path: root/main/openssl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'main/openssl/')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 647 deletions
diff --git a/main/openssl b/main/openssl
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 4d377a9ce111930d8a8f06dc0e94a892a7f6c51
diff --git a/main/openssl/ b/main/openssl/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9743872a..00000000
--- a/main/openssl/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,647 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-export LANG=C
-export LC_ALL=C
-PROGDIR=$(dirname "$0")
-PROGNAME=$(basename "$0")
-panic () {
- echo "ERROR: $@"
- exit 1
-# Dump message is $VERBOSE >= $1
-# $1+: message.
-dump_n () {
- local LOG_LEVEL=$1
- shift
- if [ "$VERBOSE" -ge "$LOG_LEVEL" ]; then
- printf "%s\n" "$@"
- fi
-# Dump a message unless --quiet is used.
-# $1+: message.
-dump () {
- dump_n 1 "$@"
-# Dump a message if --verbose is used only.
-# $1+: message.
-log () {
- dump_n 2 "$@"
-# Run a command silently, unless --verbose or '--verbose --verbose'
-# is used.
-# $1+: Command
-# Return: command status.
-run () {
- log "COMMAND: $*"
- case $VERBOSE in
- 0)
- "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 || return $?
- ;;
- 1)
- "$@" >/dev/null || return $?
- ;;
- *)
- "$@" || return $?
- ;;
- esac
-# $1: string
-# Out: input string, with capital letters replaced by small ones.
-tolower () {
- echo "$1" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'
-# Return value of a given variable.
-# $1: Variable name
-var_value () {
- eval printf \"%s\" \"\$$1\"
-# Remove some items from a list
-# $1: input space-separated list
-# $2: space-separated list of items to remove from 1
-# Out: items of $1 without items of $2
-filter_out () {
- local TMP=$(mktemp)
- local RESULT
- printf "" > $TMP
- echo "$2" | tr ' ' '\n' > $TMP
- RESULT=$(echo "$1" | tr ' ' '\n' | fgrep -x -v -f $TMP | tr '\n' ' ')
- rm -f $TMP
- echo "$RESULT"
-src_to_obj () {
- case $1 in
- *.c)
- echo ${1%%.c}.o
- ;;
- *.S)
- echo ${1%%.S}.o
- ;;
- *)
- echo $1
- ;;
- esac
-# Determine host operating system.
-HOST_OS=$(uname -s)
-case $HOST_OS in
- Linux)
- HOST_OS=linux
- ;;
- Darwin)
- HOST_OS=darwin
- ;;
-# Determine host architecture
-HOST_ARCH=$(uname -m)
-case $HOST_ARCH in
- i?86)
- ;;
- linux-x86_64|darwin-x86-64)
- ;;
- *)
- panic "Sorry, this script can only run on 64-bit Linux or Darwin"
-# Determine number of cores
-case $HOST_OS in
- linux)
- NUM_CORES=$(grep -c "processor" /proc/cpuinfo)
- ;;
- darwin)
- NUM_CORES=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
-# The list of supported Android target architectures.
-# NOTE: x86_64 is not ready yet, while the toolchain is in
-# prebuilts/ it doesn't have a sysroot which means it requires
-# a platform build to get Bionic and stuff.
-ANDROID_ARCHS="arm arm64 x86 x86_64 mips"
-HOST_BUILD_TYPES="$HOST_OS-x86 $HOST_OS-generic32 $HOST_OS-generic64"
-# Parse command-line
-SRC_DIR=$(cd $PROGDIR && pwd)
-ANDROID_BUILD_TOP=$(cd $PROGDIR/../.. && pwd)
-for OPT; do
- case $OPT in
- --help|-h|-?)
- DO_HELP=true
- ;;
- --build-dir=*)
- BUILD_DIR=${OPT##--build-dir=}
- ;;
- --verbose)
- VERBOSE=$(( $VERBOSE + 1 ))
- ;;
- --jobs=*)
- NUM_JOBS=${OPT##--jobs=}
- ;;
- --quiet)
- VERBOSE=$(( $VERBOSE - 1 ))
- ;;
- -j*)
- NUM_JOBS=${OPT##-j}
- ;;
- -*)
- panic "Unknown option '$OPT', see --help for details."
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
- esac
-# Print help when needed.
-if [ "$DO_HELP" ]; then
- echo \
-"Usage: $PROGNAME [options] [<build-type> ...]
-This script is used to ensure that all OpenSSL build variants compile
-properly. It can be used after modifying external/openssl/openssl.config
-and re-running to check that any changes didn't break
-the build.
-A <build-type> is a description of a given build of the library and its
-program. Its format is:
- <compiler>-<system>-<arch>
-Where: <compiler> is either 'gcc' or 'clang'.
