path: root/res
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Diffstat (limited to 'res')
3 files changed, 8 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-de/strings.xml b/res/values-de/strings.xml
index 2256caf..5d667a4 100644
--- a/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
<string name="copied_entry">Log Eintrag in die Zwischenablage kopiert</string>
<string name="tap_mode">Tap Mode</string>
<string name="faq_tap_mode">Die VPN API von Android, die ohne rooten des Telefons funktioniert, unterstützt nur den tun modus. Das Unterstützen des Tap Modus ist daher nicht möglich.</string>
- <string name="faq">FAQ</string>
+ <string name="faq">FAQ</string>
<string name="faq_summary">häufig gestellte Fragen und Hinweise</string>
<string name="copying_log_entries">Kopieren von Log Einträgen</string>
<string name="faq_copying">To copy a single log entry press and and hold on the log entry. To copy/send the whole log use the Send Log option. Use the hardware menu button if not visible in the gui.</string>
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
<string name="keychain_nocacert">Beim Abfragen des Android KeyStore wurde kein CA Zertifikat zurückgegeben. Überprüfen des Serverzertifikat wird warscheinlich fehlschlagen. Geben Sie manuell ein CA Zertifikat an.</string>
<string name="cert_from_keystore">Zertifikat (KeyStore): \'%s\' </string>
<string name="extracahint">Das CA Zertifikat wird meist aus dem Zertifikatsspeicher automatisch ausgewählt. Sollte dies nicht funktionieren und Sie Verifizierungsprobleme erhalten(self signed certificate), wählen Sie manuell ein Zertifikat aus.</string>
- <string name="show_log_summary">Zeigt das Status Log, wenn ein VPN verbunden wird. Das Status log kann immer über die Benachrichtigung aufgerufen werden.</string>
+ <string name="show_log_summary">Zeigt das Status Log, wenn ein VPN verbunden wird. Das Status log kann immer über die Benachrichtigung aufgerufen werden.</string>
<string name="show_log_window">Zeige Log</string>
<string name="keppstatus_summary">Zeige die OpenVPN Benachrichtung nach Verbinden zusätzlich zu der System Benachrichtigung an um Traffic Statistiken anzuzeigen.</string>
<string name="keepstatus">Traffic Statistiken</string>
<string name="mobile_info">Modell %1$s (%2$s) %3$s, Android API %4$d</string>
<string name="error_rsa_sign">Fehler beim Zugriff auf den Android Keystore %1$s: %2$s</string>
<string name="ipdns">IP und DNS</string>
- <string name="basic">Basic</string>
+ <string name="basic">Basic</string>
<string name="routing">Routing</string>
<string name="obscure">Oskure OpenVPN Einstellungen, die normalerweise nicht benötigt werden.</string>
<string name="advanced">Erweitert</string>
@@ -189,13 +189,15 @@
<string name="faq_howto_title">Schnellstart</string>
<string name="setting_loadtun_summary">Versuche das tun.ko Kernel Modul zu laden. Benötigt root.</string>
<string name="setting_loadtun">Lade tun Modul</string>
- <!-- Der Author hat die deutsche Übersetzung ganz allein verbrochen :) -->
+ <!-- Der Author hat die deutsche Übersetzung ganz allein verbrochen :) -->
<string name="translationby"></string>
- <string name="faq_system_dialogs_title">Warnung beim Verbinden und Benachrichtigungston</string>
+ <string name="faq_system_dialogs_title">Warnung beim Verbinden und Benachrichtigungston</string>
<string name="tun_error_helpful">Auf manchen ROM Version sind eventuell die Zugriffsrechte von /dev/tun falsch oder das tun Kernel Modul fehlt. Für Cyanogenmod 9 ROMs mit root gibt einen provisorischen Fix in den generellen Einstellungen.</string>
<string name="importpkcs12fromconfig">Importiere die PKCS12 Datei, die in der Konfiguration angegeben ist, in den Android Keystore</string>
<string name="use_system_proxy">Benutze System Proxies</string>
