-module(mem3_sync). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -export([start_link/0, get_active/0, get_queue/0, push/2, remove_node/1]). -include("mem3.hrl"). -include_lib("couch/include/couch_db.hrl"). -record(state, { active = [], count = 0, limit, dict = dict:new(), waiting = [], update_notifier }). start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). get_active() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, get_active). get_queue() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, get_queue). push(Db, Node) -> gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {push, Db, Node}). remove_node(Node) -> gen_server:cast(?MODULE, {remove_node, Node}). init([]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), Concurrency = couch_config:get("mem3", "sync_concurrency", "10"), gen_event:add_handler(mem3_events, mem3_sync_event, []), {ok, Pid} = start_update_notifier(), spawn(fun initial_sync/0), {ok, #state{limit = list_to_integer(Concurrency), update_notifier=Pid}}. handle_call(get_active, _From, State) -> {reply, State#state.active, State}; handle_call(get_queue, _From, State) -> {reply, State#state.waiting, State}. handle_cast({push, DbName, Node}, #state{count=Count, limit=Limit} = State) when Count >= Limit -> {noreply, add_to_queue(State, DbName, Node)}; handle_cast({push, DbName, Node}, State) -> #state{active = L, count = C} = State, case is_running(DbName, Node, L) of true -> {noreply, add_to_queue(State, DbName, Node)}; false -> Pid = start_push_replication(DbName, Node), {noreply, State#state{active=[{DbName, Node, Pid}|L], count=C+1}} end; handle_cast({remove_node, Node}, State) -> Waiting = [{S,N} || {S,N} <- State#state.waiting, N =/= Node], Dict = lists:foldl(fun(DbName,D) -> dict:erase({DbName,Node}, D) end, State#state.dict, [S || {S,N} <- Waiting, N =:= Node]), {noreply, State#state{dict = Dict, waiting = Waiting}}. handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, _}, #state{update_notifier=Pid} = State) -> {ok, NewPid} = start_update_notifier(), {noreply, State#state{update_notifier=NewPid}}; handle_info({'EXIT', Active, normal}, State) -> handle_replication_exit(State, Active); handle_info({'EXIT', Active, Reason}, State) -> case lists:keyfind(Active, 3, State#state.active) of {OldDbName, OldNode, _} -> ?LOG_ERROR("~p replication ~s -> ~p died:~n~p", [?MODULE, OldDbName, OldNode, Reason]), timer:apply_after(5000, ?MODULE, push, [OldDbName, OldNode]); false -> ok end, handle_replication_exit(State, Active); handle_info(Msg, State) -> ?LOG_ERROR("unexpected msg at replication manager ~p", [Msg]), {noreply, State}. terminate(_Reason, State) -> [exit(Pid, shutdown) || {_,_,Pid} <- State#state.active], ok. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. handle_replication_exit(#state{waiting=[]} = State, Pid) -> NewActive = lists:keydelete(Pid, 3, State#state.active), {noreply, State#state{active=NewActive, count=length(NewActive)}}; handle_replication_exit(State, Pid) -> #state{active=Active, limit=Limit, dict=D, waiting=Waiting} = State, Active1 = lists:keydelete(Pid, 3, Active), Count = length(Active1), NewState = if Count < Limit -> case next_replication(Active1, Waiting) of nil -> % all waiting replications are also active State#state{active = Active1, count = Count}; {DbName, Node, StillWaiting} -> NewPid = start_push_replication(DbName, Node), State#state{ active = [{DbName, Node, NewPid} | Active1], count = Count+1, dict = dict:erase({DbName,Node}, D), waiting = StillWaiting } end; true -> State#state{active = Active1, count=Count} end, {noreply, NewState}. start_push_replication(DbName, Node) -> PostBody = {[ {<<"source">>, DbName}, {<<"target">>, {[{<<"node">>, Node}, {<<"name">>, DbName}]}}, {<<"continuous">>, false}, {<<"async">>, true} ]}, ?LOG_INFO("starting ~s -> ~p internal replication", [DbName, Node]), UserCtx = #user_ctx{name = <<"replicator">>, roles = [<<"_admin">>]}, case (catch couch_rep:replicate(PostBody, UserCtx)) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> link(Pid), Pid; {db_not_found, _Msg} -> case couch_api:open_db(DbName, []) of {ok, Db} -> % source exists, let's (re)create the target couch_api:close_db(Db), case rpc:call(Node, couch_api, create_db, [DbName, []]) of {ok, Target} -> ?LOG_INFO("~p successfully created ~s on ~p", [?MODULE, DbName, Node]), couch_api:close_db(Target), start_push_replication(DbName, Node); file_exists -> start_push_replication(DbName, Node); Error -> ?LOG_ERROR("~p couldn't create ~s on ~p because ~p", [?MODULE, DbName, Node, Error]), exit(shutdown) end; {not_found, no_db_file} -> % source is gone, so this is a hack to skip it ?LOG_INFO("~p tried to push ~s to ~p but it was already deleted", [?MODULE, DbName, Node]), spawn_link(fun() -> ok end) end; {node_not_connected, _} -> % we'll get this one when the node rejoins ?LOG_ERROR("~p exiting because ~p is not connected", [?MODULE, Node]), spawn_link(fun() -> ok end); CatchAll -> ?LOG_INFO("~p strange error ~p", [?MODULE, CatchAll]), case lists:member(Node, nodes()) of true -> timer:apply_after(5000, ?MODULE, push, [DbName, Node]); false -> ok end, spawn_link(fun() -> ok end) end. add_to_queue(State, DbName, Node) -> #state{dict=D, waiting=Waiting} = State, case dict:is_key({DbName, Node}, D) of true -> State; false -> ?LOG_DEBUG("adding ~s -> ~p to internal queue", [DbName, Node]), State#state{ dict = dict:store({DbName,Node}, ok, D), waiting = Waiting ++ [{DbName,Node}] } end. initial_sync() -> Db1 = ?l2b(couch_config:get("mem3", "node_db", "nodes")), Db2 = ?l2b(couch_config:get("mem3", "shard_db", "dbs")), Nodes = mem3:nodes(), Live = nodes(), [[push(Db, N) || Db <- [Db1,Db2]] || N <- Nodes, lists:member(N, Live)]. start_update_notifier() -> Db1 = ?l2b(couch_config:get("mem3", "node_db", "nodes")), Db2 = ?l2b(couch_config:get("mem3", "shard_db", "dbs")), couch_db_update_notifier:start_link(fun ({updated, Db}) when Db == Db1; Db == Db2 -> Nodes = mem3:nodes(), Live = nodes(), [?MODULE:push(Db, N) || N <- Nodes, lists:member(N, Live)]; (_) -> ok end). %% @doc Finds the next {DbName,Node} pair in the list of waiting replications %% which does not correspond to an already running replication -spec next_replication(list(), list()) -> {binary(),node(),list()} | nil. next_replication(Active, Waiting) -> case lists:splitwith(fun({S,N}) -> is_running(S,N,Active) end, Waiting) of {_, []} -> nil; {Running, [{DbName,Node}|Rest]} -> {DbName, Node, Running ++ Rest} end. is_running(DbName, Node, ActiveList) -> [] =/= [true || {S,N,_} <- ActiveList, S=:=DbName, N=:=Node].