- @title = 'home' .row .col-sm-8.col-sm-offset-2 .p.alert.alert-danger %i.fa.fa-warning WARNING: Bitmask is very experimental. Please do not use these beta releases of Bitmask for situations where a compromise of your data could put you in danger. Also, you might lose your data: although Bitmask is improving rapidly, it is possible that you could lose your email when using an early beta release. .row.bm-front-buttons .col-sm-3.col-xs-6 %a.btn.btn-lg.btn-default{:href=>"/linux"} %i.fa.fa-linux.fa-5x %br/ GNU/Linux .col-sm-3.col-xs-6 %a.btn.btn-lg.btn-default{:href=>"/mac"} %i.fa.fa-apple.fa-5x %br/ Mac OS .col-sm-3.col-xs-6 %a.btn.btn-lg.btn-default{:href=>"/windows"} %i.fa.fa-windows.fa-5x %br/ Windows .col-sm-3.col-xs-6 %a.btn.btn-lg.btn-default{:href=>"/android"} %i.fa.fa-android.fa-5x %br/ Android