<string name="use_system_proxy_summary">Benutze die System weiten Einstellungen für HTTP/HTTPS Proxies beim Verbinden.</string>
+ <string name="getproxy_error">Fehler beim Ermittlen der Proxy Einstellungen: %s</string>
+ <string name="using_proxy">Benutzt Proxy %1$s %2$d</string>
<string name="onbootrestartsummary">Openvpn wird bei einem Neustart des Telefon das beim herrunterfahren/neu starten aktive VPN weider verbinden. Bitte lesen Sie die FAQ &quot;Warnung beim Verbinden&quot; FAQ bevor Sie diese Option verwenden.</string>
<string name="onbootrestart">Nach Neustart verbinden</string>
<string name="faq_howto_shortcut">Sie können ein Shortcut zum Starten des VPN auf Ihren Startbildschirm legen. Abhängig davon welches Home/Launcher Programm Sie verwenden müssen ein Widget, Shortcut oder Verknüpfung hinzufügen</string>
@@ -205,4 +207,5 @@
<string name="restart_vpn_after_change">Konfigurationsänderungen werden erst nach einem VPN Neustart aktiv. Jetzt neu verbinden?</string>
<string name="configuration_changed">Konfiguration geändert</string>
<string name="log_no_last_vpn">Konnte das zuletzt verbundene Profile beim Versuch des Editieren nicht ermitteln.</string>
diff --git a/res/values-es/strings.xml b/res/values-es/strings.xml
index cb24f21..5674bfd 100644
--- a/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -161,7 +161,6 @@
<string name="faq_security_title">Seguridad</string>
<string name="import_vpn">Importar</string>
<string name="broken_image_cert_title">Error al mostrar selección de certificado</string>
- <string name="broken_image_cert">Got an exception trying to show the Android 4.0+ certificate selection dialog. This should never happen as this a standard feature of Android 4.0+. Maybe your Android ROM support for certificate storage is broken</string>
<string name="ipv4">IPv4</string>
<string name="ipv6">IPv6</string>
<string name="speed_waiting">Esperando mensaje de estado…</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/res/values-ko/strings.xml
index 318e9fd..94445d0 100644
--- a/res/values-ko/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
<string name="custom_option_warning">사용자 정의 OpenVPN 옵션 입력. 매우 조심할것. 또한 많은 tun과 연관된 OpenVPN 설정은 VPN 설정의 설계로 인하여 지원될 수 없음. 중요한 옵션이 누락됐다고 생각되면 저자에게 연락하시오.</string>
<string name="auth_username">계정</string>
<string name="auth_pwquery">암호</string>
- <string name="static_keys_info">For the static configuration the TLS Auth Keys will be used as static keys.</string>
<string name="configure_the_vpn">VPN 설정</string>
<string name="menu_add_profile">프로파일 추가</string>
<string name="add_profile_name_prompt">새로운 프로파일을 식별할 수 있는 명칭을 입력하세요</string>
@@ -75,7 +74,6 @@
<string name="clear_log">로그 지우기</string>
<string name="title_cancel">취소 확인</string>
<string name="cancel_connection_query">연결된 VPN 끊기/연결시도 취소?</string>
- <string name="remove_vpn">Remove VPN</string>
<string name="check_remote_tlscert">서버가 TLS 서버 인증서를 사용하는가를 확인합니다</string>
<string name="check_remote_tlscert_title">TLS 서버 제외</string>
<string name="remote_tlscn_check_summary">원격 서버 인증서의 CN 을 문자와 비교검사한다.</string>
@@ -107,11 +105,6 @@
<string name="custom_options_title">사용자 정의 옵션</string>
<string name="edit_vpn">VPN 설정 수정</string>
<string name="remove_vpn_query">%s VPN 프로파일 삭제?</string>
- <string name="tun_error_helpful">On some custom ICS images the permission on /dev/tun might be wrong, or the tun module might be missing completely. For CM9 images try the fix ownership option under general settings</string>
- <string name="tun_open_error">Opening tun interface failed badly.</string>
- <string name="error">"Error: "</string>
- <string name="clear">Clear</string>
- <string name="info">info</string>
<string name="show_connection_details">연결 내용 보기</string>
