
- Write a FAQ about Android's routing/ifconfig

- Do cert+key+ca => p12 inside the app, import directly to keystore
- general settings dialog
   - encryption of profiles
- Give the notification a nice speed bar
- The app
    has a nice feature: auto connect. Run a profile if a specified
    network is available (a user defined WIFI profile and/or "WIFI/2G/3G" 
	and/or "WIFI" and/or "2G/3G" - selection of more than one network type 
	is possible)

-  Copy/Duplicate an existing profile (to create a new one with nearly
    exact settings)

- implement an encryption for profiles, so no sensitive data has be stored in plain text
   - encrypt/decrypt with android private storage key (+no user input required)

 - startpath file explorer

Missing configuration options:

IPv6 support:
- fix bogus tun-ipv6 warning

Tap support:
- Actually it is possible to emulate tap with tun device, a minimal implementation would have to do:
   - generate random mac
   - strip macs header on receive
   - append mac header on send
   - implement arp, possible the most difficult task ...
      - need to chose right mac of receiver