% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not % use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of % the License at % % http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT % WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the % License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under % the License. -module(couch_btree). -export([open/2, open/3, query_modify/4, add/2, add_remove/3, foldl/3, foldl/4]). -export([foldr/3, foldr/4, fold/4, fold/5, reduce/3, partial_reduce/3, final_reduce/2]). -export([lookup/2, get_state/1, set_options/2, test/1, test/0]). -define(CHUNK_THRESHOLD, 16#fff). -record(btree, {fd, root, extract_kv = fun({Key, Value}) -> {Key, Value} end, assemble_kv = fun(Key, Value) -> {Key, Value} end, less = fun(A, B) -> A < B end, reduce = nil }). extract(#btree{extract_kv=Extract}, Value) -> Extract(Value). assemble(#btree{assemble_kv=Assemble}, Key, Value) -> Assemble(Key, Value). less(#btree{less=Less}, A, B) -> Less(A, B). % pass in 'nil' for State if a new Btree. open(State, Fd) -> {ok, #btree{root=State, fd=Fd}}. set_options(Bt, []) -> Bt; set_options(Bt, [{split, Extract}|Rest]) -> set_options(Bt#btree{extract_kv=Extract}, Rest); set_options(Bt, [{join, Assemble}|Rest]) -> set_options(Bt#btree{assemble_kv=Assemble}, Rest); set_options(Bt, [{less, Less}|Rest]) -> set_options(Bt#btree{less=Less}, Rest); set_options(Bt, [{reduce, Reduce}|Rest]) -> set_options(Bt#btree{reduce=Reduce}, Rest). open(State, Fd, Options) -> {ok, set_options(#btree{root=State, fd=Fd}, Options)}. get_state(#btree{root=Root}) -> Root. final_reduce(#btree{reduce=Reduce}, Val) -> final_reduce(Reduce, Val); final_reduce(Reduce, {[], []}) -> Reduce(reduce, []); final_reduce(_Bt, {[], [Red]}) -> Red; final_reduce(Reduce, {[], Reductions}) -> Reduce(combine, Reductions); final_reduce(Reduce, {KVs, Reductions}) -> Red = Reduce(reduce, KVs), final_reduce(Reduce, {[], [Red | Reductions]}). reduce(Bt, Key1, Key2) -> {ok, Reds} = partial_reduce(Bt, Key1, Key2), {ok, final_reduce(Bt, Reds)}. partial_reduce(#btree{root=Root}=Bt, Key1, Key2) -> {KeyStart, KeyEnd} = case Key1 == nil orelse Key2 == nil orelse less(Bt, Key1, Key2) of true -> {Key1, Key2}; false -> {Key2, Key1} end, case Root of nil -> {ok, {[], []}}; _ -> {KVs, Nodes} = collect_node(Bt, Root, KeyStart, KeyEnd), {ok, {KVs, [Red || {_K,{_P,Red}} <- Nodes]}} end. foldl(Bt, Fun, Acc) -> fold(Bt, fwd, Fun, Acc). foldl(Bt, Key, Fun, Acc) -> fold(Bt, Key, fwd, Fun, Acc). foldr(Bt, Fun, Acc) -> fold(Bt, rev, Fun, Acc). foldr(Bt, Key, Fun, Acc) -> fold(Bt, Key, rev, Fun, Acc). % wraps a 2 arity function with the proper 3 arity function convert_fun_arity(Fun) when is_function(Fun, 2) -> fun(KV, _Reds, AccIn) -> Fun(KV, AccIn) end; convert_fun_arity(Fun) when is_function(Fun, 3) -> Fun. % Already arity 3 fold(Bt, Dir, Fun, Acc) -> {_ContinueFlag, Acc2} = stream_node(Bt, [], Bt#btree.root, nil, Dir, convert_fun_arity(Fun), Acc), {ok, Acc2}. fold(Bt, Key, Dir, Fun, Acc) -> {_ContinueFlag, Acc2} = stream_node(Bt, [], Bt#btree.root, Key, Dir, convert_fun_arity(Fun), Acc), {ok, Acc2}. add(Bt, InsertKeyValues) -> add_remove(Bt, InsertKeyValues, []). add_remove(Bt, InsertKeyValues, RemoveKeys) -> {ok, [], Bt2} = query_modify(Bt, [], InsertKeyValues, RemoveKeys), {ok, Bt2}. query_modify(Bt, LookupKeys, InsertValues, RemoveKeys) -> #btree{root=Root} = Bt, InsertActions = lists:map( fun(KeyValue) -> {Key, Value} = extract(Bt, KeyValue), {insert, Key, Value} end, InsertValues), RemoveActions = [{remove, Key, nil} || Key <- RemoveKeys], FetchActions = [{fetch, Key, nil} || Key <- LookupKeys], SortFun = fun({OpA, A, _}, {OpB, B, _}) -> case