require 'thor' require 'open-uri' module Dashing class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions attr_reader :name class << self attr_accessor :auth_token def hyphenate(str) return str.downcase if str =~ /^[A-Z-]+$/ str.gsub('_', '-').gsub(/\B[A-Z]/, '-\&').squeeze('-').downcase end end no_tasks do %w(widget dashboard job).each do |type| define_method "generate_#{type}" do |name| @name = Thor::Util.snake_case(name) directory(type.to_sym, "#{type}s") end end end desc "new PROJECT_NAME", "Sets up ALL THE THINGS needed for your dashboard project." def new(name) @name = Thor::Util.snake_case(name) directory(:project, @name) end desc "generate (widget/dashboard/job) NAME", "Creates a new widget, dashboard, or job." def generate(type, name) public_send("generate_#{type}".to_sym, name) rescue NoMethodError => e puts "Invalid generator. Either use widget, dashboard, or job" end desc "install GIST_ID", "Installs a new widget from a gist." def install(gist_id) gist = Downloader.get_gist(gist_id) public_url = "{gist_id}" install_widget_from_gist(gist) print set_color("Don't forget to edit the ", :yellow) print set_color("Gemfile ", :yellow, :bold) print set_color("and run ", :yellow) print set_color("bundle install ", :yellow, :bold) say set_color("if needed. More information for this widget can be found at #{public_url}", :yellow) rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => http_error say set_color("Could not find gist at #{public_url}"), :red end desc "start", "Starts the server in style!" method_option :job_path, :desc => "Specify the directory where jobs are stored" def start(*args) port_option = args.include?('-p') ? '' : ' -p 3030' args = args.join(' ') command = "bundle exec thin -R start#{port_option} #{args}" command.prepend "export JOB_PATH=#{options[:job_path]}; " if options[:job_path] run_command(command) end desc "stop", "Stops the thin server" def stop command = "bundle exec thin stop" run_command(command) end desc "job JOB_NAME AUTH_TOKEN(optional)", "Runs the specified job. Make sure to supply your auth token if you have one set." def job(name, auth_token = "") Dir[File.join(Dir.pwd, 'lib/**/*.rb')].each {|file| require_file(file) } self.class.auth_token = auth_token f = File.join(Dir.pwd, "jobs", "#{name}.rb") require_file(f) end # map some commands map 'g' => :generate map 'i' => :install map 's' => :start private def run_command(command) system(command) end def install_widget_from_gist(gist) gist['files'].each do |file, details| if file =~ /\.(html|coffee|scss)\z/ widget_name = File.basename(file, '.*') new_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'widgets', widget_name, file) create_file(new_path, details['content']) elsif file.end_with?('.rb') new_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'jobs', file) create_file(new_path, details['content']) end end end def require_file(file) require file end end end