/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Arne Schwabe * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt */ package de.blinkt.openvpn.activities import android.Manifest import android.annotation.TargetApi import android.app.Activity import android.app.AlertDialog import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException import android.content.Intent import android.content.pm.PackageManager import android.net.Uri import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Environment import android.provider.OpenableColumns import android.security.KeyChain import android.text.TextUtils import android.util.Base64 import android.util.Pair import android.view.Menu import android.view.MenuItem import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.* import de.blinkt.openvpn.R import de.blinkt.openvpn.VpnProfile import de.blinkt.openvpn.core.ConfigParser import de.blinkt.openvpn.core.ConfigParser.ConfigParseError import de.blinkt.openvpn.core.ProfileManager import de.blinkt.openvpn.fragments.Utils import de.blinkt.openvpn.views.FileSelectLayout import de.blinkt.openvpn.views.FileSelectLayout.FileSelectCallback import java.io.* import java.net.URLDecoder import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.util.* class ConfigConverter : BaseActivity(), FileSelectCallback, View.OnClickListener { private var mResult: VpnProfile? = null @Transient private var mPathsegments: List? = null private var mAliasName: String? = null private val fileSelectMap = HashMap() private var mEmbeddedPwFile: String? = null private val mLogEntries = Vector() private var mSourceUri: Uri? = null private lateinit var mProfilename: EditText private lateinit var mCompatmode: Spinner private lateinit var mCompatmodeLabel: TextView private var mImportTask: AsyncTask? = null private lateinit var mLogLayout: LinearLayout private lateinit var mProfilenameLabel: TextView override fun onClick(v: View) { if (v.id == R.id.fab_save) userActionSaveProfile() if (v.id == R.id.permssion_hint && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == Build.VERSION_CODES.M) doRequestSDCardPermission(PERMISSION_REQUEST_EMBED_FILES) } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.M) private fun doRequestSDCardPermission(requestCode: Int) { requestPermissions(arrayOf(Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE), requestCode) } override fun onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode: Int, permissions: Array, grantResults: IntArray) { super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults); // Permission declined, do nothing if (grantResults.size == 0 || grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) return // Reset file select dialogs findViewById(R.id.files_missing_hint).visibility = View.GONE findViewById(R.id.permssion_hint).visibility = View.GONE val fileroot = findViewById(R.id.config_convert_root) as LinearLayout var i = 0 while (i < fileroot.childCount) { if (fileroot.getChildAt(i) is FileSelectLayout) fileroot.removeViewAt(i) else i++ } if (requestCode == PERMISSION_REQUEST_EMBED_FILES) embedFiles(null) else if (requestCode == PERMISSION_REQUEST_READ_URL) { if (mSourceUri != null) doImportUri(mSourceUri!!) } } override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean { if (item.itemId == R.id.cancel) { setResult(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) finish() } else if (item.itemId == R.id.ok) { return userActionSaveProfile() } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) } private fun userActionSaveProfile(): Boolean { if (mResult == null) { log(R.string.import_config_error) Toast.makeText(this, R.string.import_config_error, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() return true } mResult!!.mName = mProfilename.text.toString() val vpl = ProfileManager.getInstance(this) if (vpl.getProfileByName(mResult!!.mName) != null) { mProfilename.error = getString(R.string.duplicate_profile_name) return true } mResult!!.mCompatMode = Utils.mapCompatMode(mCompatmode.selectedItemPosition) val `in` = installPKCS12() if (`in` != null) startActivityForResult(`in`, RESULT_INSTALLPKCS12) else saveProfile() return true } override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState: Bundle) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) if (mResult != null) outState.putSerializable(VPNPROFILE, mResult) outState.putString("mAliasName", mAliasName) val logentries = mLogEntries.toTypedArray() outState.putStringArray("logentries", logentries) val fileselects = IntArray(fileSelectMap.size) var k = 0 for (key in fileSelectMap.keys) { fileselects[k] = key.value k++ } outState.putIntArray("fileselects", fileselects) outState.putString("pwfile", mEmbeddedPwFile) outState.putParcelable("mSourceUri", mSourceUri) } override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, result: Intent?) { if (requestCode == RESULT_INSTALLPKCS12 && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { showCertDialog() } if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && requestCode >= CHOOSE_FILE_OFFSET) { val type = Utils.FileType.getFileTypeByValue(requestCode - CHOOSE_FILE_OFFSET) val fs = fileSelectMap[type] fs!!.parseResponse(result, this) val data = fs.data when (type) { Utils.FileType.USERPW_FILE -> mEmbeddedPwFile = data Utils.FileType.PKCS12 -> mResult!!.mPKCS12Filename = data Utils.FileType.TLS_AUTH_FILE -> mResult!!.mTLSAuthFilename = data Utils.FileType.CA_CERTIFICATE -> mResult!!.mCaFilename = data Utils.FileType.CLIENT_CERTIFICATE -> mResult!!.mClientCertFilename = data Utils.FileType.KEYFILE -> mResult!!.mClientKeyFilename = data Utils.FileType.CRL_FILE -> mResult!!.mCrlFilename = data else -> throw RuntimeException("Type is wrong somehow?") } } super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, result) } private fun saveProfile() { val result = Intent() val vpl = ProfileManager.getInstance(this) if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mEmbeddedPwFile)) ConfigParser.useEmbbedUserAuth(mResult, mEmbeddedPwFile) vpl.addProfile(mResult) vpl.saveProfile(this, mResult) vpl.saveProfileList(this) result.putExtra(VpnProfile.EXTRA_PROFILEUUID, mResult!!.uuid.toString()) setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, result) finish() } fun showCertDialog() { try { KeyChain.choosePrivateKeyAlias(this, { alias -> // Credential alias selected. Remember the alias selection for future use. mResult!!.mAlias = alias saveProfile() }, arrayOf("RSA", "EC"), null, // issuer, null for any mResult!!.mServerName, // host name of server requesting the cert, null if unavailable -1, // port of server requesting the cert, -1 if unavailable mAliasName)// List of acceptable key types. null for any // alias to preselect, null if unavailable } catch (anf: ActivityNotFoundException) { val ab = AlertDialog.Builder(this) ab.setTitle(R.string.broken_image_cert_title) ab.setMessage(R.string.broken_image_cert) ab.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null) ab.show() } } private fun installPKCS12(): Intent? { if (!(findViewById(R.id.importpkcs12) as CheckBox).isChecked) { setAuthTypeToEmbeddedPKCS12() return null } var pkcs12datastr = mResult!!.mPKCS12Filename if (VpnProfile.isEmbedded(pkcs12datastr)) { val inkeyIntent = KeyChain.createInstallIntent() pkcs12datastr = VpnProfile.getEmbeddedContent(pkcs12datastr) val pkcs12data = Base64.decode(pkcs12datastr, Base64.DEFAULT) inkeyIntent.putExtra(KeyChain.EXTRA_PKCS12, pkcs12data) if (mAliasName == "") mAliasName = null if (mAliasName != null) { inkeyIntent.putExtra(KeyChain.EXTRA_NAME, mAliasName) } return inkeyIntent } return null } private fun setAuthTypeToEmbeddedPKCS12() { if (VpnProfile.isEmbedded(mResult!!.mPKCS12Filename)) { if (mResult!!.mAuthenticationType == VpnProfile.TYPE_USERPASS_KEYSTORE) mResult!!.mAuthenticationType = VpnProfile.TYPE_USERPASS_PKCS12 if (mResult!!.mAuthenticationType == VpnProfile.TYPE_KEYSTORE) mResult!!.mAuthenticationType = VpnProfile.TYPE_PKCS12 } } private fun getUniqueProfileName(possibleName: String?): String { var i = 0 val vpl = ProfileManager.getInstance(this) var newname = possibleName // Default to if (mResult!!.mName != null && ConfigParser.CONVERTED_PROFILE != mResult!!.mName) newname = mResult!!.mName while (newname == null || vpl.getProfileByName(newname) != null) { i++ if (i == 1) newname = getString(R.string.converted_profile) else newname = getString(R.string.converted_profile_i, i) } return newname } override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu): Boolean { val inflater = menuInflater inflater.inflate(R.menu.import_menu, menu) return true } private fun embedFile(filename: String?, type: Utils.FileType, onlyFindFileAndNullonNotFound: Boolean): String? { if (filename == null) return null // Already embedded, nothing to do if (VpnProfile.isEmbedded(filename)) return