require 'sinatra' require 'sprockets' require 'sinatra/content_for' require 'rufus/scheduler' require 'coffee-script' require 'sass' require 'json' require 'yaml' SCHEDULER = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new set :root, Dir.pwd set :sprockets, set :assets_prefix, '/assets' set :digest_assets, false ['assets/javascripts', 'assets/stylesheets', 'assets/fonts', 'assets/images', 'widgets', File.expand_path('../../javascripts', __FILE__)]. each do |path| settings.sprockets.append_path path end set server: 'thin', connections: [], history_file: 'history.yml' # Persist history in tmp file at exit at_exit do, 'w') do |f| f.puts settings.history.to_yaml end end if File.exists?(settings.history_file) set history: YAML.load_file(settings.history_file) else set history: {} end set :public_folder, File.join(settings.root, 'public') set :views, File.join(settings.root, 'dashboards') set :default_dashboard, nil set :auth_token, nil helpers Sinatra::ContentFor helpers do def protected! # override with auth logic end end get '/events', provides: 'text/event-stream' do protected! response.headers['X-Accel-Buffering'] = 'no' # Disable buffering for nginx stream :keep_open do |out| settings.connections << out out << latest_events out.callback { settings.connections.delete(out) } end end get '/' do begin redirect "/" + (settings.default_dashboard || first_dashboard).to_s rescue NoMethodError => e raise"There are no dashboards in your dashboard directory.") end end get '/:dashboard' do protected! tilt_html_engines.each do |suffix, _| file = File.join(settings.views, "#{params[:dashboard]}.#{suffix}") return render(suffix.to_sym, params[:dashboard].to_sym) if File.exist? file end halt 404 end get '/views/:widget?.html' do protected! tilt_html_engines.each do |suffix, engines| file = File.join(settings.root, "widgets", params[:widget], "#{params[:widget]}.#{suffix}") return if File.exist? file end end post '/reload' do request.body.rewind body = JSON.parse( auth_token = body.delete("auth_token") if !settings.auth_token || settings.auth_token == auth_token send_event('/reload', body) 204 # response without entity body else status 401 "Invalid API key\n" end end post '/widgets/:id' do request.body.rewind body = JSON.parse( auth_token = body.delete("auth_token") if !settings.auth_token || settings.auth_token == auth_token send_event(params['id'], body) 204 # response without entity body else status 401 "Invalid API key\n" end end not_found do send_file File.join(settings.public_folder, '404.html') end def development? ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'development' end def production? ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'production' end def send_event(id, body) body[:id] = id body[:updatedAt] ||= event = format_event(body.to_json) Sinatra::Application.settings.history[id] = event unless id =~ /^\// Sinatra::Application.settings.connections.each { |out| out << event } end def format_event(body) "data: #{body}\n\n" end def latest_events settings.history.inject("") do |str, (id, body)| str << body end end def first_dashboard files = Dir[File.join(settings.views, '*')].collect { |f| File.basename(f, '.*') } files -= ['layout'] files.first end def tilt_html_engines do |_, engines| default_mime_type = engines.first.default_mime_type default_mime_type.nil? || default_mime_type == 'text/html' end end Dir[File.join(settings.root, 'lib', '**', '*.rb')].each {|file| require file } {}.to_json # Forces your json codec to initialize (in the event that it is lazily loaded). Does this before job threads start. job_path = ENV["JOB_PATH"] || 'jobs' files = Dir[File.join(settings.root, job_path, '**', '/*.rb')] files.each { |job| require(job) }