package de.blinkt.openvpn.core; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import de.blinkt.openvpn.R; import de.blinkt.openvpn.core.OpenVPN.ByteCountListener; import java.util.LinkedList; import static de.blinkt.openvpn.core.OpenVPNManagement.pauseReason; public class DeviceStateReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver implements ByteCountListener { private int lastNetwork = -1; private OpenVPNManagement mManagement; // Window time in s private final int TRAFFIC_WINDOW = 60; // Data traffic limit in bytes private final long TRAFFIC_LIMIT = 64 * 1024; connectState network = connectState.DISCONNECTED; connectState screen = connectState.SHOULDBECONNECTED; connectState userpause = connectState.SHOULDBECONNECTED; private String lastStateMsg = null; enum connectState { SHOULDBECONNECTED, PENDINGDISCONNECT, DISCONNECTED } static class Datapoint { private Datapoint(long t, long d) { timestamp = t; data = d; } long timestamp; long data; } LinkedList trafficdata = new LinkedList(); @Override public void updateByteCount(long in, long out, long diffin, long diffout) { if (screen != connectState.PENDINGDISCONNECT) return; long total = diffin + diffout; trafficdata.add(new Datapoint(System.currentTimeMillis(), total)); while (trafficdata.getFirst().timestamp <= (System.currentTimeMillis() - TRAFFIC_WINDOW * 1000)) { trafficdata.removeFirst(); } long windowtraffic = 0; for (Datapoint dp : trafficdata) windowtraffic +=; if (windowtraffic < TRAFFIC_LIMIT) { screen = connectState.DISCONNECTED; OpenVPN.logInfo(R.string.screenoff_pause, OpenVpnService.humanReadableByteCount(TRAFFIC_LIMIT, false), TRAFFIC_WINDOW); mManagement.pause(getPauseReason()); } } public void userPause(boolean pause) { if (pause) { userpause = connectState.DISCONNECTED; // Check if we should disconnect mManagement.pause(getPauseReason()); } else { boolean wereConnected = shouldBeConnected(); userpause = connectState.SHOULDBECONNECTED; if (shouldBeConnected() && !wereConnected) mManagement.resume(); else // Update the reason why we currently paused mManagement.pause(getPauseReason()); } } public DeviceStateReceiver(OpenVPNManagement magnagement) { super(); mManagement = magnagement; } @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); if (ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction())) { networkStateChange(context); } else if (Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF.equals(intent.getAction())) { boolean screenOff = prefs.getBoolean("screenoff", false); if (screenOff) { if (!ProfileManager.getLastConnectedVpn().mPersistTun) OpenVPN.logError(R.string.screen_nopersistenttun); screen = connectState.PENDINGDISCONNECT; fillTrafficData(); if (network == connectState.DISCONNECTED || userpause == connectState.DISCONNECTED) screen = connectState.DISCONNECTED; } } else if (Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON.equals(intent.getAction())) { // Network was disabled because screen off boolean connected = shouldBeConnected(); screen = connectState.SHOULDBECONNECTED; /* should be connected has changed because the screen is on now, connect the VPN */ if (shouldBeConnected() != connected) mManagement.resume(); else if (!shouldBeConnected()) /*Update the reason why we are still paused */ mManagement.pause(getPauseReason()); } } private void fillTrafficData() { trafficdata.add(new Datapoint(System.currentTimeMillis(), TRAFFIC_LIMIT)); } public void networkStateChange(Context context) { NetworkInfo networkInfo = getCurrentNetworkInfo(context); SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); boolean sendusr1 = prefs.getBoolean("netchangereconnect", true); String netstatestring; if (networkInfo == null) { netstatestring = "not connected"; } else { String subtype = networkInfo.getSubtypeName(); if (subtype == null) subtype = ""; String extrainfo = networkInfo.getExtraInfo(); if (extrainfo == null) extrainfo = ""; /* if(networkInfo.getType() { WifiManager wifiMgr = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); WifiInfo wifiinfo = wifiMgr.getConnectionInfo(); extrainfo+=wifiinfo.getBSSID(); subtype += wifiinfo.getNetworkId(); }*/ netstatestring = String.format("%2$s %4$s to %1$s %3$s", networkInfo.getTypeName(), networkInfo.getDetailedState(), extrainfo, subtype); } if (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.getState() == State.CONNECTED) { int newnet = networkInfo.getType(); network = connectState.SHOULDBECONNECTED; if (sendusr1 && lastNetwork != newnet) { if (screen == connectState.PENDINGDISCONNECT) screen = connectState.DISCONNECTED; if (shouldBeConnected()) { if (lastNetwork == -1) { mManagement.resume(); } else { mManagement.reconnect(); } } lastNetwork = newnet; } } else if (networkInfo == null) { // Not connected, stop openvpn, set last connected network to no network lastNetwork = -1; if (sendusr1) { network = connectState.DISCONNECTED; // Set screen state to be disconnected if disconnect pending if (screen == connectState.PENDINGDISCONNECT) screen = connectState.DISCONNECTED; mManagement.pause(getPauseReason()); } } if (!netstatestring.equals(lastStateMsg)) OpenVPN.logInfo(R.string.netstatus, netstatestring); lastStateMsg = netstatestring; } public boolean isUserPaused() { return userpause == connectState.DISCONNECTED; } private boolean shouldBeConnected() { return (screen == connectState.SHOULDBECONNECTED && userpause == connectState.SHOULDBECONNECTED && network == connectState.SHOULDBECONNECTED); } private pauseReason getPauseReason() { if (userpause == connectState.DISCONNECTED) return pauseReason.userPause; if (screen == connectState.DISCONNECTED) return pauseReason.screenOff; if (network == connectState.DISCONNECTED) return pauseReason.noNetwork; assert(false); } private NetworkInfo getCurrentNetworkInfo(Context context) { ConnectivityManager conn = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); return conn.getActiveNetworkInfo(); } }