<string name="last_openvpn_tun_config">Last interface configuration from OpenVPN:</string>
<string name="local_ip_info">Local IPv4: %1$s/%2$d IPv6: %3$s MTU: %4$d</string>
@@ -119,26 +112,14 @@
<string name="dns_domain_info">DNS 도매인: %s</string>
<string name="routes_info">라우트: %s</string>
<string name="routes_info6">라우트 IPv6: %s</string>
- <string name="ip_not_cidr">Got interface information %1$s and %2$s, assuming second address is peer address of remote. Using /32 netmask for local IP. Mode given by OpenVPN is \"%3$s\".</string>
- <string name="route_not_cidr">Cannot make sense of %1$s and %2$s as IP route with CIDR netmask, using /32 as netmask.</string>
- <string name="route_not_netip">Corrected route %1$s/%2$s to %3$s/%2$s</string>
<string name="version_info">%1$s %2$s</string>
<string name="send_logfile">로그 파일 보내기</string>
- <string name="send">Send</string>
<string name="ics_openvpn_log_file">ICS OpenVPN log file</string>
<string name="copied_entry">클립보드로 로그 복사</string>
<string name="tap_mode">Tap 모드</string>
<string name="faq_tap_mode">Tap 모드는 루트가 아닌 VPN API에서는 불가능하다. 따라서 본앱은 tap을 지원 할수없다.</string>
- <string name="tap_faq2">Again? Are you kidding? No tap mode is really not supported and sending more mail asking if it will be supported will not help.</string>
- <string name="tap_faq3">A third time? Actually one could write a a tap emulator based on tun that would add layer2 information on send and strip layer2 information on receive. But this tap emulator would have to implement also ARP and possible a DHCP client. I am not aware of anybody doing any work in this direction. Contact me if you want to start coding on this.</string>
- <string name="faq">FAQ</string>
<string name="faq_summary">자주 문의하는 질문들과 몇가지 충고</string>
<string name="copying_log_entries">Copying log entries</string>
- <string name="faq_copying">To copy a single log entry press and and hold on the log entry. To copy/send the whole log use the Send Log option. Use the hardware menu button if not visible in the GUI.</string>
- <string name="faq_shortcut">Shortcut to start</string>
- <string name="faq_howto_shortcut">You can place a shortcut to start OpenVPN on your desktop. Depending on your homescreen program you have to add a shortcut or a widget.</string>
- <string name="no_vpn_support_image">Your image does not support the VPNService API,sorry :(</string>
<string name="encryption">암호화</string>
<string name="cipher_dialog_title">암호화 방법 입력</string>
<string name="chipher_dialog_message">OpenVPN의 cipher key를 입력하세요. 기본cipher사용시 공란으로 놔둘것.</string>
@@ -149,34 +130,17 @@
<string name="error_importing_file">파일 가져오기 오류</string>
<string name="import_error_message">파일을 파일시스템에서 가져오지 못했습니다.</string>
<string name="inline_file_data">[[인라인 파일 데이터]]</string>
- <string name="opentun_no_ipaddr">Refusing to open tun device without IP information</string>
- <string name="menu_import">Import Profile from ovpn file</string>
- <string name="menu_import_short">Import</string>
- <string name="import_content_resolve_error">Could not read Profile to import</string>
<string name="error_reading_config_file">설정 파일 읽기 실패</string>
<string name="add_profile">프로파일 추가</string>
- <string name="trying_to_read">Trying to read file: %1$s</string>
- <string name="import_could_not_open">Could not find file %1$s mentioned in the imported config file</string>
- <string name="importing_config">Importing config file from source %1$s</string>
- <string name="import_warning_custom_options">Your configuration had a few configuration options that could be parsed. These options were added as custom configuration options. The custom configuration is displayed below:</string>
<string name="import_done">설정 파일 읽기 완료</string>
<string name="nobind_summary">로컬 주소와 포트로 바인드 안하기</string>
<string name="no_bind">로컬 바인딩 안함</string>