less(Bt, A, B) of true -> true; false -> case less(Bt, B, A) of true -> false; false -> % A and B are equal, sort by op. op_order(OpA) < op_order(OpB) end end end, Actions = lists:sort(SortFun, lists:append([InsertActions, RemoveActions, FetchActions])), {ok, KeyPointers, QueryResults, Bt2} = modify_node(Bt, Root, Actions, []), {ok, NewRoot, Bt3} = complete_root(Bt2, KeyPointers), {ok, QueryResults, Bt3#btree{root=NewRoot}}. % for ordering different operatations with the same key. % fetch < remove < insert op_order(fetch) -> 1; op_order(remove) -> 2; op_order(insert) -> 3. lookup(#btree{root=Root, less=Less}=Bt, Keys) -> SortedKeys = lists:sort(Less, Keys), {ok, SortedResults} = lookup(Bt, Root, SortedKeys), % We want to return the results in the same order as the keys were input % but we may have changed the order when we sorted. So we need to put the % order back into the results. KeyDict = dict:from_list(SortedResults), [dict:fetch(Key, KeyDict) || Key <- Keys]. lookup(_Bt, nil, Keys) -> {ok, [{Key, not_found} || Key <- Keys]}; lookup(Bt, {Pointer, _Reds}, Keys) -> {NodeType, NodeList} = get_node(Bt, Pointer), case NodeType of kp_node -> lookup_kpnode(Bt, NodeList, Keys, []); kv_node -> lookup_kvnode(Bt, NodeList, Keys, []) end. lookup_kpnode(_Bt, [], Keys, Output) -> {ok, lists:reverse(Output, [{Key, not_found} || Key <- Keys])}; lookup_kpnode(_Bt, _KPs, [], Output) -> {ok, lists:reverse(Output)}; lookup_kpnode(Bt, [{Key, PointerInfo} | RestKPs], LookupKeys, Output) -> % Split the Keys into two lists, queries of values less % than equals, and greater than the current key SplitFun = fun(LookupKey) -> not less(Bt, Key, LookupKey) end, case lists:splitwith(SplitFun, LookupKeys) of {[], GreaterQueries} -> lookup_kpnode(Bt, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, Output); {LessEqQueries, GreaterQueries} -> {ok, Results} = lookup(Bt, PointerInfo, LessEqQueries), lookup_kpnode(Bt, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, lists:reverse(Results, Output)) end. lookup_kvnode(_Bt, _KVs, [], Output) -> {ok, lists:reverse(Output)}; lookup_kvnode(_Bt, [], Keys, Output) -> % keys not found {ok, lists:reverse(Output, [{Key, not_found} || Key <- Keys])}; lookup_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], [LookupKey | RestLookupKeys], Output) -> case less(Bt, LookupKey, Key) of true -> lookup_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestLookupKeys, [{LookupKey, not_found} | Output]); false -> case less(Bt, Key, LookupKey) of true -> % LookupKey is greater than Key lookup_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, [LookupKey | RestLookupKeys], Output); false -> % LookupKey is equal to Key lookup_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, RestLookupKeys, [{LookupKey, {ok, assemble(Bt, LookupKey, Value)}} | Output]) end end. complete_root(Bt, []) -> {ok, nil, Bt}; complete_root(Bt, [{_Key, PointerInfo}])-> {ok, PointerInfo, Bt}; complete_root(Bt, KPs) -> {ok, ResultKeyPointers, Bt2} = write_node(Bt, kp_node, KPs), complete_root(Bt2, ResultKeyPointers). %%%%%%%%%%%%% The chunkify function sucks! %%%%%%%%%%%%% % It is inaccurate as it does not account for compression when blocks are % written. Plus with the "case size(term_to_binary(InList)) of" code it's % probably really inefficient. chunkify(_Bt, []) -> []; chunkify(Bt, InList) -> case size(term_to_binary(InList)) of Size when Size > ?CHUNK_THRESHOLD -> NumberOfChunksLikely = ((Size div ?CHUNK_THRESHOLD) + 1), ChunkThreshold = Size div NumberOfChunksLikely, chunkify(Bt, InList, ChunkThreshold, [], 0, []); _Else -> [InList] end. chunkify(_Bt, [], _ChunkThreshold, [], 