OpenVPN for Android ============= ![build status]( Description ------------ With the new VPNService of Android API level 14+ (Ice Cream Sandwich) it is possible to create a VPN service that does not need root access. This project is a port of OpenVPN. <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Get it on F-Droid" height="80"/></a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Get it on Google Play" height="80"/></a> Code Transparency ----------------- Fingerprint of the code transparency key used to be able to verify that apks generated by the Play are not modified ( 19 62 43 6C 96 B4 9D 12 75 83 B1 22 DA 14 F4 5D 2B 78 5D A4 13 1F 04 BE 73 A0 88 32 15 59 18 8D Full signing certificate (also under misc/code-transparency.pem): -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFjTCCA3WgAwIBAgIIJDXa55a+Ag0wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQAwdDELMAkGA1UE BhMCREUxDDAKBgNVBAgTA05SVzESMBAGA1UEBxMJUGFkZXJib3JuMRowGAYDVQQK ExFBdmlhbiBJUCBDYXJyaWVyczEQMA4GA1UECxMHUkZDMTE0OTEVMBMGA1UEAxMM QXJuZSBTY2h3YWJlMCAXDTIzMDcyNzA5MzEyNloYDzIwNTMwNzE5MDkzMTI2WjB0 MQswCQYDVQQGEwJERTEMMAoGA1UECBMDTlJXMRIwEAYDVQQHEwlQYWRlcmJvcm4x GjAYBgNVBAoTEUF2aWFuIElQIENhcnJpZXJzMRAwDgYDVQQLEwdSRkMxMTQ5MRUw EwYDVQQDEwxBcm5lIFNjaHdhYmUwggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4ICDwAwggIK AoICAQC8FZVaV1aEy3SmIWQSn0xVjn9yrhOyQOZ2AasqB9EH1ylSZs4zii/ePiBE 4g/auhDPnn/K1hWYevCJr/7zvJVaaocpl0hLqXHCQr7tSifREDM8lHeXYlW67Bbx sFFREvHfDyAHM5CYDzIEDWrHNp2mBFRLLP1fgl5bZ8r50UCyNdvgIHozDwXITdnR FeTSzIugZaLL+tGvtVU3Mc03bHhFp9mVbB3ZRjVnZsQ8Abs++zimT9srDqRFkbC0 F1N+Syicw3JRI2trLB6Fezc4lCwAmeKQRIY+QOdCZZSaD5+iyINcXg63QJRkGdoL GHhp6wCiJD2xwpuiQLVVzF1sIOUJWq0tcjazjXo3axsHbMhRZNCwspq2wUTgLtuZ xSWT1enJF+1o2Y4ecR+aaKorppFe00Bhylg1+tj0CWfn6rwee1jkyf+hFDIuqvZi Mukbeke7K3ADK8JdJ6xl9FbZeafFxGHiwt+Ftc5oDariC3LR3gN0ochrNiNI20qS 3ZAKeHaRLy6AUP8ccvD+KQf439JVXquDdlCgFkE7uSv136cY3HVk1QPzzDJFwFoQ TNdLajd2YJD1GXZzinT+HOjrLt61P+qAY1cmsxaKdBdBRXFiRyUaZbBUD+4omcvy Uoz8nWXUdwqyEjtYeq+XmL4HX3t3JhNy8zfyLpf6Xa4y0Zdq9QIDAQABoyEwHzAd BgNVHQ4EFgQUoivC+NgNB1xqM76DTI3QR6DCgFIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQADggIB ALo1KRzLjgbpK1aZPfJJ63R2CQLX2KpolHO4GZxcXgZCv2h9V45aiLO6nKUDL6Dc 6A0izgxtNQlwuloBTb0fMIS/A9Pl1p8/M1JvYNC1zDWVBKeUMkEeBwVCo8rn8giG GtdDNLJmFv5bqgS6ZF2av2pZnkr2Q2sAiSFVpBzFjP2T5/WNkO3O7ybTb+c5VeQE DuOpJawd+/5m4SjYmthARBX57gpDZiGR/Usid2FHrSSXmddbFkD8tbZUM0AvSW4z 8TX2v3eO3PJPov5uksV4USNCUxPx7KfVQDsvbGJyup9I08fvVrAI1ZJGuk33QGLa Uy2U7UuUGmarOpN9xBrTWkGw/6J+XdJbArRV3N+TjzAs0cCCcqp94+W7aXb7Bvna ssXnvvd8Ph2DVocv4msk8NNnGh4Ss2wbfOM1j7hlka0szARjOzribm3oagu5dQmE b+CV2mE9RokP3co1hMIf4GAFQM+Ul+4nzz2ogQ7JJfkbLJFnM0WUUzpeKLmB3UD6 3kWlS6ZsDrqXUDNwUJ0Fn4Kcg0YYKGtQGqUngcwYlU8iuH+WU/cf2XuLM/r8K94l P7u5iBz+Cot3lyKMv7GY4huboCe91i4njrjUJkYbyXdNS5WvZoznvg/YsAYBsYk8 X3vLORq2tRoP4oMEEGEussYdnpWeqYroHJ9FdDM7Sv7e -----END CERTIFICATE----- Developing --------------- If you want to develop on ics-openvpn please read the [doc/README.txt]( *before* opening issues or emailing me. Also please note that before contributing to the project that I would like to retain my ability to relicense the project for different third parties and therefore probably need a contributer's agreement from any contributing party. To get started, [sign the Contributor License Agreement]( You can help ------------ Even if you are no programmer you can help by translating the OpenVPN client into your native language. [Crowdin provides a free service for non commercial open source projects]( (Fixing/completing existing translations is very welcome as well) FAQ ----- You can find the FAQ here (same as in app): Controlling from external apps ------------------------------ There is the AIDL API for real controlling (see developing section). Due to high demand also acitvies to start/stop, pause/resume (like a user would with the notification) exists - `de.blinkt.openvpn.api.DisconnectVPN` - `de.blinkt.openvpn.api.ConnectVPN` - `de.blinkt.openvpn.api.PauseVPN` - `de.blinkt.openvpn.api.ResumeVPN` They use `de.blinkt.openvpn.api.profileName` as extra for the name of the VPN profile. You can use `adb` to to test these intents: adb -d shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n de.blinkt.openvpn/.api.ConnectVPN --es de.blinkt.openvpn.api.profileName myvpnprofile Note to administrators ------------------------ You make your life and that of your users easier if you embed the certificates into the .ovpn file. You or the users can mail the .ovpn as a attachment to the phone and directly import and use it. Also downloading and importing the file works. The MIME Type should be application/x-openvpn-profile. Inline files are supported since OpenVPN 2.1rc1 and documented in the [OpenVPN 2.3 man page]( (under INLINE FILE SUPPORT) (Using inline certifaces can also make your life on non-Android platforms easier since you only have one file.) For example `ca mycafile.pem` becomes ``` <ca> -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIHPTCCBSWgAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADB5MRAwDgYDVQQKEwdSb290 [...] -----END CERTIFICATE----- </ca> ``` Footnotes ----------- Please note that OpenVPN used by this project is under GPLv2. If you cannot or do not want to use the Play Store you can [download the apk files directly]( If you want to donate you can donate to [ via paypal](, or alternatively if you believe in fancy Internet money you can use Bitcoin: 1EVWVqpVQFhoFE6gKaqSkfvSNdmLAjcQ9z The old official or main repository was a Mercurial (hg) repository at The new Git repository is now at GitHub under Please read the doc/README before asking questions or starting development.