<string name="import_configuration_file">설정 파일 가져오기</string>
<string name="faq_security_title">보안 고려 사항</string>
<string name="faq_security">"OpenVPN은 보안에 민감하기 때문에 보안에 관련된 부분을 알고가는것이 현명하다. SD카드의 있는 데이터는 기본적으로 보안이 취약하다. 모든 앱이 읽을 수 있기 때문이다 (예로 이 프로그램 또한 SD카드의 읽기 권한이 필요없다). 본앱의 데이터는 본앱만이 읽을 수 있다. cacert/cert/key를 파일 탐색기의 가져오기 옵션을 사용하면 데이터는 VPN 프로파일 내에 저장된다. VPN 프로파일은 본앱만이 접근할 수 있다. (잊지말고 SD카드에 있는 것을 삭제해라). 접근은 본앱만이 가능하더라도 데이터는 암호화가 되어있지 않다. 루팅을 비롯한 다른 방법을 악용하여 데이터를 빼낼수있다. 암호 또한 일반 텍스트로 저장되어 있다. pkcs12 파일은 안드로이드 keystore에 보관할것을 강력하게 추천한다."</string>
- <string name="import_vpn">Import</string>
- <string name="broken_image_cert_title">Error showing certificate selection</string>
- <string name="broken_image_cert">Got an exception trying to show the Android 4.0+ certificate selection dialog. This should never happen as this a standard feature of Android 4.0+. Maybe your Android ROM support for certificate storage is broken</string>
- <string name="ipv4">IPv4</string>
- <string name="ipv6">IPv6</string>
- <string name="speed_waiting">Waiting for state message…</string>
<string name="converted_profile">가져온 프로파일</string>
<string name="converted_profile_i">가져온 프로파일 %d</string>
<string name="broken_images">깨진 이미지</string>
- <string name="broken_images_faq">&lt;p>Official HTC images are known to have a strange routing problem causing traffic not to flow through the tunnel (See also &lt;a href=\"\">Issue 18&lt;/a> in the bug tracker.)&lt;/p>&lt;p>The official SONY images from Xperia arc S and Xperia Ray have been reported to be missing the VPNService completely from the image. Other Sony images may be affected as well. (See also &lt;a href=\"\">Issue 29&lt;/a> in the bug tracker.)&lt;/p>&lt;p>On custom build images the tun module might be missing or the rights of /dev/tun might be wrong. Some CM9 images need the fix ownership option under general settings.&lt;/p>&lt;p>Most important: If you have a broken image, report it to your vendor. The more people report the issue to the vendor the more likely you will get a fix.&lt;/p></string>
- <string name="error_empty_username">The username must not be empty.</string>
- <string name="pkcs12_file_encryption_key">PKCS12 File Encryption Key</string>
<string name="private_key_password">Private Key 암호</string>
<string name="password">암호</string>
<string name="file_icon">파일 아이콘</string>
@@ -194,13 +158,10 @@
<string name="netstatus">네트워크 상태: %s</string>
<string name="extracahint">CA 인증서는 일반적으로 안드로이드 Keystore에 있는것을 사용합니다. 인증서 오류 발생시 벌도의 인증서를 지정하세요.</string>
<string name="select_file">선택</string>
- <string name="keychain_nocacert">No CA Certificate returned while reading from Android keystore. Auhtentication will probably fail.</string>
<string name="show_log_summary">연결시 로그 윈도우를 보여드립니다. 로그 윈도우는 항상 notification status에서 접근이 가능합니다.</string>
<string name="show_log_window">로그 윈도우 보기</string>
<string name="keppstatus_summary">트래픽 통계를 보여드리기 위해 연결후 notification을 보이도록 유지합니다.</string>
<string name="keepstatus">트래픽 통계 보기</string>
- <string name="mobile_info">Running on %1$s (%2$s) %3$s, Android API %4$d</string>
- <string name="error_rsa_sign">Error signing with Android keystore key %1$s: %2$s</string>
<string name="faq_system_dialogs">시스템에서는 VPN연결 경고를 통해 당신에게 본앱이 모든 트래픽을 가로챌수있다는 점을 알리게 되어 있는데 이는 VPNService API가 남용하는것을 막기 위함이다.\nVPN 연결 알림 (키 아이콘) 또한 안드로이드 시스템에서 부과하는 부분이며 이는 VPN연결을 알리는 신호이다. 어떤 버전에서는 소리를 알림으로 사용하는 경우도 있다.\n안드로이드는 이같은 방법을 당신의 안전을 위해 도입하였으며 사용은 필수적이다. (어떤 버전에서는 유감스럽게도 소리 알림 또한 포함된다.)</string>
<string name="faq_system_dialogs_title">연결 경고와 알림 소리</string>
<string name="translationby">한국어 번역 (주)기가드 안규태&lt;></string>
@@ -215,5 +176,4 @@
<string name="advanced">고급</string>
<string name="export_config_title">ICS Openvpn 설정</string>
</resources> \ No newline at end of file