- @title = "Bitmask for Mac OS" - @nav_title = 'Mac OS' h2. Download latest version Bitmask requires Mountain Lion or newer. <%= render({:partial => 'common/download_button'}, {:link => 'https://dl.bitmask.net/client/osx/Bitmask-OSX-latest.dmg', :text => 'Download for Mac OS'}) %> Optionally, you can [[authenticate the signature => signature-verification]] for the Bitmask .dmg file using [[this signature file => https://dl.bitmask.net/client/osx/Bitmask-OSX-latest.dmg.asc]]. Once the file `Bitmask-OSX-latest.dmg` has been saved to your computer, mount the `.dmg` image and drag the `Bitmask` icon to your `Applications` folder. h2. Download other versions If you want to install an old or experimental version of Bitmask, you can [[browse all releases => https://dl.bitmask.net/client/osx/]].