/* lzo_swd.ch -- sliding window dictionary

   This file is part of the LZO real-time data compression library.

   Copyright (C) 2008 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 2007 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 2006 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 2005 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 2004 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 2003 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 2002 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 2001 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 2000 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 1999 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 1998 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 1997 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   Copyright (C) 1996 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
   All Rights Reserved.

   The LZO library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   The LZO library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with the LZO library; see the file COPYING.
   If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

   Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer

#if (LZO_UINT_MAX < LZO_0xffffffffL)
#  error "LZO_UINT_MAX"


#ifndef SWD_N
#  define SWD_N             N
#ifndef SWD_F
#  define SWD_F             F

/* unsigned type for dictionary access - don't waste memory here */
#if (0UL + SWD_N + SWD_F + SWD_F < 0UL + USHRT_MAX)
   typedef unsigned short   swd_uint;
#  define SWD_UINT_MAX      USHRT_MAX
#elif (0UL + SWD_N + SWD_F + SWD_F < 0UL + UINT_MAX)
   typedef unsigned         swd_uint;
#  define SWD_UINT_MAX      UINT_MAX
   typedef lzo_uint         swd_uint;
#  define SWD_UINT_MAX      LZO_UINT_MAX
#define swd_uintp           swd_uint __LZO_MMODEL *
#define SWD_UINT(x)         ((swd_uint)(x))

#ifndef SWD_HSIZE
#  define SWD_HSIZE         16384
#  define SWD_MAX_CHAIN     2048

#if !defined(HEAD3)
#if 1
#  define HEAD3(b,p) \
    ((DMUL(0x9f5f,(((((lzo_xint)b[p]<<5)^b[p+1])<<5)^b[p+2]))>>5) & (SWD_HSIZE-1))
#  define HEAD3(b,p) \
    ((DMUL(0x9f5f,(((((lzo_xint)b[p+2]<<5)^b[p+1])<<5)^b[p]))>>5) & (SWD_HSIZE-1))

#if (SWD_THRESHOLD == 1) && !defined(HEAD2)
#  if 1 && defined(LZO_UNALIGNED_OK_2)
#    define HEAD2(b,p)      (* (lzo_ushortp) &(b[p]))
#  else
#    define HEAD2(b,p)      (b[p] ^ ((unsigned)b[p+1]<<8))
#  endif
#  define NIL2              SWD_UINT_MAX

typedef struct
/* public - "built-in" */
    lzo_uint n;
    lzo_uint f;
    lzo_uint threshold;

/* public - configuration */
    lzo_uint max_chain;
    lzo_uint nice_length;
    lzo_bool use_best_off;
    lzo_uint lazy_insert;

/* public - output */
    lzo_uint m_len;
    lzo_uint m_off;
    lzo_uint look;
    int b_char;
#if defined(SWD_BEST_OFF)
    lzo_uint best_off[ SWD_BEST_OFF ];

/* semi public */
    lzo_uint m_pos;
#if defined(SWD_BEST_OFF)
    lzo_uint best_pos[ SWD_BEST_OFF ];

/* private */
    const lzo_bytep dict;
    const lzo_bytep dict_end;
    lzo_uint dict_len;

/* private */
    lzo_uint ip;                /* input pointer (lookahead) */
    lzo_uint bp;                /* buffer pointer */
    lzo_uint rp;                /* remove pointer */
    lzo_uint b_size;

    lzo_bytep b_wrap;

    lzo_uint node_count;
    lzo_uint first_rp;

#if defined(__LZO_MMODEL_HUGE)
#  define A(type, n)    ((((n) * sizeof(type)) + 3UL) &~ 3UL)

#  define O_b(s)        (0L)
#  define O_head3(s)    (O_b(s) + A(char, 0UL + SWD_N + SWD_F + SWD_F))
#  define O_succ3(s)    (O_head3(s) + A(swd_uint, 0UL + SWD_HSIZE))
#  define O_best3(s)    (O_succ3(s) + A(swd_uint, 0UL + SWD_N + SWD_F))
#  define O_llen3(s)    (O_best3(s) + A(swd_uint, 0UL + SWD_N + SWD_F))
# ifdef HEAD2
#  define O_head2(s)    (O_llen3(s) + A(swd_uint, 0UL + SWD_HSIZE))
#  define O_END(s)      (O_head2(s) + A(swd_uint, 0UL + 65536L))
# else
#  define O_END(s)      (O_llen3(s) + A(swd_uint, 0UL + SWD_HSIZE))
# endif

