# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not # use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. # to run (requires ruby and rspec): # spec test/view_server/query_server_spec.rb -f specdoc --color COUCH_ROOT = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../.." unless defined?(COUCH_ROOT) LANGUAGE = ENV["QS_LANG"] || "js" puts "Running query server specs for #{LANGUAGE} query server" require 'spec' require 'json' class OSProcessRunner def self.run trace = ENV["QS_TRACE"] || false puts "launching #{run_command}" if trace if block_given? IO.popen(run_command, "r+") do |io| qs = QueryServerRunner.new(io, trace) yield qs end else io = IO.popen(run_command, "r+") QueryServerRunner.new(io, trace) end end def initialize io, trace = false @qsio = io @trace = trace end def close @qsio.close end def reset! run(["reset"]) end def add_fun(fun) run(["add_fun", fun]) end def get_chunks resp = jsgets raise "not a chunk" unless resp.first == "chunks" return resp[1] end def run json rrun json jsgets end def rrun json line = json.to_json puts "run: #{line}" if @trace @qsio.puts line end def rgets resp = @qsio.gets puts "got: #{resp}" if @trace resp end def jsgets resp = rgets # err = @qserr.gets # puts "err: #{err}" if err if resp begin rj = JSON.parse("[#{resp.chomp}]")[0] rescue JSON::ParserError puts "JSON ERROR (dump under trace mode)" # puts resp.chomp while resp = rgets # puts resp.chomp end end if rj.respond_to?(:[]) && rj.is_a?(Array) if rj[0] == "log" log = rj[1] puts "log: #{log}" if @trace rj = jsgets end end rj else raise "no response" end end end class QueryServerRunner < OSProcessRunner COMMANDS = { "js" => "#{COUCH_ROOT}/src/couchdb/couchjs #{COUCH_ROOT}/share/server/main.js", "erlang" => "#{COUCH_ROOT}/test/run_native_process.es" } def self.run_command COMMANDS[LANGUAGE] end end class ExternalRunner < OSProcessRunner def self.run_command "#{COUCH_ROOT}/src/couchdb/couchjs #{COUCH_ROOT}/share/server/echo.js" end end functions = { "emit-twice" => { "js" => %{function(doc){emit("foo",doc.a); emit("bar",doc.a)}}, "erlang" => <<-ERLANG fun({Doc}) -> A = proplists:get_value(<<"a">>, Doc, null), Emit(<<"foo">>, A), Emit(<<"bar">>, A) end. ERLANG }, "emit-once" => { "js" => %{function(doc){emit("baz",doc.a)}}, "erlang" => <<-ERLANG fun({Doc}) -> A = proplists:get_value(<<"a">>, Doc, null), Emit(<<"baz">>, A) end. ERLANG }, "reduce-values-length" => { "js" => %{function(keys, values, rereduce) { return values.length; }}, "erlang" => %{fun(Keys, Values, ReReduce) -> length(Values) end.} }, "reduce-values-sum" => { "js" => %{function(keys, values, rereduce) { return sum(values); }}, "erlang" => %{fun(Keys, Values, ReReduce) -> lists:sum(Values) end.} }, "validate-forbidden" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx) { if(newDoc.bad) throw({forbidden:"bad doc"}); "foo bar"; } JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG fun({NewDoc}, _OldDoc, _UserCtx) -> case proplists:get_value(<<"bad">>, NewDoc) of undefined -> 1; _ -> {[{forbidden, <<"bad doc">>}]} end end. ERLANG }, "show-simple" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(doc, req) { log("ok"); return [doc.title, doc.body].join(' - '); } JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG fun({Doc}, Req) -> Title = proplists:get_value(<<"title">>, Doc), Body = proplists:get_value(<<"body">>, Doc), Resp = <>, {[{<<"body">>, Resp}]} end. ERLANG }, "show-headers" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(doc, req) { var resp = {"code":200, "headers":{"X-Plankton":"Rusty"}}; resp.body = [doc.title, doc.body].join(' - '); return resp; } JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG fun({Doc}, Req) -> Title = proplists:get_value(<<"title">>, Doc), Body = proplists:get_value(<<"body">>, Doc), Resp = <<Title/binary, " - ", Body/binary>>, {[ {<<"code">>, 200}, {<<"headers">>, {[{<<"X-Plankton">>, <<"Rusty">>}]}}, {<<"body">>, Resp} ]} end. ERLANG }, "show-sends" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(head, req) { start({headers:{"Content-Type" : "text/plain"}}); send("first chunk"); send('second "chunk"'); return "tail"; }; JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG fun(Head, Req) -> Resp = {[ {<<"headers">>, {[{<<"Content-Type">>, <<"text/plain">>}]}} ]}, Start(Resp), Send(<<"first chunk">>), Send(<<"second \\\"chunk\\\"">>), <<"tail">> end. ERLANG }, "show-while-get-rows" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(head, req) { send("first chunk"); send(req.q); var row; log("about to getRow " + typeof(getRow)); while(row = getRow()) { send(row.key); }; return "tail"; }; JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG, fun(Head, {Req}) -> Send(<<"first chunk">>), Send(proplists:get_value(<<"q">>, Req)), Fun = fun({Row}, _) -> Send(proplists:get_value(<<"key">>, Row)), {ok, nil} end, {ok, _} = FoldRows(Fun, nil), <<"tail">> end. ERLANG }, "show-while-get-rows-multi-send" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(head, req) { send("bacon"); var row; log("about to getRow " + typeof(getRow)); while(row = getRow()) { send(row.key); send("eggs"); }; return "tail"; }; JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG, fun(Head, Req) -> Send(<<"bacon">>), Fun = fun({Row}, _) -> Send(proplists:get_value(<<"key">>, Row)), Send(<<"eggs">>), {ok, nil} end, FoldRows(Fun, nil), <<"tail">> end. ERLANG }, "list-simple" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(head, req) { send("first chunk"); send(req.q); var row; while(row = getRow()) { send(row.key); }; return "early"; }; JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG, fun(Head, {Req}) -> Send(<<"first chunk">>), Send(proplists:get_value(<<"q">>, Req)), Fun = fun({Row}, _) -> Send(proplists:get_value(<<"key">>, Row)), {ok, nil} end, FoldRows(Fun, nil), <<"early">> end. ERLANG }, "list-chunky" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(head, req) { send("first chunk"); send(req.q); var row, i=0; while(row = getRow()) { send(row.key); i += 1; if (i > 2) { return('early tail'); } }; }; JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG, fun(Head, {Req}) -> Send(<<"first chunk">>), Send(proplists:get_value(<<"q">>, Req)), Fun = fun ({Row}, Count) when Count < 2 -> Send(proplists:get_value(<<"key">>, Row)), {ok, Count+1}; ({Row}, Count) when Count == 2 -> Send(proplists:get_value(<<"key">>, Row)), {stop, <<"early tail">>} end, {ok, Tail} = FoldRows(Fun, 0), Tail end. ERLANG }, "list-old-style" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(head, req, foo, bar) { return "stuff"; } JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG, fun(Head, Req, Foo, Bar) -> <<"stuff">> end. ERLANG }, "list-capped" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(head, req) { send("bacon") var row, i = 0; while(row = getRow()) { send(row.key); i += 1; if (i > 2) { return('early'); } }; } JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG, fun(Head, Req) -> Send(<<"bacon">>), Fun = fun ({Row}, Count) when Count < 2 -> Send(proplists:get_value(<<"key">>, Row)), {ok, Count+1}; ({Row}, Count) when Count == 2 -> Send(proplists:get_value(<<"key">>, Row)), {stop, <<"early">>} end, {ok, Tail} = FoldRows(Fun, 0), Tail end. ERLANG }, "list-raw" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(head, req) { send("first chunk"); send(req.q); var row; while(row = getRow()) { send(row.key); }; return "tail"; }; JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG, fun(Head, {Req}) -> Send(<<"first chunk">>), Send(proplists:get_value(<<"q">>, Req)), Fun = fun({Row}, _) -> Send(proplists:get_value(<<"key">>, Row)), {ok, nil} end, FoldRows(Fun, nil), <<"tail">> end. ERLANG }, "filter-basic" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(doc, req) { if (doc.good) { return true; } } JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG, fun({Doc}, Req) -> proplists:get_value(<<"good">>, Doc) end. ERLANG }, "update-basic" => { "js" => <<-JS, function(doc, req) { doc.world = "hello"; var resp = [doc, "hello doc"]; return resp; } JS "erlang" => <<-ERLANG, fun({Doc}, Req) -> Doc2 = [{<<"world">>, <<"hello">>}|Doc], [{Doc2}, {[{<<"body">>, <<"hello doc">>}]}] end. ERLANG } } describe "query server normal case" do before(:all) do `cd #{COUCH_ROOT} && make` @qs = QueryServerRunner.run end after(:all) do @qs.close end it "should reset" do @qs.run(["reset"]).should == true end it "should run map funs" do @qs.reset! @qs.run(["add_fun", functions["emit-twice"][LANGUAGE]]).should == true @qs.run(["add_fun", functions["emit-once"][LANGUAGE]]).should == true rows = @qs.run(["map_doc", {:a => "b"}]) rows[0][0].should == ["foo", "b"] rows[0][1].should == ["bar", "b"] rows[1][0].should == ["baz", "b"] end describe "reduce" do before(:all) do @fun = functions["reduce-values-length"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! end it "should reduce" do kvs = (0...10).collect{|i|[i,i*2]} @qs.run(["reduce", [@fun], kvs]).should == [true, [10]] end end describe "rereduce" do before(:all) do @fun = functions["reduce-values-sum"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! end it "should rereduce" do vs = (0...10).collect{|i|i} @qs.run(["rereduce", [@fun], vs]).should == [true, [45]] end end # it "should validate" describe "validation" do before(:all) do @fun = functions["validate-forbidden"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! end it "should allow good updates" do @qs.run(["validate", @fun, {"good" => true}, {}, {}]).should == 1 end it "should reject invalid updates" do @qs.run(["validate", @fun, {"bad" => true}, {}, {}]).should == {"forbidden"=>"bad doc"} end end describe "show" do before(:all) do @fun = functions["show-simple"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! end it "should show" do @qs.rrun(["show", @fun, {:title => "Best ever", :body => "Doc body"}, {}]) @qs.jsgets.should == ["resp", {"body" => "Best ever - Doc body"}] end end describe "show with headers" do before(:all) do @fun = functions["show-headers"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! end it "should show headers" do @qs.rrun(["show", @fun, {:title => "Best ever", :body => "Doc body"}, {}]) @qs.jsgets.should == ["resp", {"code"=>200,"headers" => {"X-Plankton"=>"Rusty"}, "body" => "Best ever - Doc body"}] end end # end # LIST TESTS # __END__ describe "raw list with headers" do before(:each) do @fun = functions["show-sends"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! @qs.add_fun(@fun).should == true end it "should do headers proper" do @qs.rrun(["list", {"total_rows"=>1000}, {"q" => "ok"}]) @qs.jsgets.should == ["start", ["first chunk", 'second "chunk"'], {"headers"=>{"Content-Type"=>"text/plain"}}] @qs.rrun(["list_end"]) @qs.jsgets.should == ["end", ["tail"]] end end describe "list with rows" do before(:each) do @fun = functions["show-while-get-rows"][LANGUAGE] @qs.run(["reset"]).should == true @qs.add_fun(@fun).should == true end it "should list em" do @qs.rrun(["list", {"foo"=>"bar"}, {"q" => "ok"}]) @qs.jsgets.should == ["start", ["first chunk", "ok"], {"headers"=>{}}] @qs.rrun(["list_row", {"key"=>"baz"}]) @qs.get_chunks.should == ["baz"] @qs.rrun(["list_row", {"key"=>"bam"}]) @qs.get_chunks.should == ["bam"] @qs.rrun(["list_end"]) @qs.jsgets.should == ["end", ["tail"]] end it "should work with zero rows" do @qs.rrun(["list", {"foo"=>"bar"}, {"q" => "ok"}]) @qs.jsgets.should == ["start", ["first chunk", "ok"], {"headers"=>{}}] @qs.rrun(["list_end"]) @qs.jsgets.should == ["end", ["tail"]] end end describe "should buffer multiple chunks sent for a single row." do before(:all) do @fun = functions["show-while-get-rows-multi-send"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! @qs.add_fun(@fun).should == true end it "should should buffer em" do @qs.rrun(["list", {"foo"=>"bar"}, {"q" => "ok"}]) @qs.jsgets.should == ["start", ["bacon"], {"headers"=>{}}] @qs.rrun(["list_row", {"key"=>"baz"}]) @qs.get_chunks.should == ["baz", "eggs"] @qs.rrun(["list_row", {"key"=>"bam"}]) @qs.get_chunks.should == ["bam", "eggs"] @qs.rrun(["list_end"]) @qs.jsgets.should == ["end", ["tail"]] end end describe "example list" do before(:all) do @fun = functions["list-simple"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! @qs.add_fun(@fun).should == true end it "should run normal" do @qs.run(["list", {"foo"=>"bar"}, {"q" => "ok"}]).should == ["start", ["first chunk", "ok"], {"headers"=>{}}] @qs.run(["list_row", {"key"=>"baz"}]).should == ["chunks", ["baz"]] @qs.run(["list_row", {"key"=>"bam"}]).should == ["chunks", ["bam"]] @qs.run(["list_row", {"key"=>"foom"}]).should == ["chunks", ["foom"]] @qs.run(["list_row", {"key"=>"fooz"}]).should == ["chunks", ["fooz"]] @qs.run(["list_row", {"key"=>"foox"}]).should == ["chunks", ["foox"]] @qs.run(["list_end"]).should == ["end" , ["early"]] end end describe "only goes to 2 list" do before(:all) do @fun = functions["list-chunky"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! @qs.add_fun(@fun).should == true end it "should end early" do @qs.run(["list", {"foo"=>"bar"}, {"q" => "ok"}]). should == ["start", ["first chunk", "ok"], {"headers"=>{}}] @qs.run(["list_row", {"key"=>"baz"}]). should == ["chunks", ["baz"]] @qs.run(["list_row", {"key"=>"bam"}]). should == ["chunks", ["bam"]] @qs.run(["list_row", {"key"=>"foom"}]). should == ["end", ["foom", "early tail"]] # here's where js has to discard quit properly @qs.run(["reset"]). should == true end end describe "changes filter" do before(:all) do @fun = functions["filter-basic"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! end it "should only return true for good docs" do @qs.run(["filter", @fun, [{"key"=>"bam", "good" => true}, {"foo" => "bar"}, {"good" => true}], {"req" => "foo"}]). should == [true, [true, false, true]] end end describe "update" do before(:all) do @fun = functions["update-basic"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! end it "should return a doc and a resp body" do up, doc, resp = @qs.run(["update", @fun, {"foo" => "gnarly"}, {"verb" => "POST"}]) up.should == "up" doc.should == {"foo" => "gnarly", "world" => "hello"} resp["body"].should == "hello doc" end end end def should_have_exited qs begin qs.run(["reset"]) "raise before this".should == true rescue RuntimeError => e e.message.should == "no response" rescue Errno::EPIPE true.should == true end end describe "query server that exits" do before(:each) do @qs = QueryServerRunner.run end after(:each) do @qs.close end if LANGUAGE == "js" describe "old style list" do before(:each) do @fun = functions["list-old-style"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! @qs.add_fun(@fun).should == true end it "should get a warning" do resp = @qs.run(["list", {"foo"=>"bar"}, {"q" => "ok"}]) resp["error"].should == "render_error" resp["reason"].should include("the list API has changed") end end end describe "only goes to 2 list" do before(:each) do @fun = functions["list-capped"][LANGUAGE] @qs.reset! @qs.add_fun(@fun).should == true end it "should exit if erlang sends too many rows" do @qs.run(["list", {"foo"=>"bar"}, {"q" => "ok"}]).should == ["start", ["bacon"], {"headers"=>{}}] @qs.run(["list_row", {"key"=>"baz"}]).should == ["chunks", ["baz"]] @qs.run(["list_row", {"key"=>"foom"}]).should == ["chunks", ["foom"]] @qs.run(["list_row", {"key"=>"fooz"}]).should == ["end", ["fooz", "early"]] @qs.rrun(["list_row", {"key"=>"foox"}]) @qs.jsgets["error"].should == "query_server_error" should_have_exited @qs end end describe "raw list" do before(:each) do @fun = functions["list-raw"][LANGUAGE] @qs.run(["reset"]).should == true @qs.add_fun(@fun).should == true end it "should exit if it gets a non-row in the middle" do @qs.rrun(["list", {"foo"=>"bar"}, {"q" => "ok"}]) @qs.jsgets.should == ["start", ["first chunk", "ok"], {"headers"=>{}}] @qs.run(["reset"])["error"].should == "query_server_error" should_have_exited @qs end end end