% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not % use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of % the License at % % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT % WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the % License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under % the License. -module(couch_httpd). -include("couch_db.hrl"). -export([start_link/3, stop/0]). -record(doc_query_args, { options = [], rev = "", open_revs = "" }). -record(view_query_args, { start_key = nil, end_key = <<>>, count = 10000000000, % a huge huge default number. Picked so we don't have % to do different logic for when there is no count % limit update = true, direction = fwd, start_docid = nil, end_docid = <<>>, skip = 0 }). start_link(BindAddress, Port, DocumentRoot) -> Loop = fun (Req) -> handle_request(Req, DocumentRoot) end, mochiweb_http:start([ {loop, Loop}, {name, ?MODULE}, {ip, BindAddress}, {port, Port} ]). stop() -> mochiweb_http:stop(?MODULE). handle_request(Req, DocumentRoot) -> % alias HEAD to GET as mochiweb takes care of stripping the body Method = case Req:get(method) of 'HEAD' -> 'GET'; Other -> Other end, % for the path, use the raw path with the query string and fragment % removed, but URL quoting left intact {Path, _, _} = mochiweb_util:urlsplit_path(Req:get(raw_path)), ?LOG_DEBUG("Version: ~p", [Req:get(version)]), ?LOG_DEBUG("Method: ~p", [Method]), ?LOG_DEBUG("Request URI: ~p", [Path]), ?LOG_DEBUG("Headers: ~p", [mochiweb_headers:to_list(Req:get(headers))]), {ok, Resp} = case catch(handle_request(Req, DocumentRoot, Method, Path)) of {ok, Resp0} -> {ok, Resp0}; Error -> send_error(Req, Error) end, ?LOG_INFO("~s - - ~p ~B", [ Req:get(peer), atom_to_list(Req:get(method)) ++ " " ++ Path, Resp:get(code) ]). handle_request(Req, DocumentRoot, Method, Path) -> % Start = erlang:now(), X = handle_request0(Req, DocumentRoot, Method, Path), % io:format("now_diff:~p~n", [timer:now_diff(erlang:now(), Start)]), X. handle_request0(Req, DocumentRoot, Method, Path) -> case Path of "/" -> handle_welcome_request(Req, Method); "/_all_dbs" -> handle_all_dbs_request(Req, Method); "/favicon.ico" -> {ok, Req:serve_file("favicon.ico", DocumentRoot)}; "/_replicate" -> handle_replicate_request(Req, Method); "/_utils" -> {ok, Req:respond({301, [{"Location", "/_utils/"}], <<>>})}; "/_utils/" ++ PathInfo -> {ok, Req:serve_file(PathInfo, DocumentRoot)}; _Else -> handle_db_request(Req, Method, {Path}) end. % Global request handlers handle_welcome_request(Req, 'GET') -> send_json(Req, {obj, [ {"couchdb", "Welcome"}, {"version", couch_server:get_version()} ]}); handle_welcome_request(_Req, _Method) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "GET,HEAD"}). handle_all_dbs_request(Req, 'GET') -> {ok, DbNames} = couch_server:all_databases(), send_json(Req, list_to_tuple(DbNames)); handle_all_dbs_request(_Req, _Method) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "GET,HEAD"}). handle_replicate_request(Req, 'POST') -> {obj, Props} = cjson:decode(Req:recv_body()), Source = proplists:get_value("source", Props), Target = proplists:get_value("target", Props), {obj, Options} = proplists:get_value("options", Props, {obj, []}), {ok, {obj, JsonResults}} = couch_rep:replicate(Source, Target, Options), send_json(Req, {obj, [{ok, true} | JsonResults]}); handle_replicate_request(_Req, _Method) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "POST"}). % Database