#  define S_DEF(s,type,off)  ((type) ((lzo_bytep)s + 0L + sizeof(*s) + off))
#  define s_b(s)        S_DEF(s, lzo_bytep, O_b(s))
#  define s_head3(s)    S_DEF(s, swd_uintp, O_head3(s))
#  define s_succ3(s)    S_DEF(s, swd_uintp, O_succ3(s))
#  define s_best3(s)    S_DEF(s, swd_uintp, O_best3(s))
#  define s_llen3(s)    S_DEF(s, swd_uintp, O_llen3(s))
# ifdef HEAD2
#  define s_head2(s)    S_DEF(s, swd_uintp, O_head2(s))
# endif

#elif defined(__LZO_CHECKER)
    /* malloc arrays of the exact size to detect any overrun */
    unsigned char *b;
    swd_uint *head3;
    swd_uint *succ3;
    swd_uint *best3;
    swd_uint *llen3;
# ifdef HEAD2
    swd_uint *head2;
# endif

    unsigned char b [ SWD_N + SWD_F + SWD_F ];
    swd_uint head3 [ SWD_HSIZE ];
    swd_uint succ3 [ SWD_N + SWD_F ];
    swd_uint best3 [ SWD_N + SWD_F ];
    swd_uint llen3 [ SWD_HSIZE ];
# ifdef HEAD2
    swd_uint head2 [ 65536L ];
# endif
#define lzo_swd_p   lzo_swd_t __LZO_MMODEL *

#if defined(__LZO_MMODEL_HUGE)
#define SIZEOF_LZO_SWD_T    O_END(0)
#define s_b(s)      s->b
#define s_head3(s)  s->head3
#define s_succ3(s)  s->succ3
#define s_best3(s)  s->best3
#define s_llen3(s)  s->llen3
#ifdef HEAD2
#define s_head2(s)  s->head2
#define SIZEOF_LZO_SWD_T    (sizeof(lzo_swd_t))

/* Access macro for head3.
 * head3[key] may be uninitialized, but then its value will never be used.
#if defined(__LZO_CHECKER)
#  define s_get_head3(s,key) \
        ((s->llen3[key] == 0) ? SWD_UINT_MAX : s_head3(s)[key])
#  define s_get_head3(s,key)    s_head3(s)[key]


void swd_initdict(lzo_swd_p s, const lzo_bytep dict, lzo_uint dict_len)
    s->dict = s->dict_end = NULL;
    s->dict_len = 0;

    if (!dict || dict_len <= 0)
    if (dict_len > s->n)
        dict += dict_len - s->n;
        dict_len = s->n;

    s->dict = dict;
    s->dict_len = dict_len;
    s->dict_end = dict + dict_len;
    s->ip = dict_len;

void swd_insertdict(lzo_swd_p s, lzo_uint node, lzo_uint len)
    lzo_uint key;

    s->node_count = s->n - len;
    s->first_rp = node;

    while (len-- > 0)
        key = HEAD3(s_b(s),node);
        s_succ3(s)[node] = s_get_head3(s,key);
        s_head3(s)[key] = SWD_UINT(node);
        s_best3(s)[node] = SWD_UINT(s->f + 1);
        assert(s_llen3(s)[key] <= SWD_N);

#ifdef HEAD2
        key = HEAD2(s_b(s),node);
        s_head2(s)[key] = SWD_UINT(node);



int swd_init(lzo_swd_p s, const lzo_bytep dict, lzo_uint dict_len)
    lzo_uint i = 0;
    int c = 0;

#if defined(__LZO_CHECKER)
    s->b = malloc(SWD_N + SWD_F + SWD_F);
    s->head3 = malloc(sizeof(swd_uint) * SWD_HSIZE);
    s->succ3 = malloc(sizeof(swd_uint) * (SWD_N + SWD_F));
    s->best3 = malloc(sizeof(swd_uint) * (SWD_N + SWD_F));
    s->llen3 = malloc(sizeof(swd_uint) * SWD_HSIZE);
#ifdef HEAD2
    s->head2 = malloc(sizeof(swd_uint) * 65536L);

    s->n = SWD_N;
    s->f = SWD_F;
    s->threshold = SWD_THRESHOLD;

