TODO for IPv6 payload support ----------------------------- 1.) "--topology subnet" doesn't work together with IPv6 payload on FreeBSD (verified for FreeBSD server, Linux/ifconfig client, problems with ICMP6 neighbor solicitations from BSD not being answered by Linux) * 2012-01-22 fixed in platform cleanup, commit 62c613d46dc495d74 2.) NetBSD IPv6 support doesn't work ("connected" route is not auto-created, "route-ipv6" adding fails) * fixed, 3.1.10 * 3.) route deletion for IPv6 routes is not yet done * fixed for configured routes, 3.1.10 * * missing for manual-ifconfig-connected (NetBSD, Darwin, Win32) * 2012-06-10 - fixed somewhere in 2010 4.) do "ifconfig tun0 inet6 unplumb" or "ifconfig tun0 destroy" for Solaris, *BSD, ... at program termination time, to clean up leftovers (unless tunnel persistance is desired). For Solaris, only the "ipv6 tun0" is affected, for the *BSDs all tun0 stay around. * 2012-06-10 - fixed in individual platform cleanups early-2012 4a.) deconfigure IPv6 on tun interface on session termination, otherwise one could end up with something like this (on NetBSD): tun0: flags=8051 mtu 1500 inet -> netmask 0xffffffff inet6 fe80::a00:20ff:fece:d299%tun0 -> prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x3 inet6 2001:608:4:eff::2000:3 -> prefixlen 64 inet6 2001:608:4:eff::1:3 -> prefixlen 64 (pool was changed, previous address still active on tun0, breakage) * semi-fixed for NetBSD, 28.2.10, always do tun0 destroy / tun0 create before actual ifconfig -- tunnel still lingers after OpenVPN quits * 2011-09-16 fixed in platform cleanup, commit 8ca19c014c149cf69 4b.) verify this - on FreeBSD, tun0 is auto-destroyed if created by opening /dev/tun (and lingers if created by "ifconfig tun0 create") -> use for persistant tunnels on not-linux? * 2012-06-10 tun interface behaviour is documented in "man tun(4)" 5.) add new option "ifconfig-ipv6-push" (per-client static IPv6 assignment, -> radiusplugin, etc) * implemented, 14.1.10 * 6.) add new option "route-ipv6-gateway" * 2012-06-09 - decided there is no current need (but fairly trivial) 7.) add "full" gateway handling for IPv6 in route.c (right now, the routes are just sent down the tun interface, if the operating system in questions supports that, without care for the gateway address - which does not work for gateways that are supposed to point elsewhere. Also, it doesn't work for TAP interfaces. * 2012-06-09 use "dev tun" for tun devices, "via $gateway" for tap (and purposely do not support off-link routes) 8.) full IPv6 support for TAP interfaces (main issue should be routes+gateway - and testing :-) ) test 2010/09/24: TAP itself works on linux/ifconfig+iproute2, but route-via-tap doesn't work at all (route points to "tap0" which fails) 17:51:14.075412 fe:ab:6e:c5:53:71 > 33:33:ff:00:00:01, ethertype IPv6 (0x86dd), length 86: 2001:608:4:a053::1:0 > ff02::1:ff00:1: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation, who has 2001:608:4:a001::1, length 32 * 2012-06-09 missing gateway support implemented 8a.) how is iroute-via-tap supposed to work?? * 2012-06-10 - answer: not at all, OpenVPN doesn't do "iroute" in tap mode - set up "route-ipv6" with gateway address = individual client's tap0 address to get the per-client routes 9.) verify that iroute-ipv6 and route-ipv6 interact in the same way as documented for iroute/route: A's subnet, OpenVPN must push this route to all clients EXCEPT for A, since the subnet is already owned by A. OpenVPN accomplishes this by not not pushing a route to a client if it matches one of the client's iroutes. 10.) extend "ifconfig-ipv6" to handle specification of /netbits, pushing of /netbits, and correctly ifconfig'ing this (default, if not specified: /64) * done * 2012-02-03 11.) do not add ipv6-routes if tun-ipv6 is not set - complain instead * done * 12.1.10 12.) handle incoming [::] and [fe80:...] packets in tun-p2mp MULTI mode (most likely those are DAD packets) silently ignore DAD? Or accept-and-forward iff (multicast && client2client)? handle NS/NA 13.) from Martin List-Petersen: One thing, and I guess this requires modifications in network-manager-openvpn: It also works, BUT ignores "push route-ipv6-gateway" and "push route-ipv6 ...." (obviously routes pushed from the server) entirely. 14.) from ##openvpn-discussion: new features should be #ifdef'ed (check whether this is feasible at all) 15.) IPv6 related environment variables - document all of them in openvpn.8 - make sure that all existing IPv4 stuff has IPv6 counterparts 16.) OpenBSD - implement ifconfig/route for IPv6 - revert ifconfig/open_tun order to "normal" (separate commit!!!) (openvpn-devel, Subject: OpenBSD) - test * 2012-02-05 platform cleanup, commit 82d4e12068774b0a6ca 17.) client-option (Elwood) - ignore-v6-push-options yes/no - ignore-v6-route-push ("as for IPv4 routes") 18.) fail-save? "what if 'ip -6 addr add' fails" -> fail, or fallback to v4? (-> recomment setting "ignore-v6-push-options yes") 19.) safety check: if connecting over IPv6 (v6 transport) and the pushed route-ipv6 network encompasses the server IPv6 address, make sure we at least log a warning (until we can fiddle with external routing to make this work correctly). 20.) show "route add" / "route delete" commands for IPv6 in log file (we show the "ifconfig" commands, so why not the routes?) 2010-08-07: this is a null-feature - it's already there, but with different debug level (M_INFO vs. D_ROUTE) so user didn't notice 21.) enable ipv6-only server operations - decouple ipv6 pool handling from ipv4 pool - make sure Rest of OpenVPN doesn't assume "there will always be IPv4" 22.) implement --learn-address for IPv6 23.) FreeBSD 8 seems to require explicit setting of the "ifconfig" IPv6 route, while FreeBSD 6+7 don't --> more testing, and code fix workaround for the time being: just add server-ipv6 2001:608:4:a051::/64 route-ipv6 2001:608:4:a051::/64 to the config (problem + workaround applies both to tun and tap style devices) * 2012-06-09 - this got fixed in one of the platform cleanups TODO for IPv6 transport support ------------------------------- [ Last updated: 03-01-2013. ] * All platforms: o mgmt console: as currently passes straight in_addr_t bits around o make possible to get AF from getaddrinfo() answer, ie allow openvpn to use ipv4/6 if DNS returns A/AAAA without specifying protocol. Hard: requires deep changes in initialization/calling logic - Done by dual stack patches o use AI_PASSIVE - Done by dual stack patches o the getaddr()/getaddr6() interface is not prepared for handling socktype "tagging", currently I abuse the sockflags bits for getting the ai_socktype downstream. - Still done by flags, seems clean enough. o implement comparison for mapped addesses: server in dual stack listening IPv6 must permit incoming streams from allowed IPv4 peer, currently you need to pass eg: --remote ffff:: - OpenVPN will compare all address of a remote but will still fail on mapped addresses * win32: o find out about mapped addresses, as I can't make it work with bound at ::1 and connect to - Should be fixed by 8832c6c - "Implement listing on IPv4/IPv6 dual socket on all platform"