- <system> is 'android', 'linux' or 'darwin'.
- <arch> is 'arm', 'x86' or 'mips'.
-By default, it rebuilds the sources for the following build types:
- echo " $BUILD_TYPE"
- done
- echo \
-"However, you can pass custom values on the command-line instead.
-This scripts generates a custom Makefile in a temporary directory, then
-launches 'make' in it to build all binaries in parallel. In case of
-problem, you can use the --build-dir=<path> option to specify a custom
-build-directory, which will _not_ be removed when the script exits.
-For example, to better see why a build fails:
- ./$PROGNAME --build-dir=/tmp/mydir
- make -C /tmp/mydir V=1
-Valid options:
- --help|-h|-? Print this message.
- --build-dir=<path> Specify build directory.
- --jobs=<count> Run <count> parallel build jobs [$NUM_JOBS].
- -j<count> Same as --jobs=<count>.
- --verbose Increase verbosity.
- --quiet Decrease verbosity.
- exit 0
-log "Host OS: $HOST_OS"
-log "Host arch: $HOST_ARCH"
-log "Host CPU count: $NUM_CORES"
-if [ -z "$BUILD_TYPES" ]; then
-log "Build types: $BUILD_TYPES"
-if [ -z "$BUILD_DIR" ]; then
- # Create a temporary directory, ensure it gets destroyed properly
- # when the script exits.
- BUILD_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
- clean_build_dir () {
- log "Cleaning up temporary directory: $BUILD_DIR"
- rm -rf "$BUILD_DIR"
- exit $1
- }
- trap "clean_build_dir 0" EXIT
- trap "clean_build_dir \$?" INT HUP QUIT TERM
- log "Using temporary build directory: $BUILD_DIR"
- log "Using user build directory: $BUILD_DIR"
-mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR" && rm -rf "$BUILD_DIR"/*
-# Return source files for a given module and architecture.
-# $1: module prefix (e.g. CRYPTO)
-# $2: build arch.
-get_module_src_files_for_arch () {
- local prefix=$1
- local arch=$2
- local src_files="$(var_value OPENSSL_${prefix}_SOURCES)"
- src_files="$src_files $(var_value OPENSSL_${prefix}_SOURCES_${arch})"
- local exclude_files="$(var_value OPENSSL_${prefix}_SOURCES_EXCLUDES_${arch})"
- src_files=$(filter_out "$src_files" "$exclude_files")
- echo "$src_files"
-# Return the compiler defines for a given module and architecture
-# $1: module prefix (e.g. CRYPTO)
-# $2 build arch.
-get_module_defines_for_arch () {
- local prefix=$1
- local arch=$2
- local defines="$(var_value OPENSSL_${prefix}_DEFINES)"
- defines="$defines $(var_value OPENSSL_${prefix}_DEFINES_${arch})"
- echo "$defines"
-# $1: module prefix (e.g. CRYPTO)
-get_module_c_includes () {
- var_value OPENSSL_$1_INCLUDES
-# $1: build type (e.g. gcc-android-arm)
-# Out: build arch.
-get_build_arch () {
- echo "$1" | cut -d- -f3
-# $1: build arch
-# Out: GNU configuration target (e.g. arm-linux-androideabi)
-get_build_arch_target () {
- case $1 in
- arm64)
- echo "aarch64-linux-android"
- ;;
- arm)
- echo "arm-linux-androideabi"
- ;;
- x86)
- echo "x86_64-linux-android"
- ;;
- x86_64)
- echo "x86_64-linux-android"
- ;;
- mips)
- echo "mipsel-linux-android"
- ;;
- *)
- echo "$1-linux-android"
- ;;
- esac
-get_prebuilt_gcc_dir_for_arch () {
- local arch=$1
- local target=$(get_build_arch_target $arch)
- # Adjust $arch for x86_64 because the prebuilts are actually
- # under prebuilts/gcc/<host>/x86/
- case $arch in
- x86_64)
- arch=x86
- ;;
- arm64)
- arch=aarch64
- ;;
- esac
- echo "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/prebuilts/gcc/$ANDROID_HOST_TAG/$arch/$target-$GCC_VERSION"
-get_prebuilt_clang () {
- echo "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/prebuilts/clang/$ANDROID_HOST_TAG/$CLANG_VERSION/clang"
-get_prebuilt_ndk_sysroot_for_arch () {
- echo "$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/prebuilts/ndk/current/platforms/android-9/arch-$1"
-get_c_runtime_file () {
- local build_type=$1
- local arch=$(get_build_arch $build_type)
- local filename=$2
- echo "$(get_prebuilt_ndk_sysroot_for_arch $arch)/usr/lib/$filename"
-# $1: build type (e.g. gcc-android-arm)
-get_build_compiler () {
- local arch=$(get_build_arch $1)
- local target=$(get_build_arch_target $arch)
- local gcc_dir=$(get_prebuilt_gcc_dir_for_arch $arch);
- local result
- # Get the toolchain binary.