filename val possibleFile = findFile(filename, type) return if (possibleFile == null) if (onlyFindFileAndNullonNotFound) null else filename else if (onlyFindFileAndNullonNotFound) possibleFile.absolutePath else readFileContent(possibleFile, type == Utils.FileType.PKCS12) } private fun getFileDialogInfo(type: Utils.FileType): Pair { var titleRes = 0 var value: String? = null when (type) { Utils.FileType.KEYFILE -> { titleRes = R.string.client_key_title if (mResult != null) value = mResult!!.mClientKeyFilename } Utils.FileType.CLIENT_CERTIFICATE -> { titleRes = R.string.client_certificate_title if (mResult != null) value = mResult!!.mClientCertFilename } Utils.FileType.CA_CERTIFICATE -> { titleRes = R.string.ca_title if (mResult != null) value = mResult!!.mCaFilename } Utils.FileType.TLS_AUTH_FILE -> { titleRes = R.string.tls_auth_file if (mResult != null) value = mResult!!.mTLSAuthFilename } Utils.FileType.PKCS12 -> { titleRes = R.string.client_pkcs12_title if (mResult != null) value = mResult!!.mPKCS12Filename } Utils.FileType.USERPW_FILE -> { titleRes = R.string.userpw_file value = mEmbeddedPwFile } Utils.FileType.CRL_FILE -> { titleRes = R.string.crl_file value = mResult!!.mCrlFilename } Utils.FileType.OVPN_CONFIG -> TODO() } return Pair.create(titleRes, value) } private fun findFile(filename: String?, fileType: Utils.FileType): File? { val foundfile = findFileRaw(filename) if (foundfile == null && filename != null && filename != "") { log(R.string.import_could_not_open, filename) } fileSelectMap[fileType] = null return foundfile } private fun addMissingFileDialogs() { for ((key, value) in fileSelectMap) { if (value == null) addFileSelectDialog(key) } } private fun addFileSelectDialog(type: Utils.FileType?) { val fileDialogInfo = getFileDialogInfo(type!!) val isCert = type == Utils.FileType.CA_CERTIFICATE || type == Utils.FileType.CLIENT_CERTIFICATE val fl = FileSelectLayout(this, getString(fileDialogInfo.first), isCert, false) fileSelectMap[type] = fl fl.layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) (findViewById(R.id.config_convert_root) as LinearLayout).addView(fl, 2) findViewById(R.id.files_missing_hint).visibility = View.VISIBLE if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == Build.VERSION_CODES.M) checkPermission() fl.setData(fileDialogInfo.second, this) val i = getFileLayoutOffset(type) fl.setCaller(this, i, type) } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.M) private fun checkPermission() { if (checkSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { findViewById(R.id.permssion_hint).visibility = View.VISIBLE findViewById(R.id.permssion_hint).setOnClickListener(this) } } private fun getFileLayoutOffset(type: Utils.FileType): Int { return CHOOSE_FILE_OFFSET + type.value } private fun findFileRaw(filename: String?): File? { if (filename == null || filename == "") return null // Try diffent path relative to /mnt/sdcard val sdcard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() val root = File("/") val dirlist = HashSet() for (i in mPathsegments!!.indices.reversed()) { var path = "" for (j in 0..i) { path += "/" + mPathsegments!![j] } // Do a little hackish dance for the Android File Importer // /document/primary:ovpn/openvpn-imt.conf if (path.indexOf(':') != -1 && path.lastIndexOf('/') > path.indexOf(':')) { var possibleDir = path.substring(path.indexOf(':') + 1, path.length) // Unquote chars in the path try { possibleDir = URLDecoder.decode(possibleDir, "UTF-8") } catch (ignored: UnsupportedEncodingException) { } possibleDir = possibleDir.substring(0, possibleDir.lastIndexOf('/')) dirlist.add(File(sdcard, possibleDir)) } dirlist.add(File(path)) } dirlist.add(sdcard) dirlist.add(root) val fileparts = filename.split("/".toRegex()).dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }.toTypedArray() for (rootdir in dirlist) { var suffix = "" for (i in fileparts.indices.reversed()) { if (i == fileparts.size - 1) suffix = fileparts[i] else suffix = fileparts[i] + "/" + suffix val possibleFile = File(rootdir, suffix) if (possibleFile.canRead()) return possibleFile } } return null } internal fun readFileContent(possibleFile: File, base64encode: Boolean): String? { val filedata: ByteArray try { filedata = readBytesFromFile(possibleFile) } catch (e: IOException) { log(e.localizedMessage) return null } val data: String if (base64encode) { data = Base64.encodeToString(filedata, Base64.DEFAULT) } else { data = String(filedata) } return VpnProfile.DISPLAYNAME_TAG + possibleFile.name + VpnProfile.INLINE_TAG + data } @Throws(IOException::class) private fun readBytesFromFile(file: File): ByteArray { val input = FileInputStream(file) val len = file.length() if (len > VpnProfile.MAX_EMBED_FILE_SIZE) throw IOException("File size of file to import too large.") // Create the byte array to hold the data val bytes = ByteArray(len.toInt()) // Read in the bytes var offset = 0 var bytesRead: Int do { bytesRead = input.read(bytes, offset, bytes.size - offset) offset += bytesRead } while (offset < bytes.size && bytesRead >= 0) input.close() return bytes } internal fun embedFiles(cp: ConfigParser?) { // This where I would like to have a c++ style // void embedFile(std::string & option) if (mResult!!.mPKCS12Filename != null) { val pkcs12file = findFileRaw(mResult!!.mPKCS12Filename) if (pkcs12file != null) { mAliasName = pkcs12file.name.replace(".p12", "") } else { mAliasName = "Imported PKCS12" } } mResult!!.mCaFilename = embedFile(mResult!!.mCaFilename, Utils.FileType.CA_CERTIFICATE, false) mResult!!.mClientCertFilename = embedFile(mResult!!.mClientCertFilename, Utils.FileType.CLIENT_CERTIFICATE, false) mResult!!.mClientKeyFilename = embedFile(mResult!!.mClientKeyFilename, Utils.FileType.KEYFILE, false) mResult!!.mTLSAuthFilename = embedFile(mResult!!.mTLSAuthFilename, Utils.FileType.TLS_AUTH_FILE, false) mResult!!.mPKCS12Filename = embedFile(mResult!!.mPKCS12Filename, Utils.FileType.PKCS12, false) mResult!!.mCrlFilename = embedFile(mResult!!.mCrlFilename, Utils.FileType.CRL_FILE, true) if (cp != null) { mEmbeddedPwFile = cp.authUserPassFile mEmbeddedPwFile = embedFile(cp.authUserPassFile, Utils.FileType.USERPW_FILE, false) } } private fun updateFileSelectDialogs() { for ((key, value) in fileSelectMap) { value?.setData(getFileDialogInfo(key).second, this) } } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.config_converter) val fab_button = findViewById(R.id.fab_save) if (fab_button != null) { fab_button.setOnClickListener(this) findViewById(R.id.fab_footerspace).visibility = View.VISIBLE } mLogLayout = findViewById(R.id.config_convert_root) as LinearLayout mProfilename = findViewById(R.id.profilename) as EditText mProfilenameLabel = findViewById(R.id.profilename_label) as TextView mCompatmode = findViewById(R.id.compatmode) as Spinner mCompatmodeLabel = findViewById(R.id.compatmode_label) as TextView if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.containsKey(VPNPROFILE)) { mResult = savedInstanceState.getSerializable(VPNPROFILE) as VpnProfile? mAliasName = savedInstanceState.getString("mAliasName") mEmbeddedPwFile = savedInstanceState.getString("pwfile") mSourceUri = savedInstanceState.getParcelable("mSourceUri") mProfilename.setText(mResult!!.mName) mCompatmode.setSelection(Utils.mapCompatVer(mResult!!.mCompatMode)) if (savedInstanceState.containsKey("logentries")) { for (logItem in savedInstanceState.getStringArray("logentries")!!) log(logItem) } if (savedInstanceState.containsKey("fileselects")) { for (k in savedInstanceState.getIntArray("fileselects")!!) { addFileSelectDialog(Utils.FileType.getFileTypeByValue(k)) } } return } if (intent != null) { doImportIntent(intent) // We parsed the intent, relay on saved instance for restoring setIntent(null) } } private fun doImportIntent(intent: Intent) { if (intent.action.equals(IMPORT_PROFILE_DATA)) { val data = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT) if (data != null) { startImportTask(Uri.fromParts("inline", "inlinetext", null), "imported profiles from AS", data); } } else if (intent.action.equals(IMPORT_PROFILE) || intent.action.equals(Intent.ACTION_VIEW)) { val data = intent.data if (data != null) { mSourceUri = data doImportUri(data) } } } private fun doImportUri(data: Uri) { //log(R.string.import_experimental); log(R.string.importing_config, data.toString()) var possibleName: String? = null if (data.scheme != null && data.scheme == "file" || data.lastPathSegment != null && (data.lastPathSegment!!.endsWith(".ovpn") || data.lastPathSegment!!.endsWith(".conf"))) { possibleName = data.lastPathSegment if (possibleName!!.lastIndexOf('/') != -1) possibleName = possibleName.substring(possibleName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) } mPathsegments = data.pathSegments val cursor = contentResolver.query(data, null, null, null, null) try { if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { var columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME) if (columnIndex != -1) { val displayName = cursor.getString(columnIndex) if (displayName != null) possibleName = displayName } columnIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex("mime_type") if (columnIndex != -1) { log("Mime type: " + cursor.getString(columnIndex)) } } } finally { cursor?.close() } if (possibleName != null) { possibleName = possibleName.replace(".ovpn", "") possibleName = possibleName.replace(".conf", "") } startImportTask(data, possibleName, "") } private fun startImportTask(data: Uri, possibleName: String?, inlineData: String) { mImportTask = object : AsyncTask() { private var mProgress: ProgressBar? = null override fun onPreExecute() { mProgress = ProgressBar(this@ConfigConverter) addViewToLog(mProgress) } override fun doInBackground(vararg params: Void): Int? { try { var inputStream: InputStream? if (data.scheme.equals("inline")) { inputStream = inlineData.byteInputStream() } else { inputStream = contentResolver.openInputStream(data) } if (inputStream != null) { doImport(inputStream) } if (mResult == null) return -3 } catch (se: IOException) { log(R.string.import_content_resolve_error.toString() + ":" + se.localizedMessage) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) checkMarschmallowFileImportError(data) return -2 } catch (se: SecurityException) { log(R.string.import_content_resolve_error.toString() + ":" + se.localizedMessage) if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) checkMarschmallowFileImportError(data) return -2 } return 0 } override fun onPostExecute(errorCode: Int?) { mLogLayout.removeView(mProgress) addMissingFileDialogs() updateFileSelectDialogs() if (errorCode == 0) { displayWarnings() mResult!!.mName = getUniqueProfileName(possibleName) mProfilename.visibility = View.VISIBLE mProfilenameLabel.visibility = View.VISIBLE mProfilename.setText(mResult!!.name) mCompatmode.visibility = View.VISIBLE mCompatmodeLabel.visibility = View.VISIBLE mCompatmode.setSelection(Utils.mapCompatVer(mResult!!.mCompatMode)) log(R.string.import_done) } } }.execute() } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.M) private fun checkMarschmallowFileImportError(data: Uri?) { // Permission already granted, not the source of the error if (checkSelfPermission(Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) return // We got a file:/// URL and have no permission to read it. Technically an error of the calling app since // it makes an assumption about other apps being able to read the url but well ... if (data != null && "file" == data.scheme) doRequestSDCardPermission(PERMISSION_REQUEST_READ_URL) } override fun onStart() { super.onStart() } private fun log(logmessage: String?) { runOnUiThread { val tv = TextView(this@ConfigConverter) mLogEntries.add(logmessage) tv.text = logmessage addViewToLog(tv) } } private fun addViewToLog(view: View?) { mLogLayout.addView(view, mLogLayout.childCount - 1) } private fun doImport(inputStream: InputStream) { val cp = ConfigParser() try { val isr = InputStreamReader(inputStream) cp.parseConfig(isr) mResult = cp.convertProfile() embedFiles(cp) return } catch (e: IOException) { log(R.string.error_reading_config_file) log(e.localizedMessage) } catch (e: ConfigParseError) { log(R.string.error_reading_config_file) log(e.localizedMessage) } finally { inputStream.close() } mResult = null } private fun displayWarnings() { if (mResult!!.mUseCustomConfig) { log(R.string.import_warning_custom_options) var copt = mResult!!.mCustomConfigOptions if (copt.startsWith("#")) { val until = copt.indexOf('\n') copt = copt.substring(until + 1) } log(copt) } if (mResult!!.mAuthenticationType == VpnProfile.TYPE_KEYSTORE || mResult!!.mAuthenticationType == VpnProfile.TYPE_USERPASS_KEYSTORE) { findViewById(R.id.importpkcs12).visibility = View.VISIBLE } } private fun log(ressourceId: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any) { log(getString(ressourceId, *formatArgs)) } companion object { @kotlin.jvm.JvmField val IMPORT_PROFILE = "de.blinkt.openvpn.IMPORT_PROFILE" val IMPORT_PROFILE_DATA = "de.blinkt.openvpn.IMPORT_PROFILE_DATA" private val RESULT_INSTALLPKCS12 = 7 private val CHOOSE_FILE_OFFSET = 1000 val VPNPROFILE = "vpnProfile" private val PERMISSION_REQUEST_EMBED_FILES = 37231 private val PERMISSION_REQUEST_READ_URL = PERMISSION_REQUEST_EMBED_FILES + 1 } }