0, OutputChunks) -> lists:reverse(OutputChunks); chunkify(_Bt, [], _ChunkThreshold, OutList, _OutListSize, OutputChunks) -> lists:reverse([lists:reverse(OutList) | OutputChunks]); chunkify(Bt, [InElement | RestInList], ChunkThreshold, OutList, OutListSize, OutputChunks) -> case size(term_to_binary(InElement)) of Size when (Size + OutListSize) > ChunkThreshold -> chunkify(Bt, RestInList, ChunkThreshold, [], 0, [lists:reverse([InElement | OutList]) | OutputChunks]); Size -> chunkify(Bt, RestInList, ChunkThreshold, [InElement | OutList], OutListSize + Size, OutputChunks) end. modify_node(Bt, RootPointerInfo, Actions, QueryOutput) -> case RootPointerInfo of nil -> NodeType = kv_node, NodeList = []; {Pointer, _Reds} -> {NodeType, NodeList} = get_node(Bt, Pointer) end, case NodeType of kp_node -> {ok, NewNodeList, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_kpnode(Bt, NodeList, Actions, [], QueryOutput); kv_node -> {ok, NewNodeList, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeList, Actions, [], QueryOutput) end, case NewNodeList of [] -> % no nodes remain {ok, [], QueryOutput2, Bt2}; NodeList -> % nothing changed {LastKey, _LastValue} = lists:last(NodeList), {ok, [{LastKey, RootPointerInfo}], QueryOutput2, Bt2}; _Else2 -> {ok, ResultList, Bt3} = write_node(Bt2, NodeType, NewNodeList), {ok, ResultList, QueryOutput2, Bt3} end. reduce_node(#btree{reduce=nil}, _NodeType, _NodeList) -> []; reduce_node(#btree{reduce=R}, kp_node, NodeList) -> R(combine, [Red || {_K, {_P, Red}} <- NodeList]); reduce_node(#btree{reduce=R}, kv_node, NodeList) -> R(reduce, NodeList). get_node(#btree{fd = Fd}, NodePos) -> {ok, {NodeType, NodeList}} = couch_file:pread_term(Fd, NodePos), case NodeType of kp_node -> % Node pointers always point backward on disk. % Validating this prevents infinite loops should % a disk corruption occur. [throw({error, disk_corruption}) || {_Key, {SubNodePos, _Reds}} <- NodeList, SubNodePos >= NodePos]; kv_node -> ok end, {NodeType, NodeList}. write_node(Bt, NodeType, NodeList) -> % split up nodes into smaller sizes NodeListList = chunkify(Bt, NodeList), % now write out each chunk and return the KeyPointer pairs for those nodes ResultList = [ begin {ok, Pointer} = couch_file:append_term(Bt#btree.fd, {NodeType, ANodeList}), {LastKey, _} = lists:last(ANodeList), {LastKey, {Pointer, reduce_node(Bt, NodeType, ANodeList)}} end || ANodeList <- NodeListList ], {ok, ResultList, Bt}. modify_kpnode(Bt, KPs, [], ResultNode, QueryOutput) -> % processed all queries for the current tree {ok, lists:reverse(ResultNode, KPs), QueryOutput, Bt}; modify_kpnode(Bt, [], Actions, [], QueryOutput) -> modify_node(Bt, nil, Actions, QueryOutput); modify_kpnode(Bt, [], Actions, [{_Key, PointerInfo} | ResultNode], QueryOutput) -> {ok, ChildKPs, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_node(Bt, PointerInfo, Actions, QueryOutput), {ok, lists:reverse(ResultNode, ChildKPs), QueryOutput2, Bt2}; modify_kpnode(Bt, [{Key,PointerInfo} | RestKPs], Actions, ResultNode, QueryOutput) -> % Split the actions into two lists, queries of values <= and > than the current key SplitFun = fun({_ActionType, ActionKey, _ActionValue}) -> not less(Bt, Key, ActionKey) end, case lists:splitwith(SplitFun, Actions) of {[], GreaterQueries} -> modify_kpnode(Bt, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, [{Key, PointerInfo} | ResultNode], QueryOutput); {LessEqQueries, GreaterQueries} -> {ok, ChildKPs, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_node(Bt, PointerInfo, LessEqQueries, QueryOutput), modify_kpnode(Bt2, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, lists:reverse(ChildKPs, ResultNode), QueryOutput2) end. modify_kvnode(Bt, KVs, [], ResultNode, QueryOutput) -> {ok, lists:reverse(ResultNode, KVs), QueryOutput, Bt}; modify_kvnode(Bt, [], [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], ResultNode, QueryOutput) -> case