%% @author Emad El-Haraty <emad@mochimedia.com> %% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc. %% @doc HTTP Cookie parsing and generating (RFC 2109, RFC 2965). -module(mochiweb_cookies). -export([parse_cookie/1, cookie/3, cookie/2]). -define(QUOTE, $\"). -define(IS_WHITESPACE(C), (C =:= $\s orelse C =:= $\t orelse C =:= $\r orelse C =:= $\n)). %% RFC 2616 separators (called tspecials in RFC 2068) -define(IS_SEPARATOR(C), (C < 32 orelse C =:= $\s orelse C =:= $\t orelse C =:= $( orelse C =:= $) orelse C =:= $< orelse C =:= $> orelse C =:= $@ orelse C =:= $, orelse C =:= $; orelse C =:= $: orelse C =:= $\\ orelse C =:= $\" orelse C =:= $/ orelse C =:= $[ orelse C =:= $] orelse C =:= $? orelse C =:= $= orelse C =:= ${ orelse C =:= $})). %% @type proplist() = [{Key::string(), Value::string()}]. %% @type header() = {Name::string(), Value::string()}. %% @spec cookie(Key::string(), Value::string()) -> header() %% @doc Short-hand for <code>cookie(Key, Value, [])</code>. cookie(Key, Value) -> cookie(Key, Value, []). %% @spec cookie(Key::string(), Value::string(), Options::[Option]) -> header() %% where Option = {max_age, integer()} | {local_time, {date(), time()}} %% | {domain, string()} | {path, string()} %% | {secure, true | false} | {http_only, true | false} %% %% @doc Generate a Set-Cookie header field tuple. cookie(Key, Value, Options) -> Cookie = [any_to_list(Key), "=", quote(Value), "; Version=1"], %% Set-Cookie: %% Comment, Domain, Max-Age, Path, Secure, Version %% Set-Cookie2: %% Comment, CommentURL, Discard, Domain, Max-Age, Path, Port, Secure, %% Version ExpiresPart = case proplists:get_value(max_age, Options) of undefined -> ""; RawAge -> When = case proplists:get_value(local_time, Options) of undefined -> calendar:local_time(); LocalTime -> LocalTime end, Age = case RawAge < 0 of true -> 0; false -> RawAge end, ["; Expires=", age_to_cookie_date(Age, When), "; Max-Age=", quote(Age)] end, SecurePart = case proplists:get_value(secure, Options) of true -> "; Secure"; _ -> "" end, DomainPart = case proplists:get_value(domain, Options) of undefined -> ""; Domain -> ["; Domain=", quote(Domain)] end, PathPart = case proplists:get_value(path, Options) of undefined -> ""; Path -> ["; Path=", quote(Path)] end, HttpOnlyPart = case proplists:get_value(http_only, Options) of true -> "; HttpOnly"; _ -> "" end, CookieParts = [Cookie, ExpiresPart, SecurePart, DomainPart, PathPart, HttpOnlyPart], {"Set-Cookie", lists:flatten(CookieParts)}. %% Every major browser incorrectly handles quoted strings in a %% different and (worse) incompatible manner. Instead of wasting time %% writing redundant code for each browser, we restrict cookies to %% only contain characters that browsers handle compatibly. %% %% By replacing the definition of quote with this, we generate %% RFC-compliant cookies: %% %% quote(V) -> %% Fun = fun(?QUOTE, Acc) -> [$\\, ?QUOTE | Acc]; %% (Ch, Acc) -> [Ch | Acc] %% end, %% [?QUOTE | lists:foldr(Fun, [?QUOTE], V)]. %% Convert to a string and raise an error if quoting is required. quote(V0) -> V = any_to_list(V0), lists:all(fun(Ch) -> Ch =:= $/ orelse not ?IS_SEPARATOR(Ch) end, V) orelse erlang:error({cookie_quoting_required, V}), V. add_seconds(Secs, LocalTime) -> Greg = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(LocalTime), calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Greg + Secs). age_to_cookie_date(Age, LocalTime) -> httpd_util:rfc1123_date(add_seconds(Age, LocalTime)). %% @spec parse_cookie(string()) -> [{K::string(), V::string()}] %% @doc Parse the contents of a Cookie header field, ignoring cookie %% attributes, and return a simple property list. parse_cookie("") -> []; parse_cookie(Cookie) -> parse_cookie(Cookie, []). %% Internal API parse_cookie([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); parse_cookie(String, Acc) -> {{Token, Value}, Rest} = read_pair(String), Acc1 = case Token of "" -> Acc; "$" ++ _ -> Acc; _ -> [{Token, Value} | Acc] end, parse_cookie(Rest, Acc1). read_pair(String) -> {Token, Rest} = read_token(skip_whitespace(String)), {Value, Rest1} = read_value(skip_whitespace(Rest)), {{Token, Value}, skip_past_separator(Rest1)}. read_value([$= | Value]) -> Value1 = skip_whitespace(Value), case Value1 of [?QUOTE | _] -> read_quoted(Value1); _ -> read_token(Value1) end; read_value(String) -> {"", String}. read_quoted([?QUOTE | String]) -> read_quoted(String, []). read_quoted([], Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), []}; read_quoted([?QUOTE | Rest], Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), Rest}; read_quoted([$\\, Any | Rest], Acc) -> read_quoted(Rest, [Any | Acc]); read_quoted([C | Rest], Acc) -> read_quoted(Rest, [C | Acc]). skip_whitespace(String) -> F = fun (C) -> ?IS_WHITESPACE(C) end, lists:dropwhile(F, String). read_token(String) -> F = fun (C) -> not ?IS_SEPARATOR(C) end, lists:splitwith(F, String). skip_past_separator([]) -> []; skip_past_separator([$; | Rest]) -> Rest; skip_past_separator([$, | Rest]) -> Rest; skip_past_separator([_ | Rest]) -> skip_past_separator(Rest). any_to_list(V) when is_list(V) -> V; any_to_list(V) when is_atom(V) -> atom_to_list(V); any_to_list(V) when is_binary(V) -> binary_to_list(V); any_to_list(V) when is_integer(V) -> integer_to_list(V). %% %% Tests %% -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -ifdef(TEST). quote_test() -> %% ?assertError eunit macro is not compatible with coverage module try quote(":wq") catch error:{cookie_quoting_required, ":wq"} -> ok end, ?assertEqual( "foo", quote(foo)), ok. parse_cookie_test() -> %% RFC example C1 = "$Version=\"1\"; Customer=\"WILE_E_COYOTE\"; $Path=\"/acme\"; Part_Number=\"Rocket_Launcher_0001\"; $Path=\"/acme\"; Shipping=\"FedEx\"; $Path=\"/acme\"", ?assertEqual( [{"Customer","WILE_E_COYOTE"}, {"Part_Number","Rocket_Launcher_0001"}, {"Shipping","FedEx"}], parse_cookie(C1)), %% Potential edge cases ?assertEqual( [{"foo", "x"}], parse_cookie("foo=\"\\x\"")), ?assertEqual( [], parse_cookie("=")), ?assertEqual( [{"foo", ""}, {"bar", ""}], parse_cookie(" foo ; bar ")), ?assertEqual( [{"foo", ""}, {"bar", ""}], parse_cookie("foo=;bar=")), ?assertEqual( [{"foo", "\";"}, {"bar", ""}], parse_cookie("foo = \"\\\";\";bar ")), ?assertEqual( [{"foo", "\";bar"}], parse_cookie("foo=\"\\\";bar")), ?assertEqual( [], parse_cookie([])), ?assertEqual( [{"foo", "bar"}, {"baz", "wibble"}], parse_cookie("foo=bar , baz=wibble ")), ok. domain_test() -> ?assertEqual( {"Set-Cookie", "Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; " "Version=1; " "Domain=acme.com; " "HttpOnly"}, cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE", [{http_only, true}, {domain, "acme.com"}])), ok. local_time_test() -> {"Set-Cookie", S} = cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE", [{max_age, 111}, {secure, true}]), ?assertMatch( ["Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE", " Version=1", " Expires=" ++ _, " Max-Age=111", " Secure"], string:tokens(S, ";")), ok. cookie_test() -> C1 = {"Set-Cookie", "Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; " "Version=1; " "Path=/acme"}, C1 = cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE", [{path, "/acme"}]), C1 = cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE", [{path, "/acme"}, {badoption, "negatory"}]), C1 = cookie('Customer', 'WILE_E_COYOTE', [{path, '/acme'}]), C1 = cookie(<<"Customer">>, <<"WILE_E_COYOTE">>, [{path, <<"/acme">>}]), {"Set-Cookie","=NoKey; Version=1"} = cookie("", "NoKey", []), {"Set-Cookie","=NoKey; Version=1"} = cookie("", "NoKey"), LocalTime = calendar:universal_time_to_local_time({{2007, 5, 15}, {13, 45, 33}}), C2 = {"Set-Cookie", "Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; " "Version=1; " "Expires=Tue, 15 May 2007 13:45:33 GMT; " "Max-Age=0"}, C2 = cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE", [{max_age, -111}, {local_time, LocalTime}]), C3 = {"Set-Cookie", "Customer=WILE_E_COYOTE; " "Version=1; " "Expires=Wed, 16 May 2007 13:45:50 GMT; " "Max-Age=86417"}, C3 = cookie("Customer", "WILE_E_COYOTE", [{max_age, 86417}, {local_time, LocalTime}]), ok. -endif.