# LEAP Dashboard Check out http://shopify.github.com/dashing for more information. The maintained shopify fork of dashing can be found here: https://github.com/Dashing-io/dashing.git ## Setup Install bundler if required ``` gem install bundler ``` Install app dependencies using bundler: ``` bundle install --path=vendor/bundle --deployment ``` If `bundle install` fails along the way, you're probably missing Xcode command line utilities: `xcode-select --install` If you're getting `fatal error: 'openssl/ssl.h' file not found` installing `eventmachine` dependency, you can try install it using the following command (make sure you have openssl installed): ```bash gem install eventmachine -v '1.0.7' -- --with-cppflags='-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include' ``` To gather the data, the dashboard needs access to your GoCI account & a GitHub token. You can store them and make them available to the app like so: ```bash cp credentials_example credentials source credentials ``` For this dashboard you furthermore need nodejs installed, e.g. ```bash nodenv local 0.10.36 ``` Use dashing to build the dashboard or start it locally. ``` dashing start ``` See `dashing --help` for usage.