class Dashing.JenkinsBuildStatus extends Dashing.Widget lastPlayed: 0 timeBetweenSounds: 300000 onData: (data) -> if data.failed $(@node).find('').show() $(@node).find('').hide() $(@node).css("background-color", "red") if 'speechSynthesis' of window @playSoundForUser data.failedJobs[0].value if - @lastPlayed > @timeBetweenSounds else $(@node).find('').hide() $(@node).find('').show() $(@node).css("background-color", "#12b0c5") playSoundForUser: (user) -> @lastPlayed = texts = ["#{user} has broken the build.", "The build is broken by #{user}", "#{user} is great, but lacks some programming skills", "Oops, I did it again."] textNr = Math.floor((Math.random() * texts.length)); @playSound texts[textNr] playSound: (text) -> msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text) msg.voice = speechSynthesis.getVoices()[0] speechSynthesis.speak msg