    /* defaults */
    s->max_chain = SWD_MAX_CHAIN;
    s->nice_length = SWD_F;
    s->use_best_off = 0;
    s->lazy_insert = 0;

    s->b_size = s->n + s->f;
#if 0
    if (2 * s->f >= s->n || s->b_size + s->f >= SWD_UINT_MAX)
        return LZO_E_ERROR;
    LZO_COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(!(0ul + 2 * SWD_F >= SWD_N))
    s->b_wrap = s_b(s) + s->b_size;
    s->node_count = s->n;

    lzo_memset(s_llen3(s), 0, sizeof(s_llen3(s)[0]) * (lzo_uint)SWD_HSIZE);
#ifdef HEAD2
#if 1
    lzo_memset(s_head2(s), 0xff, sizeof(s_head2(s)[0]) * 65536L);
    assert(s_head2(s)[0] == NIL2);
    for (i = 0; i < 65536L; i++)
        s_head2(s)[i] = NIL2;

    s->ip = 0;
    s->bp = s->ip;
    s->first_rp = s->ip;

    assert(s->ip + s->f <= s->b_size);
#if 1
    s->look = (lzo_uint) (s->c->in_end - s->c->ip);
    if (s->look > 0)
        if (s->look > s->f)
            s->look = s->f;
        s->c->ip += s->look;
        s->ip += s->look;
    s->look = 0;
    while (s->look < s->f)
        if ((c = getbyte(*(s->c))) < 0)
        s_b(s)[s->ip] = LZO_BYTE(c);
    if (s->ip == s->b_size)
        s->ip = 0;

    if (s->look >= 2 && s->dict_len > 0)

    s->rp = s->first_rp;
    if (s->rp >= s->node_count)
        s->rp -= s->node_count;
        s->rp += s->b_size - s->node_count;

#if defined(__LZO_CHECKER)
    /* initialize memory for the first few HEAD3 (if s->ip is not far
     * enough ahead to do this job for us). The value doesn't matter. */
    if (s->look < 3)

    return LZO_E_OK;

void swd_exit(lzo_swd_p s)
#if defined(__LZO_CHECKER)
    /* free in reverse order of allocations */
#ifdef HEAD2
    free(s->head2); s->head2 = NULL;
    free(s->llen3); s->llen3 = NULL;
    free(s->best3); s->best3 = NULL;
    free(s->succ3); s->succ3 = NULL;
    free(s->head3); s->head3 = NULL;
    free(s->b); s->b = NULL;

#define swd_pos2off(s,pos) \
    (s->bp > (pos) ? s->bp - (pos) : s->b_size - ((pos) - s->bp))


static __lzo_inline
void swd_getbyte(lzo_swd_p s)
    int c;

    if ((c = getbyte(*(s->c))) < 0)
        if (s->look > 0)
#if defined(__LZO_CHECKER)
        /* initialize memory - value doesn't matter */
        s_b(s)[s->ip] = 0;
        if (s->ip < s->f)
            s->b_wrap[s->ip] = 0;
        s_b(s)[s->ip] = LZO_BYTE(c);
        if (s->ip < s->f)
            s->b_wrap[s->ip] = LZO_BYTE(c);
    if (++s->ip == s->b_size)
        s->ip = 0;
    if (++s->bp == s->b_size)
        s->bp = 0;
    if (++s->rp == s->b_size)
        s->rp = 0;

// remove node from lists

static __lzo_inline
void swd_remove_node(lzo_swd_p s, lzo_uint node)
    if (s->node_count == 0)
        lzo_uint key;

#ifdef LZO_DEBUG
        if (s->first_rp != LZO_UINT_MAX)
            if (node != s->first_rp)
                printf("Remove %5u: %5u %5u %5u %5u  %6u %6u\n",
                        node, s->rp, s->ip, s->bp, s->first_rp,
                        s->ip - node, s->ip - s->bp);
            assert(node == s->first_rp);
            s->first_rp = LZO_UINT_MAX;

        key = HEAD3(s_b(s),node);
        assert(s_llen3(s)[key] > 0);

#ifdef HEAD2
        key = HEAD2(s_b(s),node);
        assert(s_head2(s)[key] != NIL2);
        if ((lzo_uint) s_head2(s)[key] == node)
            s_head2(s)[key] = NIL2;


void swd_accept(lzo_swd_p s, lzo_uint n)
    assert(n <= s->look);

    while (n--)
        lzo_uint key;


        /* add bp into HEAD3 */
        key = HEAD3(s_b(s),s->bp);
        s_succ3(s)[s->bp] = s_get_head3(s,key);
        s_head3(s)[key] = SWD_UINT(s->bp);
        s_best3(s)[s->bp] = SWD_UINT(s->f + 1);
        assert(s_llen3(s)[key] <= SWD_N);

