% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not % use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of % the License at % % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT % WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the % License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under % the License. -module(couch_query_servers). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([start_link/0]). -export([init/1, terminate/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,code_change/3]). -export([start_doc_map/2, map_docs/2, stop_doc_map/1]). -export([reduce/3, rereduce/3,validate_doc_update/5]). -export([filter_docs/5]). -export([with_ddoc_proc/2, proc_prompt/2, ddoc_prompt/3, ddoc_proc_prompt/3, json_doc/1]). % -export([test/0]). -include("couch_db.hrl"). -record(proc, { pid, lang, ddoc_keys = [], prompt_fun, set_timeout_fun, stop_fun }). start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, couch_query_servers}, couch_query_servers, [], []). start_doc_map(Lang, Functions) -> Proc = get_os_process(Lang), lists:foreach(fun(FunctionSource) -> true = proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"add_fun">>, FunctionSource]) end, Functions), {ok, Proc}. map_docs(Proc, Docs) -> % send the documents Results = lists:map( fun(Doc) -> Json = couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, []), FunsResults = proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"map_doc">>, Json]), % the results are a json array of function map yields like this: % [FunResults1, FunResults2 ...] % where funresults is are json arrays of key value pairs: % [[Key1, Value1], [Key2, Value2]] % Convert the key, value pairs to tuples like % [{Key1, Value1}, {Key2, Value2}] lists:map( fun(FunRs) -> [list_to_tuple(FunResult) || FunResult <- FunRs] end, FunsResults) end, Docs), {ok, Results}. stop_doc_map(nil) -> ok; stop_doc_map(Proc) -> ok = ret_os_process(Proc). group_reductions_results([]) -> []; group_reductions_results(List) -> {Heads, Tails} = lists:foldl( fun([H|T], {HAcc,TAcc}) -> {[H|HAcc], [T|TAcc]} end, {[], []}, List), case Tails of [[]|_] -> % no tails left [Heads]; _ -> [Heads | group_reductions_results(Tails)] end. rereduce(_Lang, [], _ReducedValues) -> {ok, []}; rereduce(Lang, RedSrcs, ReducedValues) -> Grouped = group_reductions_results(ReducedValues), Results = lists:zipwith( fun (<<"_", _/binary>> = FunSrc, Values) -> {ok, [Result]} = builtin_reduce(rereduce, [FunSrc], [[[], V] || V <- Values], []), Result; (FunSrc, Values) -> os_rereduce(Lang, [FunSrc], Values) end, RedSrcs, Grouped), {ok, Results}. reduce(_Lang, [], _KVs) -> {ok, []}; reduce(Lang, RedSrcs, KVs) -> {OsRedSrcs, BuiltinReds} = lists:partition(fun (<<"_", _/binary>>) -> false; (_OsFun) -> true end, RedSrcs), {ok, OsResults} = os_reduce(Lang, OsRedSrcs, KVs), {ok, BuiltinResults} = builtin_reduce(reduce, BuiltinReds, KVs, []), recombine_reduce_results(RedSrcs, OsResults, BuiltinResults, []). recombine_reduce_results([], [], [], Acc) -> {ok, lists:reverse(Acc)}; recombine_reduce_results([<<"_", _/binary>>|RedSrcs], OsResults, [BRes|BuiltinResults], Acc) -> recombine_reduce_results(RedSrcs, OsResults, BuiltinResults, [BRes|Acc]); recombine_reduce_results([_OsFun|RedSrcs], [OsR|OsResults], BuiltinResults, Acc) -> recombine_reduce_results(RedSrcs, OsResults, BuiltinResults, [OsR|Acc]). os_reduce(_Lang, [], _KVs) -> {ok, []}; os_reduce(Lang, OsRedSrcs, KVs) -> Proc = get_os_process(Lang), OsResults = try proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"reduce">>, OsRedSrcs, KVs]) of [true, Reductions] -> Reductions after ok = ret_os_process(Proc) end, {ok, OsResults}. os_rereduce(_Lang, [], _KVs) -> {ok, []}; os_rereduce(Lang, OsRedSrcs, KVs) -> Proc = get_os_process(Lang), try proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"rereduce">>, OsRedSrcs, KVs]) of [true, [Reduction]] -> Reduction after ok = ret_os_process(Proc) end. builtin_reduce(_Re, [], _KVs, Acc) -> {ok, lists:reverse(Acc)}; builtin_reduce(Re, [<<"_sum",_/binary>>|BuiltinReds], KVs, Acc) -> Sum = builtin_sum_rows(KVs), builtin_reduce(Re, BuiltinReds, KVs, [Sum|Acc]); builtin_reduce(reduce, [<<"_count",_/binary>>|BuiltinReds], KVs, Acc) -> Count = length(KVs), builtin_reduce(reduce, BuiltinReds, KVs, [Count|Acc]); builtin_reduce(rereduce, [<<"_count",_/binary>>|BuiltinReds], KVs, Acc) -> Count = builtin_sum_rows(KVs), builtin_reduce(rereduce, BuiltinReds, KVs, [Count|Acc]); builtin_reduce(Re, [<<"_stats",_/binary>>|BuiltinReds], KVs, Acc) -> Stats = builtin_stats(Re, KVs), builtin_reduce(Re, BuiltinReds, KVs, [Stats|Acc]). builtin_sum_rows(KVs) -> lists:foldl(fun ([_Key, Value], Acc) when is_number(Value) -> Acc + Value; (_Else, _Acc) -> throw({invalid_value, <<"builtin _sum function requires map values to be numbers">>}) end, 0, KVs). builtin_stats(reduce, [[_,First]|Rest]) when is_number(First) -> Stats = lists:foldl(fun([_K,V], {S,C,Mi,Ma,Sq}) when is_number(V) -> {S+V, C+1, lists:min([Mi, V]), lists:max([Ma, V]), Sq+(V*V)}; (_, _) -> throw({invalid_value, <<"builtin _stats function requires map values to be numbers">>}) end, {First,1,First,First,First*First}, Rest), {Sum, Cnt, Min, Max, Sqr} = Stats, {[{sum,Sum}, {count,Cnt}, {min,Min}, {max,Max}, {sumsqr,Sqr}]}; builtin_stats(rereduce, [[_,First]|Rest]) -> {[{sum,Sum0}, {count,Cnt0}, {min,Min0}, {max,Max0}, {sumsqr,Sqr0}]} = First, Stats = lists:foldl(fun([_K,Red], {S,C,Mi,Ma,Sq}) -> {[{sum,Sum}, {count,Cnt}, {min,Min}, {max,Max}, {sumsqr,Sqr}]} = Red, {Sum+S, Cnt+C, lists:min([Min, Mi]), lists:max([Max, Ma]), Sqr+Sq} end, {Sum0,Cnt0,Min0,Max0,Sqr0}, Rest), {Sum, Cnt, Min, Max, Sqr} = Stats, {[{sum,Sum}, {count,Cnt}, {min,Min}, {max,Max}, {sumsqr,Sqr}]}. % use the function stored in ddoc.validate_doc_update to test an update. validate_doc_update(DDoc, EditDoc, DiskDoc, Ctx, SecObj) -> JsonEditDoc = couch_doc:to_json_obj(EditDoc, [revs]), JsonDiskDoc = json_doc(DiskDoc), case ddoc_prompt(DDoc, [<<"validate_doc_update">>], [JsonEditDoc, JsonDiskDoc, Ctx, SecObj]) of 1 -> ok; {[{<<"forbidden">>, Message}]} -> throw({forbidden, Message}); {[{<<"unauthorized">>, Message}]} -> throw({unauthorized, Message}) end. json_doc(nil) -> null; json_doc(Doc) -> couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, [revs]). filter_docs(Req, Db, DDoc, FName, Docs) -> JsonReq = case Req of {json_req, JsonObj} -> JsonObj; #httpd{} = HttpReq -> couch_httpd_external:json_req_obj(HttpReq, Db) end, JsonDocs = [couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, [revs]) || Doc <- Docs], [true, Passes] = ddoc_prompt(DDoc, [<<"filters">>, FName], [JsonDocs, JsonReq]), {ok, Passes}. ddoc_proc_prompt({Proc, DDocId}, FunPath, Args) -> proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"ddoc">>, DDocId, FunPath, Args]). ddoc_prompt(DDoc, FunPath, Args) -> with_ddoc_proc(DDoc, fun({Proc, DDocId}) -> proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"ddoc">>, DDocId, FunPath, Args]) end). with_ddoc_proc(#doc{id=DDocId,revs={Start, [DiskRev|_]}}=DDoc, Fun) -> Rev = couch_doc:rev_to_str({Start, DiskRev}), DDocKey = {DDocId, Rev}, Proc = get_ddoc_process(DDoc, DDocKey), try Fun({Proc, DDocId}) after ok = ret_os_process(Proc) end. init([]) -> % read config and register for configuration changes % just stop if one of the config settings change. couch_server_sup % will restart us and then we will pick up the new settings. ok = couch_config:register( fun("query_servers" ++ _, _) -> supervisor:terminate_child(couch_secondary_services, query_servers), supervisor:restart_child(couch_secondary_services, query_servers) end), ok = couch_config:register( fun("native_query_servers" ++ _, _) -> supervisor:terminate_child(couch_secondary_services, query_servers), [supervisor:restart_child(couch_secondary_services, query_servers)] end), Langs = ets:new(couch_query_server_langs, [set, private]), PidProcs = ets:new(couch_query_server_pid_langs, [set, private]), LangProcs = ets:new(couch_query_server_procs, [set, private]), % 'query_servers' specifies an OS command-line to execute. lists:foreach(fun({Lang, Command}) -> true = ets:insert(Langs, {?l2b(Lang), couch_os_process, start_link, [Command]}) end, couch_config:get("query_servers")), % 'native_query_servers' specifies a {Module, Func, Arg} tuple. lists:foreach(fun({Lang, SpecStr}) -> {ok, {Mod, Fun, SpecArg}} = couch_util:parse_term(SpecStr), true = ets:insert(Langs, {?l2b(Lang), Mod, Fun, SpecArg}) end, couch_config:get("native_query_servers")), process_flag(trap_exit, true), {ok, {Langs, % Keyed by language name, value is {Mod,Func,Arg} PidProcs, % Keyed by PID, valus is a #proc record. LangProcs % Keyed by language name, value is a #proc record }}. terminate(_Reason, {_Langs, PidProcs, _LangProcs}) -> [couch_util:shutdown_sync(P) || {P,_} <- ets:tab2list(PidProcs)], ok. handle_call({get_proc, #doc{body={Props}}=DDoc, DDocKey}, _From, {Langs, PidProcs, LangProcs}=Server) -> % Note to future self. Add max process limit. Lang = couch_util:get_value(<<"language">>, Props, <<"javascript">>), case ets:lookup(LangProcs, Lang) of [{Lang, [P|Rest]}] -> % find a proc in the set that has the DDoc case proc_with_ddoc(DDoc, DDocKey, [P|Rest]) of {ok, Proc} -> rem_from_list(LangProcs, Lang, Proc), {reply, {ok, Proc, get_query_server_config()}, Server}; Error -> {reply, Error, Server} end; _ -> case (catch new_process(Langs, Lang)) of {ok, Proc} -> add_value(PidProcs, Proc#proc.pid, Proc), case proc_with_ddoc(DDoc, DDocKey, [Proc]) of {ok, Proc2} -> {reply, {ok, Proc2, get_query_server_config()}, Server}; Error -> {reply, Error, Server} end; Error -> {reply, Error, Server} end end; handle_call({get_proc, Lang}, _From, {Langs, PidProcs, LangProcs}=Server) -> % Note to future self. Add max process limit. case ets:lookup(LangProcs, Lang) of [{Lang, [Proc|_]}] -> rem_from_list(LangProcs, Lang, Proc), {reply, {ok, Proc, get_query_server_config()}, Server}; _ -> case (catch new_process(Langs, Lang)) of {ok, Proc} -> add_value(PidProcs, Proc#proc.pid, Proc), {reply, {ok, Proc, get_query_server_config()}, Server}; Error -> {reply, Error, Server} end end; handle_call({unlink_proc, Pid}, _From, {_, PidProcs, _}=Server) -> rem_value(PidProcs, Pid), unlink(Pid), {reply, ok, Server}; handle_call({ret_proc, Proc}, _From, {_, PidProcs, LangProcs}=Server) -> % Along with max process limit, here we should check % if we're over the limit and discard when we are. add_value(PidProcs, Proc#proc.pid, Proc), add_to_list(LangProcs, Proc#proc.lang, Proc), link(Proc#proc.pid), {reply, true, Server}. handle_cast(_Whatever, Server) -> {noreply, Server}. handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Status}, {_, PidProcs, LangProcs}=Server) -> case ets:lookup(PidProcs, Pid) of [{Pid, Proc}] -> case Status of normal -> ok; _ -> ?LOG_DEBUG("Linked process died abnormally: ~p (reason: ~p)", [Pid, Status]) end, rem_value(PidProcs, Pid), catch rem_from_list(LangProcs, Proc#proc.lang, Proc), {noreply, Server}; [] -> case Status of normal -> {noreply, Server}; _ -> {stop, Status, Server} end end. code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. % Private API get_query_server_config() -> ReduceLimit = list_to_atom( couch_config:get("query_server_config","reduce_limit","true")), {[{<<"reduce_limit">>, ReduceLimit}]}. new_process(Langs, Lang) -> case ets:lookup(Langs, Lang) of [{Lang, Mod, Func, Arg}] -> {ok, Pid} = apply(Mod, Func, Arg), {ok, #proc{lang=Lang, pid=Pid, % Called via proc_prompt, proc_set_timeout, and proc_stop prompt_fun={Mod, prompt}, set_timeout_fun={Mod, set_timeout}, stop_fun={Mod, stop}}}; _ -> {unknown_query_language, Lang} end. proc_with_ddoc(DDoc, DDocKey, LangProcs) -> DDocProcs = lists:filter(fun(#proc{ddoc_keys=Keys}) -> lists:any(fun(Key) -> Key == DDocKey end, Keys) end, LangProcs), case DDocProcs of [DDocProc|_] -> ?LOG_DEBUG("DDocProc found for DDocKey: ~p",[DDocKey]), {ok, DDocProc}; [] -> [TeachProc|_] = LangProcs, ?LOG_DEBUG("Teach ddoc to new proc ~p with DDocKey: ~p",[TeachProc, DDocKey]), {ok, SmartProc} = teach_ddoc(DDoc, DDocKey, TeachProc), {ok, SmartProc} end. proc_prompt(Proc, Args) -> {Mod, Func} = Proc#proc.prompt_fun, apply(Mod, Func, [Proc#proc.pid, Args]). proc_stop(Proc) -> {Mod, Func} = Proc#proc.stop_fun, apply(Mod, Func, [Proc#proc.pid]). proc_set_timeout(Proc, Timeout) -> {Mod, Func} = Proc#proc.set_timeout_fun, apply(Mod, Func, [Proc#proc.pid, Timeout]). teach_ddoc(DDoc, {DDocId, _Rev}=DDocKey, #proc{ddoc_keys=Keys}=Proc) -> % send ddoc over the wire % we only share the rev with the client we know to update code % but it only keeps the latest copy, per each ddoc, around. true = proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"ddoc">>, <<"new">>, DDocId, couch_doc:to_json_obj(DDoc, [])]), % we should remove any other ddocs keys for this docid % because the query server overwrites without the rev Keys2 = [{D,R} || {D,R} <- Keys, D /= DDocId], % add ddoc to the proc {ok, Proc#proc{ddoc_keys=[DDocKey|Keys2]}}. get_ddoc_process(#doc{} = DDoc, DDocKey) -> % remove this case statement case gen_server:call(couch_query_servers, {get_proc, DDoc, DDocKey}) of {ok, Proc, QueryConfig} -> % process knows the ddoc case (catch proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"reset">>, QueryConfig])) of true -> proc_set_timeout(Proc, list_to_integer(couch_config:get( "couchdb", "os_process_timeout", "5000"))), link(Proc#proc.pid), gen_server:call(couch_query_servers, {unlink_proc, Proc#proc.pid}), Proc; _ -> catch proc_stop(Proc), get_ddoc_process(DDoc, DDocKey) end; Error -> throw(Error) end. get_os_process(Lang) -> case gen_server:call(couch_query_servers, {get_proc, Lang}) of {ok, Proc, QueryConfig} -> case (catch proc_prompt(Proc, [<<"reset">>, QueryConfig])) of true -> proc_set_timeout(Proc, list_to_integer(couch_config:get( "couchdb", "os_process_timeout", "5000"))), link(Proc#proc.pid), gen_server:call(couch_query_servers, {unlink_proc, Proc#proc.pid}), Proc; _ -> catch proc_stop(Proc), get_os_process(Lang) end; Error -> throw(Error) end. ret_os_process(Proc) -> true = gen_server:call(couch_query_servers, {ret_proc, Proc}), catch unlink(Proc#proc.pid), ok. add_value(Tid, Key, Value) -> true = ets:insert(Tid, {Key, Value}). rem_value(Tid, Key) -> true = ets:delete(Tid, Key). add_to_list(Tid, Key, Value) -> case ets:lookup(Tid, Key) of [{Key, Vals}] -> true = ets:insert(Tid, {Key, [Value|Vals]}); [] -> true = ets:insert(Tid, {Key, [Value]}) end. rem_from_list(Tid, Key, Value) when is_record(Value, proc)-> Pid = Value#proc.pid, case ets:lookup(Tid, Key) of [{Key, Vals}] -> % make a new values list that doesn't include the Value arg NewValues = [Val || #proc{pid=P}=Val <- Vals, P /= Pid], ets:insert(Tid, {Key, NewValues}); [] -> ok end; rem_from_list(Tid, Key, Value) -> case ets:lookup(Tid, Key) of [{Key, Vals}] -> % make a new values list that doesn't include the Value arg NewValues = [Val || Val <- Vals, Val /= Value], ets:insert(Tid, {Key, NewValues}); [] -> ok end.