This is my first Android project, so some things may be done in a completely stupid way. See the file todo.txt for ideas/not yet implemented features (and the bug tracker). Build instraction: - Install sdk - Install ndk Do ./ in the root directory of the project. Use eclipse with android plugins to build the project. Optional: Copy minivpn from lib/ to assets (if you want your own compiled version) Starting a VPN by name from an external app: public class StartOpenVPNActivity extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); final String EXTRA_NAME = "de.blinkt.openvpn.shortcutProfileName"; Intent shortcutIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); shortcutIntent.setClassName("de.blinkt.openvpn", "de.blinkt.openvpn.LaunchVPN"); shortcutIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_NAME,"upb ssl"); startActivity(shortcutIntent); } } or from the shell: am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n de.blinkt.openvpn/.LaunchVPN -e de.blinkt.openvpn.shortcutProfileName Home