path: root/main/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/x86-mont.S
diff options
authorArne Schwabe <>2014-04-23 09:56:37 +0200
committerArne Schwabe <>2014-04-23 09:56:37 +0200
commite436c963f0976b885a7db04681344779e26dd3b5 (patch)
tree240663106f32e02e1c34080656f4ef21a2e1776e /main/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/x86-mont.S
parent6a99715a9b072fa249e79c98cd9f03991f0f1219 (diff)
Update OpenSSL to 1.0.1g and statically link OpenVPN with it
Diffstat (limited to 'main/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/x86-mont.S')
1 files changed, 338 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/x86-mont.S b/main/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/x86-mont.S
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bbb0e3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/x86-mont.S
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+.file "crypto/bn/asm/x86-mont.s"
+.globl bn_mul_mont
+.type bn_mul_mont,@function
+.align 16
+ pushl %ebp
+ pushl %ebx
+ pushl %esi
+ pushl %edi
+ xorl %eax,%eax
+ movl 40(%esp),%edi
+ cmpl $4,%edi
+ jl .L000just_leave
+ leal 20(%esp),%esi
+ leal 24(%esp),%edx
+ movl %esp,%ebp
+ addl $2,%edi
+ negl %edi
+ leal -32(%esp,%edi,4),%esp
+ negl %edi
+ movl %esp,%eax
+ subl %edx,%eax
+ andl $2047,%eax
+ subl %eax,%esp
+ xorl %esp,%edx
+ andl $2048,%edx
+ xorl $2048,%edx
+ subl %edx,%esp
+ andl $-64,%esp
+ movl (%esi),%eax
+ movl 4(%esi),%ebx
+ movl 8(%esi),%ecx
+ movl 12(%esi),%edx
+ movl 16(%esi),%esi
+ movl (%esi),%esi
+ movl %eax,4(%esp)
+ movl %ebx,8(%esp)
+ movl %ecx,12(%esp)
+ movl %edx,16(%esp)
+ movl %esi,20(%esp)
+ leal -3(%edi),%ebx
+ movl %ebp,24(%esp)
+ movl 8(%esp),%esi
+ leal 1(%ebx),%ebp
+ movl 12(%esp),%edi
+ xorl %ecx,%ecx
+ movl %esi,%edx
+ andl $1,%ebp
+ subl %edi,%edx
+ leal 4(%edi,%ebx,4),%eax
+ orl %edx,%ebp
+ movl (%edi),%edi
+ jz .L001bn_sqr_mont
+ movl %eax,28(%esp)
+ movl (%esi),%eax
+ xorl %edx,%edx
+.align 16
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ addl %eax,%ebp
+ leal 1(%ecx),%ecx
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ movl (%esi,%ecx,4),%eax
+ cmpl %ebx,%ecx
+ movl %ebp,28(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ jl .L002mull
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ movl 20(%esp),%edi
+ addl %ebp,%eax
+ movl 16(%esp),%esi
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ imull 32(%esp),%edi
+ movl %eax,32(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ xorl %ecx,%ecx
+ movl %edx,36(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ movl %ecx,40(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ movl (%esi),%eax
+ mull %edi
+ addl 32(%esp),%eax
+ movl 4(%esi),%eax
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ incl %ecx
+ jmp .L0032ndmadd
+.align 16
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ addl 32(%esp,%ecx,4),%ebp
+ leal 1(%ecx),%ecx
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ addl %eax,%ebp
+ movl (%esi,%ecx,4),%eax
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ cmpl %ebx,%ecx
+ movl %ebp,28(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ jl .L0041stmadd
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ addl 32(%esp,%ebx,4),%eax
+ movl 20(%esp),%edi
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ movl 16(%esp),%esi
+ addl %eax,%ebp
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ imull 32(%esp),%edi
+ xorl %ecx,%ecx
+ addl 36(%esp,%ebx,4),%edx
+ movl %ebp,32(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ adcl $0,%ecx
+ movl (%esi),%eax
+ movl %edx,36(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ movl %ecx,40(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ mull %edi
+ addl 32(%esp),%eax
+ movl 4(%esi),%eax
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ movl $1,%ecx
+.align 16
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ addl 32(%esp,%ecx,4),%ebp
+ leal 1(%ecx),%ecx
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ addl %eax,%ebp
+ movl (%esi,%ecx,4),%eax
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ cmpl %ebx,%ecx
+ movl %ebp,24(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ jl .L0032ndmadd
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ addl 32(%esp,%ebx,4),%ebp
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ addl %eax,%ebp
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ movl %ebp,28(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ xorl %eax,%eax
+ movl 12(%esp),%ecx
+ addl 36(%esp,%ebx,4),%edx
+ adcl 40(%esp,%ebx,4),%eax
+ leal 4(%ecx),%ecx
+ movl %edx,32(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ cmpl 28(%esp),%ecx
