% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % % You may obtain a copy of the License at % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, % software distributed under the License is distributed on an % "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, % either express or implied. % % See the License for the specific language governing permissions % and limitations under the License. % % This file drew much inspiration from erlview, which was written by and % copyright Michael McDaniel [http://autosys.us], and is also under APL 2.0 % % % This module provides the smallest possible native view-server. % With this module in-place, you can add the following to your couch INI files: % [native_query_servers] % erlang={couch_native_process, start_link, []} % % Which will then allow following example map function to be used: % % fun({Doc}) -> % % Below, we emit a single record - the _id as key, null as value % DocId = proplists:get_value(Doc, <<"_id">>, null), % Emit(DocId, null) % end. % % which should be roughly the same as the javascript: % emit(doc._id, null); % % This module exposes enough functions such that a native erlang server can % act as a fully-fleged view server, but no 'helper' functions specifically % for simplifying your erlang view code. It is expected other third-party % extensions will evolve which offer useful layers on top of this view server % to help simplify your view code. -module(couch_native_process). -export([start_link/0]). -export([set_timeout/2, prompt/2, stop/1]). -define(STATE, native_proc_state). -record(evstate, {funs=[], query_config=[], list_pid=nil, timeout=5000}). -include("couch_db.hrl"). start_link() -> {ok, self()}. stop(_Pid) -> ok. set_timeout(_Pid, TimeOut) -> NewState = case get(?STATE) of undefined -> #evstate{timeout=TimeOut}; State -> State#evstate{timeout=TimeOut} end, put(?STATE, NewState), ok. prompt(Pid, Data) when is_pid(Pid), is_list(Data) -> case get(?STATE) of undefined -> State = #evstate{}, put(?STATE, State); State -> State end, case is_pid(State#evstate.list_pid) of true -> case hd(Data) of <<"list_row">> -> ok; <<"list_end">> -> ok; _ -> throw({error, query_server_error}) end; _ -> ok % Not listing end, {NewState, Resp} = run(State, to_binary(Data)), put(?STATE, NewState), case Resp of {error, Reason} -> Msg = io_lib:format("couch native server error: ~p", [Reason]), {[{<<"error">>, list_to_binary(Msg)}]}; _ -> Resp end. run(_, [<<"reset">>]) -> {#evstate{}, true}; run(_, [<<"reset">>, QueryConfig]) -> {#evstate{query_config=QueryConfig}, true}; run(#evstate{funs=Funs}=State, [<<"add_fun">> , BinFunc]) -> FunInfo = makefun(State, BinFunc), {State#evstate{funs=Funs ++ [FunInfo]}, true}; run(State, [<<"map_doc">> , Doc]) -> Resp = lists:map(fun({Sig, Fun}) -> erlang:put(Sig, []), Fun(Doc), lists:reverse(erlang:get(Sig)) end, State#evstate.funs), {State, Resp}; run(State, [<<"reduce">>, Funs, KVs]) -> {Keys, Vals} = lists:foldl(fun([K, V], {KAcc, VAcc}) -> {[K | KAcc], [V | VAcc]} end, {[], []}, KVs), Keys2 = lists:reverse(Keys), Vals2 = lists:reverse(Vals), {State, catch reduce(State, Funs, Keys2, Vals2, false)}; run(State, [<<"rereduce">>, Funs, Vals]) -> {State, catch reduce(State, Funs, null, Vals, true)}; run(State, [<<"validate">>, BFun, NDoc, ODoc, Ctx]) -> {_Sig, Fun} = makefun(State, BFun), {State, catch Fun(NDoc, ODoc, Ctx)}; run(State, [<<"filter">>, Docs, Req]) -> {_Sig, Fun} = hd(State#evstate.funs), Resp = lists:map(fun(Doc) -> case (catch Fun(Doc, Req)) of true -> true; _ -> false end end, Docs), {State, [true, Resp]}; run(State, [<<"show">>, BFun, Doc, Req]) -> {_Sig, Fun} = makefun(State, BFun), Resp = case (catch Fun(Doc, Req)) of FunResp when is_list(FunResp) -> FunResp; FunResp when is_tuple(FunResp), size(FunResp) == 1 -> [<<"resp">>, FunResp]; FunResp -> FunResp end, {State, Resp}; run(State, [<<"update">>, BFun, Doc, Req]) -> {_Sig, Fun} = makefun(State, BFun), Resp = case (catch Fun(Doc, Req)) of [JsonDoc, JsonResp] -> [<<"up">>, JsonDoc, JsonResp] end, {State, Resp}; run(State, [<<"list">>, Head, Req]) -> {Sig, Fun} = hd(State#evstate.funs), % This is kinda dirty case is_function(Fun, 2) of false -> throw({error, render_error}); true -> ok end, Self = self(), SpawnFun = fun() -> LastChunk = (catch Fun(Head, Req)), case start_list_resp(Self, Sig) of started -> receive {Self, list_row, _Row} -> ignore; {Self, list_end} -> ignore after State#evstate.timeout -> throw({timeout, list_cleanup_pid}) end; _ -> ok end, LastChunks = case erlang:get(Sig) of undefined -> [LastChunk]; OtherChunks -> [LastChunk | OtherChunks] end, Self ! {self(), list_end, lists:reverse(LastChunks)} end, erlang:put(do_trap, process_flag(trap_exit, true)), Pid = spawn_link(SpawnFun), Resp = receive {Pid, start, Chunks, JsonResp} -> [<<"start">>, Chunks, JsonResp] after State#evstate.timeout -> throw({timeout, list_start}) end, {State#evstate{list_pid=Pid}, Resp}; run(#evstate{list_pid=Pid}=State, [<<"list_row">>, Row]) when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid ! {self(), list_row, Row}, receive {Pid, chunks, Data} -> {State, [<<"chunks">>, Data]}; {Pid, list_end, Data} -> receive {'EXIT', Pid, normal} -> ok after State#evstate.timeout -> throw({timeout, list_cleanup}) end, process_flag(trap_exit, erlang:get(do_trap)), {State#evstate{list_pid=nil}, [<<"end">>, Data]} after State#evstate.timeout -> throw({timeout, list_row}) end; run(#evstate{list_pid=Pid}=State, [<<"list_end">>]) when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid ! {self(), list_end}, Resp = receive {Pid, list_end, Data} -> receive {'EXIT', Pid, normal} -> ok after State#evstate.timeout -> throw({timeout, list_cleanup}) end, [<<"end">>, Data] after State#evstate.timeout -> throw({timeout, list_end}) end, process_flag(trap_exit, erlang:get(do_trap)), {State#evstate{list_pid=nil}, Resp}; run(_, Unknown) -> ?LOG_ERROR("Native Process: Unknown command: ~p~n", [Unknown]), throw({error, query_server_error}). bindings(State, Sig) -> Self = self(), Log = fun(Msg) -> ?LOG_INFO(Msg, []) end, Emit = fun(Id, Value) -> Curr = erlang:get(Sig), erlang:put(Sig, [[Id, Value] | Curr]) end, Start = fun(Headers) -> erlang:put(list_headers, Headers) end, Send = fun(Chunk) -> Curr = case erlang:get(Sig) of undefined -> []; Else -> Else end, erlang:put(Sig, [Chunk | Curr]) end, GetRow = fun() -> case start_list_resp(Self, Sig) of started -> ok; _ -> Chunks = case erlang:get(Sig) of undefined -> []; CurrChunks -> CurrChunks end, Self ! {self(), chunks, lists:reverse(Chunks)} end, erlang:put(Sig, []), receive {Self, list_row, Row} -> Row; {Self, list_end} -> nil after State#evstate.timeout -> throw({timeout, list_pid_getrow}) end end, FoldRows = fun(Fun, Acc) -> foldrows(GetRow, Fun, Acc) end, [ {'Log', Log}, {'Emit', Emit}, {'Start', Start}, {'Send', Send}, {'GetRow', GetRow}, {'FoldRows', FoldRows} ]. % thanks to erlview, via: % http://erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2003-November/010544.html makefun(State, Source) -> Sig = erlang:md5(Source), BindFuns = bindings(State, Sig), {Sig, makefun(State, Source, BindFuns)}. makefun(_State, Source, BindFuns) -> FunStr = binary_to_list(Source), {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(FunStr), Form = case (catch erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens)) of {ok, [ParsedForm]} -> ParsedForm; {error, {LineNum, _Mod, [Mesg, Params]}}=Error -> io:format(standard_error, "Syntax error on line: ~p~n", [LineNum]), io:format(standard_error, "~s~p~n", [Mesg, Params]), throw(Error) end, Bindings = lists:foldl(fun({Name, Fun}, Acc) -> erl_eval:add_binding(Name, Fun, Acc) end, erl_eval:new_bindings(), BindFuns), {value, Fun, _} = erl_eval:expr(Form, Bindings), Fun. reduce(State, BinFuns, Keys, Vals, ReReduce) -> Funs = case is_list(BinFuns) of true -> lists:map(fun(BF) -> makefun(State, BF) end, BinFuns); _ -> [makefun(State, BinFuns)] end, Reds = lists:map(fun({_Sig, Fun}) -> Fun(Keys, Vals, ReReduce) end, Funs), [true, Reds]. foldrows(GetRow, ProcRow, Acc) -> case GetRow() of nil -> {ok, Acc}; Row -> case (catch ProcRow(Row, Acc)) of {ok, Acc2} -> foldrows(GetRow, ProcRow, Acc2); {stop, Acc2} -> {ok, Acc2} end end. start_list_resp(Self, Sig) -> case erlang:get(list_started) of undefined -> Headers = case erlang:get(list_headers) of undefined -> {[{<<"headers">>, {[]}}]}; CurrHdrs -> CurrHdrs end, Chunks = case erlang:get(Sig) of undefined -> []; CurrChunks -> CurrChunks end, Self ! {self(), start, lists:reverse(Chunks), Headers}, erlang:put(list_started, true), erlang:put(Sig, []), started; _ -> ok end. to_binary({Data}) -> Pred = fun({Key, Value}) -> {to_binary(Key), to_binary(Value)} end, {lists:map(Pred, Data)}; to_binary(Data) when is_list(Data) -> lists:map(fun to_binary/1, Data); to_binary(null) -> null; to_binary(true) -> true; to_binary(false) -> false; to_binary(Data) when is_atom(Data) -> list_to_binary(atom_to_list(Data)); to_binary(Data) -> Data.