- case $1 in
- gcc-android-*)
- result="$gcc_dir/bin/$target-gcc"
- ;;
- clang-android-*)
- result="$(get_prebuilt_clang) -target $target -B$gcc_dir/$target/bin -I$gcc_dir/lib/gcc/$target/$GCC_VERSION/include"
- ;;
- gcc-*)
- result=gcc
- ;;
- clang-*) # Must have host clang compiler.
- result=clang
- ;;
- esac
- compiler_check=$(which $result 2>/dev/null || echo "")
- if [ -z "$compiler_check" ]; then
- panic "Could not find compiler: $result"
- fi
- # Get the Android sysroot if needed.
- case $1 in
- *-android-*)
- result="$result --sysroot=$(get_prebuilt_ndk_sysroot_for_arch $arch)"
- ;;
- esac
- # Force -m32 flag when needed for 32-bit builds.
- case $1 in
- *-x86|*-generic32)
- result="$result -m32"
- ;;
- esac
- echo "$result"
-# $1: build type.
-# Out: common compiler flags for this build.
-get_build_c_flags () {
- local result="-O2 -fPIC"
- case $1 in
- *-android-arm)
- result="$result -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16"
- ;;
- esac
- case $1 in
- *-generic32|*-generic64)
- # Generic builds do not compile without this flag.
- result="$result -DOPENSSL_NO_ASM"
- ;;
- esac
- echo "$result"
-# $1: build type.
-# Out: linker for this build.
-get_build_linker () {
- get_build_compiler $1
-clear_sources () {
- g_all_objs=""
-# Generate build instructions to compile source files.
-# Also update g_all_objs.
-# $1: module prefix (e.g. CRYPTO)
-# $2: build type
-build_sources () {
- local prefix=$1
- local build_type=$2
- echo "## build_sources prefix='$prefix' build_type='$build_type'"
- local arch=$(get_build_arch $build_type)
- local src_files=$(get_module_src_files_for_arch $prefix $arch)
- local c_defines=$(get_module_defines_for_arch $prefix $arch)
- local c_includes=$(get_module_c_includes $prefix "$SRC_DIR")
- local build_cc=$(get_build_compiler $build_type)
- local build_cflags=$(get_build_c_flags $build_type)
- local build_linker=$(get_build_linker $build_type)
- local src obj def inc
- printf "OUT_DIR := $OUT_DIR/$build_type\n\n"
- printf "BUILD_CC := $build_cc\n\n"
- printf "BUILD_LINKER := $build_linker\n\n"
- printf "BUILD_CFLAGS := $build_cflags"
- for inc in $c_includes; do
- printf " -I\$(SRC_DIR)/$inc"
- done
- for def in $c_defines; do
- printf " -D$def"
- done
- printf "\n\n"
- printf "BUILD_OBJECTS :=\n\n"
- case $build_type in
- clang-android-*)
- # The version of clang that comes with the platform build doesn't
- # support simple linking of shared libraries and executables. One
- # has to provide the C runtime files explicitely.
- local crtbegin_so=$(get_c_runtime_file $build_type crtbegin_so.o)
- local crtend_so=$(get_c_runtime_file $build_type crtend_so.o)
- local crtbegin_exe=$(get_c_runtime_file $build_type crtbegin_dynamic.o)
- local crtend_exe=$(get_c_runtime_file $build_type crtend_android.o)
- printf "CRTBEGIN_SO := $crtbegin_so\n"
- printf "CRTEND_SO := $crtend_so\n"
- printf "CRTBEGIN_EXE := $crtbegin_exe\n"
- printf "CRTEND_EXE := $crtend_exe\n"
- printf "\n"
- ;;
- esac
- for src in $src_files; do
- obj=$(src_to_obj $src)
- g_all_objs="$g_all_objs $obj"
- printf "OBJ := \$(OUT_DIR)/$obj\n"
- printf "BUILD_OBJECTS += \$(OBJ)\n"
- printf "\$(OBJ): PRIVATE_CC := \$(BUILD_CC)\n"
- printf "\$(OBJ): PRIVATE_CFLAGS := \$(BUILD_CFLAGS)\n"
- printf "\$(OBJ): \$(SRC_DIR)/$src\n"
- printf "\t@echo [$build_type] CC $src\n"
- printf "\t@mkdir -p \$\$(dirname \$@)\n"
- printf "\t\$(hide) \$(PRIVATE_CC) \$(PRIVATE_CFLAGS) -c -o \$@ \$<\n"
- printf "\n"
- done
- printf "\n"
-# $1: library name (e.g. crypto).