#ifdef HEAD2
        /* add bp into HEAD2 */
        key = HEAD2(s_b(s),s->bp);
        s_head2(s)[key] = SWD_UINT(s->bp);



void swd_search(lzo_swd_p s, lzo_uint node, lzo_uint cnt)
    const lzo_bytep p1;
    const lzo_bytep p2;
    const lzo_bytep px;
    lzo_uint m_len = s->m_len;
    const lzo_bytep b  = s_b(s);
    const lzo_bytep bp = s_b(s) + s->bp;
    const lzo_bytep bx = s_b(s) + s->bp + s->look;
    unsigned char scan_end1;

    assert(s->m_len > 0);

    scan_end1 = bp[m_len - 1];
    for ( ; cnt-- > 0; node = s_succ3(s)[node])
        p1 = bp;
        p2 = b + node;
        px = bx;

        assert(m_len < s->look);

        if (
#if 1
            p2[m_len - 1] == scan_end1 &&
            p2[m_len] == p1[m_len] &&
            p2[0] == p1[0] &&
            p2[1] == p1[1])
            lzo_uint i;
            assert(lzo_memcmp(bp,&b[node],3) == 0);

#if 0 && defined(LZO_UNALIGNED_OK_4)
            p1 += 3; p2 += 3;
            while (p1 < px && * (const lzo_uint32p) p1 == * (const lzo_uint32p) p2)
                p1 += 4, p2 += 4;
            while (p1 < px && *p1 == *p2)
                p1 += 1, p2 += 1;
            p1 += 2; p2 += 2;
            do {} while (++p1 < px && *p1 == *++p2);
            i = pd(p1, bp);

#ifdef LZO_DEBUG
            if (lzo_memcmp(bp,&b[node],i) != 0)
                printf("%5ld %5ld %02x%02x %02x%02x\n",
                        (long)s->bp, (long) node,
                        bp[0], bp[1], b[node], b[node+1]);
            assert(lzo_memcmp(bp,&b[node],i) == 0);

#if defined(SWD_BEST_OFF)
            if (i < SWD_BEST_OFF)
                if (s->best_pos[i] == 0)
                    s->best_pos[i] = node + 1;
            if (i > m_len)
                s->m_len = m_len = i;
                s->m_pos = node;
                if (m_len == s->look)
                if (m_len >= s->nice_length)
                if (m_len > (lzo_uint) s_best3(s)[node])
                scan_end1 = bp[m_len - 1];


#ifdef HEAD2

lzo_bool swd_search2(lzo_swd_p s)
    lzo_uint key;

    assert(s->look >= 2);
    assert(s->m_len > 0);

    key = s_head2(s)[ HEAD2(s_b(s),s->bp) ];
    if (key == NIL2)
        return 0;
#ifdef LZO_DEBUG
    if (lzo_memcmp(&s_b(s)[s->bp],&s_b(s)[key],2) != 0)
        printf("%5ld %5ld %02x%02x %02x%02x\n", (long)s->bp, (long)key,
                s_b(s)[s->bp], s_b(s)[s->bp+1], s_b(s)[key], s_b(s)[key+1]);
    assert(lzo_memcmp(&s_b(s)[s->bp],&s_b(s)[key],2) == 0);
#if defined(SWD_BEST_OFF)
    if (s->best_pos[2] == 0)
        s->best_pos[2] = key + 1;

    if (s->m_len < 2)
        s->m_len = 2;
        s->m_pos = key;
    return 1;



void swd_findbest(lzo_swd_p s)
    lzo_uint key;
    lzo_uint cnt, node;
    lzo_uint len;

    assert(s->m_len > 0);

    /* get current head, add bp into HEAD3 */
    key = HEAD3(s_b(s),s->bp);
    node = s_succ3(s)[s->bp] = s_get_head3(s,key);
    cnt = s_llen3(s)[key]++;
    assert(s_llen3(s)[key] <= SWD_N + SWD_F);
    if (cnt > s->max_chain && s->max_chain > 0)
        cnt = s->max_chain;
    s_head3(s)[key] = SWD_UINT(s->bp);

    s->b_char = s_b(s)[s->bp];
    len = s->m_len;
    if (s->m_len >= s->look)
        if (s->look == 0)
            s->b_char = -1;
        s->m_off = 0;
        s_best3(s)[s->bp] = SWD_UINT(s->f + 1);
#ifdef HEAD2
        if (swd_search2(s))
            if (s->look >= 3)
        if (s->m_len > len)
            s->m_off = swd_pos2off(s,s->m_pos);
        s_best3(s)[s->bp] = SWD_UINT(s->m_len);

#if defined(SWD_BEST_OFF)
        if (s->use_best_off)
            int i;
            for (i = 2; i < SWD_BEST_OFF; i++)
                if (s->best_pos[i] > 0)
                    s->best_off[i] = swd_pos2off(s,s->best_pos[i]-1);
                    s->best_off[i] = 0;


#ifdef HEAD2
    /* add bp into HEAD2 */
    key = HEAD2(s_b(s),s->bp);
    s_head2(s)[key] = SWD_UINT(s->bp);

#undef HEAD3
#undef HEAD2
#undef s_get_head3
