-module(fabric_util). -export([submit_jobs/3, recv/4, receive_loop/4, receive_loop/6]). -include("../../dynomite/include/membership.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). submit_jobs(Shards, EndPoint, ExtraArgs) -> lists:map(fun(#shard{node=Node, name=ShardName} = Shard) -> io:format("submitting ~p ~p~n", [Node, {fabric_rpc, EndPoint, [ShardName | ExtraArgs]}]), Ref = rexi:cast(Node, {fabric_rpc, EndPoint, [ShardName | ExtraArgs]}), Shard#shard{ref = Ref} end, Shards). recv(Workers, Keypos, Fun, Acc0) -> receive_loop(Workers, Keypos, Fun, Acc0). receive_loop(Workers, Keypos, Fun, Acc0) -> case couch_config:get("fabric", "request_timeout", "10000") of "infinity" -> Timeout = infinity; N -> Timeout = list_to_integer(N) end, receive_loop(Workers, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, Timeout, infinity). %% @doc set up the receive loop with an overall timeout -spec receive_loop([any()], integer(), function(), any(), timeout(), timeout()) -> {ok, any()}. receive_loop(RefPartMap, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, GlobalTimeout, PerMsgTO) -> TimeoutRef = erlang:make_ref(), {ok, TRef} = timer:send_after(GlobalTimeout, {timeout, TimeoutRef}), try process_mailbox(RefPartMap, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, TimeoutRef, PerMsgTO) after timer:cancel(TRef) end. process_mailbox(RefList, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, TimeoutRef, PerMsgTO) -> case process_message(RefList, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, TimeoutRef, PerMsgTO) of {ok, Acc} -> process_mailbox(RefList, Keypos, Fun, Acc, TimeoutRef, PerMsgTO); {stop, Acc} -> {ok, Acc}; Error -> Error end. process_message(RefList, Keypos, Fun, Acc0, TimeoutRef, PerMsgTO) -> receive {timeout, TimeoutRef} -> timeout; {Ref, Msg} -> io:format("process_message ~p ~p~n", [Ref, Msg]), case lists:keyfind(Ref, Keypos, RefList) of false -> % this was some non-matching message which we will ignore {ok, Acc0}; RefPart -> % call the Fun that understands the message %?debugFmt("~nAcc0: ~p~n", [Acc0]), Fun(RefPart, Msg, Acc0) end; {rexi_DOWN, _RexiMonPid, ServerPid, Reason} = Msg -> showroom_log:message(alert, "rexi_DOWN ~p ~p", [ServerPid, Reason]), Fun(nil, Msg, Acc0) after PerMsgTO -> timeout end.