-# $2: module prefix (e.g. CRYPTO).
-# $3: build type.
-# $4: source directory.
-# $5: output directory.
-build_shared_library () {
- local name=$1
- local prefix=$2
- local build_type=$3
- local src_dir="$4"
- local out_dir="$5"
- local shlib="lib${name}.so"
- local build_linker=$(get_build_linker $build_type)
- clear_sources
- build_sources $prefix $build_type
- # TODO(digit): Make the clang build link properly.
- printf "SHLIB=\$(OUT_DIR)/$shlib\n"
- printf "\$(SHLIB): PRIVATE_LINKER := \$(BUILD_LINKER)\n"
- case $build_type in
- clang-android-*)
- printf "\$(SHLIB): PRIVATE_CRTEND := \$(CRTEND_SO)\n"
- ;;
- esac
- printf "\$(SHLIB): \$(BUILD_OBJECTS)\n"
- printf "\t@echo [$build_type] SHARED_LIBRARY $(basename $shlib)\n"
- printf "\t@mkdir -p \$\$(dirname \$@)\n"
- case $build_type in
- clang-android-*)
- printf "\t\$(hide) \$(PRIVATE_LINKER) -nostdlib -shared -o \$@ \$(PRIVATE_CRTBEGIN) \$^ \$(PRIVATE_CRTEND)\n"
- ;;
- *)
- printf "\t\$(hide) \$(PRIVATE_LINKER) -shared -o \$@ \$^\n"
- ;;
- esac
- printf "\n"
-# $1: executable name.
-# $2: module prefix (e.g. APPS).
-# $3: build type.
-# $4: source directory.
-# $5: output directory.
-# $6: dependent shared libraries (e.g. 'crypto ssl')
-build_executable () {
- local name=$1
- local prefix=$2
- local build_type=$3
- local src_dir="$4"
- local out_dir="$5"
- local shlibs="$6"
- local build_linker=$(get_build_linker $build_type)
- clear_sources
- build_sources $prefix $build_type
- # TODO(digit): Make the clang build link properly.
- exec=$name
- all_shlibs=
- printf "EXEC := \$(OUT_DIR)/$name\n"
- printf "openssl_all: \$(EXEC)\n"
- printf "\$(EXEC): PRIVATE_LINKER := \$(BUILD_LINKER)\n"
- printf "\$(EXEC): \$(BUILD_OBJECTS)"
- for lib in $shlibs; do
- printf " \$(OUT_DIR)/lib${lib}.so"
- done
- printf "\n"
- printf "\t@echo [$build_type] EXECUTABLE $name\n"
- printf "\t@mkdir -p \$\$(dirname \$@)\n"
- printf "\t\$(hide) \$(PRIVATE_LINKER) -o \$@ \$^\n"
- printf "\n"
-generate_openssl_build () {
- local build_type=$1
- local out="$OUT_DIR/$build_type"
- ALL_BUILDS="$ALL_BUILDS $build_type"
- echo "# Build type: $build_type"
- build_shared_library crypto CRYPTO $build_type "$SRC_DIR" "$out"
- build_shared_library ssl SSL $build_type "$SRC_DIR" "$out"
- build_executable openssl APPS $build_type "$SRC_DIR" "$out" "crypto ssl"
-generate_makefile () {
- echo \
-"# Auto-generated by $PROGDIR - do not edit
-.PHONY: openssl_all
-all: openssl_all
-# Use 'make V=1' to print build commands.
-ifeq (1,\$(V))
-hide :=
-hide := @
- generate_openssl_build gcc-$BUILD_TYPE
- done
-# TODO(digit): Make the Clang build run.
-# generate_openssl_build clang-$BUILD_TYPE
-# done
-. $SRC_DIR/openssl.config
-dump "Generating Makefile"
-log "Makefile path: $MAKEFILE"
-generate_makefile > $MAKEFILE
-dump "Building libraries with $NUM_JOBS jobs"
-dump "For the following builds:"
-for BUILD in $ALL_BUILDS; do
- dump " $BUILD"
-if [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 2 ]; then
-run make $MAKE_FLAGS -f "$MAKEFILE" -C "$BUILD_DIR"
-case $? in
- 0)
- dump "All OK, congratulations!"
- ;;
- *)
- dump "Error, try doing the following to inspect the issues:"
- dump " $PROGNAME --build-dir=/tmp/mybuild"
- dump " make -C /tmp/mybuild V=1"
- dump " "
- ;;