+ movl %eax,36(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ je .L005common_tail
+ movl (%ecx),%edi
+ movl 8(%esp),%esi
+ movl %ecx,12(%esp)
+ xorl %ecx,%ecx
+ xorl %edx,%edx
+ movl (%esi),%eax
+ jmp .L0041stmadd
+.align 16
+ movl %ebx,(%esp)
+ movl %ecx,12(%esp)
+ movl %edi,%eax
+ mull %edi
+ movl %eax,32(%esp)
+ movl %edx,%ebx
+ shrl $1,%edx
+ andl $1,%ebx
+ incl %ecx
+.align 16
+ movl (%esi,%ecx,4),%eax
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ addl %ebp,%eax
+ leal 1(%ecx),%ecx
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ leal (%ebx,%eax,2),%ebp
+ shrl $31,%eax
+ cmpl (%esp),%ecx
+ movl %eax,%ebx
+ movl %ebp,28(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ jl .L006sqr
+ movl (%esi,%ecx,4),%eax
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ addl %ebp,%eax
+ movl 20(%esp),%edi
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ movl 16(%esp),%esi
+ leal (%ebx,%eax,2),%ebp
+ imull 32(%esp),%edi
+ shrl $31,%eax
+ movl %ebp,32(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ leal (%eax,%edx,2),%ebp
+ movl (%esi),%eax
+ shrl $31,%edx
+ movl %ebp,36(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ movl %edx,40(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ mull %edi
+ addl 32(%esp),%eax
+ movl %ecx,%ebx
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ movl 4(%esi),%eax
+ movl $1,%ecx
+.align 16
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ addl 32(%esp,%ecx,4),%ebp
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ addl %eax,%ebp
+ movl 4(%esi,%ecx,4),%eax
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ movl %ebp,28(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ addl 36(%esp,%ecx,4),%ebp
+ leal 2(%ecx),%ecx
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ addl %eax,%ebp
+ movl (%esi,%ecx,4),%eax
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ cmpl %ebx,%ecx
+ movl %ebp,24(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ jl .L0073rdmadd
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ addl 32(%esp,%ebx,4),%ebp
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ addl %eax,%ebp
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ movl %ebp,28(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ movl 12(%esp),%ecx
+ xorl %eax,%eax
+ movl 8(%esp),%esi
+ addl 36(%esp,%ebx,4),%edx
+ adcl 40(%esp,%ebx,4),%eax
+ movl %edx,32(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ cmpl %ebx,%ecx
+ movl %eax,36(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ je .L005common_tail
+ movl 4(%esi,%ecx,4),%edi
+ leal 1(%ecx),%ecx
+ movl %edi,%eax
+ movl %ecx,12(%esp)
+ mull %edi
+ addl 32(%esp,%ecx,4),%eax
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ movl %eax,32(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ xorl %ebp,%ebp
+ cmpl %ebx,%ecx
+ leal 1(%ecx),%ecx
+ je .L008sqrlast
+ movl %edx,%ebx
+ shrl $1,%edx
+ andl $1,%ebx
+.align 16
+ movl (%esi,%ecx,4),%eax
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ mull %edi
+ addl %ebp,%eax
+ leal (%eax,%eax,1),%ebp
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ shrl $31,%eax
+ addl 32(%esp,%ecx,4),%ebp
+ leal 1(%ecx),%ecx
+ adcl $0,%eax
+ addl %ebx,%ebp
+ adcl $0,%eax
+ cmpl (%esp),%ecx
+ movl %ebp,28(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ movl %eax,%ebx
+ jle .L009sqradd
+ movl %edx,%ebp
+ addl %edx,%edx
+ shrl $31,%ebp
+ addl %ebx,%edx
+ adcl $0,%ebp
+ movl 20(%esp),%edi
+ movl 16(%esp),%esi
+ imull 32(%esp),%edi
+ addl 32(%esp,%ecx,4),%edx
+ movl (%esi),%eax
+ adcl $0,%ebp
+ movl %edx,32(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ movl %ebp,36(%esp,%ecx,4)
+ mull %edi
+ addl 32(%esp),%eax
+ leal -1(%ecx),%ebx
+ adcl $0,%edx
+ movl $1,%ecx
+ movl 4(%esi),%eax
+ jmp .L0073rdmadd
+.align 16
+ movl 16(%esp),%ebp
+ movl 4(%esp),%edi
+ leal 32(%esp),%esi
+ movl (%esi),%eax
+ movl %ebx,%ecx
+ xorl %edx,%edx
+.align 16
+ sbbl (%ebp,%edx,4),%eax
+ movl %eax,(%edi,%edx,4)
+ decl %ecx
+ movl 4(%esi,%edx,4),%eax
+ leal 1(%edx),%edx
+ jge .L010sub
+ sbbl $0,%eax
+ andl %eax,%esi
+ notl %eax
+ movl %edi,%ebp
+ andl %eax,%ebp
+ orl %ebp,%esi
+.align 16
+ movl (%esi,%ebx,4),%eax
+ movl %eax,(%edi,%ebx,4)
+ movl %ecx,32(%esp,%ebx,4)
+ decl %ebx
+ jge .L011copy
+ movl 24(%esp),%esp
+ movl $1,%eax
+ popl %edi
+ popl %esi
+ popl %ebx
+ popl %ebp
+ ret
+.size bn_mul_mont,.-.L_bn_mul_mont_begin
+.byte 77,111,110,116,103,111,109,101,114,121,32,77,117,108,116,105
+.byte 112,108,105,99,97,116,105,111,110,32,102,111,114,32,120,56
+.byte 54,44,32,67,82,89,80,84,79,71,65,77,83,32,98,121
+.byte 32,60,97,112,112,114,111,64,111,112,101,110,115,115,108,46
+.byte 111,114,103,62,0