request handlers handle_db_request(Req, Method, {Path}) -> UriParts = string:tokens(Path, "/"), [DbName|Rest] = UriParts, handle_db_request(Req, Method, {mochiweb_util:unquote(DbName), Rest}); handle_db_request(Req, 'PUT', {DbName, []}) -> case couch_server:create(DbName, []) of {ok, _Db} -> send_json(Req, 201, {obj, [{ok, true}]}); {error, database_already_exists} -> Msg = io_lib:format("Database ~p already exists.", [DbName]), throw({database_already_exists, Msg}); Error -> Msg = io_lib:format("Error creating database ~p: ~p", [DbName, Error]), throw({unknown_error, Msg}) end; handle_db_request(Req, Method, {DbName, Rest}) -> case couch_server:open(DbName) of {ok, Db} -> handle_db_request(Req, Method, {DbName, Db, Rest}); Error -> throw(Error) end; handle_db_request(Req, 'DELETE', {DbName, _Db, []}) -> ok = couch_server:delete(DbName), send_json(Req, 202, {obj, [ {ok, true} ]}); handle_db_request(Req, 'GET', {DbName, Db, []}) -> {ok, DbInfo} = couch_db:get_db_info(Db), send_json(Req, {obj, [{db_name, DbName} | DbInfo]}); handle_db_request(Req, 'POST', {_DbName, Db, []}) -> % TODO: Etag handling Json = cjson:decode(Req:recv_body()), Doc = couch_doc:from_json_obj(Json), DocId = couch_util:new_uuid(), {ok, NewRev} = couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc#doc{id=DocId, revs=[]}, []), send_json(Req, 201, {obj, [ {ok, true}, {id, DocId}, {rev, NewRev} ]}); handle_db_request(_Req, _Method, {_DbName, _Db, []}) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "DELETE,GET,HEAD,POST"}); handle_db_request(Req, 'POST', {_DbName, Db, ["_bulk_docs"]}) -> Options = [], % put options here. {obj, JsonProps} = cjson:decode(Req:recv_body()), DocsArray = proplists:get_value("docs", JsonProps), % convert all the doc elements to native docs case proplists:get_value("new_edits", JsonProps, true) of true -> Docs = lists:map( fun({obj, ObjProps} = JsonObj) -> Doc = couch_doc:from_json_obj(JsonObj), Id = case Doc#doc.id of "" -> couch_util:new_uuid(); Id0 -> Id0 end, Revs = case proplists:get_value("_rev", ObjProps) of undefined -> []; Rev -> [Rev] end, Doc#doc{id=Id,revs=Revs} end, tuple_to_list(DocsArray)), {ok, ResultRevs} = couch_db:update_docs(Db, Docs, Options), % output the results DocResults = lists:zipwith( fun(Doc, NewRev) -> {obj, [{"id", Doc#doc.id}, {"rev", NewRev}]} end, Docs, ResultRevs), send_json(Req, 201, {obj, [ {ok, true}, {new_revs, list_to_tuple(DocResults)} ]}); false -> Docs = [couch_doc:from_json_obj(JsonObj) || JsonObj <- tuple_to_list(DocsArray)], ok = couch_db:save_docs(Db, Docs, Options), send_json(Req, 201, {obj, [ {ok, true} ]}) end; handle_db_request(_Req, _Method, {_DbName, _Db, ["_bulk_docs"]}) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "POST"}); handle_db_request(Req, 'POST', {_DbName, Db, ["_compact"]}) -> ok = couch_db:start_compact(Db), send_json(Req, 202, {obj, [ {ok, true} ]}); handle_db_request(_Req, _Method, {_DbName, _Db, ["_compact"]}) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "POST"}); handle_db_request(Req, 'GET', {DbName, _Db, ["_search"]}) -> case Req:parse_qs() of [{"q", Query}] when (length(Query) > 0) -> {ok, Response} = couch_ft_query:execute(DbName, Query), send_json(Req, {obj, [{ok, true} | Response]}); _Error -> throw({no_fulltext_query, "Empty Query String"}) end; handle_db_request(_Req, _Method, {_DbName, _Db, ["_search"]}) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "GET,HEAD"}); % View request