leap/kid-ico.svg', {:size => 16, :dest => 'web/favicon.ico'}], ['source/masks/mask.svg', {:width => 128, :dest => 'web/128'}], ['source/web/masthead/*.svg', {:dest => 'web/masthead'}], ['source/web/icons/*', {:size => 32, :dest => 'web/32'}], ['source/web/icons/*', {:size => 64, :dest => 'web/64'}], ['source/android/black/*.svg', {:size => 22, :dest => 'web/22'}], # linux ['source/masks/mask-launcher.svg', linux_target], # print ['source/leap/kid-jumping.svg', {:width => 1000, :dest => 'print/leap.png'}], ['source/letterhead/letterhead.svg', {:width => 2400, :height => 300, :dest => 'print'}] ] png_to_icns = [ ['mac/bitmask-1024x1024.png', {:dest => 'mac/bitmask.icns'}] ] copy = [ ['source/qr-codes/*.png', {:dest => 'web/qr'}], ['source/masks/mask-launcher.svg', {:dest => 'linux/hicolor/scalable/apps/bitmask.svg'}] ] ## ## CUSTOM BRANDS ## # # RiseupVPN # svg_to_raster += [ ['source/riseup/riseupvpn-launcher.svg', {:size => 512, :dest => 'riseup/android/hi-res-icon.png'}], ['source/riseup/riseupvpn-feature-graphic.svg', {:width => 1024, :height => 512, :dest => 'riseup/android/feature-graphic.png'}], ['source/riseup/riseupvpn-launcher.svg', {:size => 256, :dest => 'riseup/linux/riseupvpn.png'}], ['source/riseup/riseupvpn-launcher.svg', {:size => 1024, :dest => 'riseup/mac/riseupvpn.png'}] ] png_to_icns << ['riseup/mac/riseupvpn.png', {:dest => 'riseup/mac/riseupvpn.icns'}] copy << ['source/riseup/riseupvpn-launcher.svg', {:dest => 'riseup/linux/riseupvpn.svg'}] ## ## HELPERS ## def run(cmd) system(cmd + ' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null') unless $? == 0 puts "ERROR: failed to run #{cmd}" puts "bailing out." exit end end def render_svg_to_raster(source, targets) render_changed(source, targets) do |src_file, dest_file, target| filetype = File.extname(dest_file) if target[:size] height = width = target[:size] else height = target[:height] width = target[:width] end if filetype != '.png' real_dest_file = dest_file dest_file = dest_file.sub(/#{filetype}$/, '-tmp.png') end options = ["--file=#{src_file}", "--export-png=#{dest_file}", "--export-background=0xffffff", "--export-background-opacity=0x00"] options << "-w #{width}" if width options << "-h #{height}" if height options << "--export-dpi=#{target[:dpi]}" if target[:dpi] run("inkscape #{options.join ' '}") run("optipng #{dest_file}") if filetype != '.png' if filetype == '.ico' # only imagemagick supports writing to .ico run("convert #{dest_file} #{real_dest_file}") else run("gm convert #{dest_file} #{real_dest_file}") end File.unlink(dest_file) end end end def render_png_to_icns(source, targets) render_changed(source, targets) do |src_file, dest_file| run("png2icns #{dest_file} #{src_file}") end end def copy_files(source, targets) render_changed(source, targets) do |src_file, dest_file| run("cp '#{src_file}' '#{dest_file}'") end end # # for a source and target(s), yields (src_file, dest_file, info) for each # source and destination pair that needs rendering. # def render_changed(source, targets, &block) Dir.glob(source).each do |src_file| [targets].flatten.each do |target| if File.directory?(target[:dest]) dest_file = File.join(target[:dest], File.basename(src_file).sub(/\.svg$/,'.png')) else dest_file = target[:dest] end if !File.exists?(dest_file) || File.mtime(dest_file) < File.mtime(src_file) yield src_file, dest_file, target progress end end end end def progress putc '.' STDOUT.flush end ## ## RENDER TASK ## require 'fileutils' task :default => :render desc "render SVG images" task :render do Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) do output_directories.each do |dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) end svg_to_raster.each do |source, targets| render_svg_to_raster(source, targets) end png_to_icns.each do |sources, targets| render_png_to_icns(sources, targets) end copy.each do |sources, targets| copy_files(sources, targets) end end puts puts "Done." end desc "clean out rendered images" task :clean do Dir.chdir(File.dirname(__FILE__)) do output_directories.each do |dir| Dir.entries(dir).grep(/\.(png|icns|jpg)$/).each do |file| File.unlink File.join(dir,file) end end end end