% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not % use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of % the License at % % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT % WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the % License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under % the License. -module(couch_db). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([open/2,close/1,create/2,start_compact/1,get_db_info/1]). -export([open_ref_counted/2,num_refs/1,monitor/1]). -export([update_doc/3,update_docs/4,update_docs/2,update_docs/3,delete_doc/3]). -export([get_doc_info/2,open_doc/2,open_doc/3,open_doc_revs/4]). -export([get_missing_revs/2,name/1,doc_to_tree/1,get_update_seq/1]). -export([enum_docs/4,enum_docs/5,enum_docs_since/4,enum_docs_since/5]). -export([enum_docs_since_reduce_to_count/1,enum_docs_reduce_to_count/1]). -export([increment_update_seq/1,get_purge_seq/1,purge_docs/2,get_last_purged/1]). -export([start_link/3,make_doc/2,set_admins/2,get_admins/1,ensure_full_commit/1]). -export([init/1,terminate/2,handle_call/3,handle_cast/2,code_change/3,handle_info/2]). -include("couch_db.hrl"). start_link(DbName, Filepath, Options) -> case open_db_file(Filepath, Options) of {ok, Fd} -> StartResult = gen_server:start_link(couch_db, {DbName, Filepath, Fd, Options}, []), unlink(Fd), StartResult; Else -> Else end. open_db_file(Filepath, Options) -> case couch_file:open(Filepath, Options) of {ok, Fd} -> {ok, Fd}; {error, enoent} -> % couldn't find file. is there a compact version? This can happen if % crashed during the file switch. case couch_file:open(Filepath ++ ".compact") of {ok, Fd} -> ?LOG_INFO("Found ~s~s compaction file, using as primary storage.", [Filepath, ".compact"]), ok = file:rename(Filepath ++ ".compact", Filepath), {ok, Fd}; {error, enoent} -> not_found end; Error -> Error end. create(DbName, Options) -> couch_server:create(DbName, Options). open(DbName, Options) -> couch_server:open(DbName, Options). ensure_full_commit(#db{update_pid=UpdatePid}) -> gen_server:call(UpdatePid, full_commit, infinity). close(#db{fd=Fd}) -> couch_file:drop_ref(Fd). open_ref_counted(MainPid, UserCtx) -> {ok, Db} = gen_server:call(MainPid, {open_ref_counted_instance, self()}), {ok, Db#db{user_ctx=UserCtx}}. num_refs(MainPid) -> gen_server:call(MainPid, num_refs). monitor(#db{main_pid=MainPid}) -> erlang:monitor(process, MainPid). start_compact(#db{update_pid=Pid}) -> gen_server:cast(Pid, start_compact). delete_doc(Db, Id, Revisions) -> DeletedDocs = [#doc{id=Id, revs=[Rev], deleted=true} || Rev <- Revisions], {ok, [Result]} = update_docs(Db, DeletedDocs, []), {ok, Result}. open_doc(Db, IdOrDocInfo) -> open_doc(Db, IdOrDocInfo, []). open_doc(Db, Id, Options) -> case open_doc_int(Db, Id, Options) of {ok, #doc{deleted=true}=Doc} -> case lists:member(deleted, Options) of true -> {ok, Doc}; false -> {not_found, deleted} end; Else -> Else end. open_doc_revs(Db, Id, Revs, Options) -> [Result] = open_doc_revs_int(Db, [{Id, Revs}], Options), Result. get_missing_revs(Db, IdRevsList) -> Ids = [Id1 || {Id1, _Revs} <- IdRevsList], FullDocInfoResults = get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids), Results = lists:zipwith( fun({Id, Revs}, FullDocInfoResult) -> case FullDocInfoResult of {ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=RevisionTree}} -> {Id, couch_key_tree:find_missing(RevisionTree, Revs)}; not_found -> {Id, Revs} end end, IdRevsList, FullDocInfoResults), % strip out the non-missing ids Missing = [{Id, Revs} || {Id, Revs} <- Results, Revs /= []], {ok, Missing}. get_doc_info(Db, Id) -> case get_full_doc_info(Db, Id) of {ok, DocInfo} -> {ok, couch_doc:to_doc_info(DocInfo)}; Else -> Else end. % returns {ok, DocInfo} or not_found get_full_doc_info(Db, Id) -> [Result] = get_full_doc_infos(Db, [Id]), Result. get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids) -> couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.fulldocinfo_by_id_btree, Ids). increment_update_seq(#db{update_pid=UpdatePid}) -> gen_server:call(UpdatePid, increment_update_seq). purge_docs(#db{update_pid=UpdatePid}, IdsRevs) -> gen_server:call(UpdatePid, {purge_docs, IdsRevs}). get_update_seq(#db{header=#db_header{update_seq=Seq}})-> Seq. get_purge_seq(#db{header=#db_header{purge_seq=PurgeSeq}})-> PurgeSeq. get_last_purged(#db{header=#db_header{purged_docs=nil}}) -> {ok, []}; get_last_purged(#db{fd=Fd, header=#db_header{purged_docs=PurgedPointer}}) -> couch_file:pread_term(Fd, PurgedPointer). get_db_info(Db) -> #db{fd=Fd, compactor_pid=Compactor, update_seq=SeqNum, name=Name, fulldocinfo_by_id_btree=FullDocBtree} = Db, {ok, Size} = couch_file:bytes(Fd), {ok, {Count, DelCount}} = couch_btree:full_reduce(FullDocBtree), InfoList = [ {db_name, Name}, {doc_count, Count}, {doc_del_count, DelCount}, {update_seq, SeqNum}, {purge_seq, couch_db:get_purge_seq(Db)}, {compact_running, Compactor/=nil}, {disk_size, Size} ], {ok, InfoList}. get_admins(#db{admins=Admins}) -> Admins. set_admins(#db{update_pid=UpdatePid,user_ctx=Ctx}, Admins) when is_list(Admins) -> case gen_server:call(UpdatePid, {set_admins, Admins, Ctx}, infinity) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end. name(#db{name=Name}) -> Name. update_doc(Db, Doc, Options) -> {ok, [NewRev]} = update_docs(Db, [Doc], Options), {ok, NewRev}. update_docs(Db, Docs) -> update_docs(Db, Docs, []). % group_alike_docs groups the sorted documents into sublist buckets, by id. % ([DocA, DocA, DocB, DocC], []) -> [[DocA, DocA], [DocB], [DocC]] group_alike_docs(Docs) -> Sorted = lists:sort(fun(#doc{id=A},#doc{id=B})-> A < B end, Docs), group_alike_docs(Sorted, []). group_alike_docs([], Buckets) -> lists:reverse(Buckets); group_alike_docs([Doc|Rest], []) -> group_alike_docs(Rest, [[Doc]]); group_alike_docs([Doc|Rest], [Bucket|RestBuckets]) -> [#doc{id=BucketId}|_] = Bucket, case Doc#doc.id == BucketId of true -> % add to existing bucket group_alike_docs(Rest, [[Doc|Bucket]|RestBuckets]); false -> % add to new bucket group_alike_docs(Rest, [[Doc]|[Bucket|RestBuckets]]) end. validate_doc_update(#db{user_ctx=UserCtx, admins=Admins}, #doc{id= <<"_design/",_/binary>>}=Doc, _GetDiskDocFun) -> UserNames = [UserCtx#user_ctx.name | UserCtx#user_ctx.roles], % if the user is a server admin or db admin, allow the save case length(UserNames -- [<<"_admin">> | Admins]) == length(UserNames) of true -> % not an admin throw({unauthorized, <<"You are not a server or database admin.">>}); false -> Doc end; validate_doc_update(#db{validate_doc_funs=[]}, Doc, _GetDiskDocFun) -> Doc; validate_doc_update(_Db, #doc{id= <<"_local/",_/binary>>}=Doc, _GetDiskDocFun) -> Doc; validate_doc_update(#db{name=DbName,user_ctx=Ctx}=Db, Doc, GetDiskDocFun) -> DiskDoc = GetDiskDocFun(), JsonCtx = {[{<<"db">>, DbName}, {<<"name">>,Ctx#user_ctx.name}, {<<"roles">>,Ctx#user_ctx.roles}]}, [case Fun(Doc, DiskDoc, JsonCtx) of ok -> ok; Error -> throw(Error) end || Fun <- Db#db.validate_doc_funs], Doc. prep_and_validate_new_edit(Db, #doc{id=Id,revs=[NewRev|PrevRevs]}=Doc, OldFullDocInfo, LeafRevsDict) -> case PrevRevs of [PrevRev|_] -> case dict:find(PrevRev, LeafRevsDict) of {ok, {Deleted, Sp, DiskRevs}} -> Doc2 = Doc#doc{revs=[NewRev|DiskRevs]}, case couch_doc:has_stubs(Doc2) of true -> DiskDoc = make_doc(Db, Id, Deleted, Sp, DiskRevs), Doc3 = couch_doc:merge_stubs(Doc2, DiskDoc), validate_doc_update(Db, Doc3, fun() -> DiskDoc end); false -> LoadDiskDoc = fun() -> make_doc(Db,Id,Deleted,Sp,DiskRevs) end, validate_doc_update(Db, Doc2, LoadDiskDoc) end; error -> throw(conflict) end; [] -> % new doc, and we have existing revs. if OldFullDocInfo#full_doc_info.deleted -> % existing docs are deletions validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, nil); true -> throw(conflict) end end. update_docs(#db{update_pid=UpdatePid}=Db, Docs, Options) -> update_docs(#db{update_pid=UpdatePid}=Db, Docs, Options, true). update_docs(Db, Docs, Options, false) -> DocBuckets = group_alike_docs(Docs), Ids = [Id || [#doc{id=Id}|_] <- DocBuckets], ExistingDocs = get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids), DocBuckets2 = lists:zipwith( fun(Bucket, not_found) -> [validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, fun()-> nil end) || Doc <- Bucket]; (Bucket, {ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=OldRevTree}}) -> NewTree = lists:foldl( fun(Doc, RevTreeAcc) -> couch_key_tree:merge(RevTreeAcc, doc_to_tree(Doc)) end, OldRevTree, Bucket), Leafs = couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs_full(NewTree), LeafRevsFullDict = dict:from_list( [{Rev, FullPath} || [{Rev, _}|_]=FullPath <- Leafs]), lists:flatmap( fun(#doc{revs=[Rev|_]}=Doc) -> case dict:find(Rev, LeafRevsFullDict) of {ok, [{Rev, #doc{id=Id}}|_]=Path} -> % our unflushed doc is a leaf node. Go back on the path % to find the previous rev that's on disk. LoadPrevRev = fun() -> make_first_doc_on_disk(Db, Id, Path) end, [validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, LoadPrevRev)]; _ -> % this doc isn't a leaf or is already exists in the tree. ignore [] end end, Bucket) end, DocBuckets, ExistingDocs), write_and_commit(Db, DocBuckets2, Options); update_docs(Db, Docs, Options, true) -> % go ahead and generate the new revision ids for the documents. Docs2 = lists:map( fun(#doc{id=Id,revs=Revs}=Doc) -> case Id of <> -> Rev = case Revs of [] -> 0; [Rev0|_] -> list_to_integer(binary_to_list(Rev0)) end, Doc#doc{revs=[list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Rev + 1))]}; _ -> Doc#doc{revs=[list_to_binary(integer_to_list(couch_util:rand32())) | Revs]} end end, Docs), DocBuckets = group_alike_docs(Docs2), Ids = [Id || [#doc{id=Id}|_] <- DocBuckets], % lookup the doc by id and get the most recent ExistingDocs = get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids), DocBuckets2 = lists:zipwith( fun(Bucket, not_found) -> % no existing revs on disk, make sure no old revs specified. [throw(conflict) || #doc{revs=[_NewRev, _OldRev | _]} <- Bucket], [validate_doc_update(Db, Doc, fun()-> nil end) || Doc <- Bucket]; (Bucket, {ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=OldRevTree}=OldFullDocInfo}) -> Leafs = couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(OldRevTree), LeafRevsDict = dict:from_list([{Rev, {Deleted, Sp, Revs}} || {Rev, {Deleted, Sp}, Revs} <- Leafs]), [prep_and_validate_new_edit(Db, Doc, OldFullDocInfo, LeafRevsDict) || Doc <- Bucket] end, DocBuckets, ExistingDocs), ok = write_and_commit(Db, DocBuckets2, [new_edits | Options]), {ok, [NewRev ||#doc{revs=[NewRev|_]} <- Docs2]}. % Returns the first available document on disk. Input list is a full rev path % for the doc. make_first_doc_on_disk(_Db, _Id, []) -> nil; make_first_doc_on_disk(Db, Id, [{_Rev, ?REV_MISSING}|RestPath]) -> make_first_doc_on_disk(Db, Id, RestPath); make_first_doc_on_disk(Db, Id, [{_Rev, {IsDel, Sp}} |_]=DocPath) -> Revs = [Rev || {Rev, _} <- DocPath], make_doc(Db, Id, IsDel, Sp, Revs). write_and_commit(#db{update_pid=UpdatePid, user_ctx=Ctx}=Db, DocBuckets, Options) -> % flush unwritten binaries to disk. DocBuckets2 = [[doc_flush_binaries(Doc, Db#db.fd) || Doc <- Bucket] || Bucket <- DocBuckets], case gen_server:call(UpdatePid, {update_docs, DocBuckets2, Options}, infinity) of ok -> ok; retry -> % This can happen if the db file we wrote to was swapped out by % compaction. Retry writing to the current file {ok, Db2} = open_ref_counted(Db#db.main_pid, Ctx), DocBuckets3 = [[doc_flush_binaries(Doc, Db2#db.fd) || Doc <- Bucket] || Bucket <- DocBuckets], % We only retry once close(Db2), case gen_server:call(UpdatePid, {update_docs, DocBuckets3, Options}, infinity) of ok -> ok; Else -> throw(Else) end; Else-> throw(Else) end. doc_flush_binaries(Doc, Fd) -> % calc size of binaries to write out Bins = Doc#doc.attachments, PreAllocSize = lists:foldl( fun(BinValue, SizeAcc) -> case BinValue of {_Key, {_Type, {Fd0, _StreamPointer, _Len}}} when Fd0 == Fd -> % already written to our file, nothing to write SizeAcc; {_Key, {_Type, {_OtherFd, _StreamPointer, Len}}} -> % written to a different file SizeAcc + Len; {_Key, {_Type, Bin}} when is_binary(Bin) -> SizeAcc + size(Bin) end end, 0, Bins), {ok, OutputStream} = couch_stream:open(Fd), ok = couch_stream:ensure_buffer(OutputStream, PreAllocSize), NewBins = lists:map( fun({Key, {Type, BinValue}}) -> NewBinValue = case BinValue of {Fd0, StreamPointer, Len} when Fd0 == Fd -> % already written to our file, nothing to write {Fd, StreamPointer, Len}; {OtherFd, StreamPointer, Len} -> % written to a different file (or a closed file % instance, which will cause an error) {ok, {NewStreamPointer, Len}, _EndSp} = couch_stream:foldl(OtherFd, StreamPointer, Len, fun(Bin, {BeginPointer, SizeAcc}) -> {ok, Pointer} = couch_stream:write(OutputStream, Bin), case SizeAcc of 0 -> % this was the first write, record the pointer {ok, {Pointer, size(Bin)}}; _ -> {ok, {BeginPointer, SizeAcc + size(Bin)}} end end, {{0,0}, 0}), {Fd, NewStreamPointer, Len}; Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> {ok, StreamPointer} = couch_stream:write(OutputStream, Bin), {Fd, StreamPointer, size(Bin)} end, {Key, {Type, NewBinValue}} end, Bins), {ok, _FinalPos} = couch_stream:close(OutputStream), Doc#doc{attachments = NewBins}. enum_docs_since_reduce_to_count(Reds) -> couch_btree:final_reduce( fun couch_db_updater:btree_by_seq_reduce/2, Reds). enum_docs_reduce_to_count(Reds) -> {Count, _DelCount} = couch_btree:final_reduce( fun couch_db_updater:btree_by_id_reduce/2, Reds), Count. enum_docs_since(Db, SinceSeq, Direction, InFun, Ctx) -> couch_btree:fold(Db#db.docinfo_by_seq_btree, SinceSeq + 1, Direction, InFun, Ctx). enum_docs_since(Db, SinceSeq, InFun, Acc) -> enum_docs_since(Db, SinceSeq, fwd, InFun, Acc). enum_docs(Db, StartId, Direction, InFun, InAcc) -> couch_btree:fold(Db#db.fulldocinfo_by_id_btree, StartId, Direction, InFun, InAcc). enum_docs(Db, StartId, InFun, Ctx) -> enum_docs(Db, StartId, fwd, InFun, Ctx). % server functions init({DbName, Filepath, Fd, Options}) -> {ok, UpdaterPid} = gen_server:start_link(couch_db_updater, {self(), DbName, Filepath, Fd, Options}, []), ok = couch_file:add_ref(Fd), gen_server:call(UpdaterPid, get_db). terminate(_Reason, _Db) -> ok. handle_call({open_ref_counted_instance, OpenerPid}, _From, #db{fd=Fd}=Db) -> ok = couch_file:add_ref(Fd, OpenerPid), {reply, {ok, Db}, Db}; handle_call(num_refs, _From, #db{fd=Fd}=Db) -> {reply, couch_file:num_refs(Fd) - 1, Db}; handle_call({db_updated, #db{fd=NewFd}=NewDb}, _From, #db{fd=OldFd}) -> case NewFd == OldFd of true -> ok; false -> couch_file:add_ref(NewFd), couch_file:drop_ref(OldFd) end, {reply, ok, NewDb}. handle_cast(Msg, Db) -> ?LOG_ERROR("Bad cast message received for db ~s: ~p", [Db#db.name, Msg]), exit({error, Msg}). code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. handle_info(Msg, Db) -> ?LOG_ERROR("Bad message received for db ~s: ~p", [Db#db.name, Msg]), exit({error, Msg}). %%% Internal function %%% open_doc_revs_int(Db, IdRevs, Options) -> Ids = [Id || {Id, _Revs} <- IdRevs], LookupResults = get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids), lists:zipwith( fun({Id, Revs}, Lookup) -> case Lookup of {ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=RevTree}} -> {FoundRevs, MissingRevs} = case Revs of all -> {couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(RevTree), []}; _ -> case lists:member(latest, Options) of true -> couch_key_tree:get_key_leafs(RevTree, Revs); false -> couch_key_tree:get(RevTree, Revs) end end, FoundResults = lists:map(fun({Rev, Value, FoundRevPath}) -> case Value of ?REV_MISSING -> % we have the rev in our list but know nothing about it {{not_found, missing}, Rev}; {IsDeleted, SummaryPtr} -> {ok, make_doc(Db, Id, IsDeleted, SummaryPtr, FoundRevPath)} end end, FoundRevs), Results = FoundResults ++ [{{not_found, missing}, MissingRev} || MissingRev <- MissingRevs], {ok, Results}; not_found when Revs == all -> {ok, []}; not_found -> {ok, [{{not_found, missing}, Rev} || Rev <- Revs]} end end, IdRevs, LookupResults). open_doc_int(Db, <> = Id, _Options) -> case couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.local_docs_btree, [Id]) of [{ok, {_, {Rev, BodyData}}}] -> {ok, #doc{id=Id, revs=[list_to_binary(integer_to_list(Rev))], body=BodyData}}; [not_found] -> {not_found, missing} end; open_doc_int(Db, #doc_info{id=Id,rev=Rev,deleted=IsDeleted,summary_pointer=Sp}=DocInfo, Options) -> Doc = make_doc(Db, Id, IsDeleted, Sp, [Rev]), {ok, Doc#doc{meta=doc_meta_info(DocInfo, [], Options)}}; open_doc_int(Db, #full_doc_info{id=Id,rev_tree=RevTree}=FullDocInfo, Options) -> #doc_info{deleted=IsDeleted,rev=Rev,summary_pointer=Sp} = DocInfo = couch_doc:to_doc_info(FullDocInfo), {[{_Rev,_Value, Revs}], []} = couch_key_tree:get(RevTree, [Rev]), Doc = make_doc(Db, Id, IsDeleted, Sp, Revs), {ok, Doc#doc{meta=doc_meta_info(DocInfo, RevTree, Options)}}; open_doc_int(Db, Id, Options) -> case get_full_doc_info(Db, Id) of {ok, FullDocInfo} -> open_doc_int(Db, FullDocInfo, Options); not_found -> {not_found, missing} end. doc_meta_info(DocInfo, RevTree, Options) -> case lists:member(revs_info, Options) of false -> []; true -> {[RevPath],[]} = couch_key_tree:get_full_key_paths(RevTree, [DocInfo#doc_info.rev]), [{revs_info, lists:map( fun({Rev, {true, _Sp}}) -> {Rev, deleted}; ({Rev, {false, _Sp}}) -> {Rev, available}; ({Rev, ?REV_MISSING}) -> {Rev, missing} end, RevPath)}] end ++ case lists:member(conflicts, Options) of false -> []; true -> case DocInfo#doc_info.conflict_revs of [] -> []; _ -> [{conflicts, DocInfo#doc_info.conflict_revs}] end end ++ case lists:member(deleted_conflicts, Options) of false -> []; true -> case DocInfo#doc_info.deleted_conflict_revs of [] -> []; _ -> [{deleted_conflicts, DocInfo#doc_info.deleted_conflict_revs}] end end. doc_to_tree(Doc) -> doc_to_tree(Doc, lists:reverse(Doc#doc.revs)). doc_to_tree(Doc, [RevId]) -> [{RevId, Doc, []}]; doc_to_tree(Doc, [RevId | Rest]) -> [{RevId, ?REV_MISSING, doc_to_tree(Doc, Rest)}]. make_doc(Db, FullDocInfo) -> {#doc_info{id=Id,deleted=Deleted,summary_pointer=Sp}, RevPath} = couch_doc:to_doc_info_path(FullDocInfo), make_doc(Db, Id, Deleted, Sp, RevPath). make_doc(#db{fd=Fd}=Db, Id, Deleted, BodySp, RevisionPath) -> {BodyData, BinValues} = case BodySp of nil -> {[], []}; _ -> {ok, {BodyData0, BinValues0}} = couch_stream:read_term( Db#db.summary_stream, BodySp), {BodyData0, [{Name,{Type,{Fd,Sp,Len}}} || {Name,{Type,Sp,Len}} <- BinValues0]} end, #doc{ id = Id, revs = RevisionPath, body = BodyData, attachments = BinValues, deleted = Deleted }.