handlers handle_db_request(Req, 'GET', {_DbName, Db, ["_all_docs"]}) -> #view_query_args{ start_key = StartKey, start_docid = StartDocId, count = Count, skip = SkipCount, direction = Dir } = QueryArgs = parse_view_query(Req), {ok, Info} = couch_db:get_db_info(Db), TotalRowCount = proplists:get_value(doc_count, Info), StartId = if is_list(StartKey) -> StartKey; true -> StartDocId end, FoldlFun = make_view_fold_fun(Req, QueryArgs), AdapterFun = fun(#full_doc_info{id=Id}=FullDocInfo, Offset, Acc) -> case couch_doc:to_doc_info(FullDocInfo) of #doc_info{deleted=false, rev=Rev} -> FoldlFun(Id, Id, {obj, [{rev, Rev}]}, Offset, TotalRowCount, Acc); #doc_info{deleted=true} -> {ok, Acc} end end, {ok, FoldResult} = couch_db:enum_docs(Db, StartId, Dir, AdapterFun, {Count, SkipCount, undefined, []}), finish_view_fold(Req, {ok, TotalRowCount, FoldResult}); handle_db_request(_Req, _Method, {_DbName, _Db, ["_all_docs"]}) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "GET,HEAD"}); handle_db_request(Req, 'GET', {_DbName, Db, ["_all_docs_by_seq"]}) -> #view_query_args{ start_key = StartKey, count = Count, skip = SkipCount, direction = Dir } = QueryArgs = parse_view_query(Req), {ok, Info} = couch_db:get_db_info(Db), TotalRowCount = proplists:get_value(doc_count, Info), FoldlFun = make_view_fold_fun(Req, QueryArgs), StartKey2 = case StartKey of nil -> 0; <<>> -> 100000000000; StartKey when is_integer(StartKey) -> StartKey end, {ok, FoldResult} = couch_db:enum_docs_since(Db, StartKey2, Dir, fun(DocInfo, Offset, Acc) -> #doc_info{ id=Id, rev=Rev, update_seq=UpdateSeq, deleted=Deleted, conflict_revs=ConflictRevs, deleted_conflict_revs=DelConflictRevs } = DocInfo, Json = {obj, [{"rev", Rev}] ++ case ConflictRevs of [] -> []; _ -> [{"conflicts", list_to_tuple(ConflictRevs)}] end ++ case DelConflictRevs of [] -> []; _ -> [{"deleted_conflicts", list_to_tuple(DelConflictRevs)}] end ++ case Deleted of true -> [{"deleted", true}]; false -> [] end }, FoldlFun(Id, UpdateSeq, Json, Offset, TotalRowCount, Acc) end, {Count, SkipCount, undefined, []}), finish_view_fold(Req, {ok, TotalRowCount, FoldResult}); handle_db_request(_Req, _Method, {_DbName, _Db, ["_all_docs_by_seq"]}) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "GET,HEAD"}); handle_db_request(Req, 'GET', {DbName, _Db, ["_view", DocId, ViewName]}) -> #view_query_args{ start_key = StartKey, count = Count, skip = SkipCount, direction = Dir, start_docid = StartDocId } = QueryArgs = parse_view_query(Req), View = {DbName, "_design/" ++ DocId, ViewName}, Start = {StartKey, StartDocId}, FoldlFun = make_view_fold_fun(Req, QueryArgs), FoldAccInit = {Count, SkipCount, undefined, []}, FoldResult = couch_view:fold(View, Start, Dir, FoldlFun, FoldAccInit), finish_view_fold(Req, FoldResult); handle_db_request(_Req, _Method, {_DbName, _Db, ["_view", _DocId, _ViewName]}) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "GET,HEAD"}); handle_db_request(Req, 'POST', {_DbName, Db, ["_missing_revs"]}) -> {obj, JsonDocIdRevs} = cjson:decode(Req:recv_body()), DocIdRevs = [{Id, tuple_to_list(Revs)} || {Id, Revs} <- JsonDocIdRevs], {ok, Results} = couch_db:get_missing_revs(Db, DocIdRevs), JsonResults = [{Id, list_to_tuple(Revs)} || {Id, Revs} <- Results], send_json(Req, {obj, [ {missing_revs, {obj, JsonResults}} ]}); handle_db_request(Req, 'POST', {DbName, _Db, ["_temp_view"]}) -> #view_query_args{ start_key = StartKey, count = Count, skip = SkipCount, direction = Dir, start_docid = StartDocId } = QueryArgs = parse_view_query(Req), ContentType = case Req:get_primary_header_value("content-type") of undefined -> "text/javascript"; Else -> Else end, View = {temp, DbName, ContentType, Req:recv_body()}, Start = {StartKey, StartDocId}, FoldlFun = make_view_fold_fun(Req, QueryArgs), FoldAccInit = {Count, SkipCount, undefined, []}, FoldResult = couch_view:fold(View, Start, Dir, FoldlFun, FoldAccInit), finish_view_fold(Req, FoldResult); handle_db_request(_Req, _Method, {_DbName, _Db, ["_temp_view"]}) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "POST"}); % Document request handlers handle_db_request(Req, Method, {DbName, Db, [DocId]}) -> UnquotedDocId = mochiweb_util:unquote(DocId), handle_doc_request(Req, Method, DbName, Db, UnquotedDocId); handle_db_request(Req, Method, {DbName, Db, [DocId, FileName]}) -> UnquotedDocId = mochiweb_util:unquote(DocId), UnquotedFileName = mochiweb_util:unquote(FileName), handle_attachment_request(Req, Method, DbName, Db, UnquotedDocId, UnquotedFileName). handle_doc_request(Req, 'DELETE', _DbName, Db, DocId) -> QueryRev = proplists:get_value("rev", Req:parse_qs()), Etag = case Req:get_header_value("If-Match") of undefined -> undefined; Tag -> string:strip(Tag, both, $") end, RevToDelete = case {QueryRev, Etag} of {undefined, undefined} -> throw({missing_rev, "Document rev/etag must be specified to delete"}); {_, undefined} -> QueryRev; {undefined, _} -> Etag; _ when QueryRev == Etag -> Etag; _ -> throw({bad_request, "Document rev and etag have different values"}) end, {ok, NewRev} = couch_db:delete_doc(Db, DocId, [RevToDelete]), send_json(Req, 202, {obj, [ {ok, true}, {id, DocId}, {rev, NewRev} ]}); handle_doc_request(Req, 'GET', _DbName, Db, DocId) -> #doc_query_args{ rev = Rev, open_revs = Revs, options = Options } = parse_doc_query(Req), case Revs of [] -> case Rev of "" -> % open most recent rev case couch_db:open_doc(Db, DocId, Options) of {ok, #doc{revs=[DocRev|_]}=Doc} -> Etag = none_match(Req, DocRev), JsonDoc = couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options), AdditionalHeaders = case Doc#doc.meta of [] -> [{"Etag", Etag}]; % output etag when we have no meta _ -> [] end, send_json(Req, 200, AdditionalHeaders, JsonDoc); Error -> throw(Error) end; _ -> % open a specific rev (deletions come back as stubs) case couch_db:open_doc_revs(Db, DocId, [Rev], Options) of {ok, [{ok, Doc}]} -> send_json(Req, 200, [], couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options)); {ok, [Else]} -> throw(Else) end end; _ -> {ok, Results} = couch_db:open_doc_revs(Db, DocId, Revs, Options), Resp = start_json_response(Req, 200), Resp:write_chunk("["), % We loop through the docs. The first time through the separator % is whitespace, then a comma on subsequent iterations. lists:foldl( fun(Result, AccSeparator) -> case Result of {ok, Doc} -> JsonDoc = couch_doc:to_json_obj(Doc, Options), Json = lists:flatten(cjson:encode({obj, [{ok, JsonDoc}]})), Resp:write_chunk(AccSeparator ++ Json); {{not_found, missing}, RevId} -> Json = {obj, [{"missing", RevId}]}, Json = lists:flatten(cjson:encode(Json)), Resp:write_chunk(AccSeparator ++ Json) end, "," % AccSeparator now has a comma end, "", Results), Resp:write_chunk("]"), end_json_response(Resp) end; handle_doc_request(Req, 'PUT', _DbName, Db, DocId) -> Json = {obj, DocProps} = cjson:decode(Req:recv_body()), DocRev = proplists:get_value("_rev", DocProps), Etag = case Req:get_header_value("If-Match") of undefined -> undefined; Tag -> string:strip(Tag, both, $") end, Revs = case {DocRev, Etag} of {undefined, undefined} -> []; {_, undefined} -> [DocRev]; {undefined, _} -> [Etag]; _ when DocRev == Etag -> [Etag]; _ -> throw({bad_request, "Document rev and etag have different values"}) end, Doc = couch_doc:from_json_obj(Json), {ok, NewRev} = couch_db:update_doc(Db, Doc#doc{id=DocId, revs=Revs}, []), send_json(Req, 201, [{"Etag", "\"" ++ NewRev ++ "\""}], {obj, [ {ok, true}, {id, DocId}, {rev, NewRev} ]}); handle_doc_request(_Req, _Method, _DbName, _Db, _DocId) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "DELETE,GET,HEAD,PUT"}). % Attachment request handlers handle_attachment_request(Req, 'GET', _DbName, Db, DocId, FileName) -> case couch_db:open_doc(Db, DocId, []) of {ok, #doc{attachments=Attachments}} -> case proplists:get_value(FileName, Attachments) of undefined -> throw({not_found, missing}); {Type, Bin} -> Resp = Req:respond({200, [ {"content-type", Type}, {"content-length", integer_to_list(couch_doc:bin_size(Bin))} ], chunked}), couch_doc:bin_foldl(Bin, fun(BinSegment, []) -> ok = Resp:write_chunk(BinSegment), {ok, []} end, [] ), Resp:write_chunk(""), {ok, Resp} end; Error -> throw(Error) end; handle_attachment_request(_Req, _Method, _DbName, _Db, _DocId, _FileName) -> throw({method_not_allowed, "GET,HEAD"}). % View request handling internals reverse_key_default(nil) -> <<>>; reverse_key_default(<<>>) -> nil; reverse_key_default(Key) -> Key. parse_view_query(Req) -> QueryList = Req:parse_qs(), lists:foldl(fun({Key,Value}, Args) -> case {Key, Value} of {"", _} -> Args; {"key", Value} -> JsonKey = cjson:decode(Value), Args#view_query_args{start_key=JsonKey,end_key=JsonKey}; {"startkey_docid", DocId} -> Args#view_query_args{start_docid=DocId}; {"startkey", Value} -> Args#view_query_args{start_key=cjson:decode(Value)}; {"endkey", Value} -> Args#view_query_args{end_key=cjson:decode(Value)}; {"count", Value} -> case (catch list_to_integer(Value)) of Count when is_integer(Count) -> if Count < 0 -> Args#view_query_args { direction = if Args#view_query_args.direction == rev -> fwd; true -> rev end, count=Count, start_key = reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.start_key), start_docid = reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.start_docid), end_key = reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.end_key), end_docid = reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.end_docid)}; true -> Args#view_query_args{count=Count} end; _Error -> Msg = io_lib:format("Bad URL query value, number expected: count=~s", [Value]), throw({query_parse_error, Msg}) end; {"update", "false"} -> Args#view_query_args{update=false}; {"descending", "true"} -> case Args#view_query_args.direction of fwd -> Args#view_query_args { direction = rev, start_key = reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.start_key), start_docid = reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.start_docid), end_key = reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.end_key), end_docid = reverse_key_default(Args#view_query_args.end_docid)}; _ -> Args %already reversed end; {"skip", Value} -> case (catch list_to_integer(Value)) of Count when is_integer(Count) -> Args#view_query_args{skip=Count}; _Error -> Msg = lists:flatten(io_lib:format( "Bad URL query value, number expected: skip=~s", [Value])), throw({query_parse_error, Msg}) end; _ -> % unknown key Msg = lists:flatten(io_lib:format( "Bad URL query key:~s", [Key])), throw({query_parse_error, Msg}) end end, #view_query_args{}, QueryList). make_view_fold_fun(Req, QueryArgs) -> #view_query_args{ end_key = EndKey, end_docid = EndDocId, direction = Dir, count = Count } = QueryArgs, PassedEndFun = case Dir of fwd -> fun(ViewKey, ViewId) -> couch_view:less_json({EndKey, EndDocId}, {ViewKey, ViewId}) end; rev-> fun(ViewKey, ViewId) -> couch_view:less_json({ViewKey, ViewId}, {EndKey, EndDocId}) end end, NegCountFun = fun(Id, Key, Value, Offset, TotalViewCount, {AccCount, AccSkip, Resp, AccRevRows}) -> PassedEnd = PassedEndFun(Key, Id), case {PassedEnd, AccCount, AccSkip, Resp} of {true, _, _, _} -> % The stop key has been passed, stop looping. {stop, {AccCount, AccSkip, Resp, AccRevRows}}; {_, 0, _, _} -> % we've done "count" rows, stop foldling {stop, {0, 0, Resp, AccRevRows}}; {_, _, AccSkip, _} when AccSkip > 0 -> {ok, {AccCount, AccSkip - 1, Resp, AccRevRows}}; {_, _, _, undefined} -> Resp2 = start_json_response(Req, 200), Offset2 = TotalViewCount - Offset - lists:min([TotalViewCount - Offset, - AccCount]), JsonBegin = io_lib:format("{\"total_rows\":~w,\"offset\":~w,\"rows\":[", [TotalViewCount, Offset2]), Resp2:write_chunk(lists:flatten(JsonBegin)), JsonObj = {obj, [{id, Id}, {key, Key}, {value, Value}]}, {ok, {AccCount + 1, 0, Resp2, [cjson:encode(JsonObj) | AccRevRows]}}; {_, AccCount, _, Resp} -> JsonObj = {obj, [{id, Id}, {key, Key}, {value, Value}]}, {ok, {AccCount + 1, 0, Resp, [cjson:encode(JsonObj), "," | AccRevRows]}} end end, PosCountFun = fun(Id, Key, Value, Offset, TotalViewCount, {AccCount, AccSkip, Resp, AccRevRows}) -> PassedEnd = PassedEndFun(Key, Id), case {PassedEnd, AccCount, AccSkip, Resp} of {true, _, _, _} -> % The stop key has been passed, stop looping. {stop, {AccCount, AccSkip, Resp, AccRevRows}}; {_, 0, _, _} -> % we've done "count" rows, stop foldling {stop, {0, 0, Resp, AccRevRows}}; {_, _, AccSkip, _} when AccSkip > 0 -> {ok, {AccCount, AccSkip - 1, Resp, AccRevRows}}; {_, _, _, undefined} -> Resp2 = start_json_response(Req, 200), JsonBegin = io_lib:format("{\"total_rows\":~w,\"offset\":~w,\"rows\":[\r\n", [TotalViewCount, Offset]), JsonObj = {obj, [{id, Id}, {key, Key}, {value, Value}]}, Resp2:write_chunk(lists:flatten(JsonBegin ++ cjson:encode(JsonObj))), {ok, {AccCount - 1, 0, Resp2, AccRevRows}}; {_, AccCount, _, Resp} when (AccCount > 0) -> JsonObj = {obj, [{"id", Id}, {"key", Key}, {"value", Value}]}, Resp:write_chunk(",\r\n" ++ lists:flatten(cjson:encode(JsonObj))), {ok, {AccCount - 1, 0, Resp, AccRevRows}} end end, case Count > 0 of true -> PosCountFun; false -> NegCountFun end. finish_view_fold(Req, FoldResult) -> case FoldResult of {ok, TotalRows, {_, _, undefined, _}} -> % nothing found in the view, nothing has been returned % send empty view send_json(Req, 200, {obj, [ {total_rows, TotalRows}, {rows, {}} ]}); {ok, _TotalRows, {_, _, Resp, AccRevRows}} -> % end the view Resp:write_chunk(lists:flatten(AccRevRows) ++ "\r\n]}"), end_json_response(Resp); Error -> throw(Error) end. % Document request handling internals parse_doc_query(Req) -> lists:foldl(fun({Key,Value}, Args) -> case {Key, Value} of {"attachments", "true"} -> Options = [attachments | Args#doc_query_args.options], Args#doc_query_args{options=Options}; {"meta", "true"} -> Options = [revs_info, conflicts, deleted_conflicts | Args#doc_query_args.options], Args#doc_query_args{options=Options}; {"revs", "true"} -> Options = [revs | Args#doc_query_args.options], Args#doc_query_args{options=Options}; {"revs_info", "true"} -> Options = [revs_info | Args#doc_query_args.options], Args#doc_query_args{options=Options}; {"conflicts", "true"} -> Options = [conflicts | Args#doc_query_args.options], Args#doc_query_args{options=Options}; {"deleted_conflicts", "true"} -> Options = [deleted_conflicts | Args#doc_query_args.options], Args#doc_query_args{options=Options}; {"rev", Rev} -> Args#doc_query_args{rev=Rev}; {"open_revs", "all"} -> Args#doc_query_args{open_revs=all}; {"open_revs", RevsJsonStr} -> JsonArray = cjson:decode(RevsJsonStr), Args#doc_query_args{open_revs=tuple_to_list(JsonArray)}; _Else -> % unknown key value pair, ignore. Args end end, #doc_query_args{}, Req:parse_qs()). % Utilities none_match(Req, Tag) -> Etag = "\"" ++ Tag ++ "\"", Etags = case Req:get_header_value("If-None-Match") of undefined -> []; Tags -> string:tokens(Tags, ", ") end, case lists:member(Etag, Etags) of true -> throw({not_modified, Etag}); false -> Etag end. error_to_json(Error) -> {HttpCode, Atom, Reason} = error_to_json0(Error), FormattedReason = case (catch io_lib:format("~s", [Reason])) of List when is_list(List) -> lists:flatten(List); _ -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [Reason])) % else term to text end, Json = {obj, [ {error, atom_to_list(Atom)}, {reason, FormattedReason} ]}, {HttpCode, Json}. error_to_json0(bad_request) -> {400, bad_request, "Bad request"}; error_to_json0({bad_request, Reason}) -> {400, bad_request, Reason}; error_to_json0(not_found) -> {404, not_found, "missing"}; error_to_json0({missing_rev, Msg}) -> {412, missing_rev, Msg}; error_to_json0({not_found, Reason}) -> {404, not_found, Reason}; error_to_json0({database_already_exists, Reason}) -> {409, database_already_exists, Reason}; error_to_json0(conflict) -> {412, conflict, "Update conflict"}; error_to_json0({doc_validation, Msg}) -> {406, doc_validation, Msg}; error_to_json0({Id, Reason}) when is_atom(Id) -> {500, Id, Reason}; error_to_json0(Error) -> {500, error, Error}. send_error(Req, {method_not_allowed, Methods}) -> {ok, Req:respond({405, [{"Allow", Methods}], <<>>})}; send_error(Req, {modified, Etag}) -> {ok, Req:respond({412, [{"Etag", Etag}], <<>>})}; send_error(Req, {not_modified, Etag}) -> {ok, Req:respond({304, [{"Etag", Etag}], <<>>})}; send_error(Req, Error) -> {Code, Json} = error_to_json(Error), ?LOG_INFO("HTTP Error (code ~w): ~p", [Code, Error]), send_error(Req, Code, Json). send_error(Req, Code, Json) -> send_json(Req, Code, Json). send_json(Req, Value) -> send_json(Req, 200, Value). send_json(Req, Code, Value) -> send_json(Req, Code, [], Value). send_json(Req, Code, Headers, Value) -> Resp = start_json_response(Req, Code, Headers), Resp:write_chunk(cjson:encode(Value)), end_json_response(Resp), {ok, Resp}. start_json_response(Req, Code) -> start_json_response(Req, Code, []). start_json_response(Req, Code, Headers) -> AcceptedTypes = case Req:get_header_value("Accept") of undefined -> []; AcceptHeader -> string:tokens(AcceptHeader, ", ") end, ContentType = case lists:member("application/json", AcceptedTypes) of true -> "application/json"; false -> "text/plain;charset=utf-8" end, Req:respond({Code, [{"Content-Type", ContentType}] ++ Headers, chunked}). end_json_response(Resp) -> Resp:write_chunk(""), {ok, Resp}.