ActionType of insert -> modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput); remove -> % just drop the action modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput); fetch -> % the key/value must not exist in the tree modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, ResultNode, [{not_found, {ActionKey, nil}} | QueryOutput]) end; modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], ResultNode, QueryOutput) -> case less(Bt, ActionKey, Key) of true -> case ActionType of insert -> % ActionKey is less than the Key, so insert modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput); remove -> % ActionKey is less than the Key, just drop the action modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput); fetch -> % ActionKey is less than the Key, the key/value must not exist in the tree modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, ResultNode, [{not_found, {ActionKey, nil}} | QueryOutput]) end; false -> case less(Bt, Key, ActionKey) of true -> % ActionKey is greater than Key modify_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], [{Key, Value} | ResultNode], QueryOutput); false -> % InsertKey is equal to Key case ActionType of insert -> % ActionKey is less than the Key, so insert modify_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput); remove -> modify_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput); fetch -> % ActionKey is equal to the Key, insert into the QueryOuput, but re-process the node % since an identical action key can follow it. modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, ResultNode, [{ok, assemble(Bt, Key, Value)} | QueryOutput]) end end end. collect_node(Bt, {P, R}, KeyStart, KeyEnd) -> case get_node(Bt, P) of {kp_node, NodeList} -> collect_kp_node(Bt, NodeList, KeyStart, KeyEnd); {kv_node, KVs} -> GTEKeyStartKVs = case KeyStart of nil -> KVs; _ -> lists:dropwhile( fun({Key,_}) -> less(Bt, Key, KeyStart) end, KVs) end, KVs2 = case KeyEnd of nil -> GTEKeyStartKVs; _ -> lists:dropwhile( fun({Key,_}) -> less(Bt, KeyEnd, Key) end, lists:reverse(GTEKeyStartKVs)) end, case length(KVs2) == length(KVs) of true -> % got full node, return the already calculated reduction {[], [{nil, {P, R}}]}; false -> % otherwise return the keyvalues for later reduction {[assemble(Bt,K,V) || {K,V} <- KVs2], []} end end. collect_kp_node(Bt, NodeList, KeyStart, KeyEnd) -> Nodes = case KeyStart of nil -> NodeList; _ -> lists:dropwhile( fun({Key,_}) -> less(Bt, Key, KeyStart) end, NodeList) end, case KeyEnd of nil -> case Nodes of [] -> {[], []}; [{_, StartNodeInfo}|RestNodes] -> {DownKVs, DownNodes} = collect_node(Bt, StartNodeInfo, KeyStart, KeyEnd), {DownKVs, DownNodes ++ RestNodes} end; _ -> {GTEKeyEndNodes, LTKeyEndNodes} = lists:splitwith( fun({Key,_}) -> not less(Bt, Key, KeyEnd) end, lists:reverse(Nodes)), {MatchingKVs, MatchingNodes} = case lists:reverse(LTKeyEndNodes) of [{_, StartNodeInfo}] -> collect_node(Bt, StartNodeInfo, KeyStart, KeyEnd); [{_, StartNodeInfo}|RestLTNodes] -> % optimization, since we have more KP nodes in range, we don't need % to provide the endkey when searching the start node, making % collecting the node faster. {DownKVs, DownNodes} = collect_node(Bt, StartNodeInfo, KeyStart, nil), {DownKVs, DownNodes ++ RestLTNodes}; [] -> {[], []} end, case lists:reverse(GTEKeyEndNodes) of [{_, EndNodeInfo} | _] when LTKeyEndNodes == [] -> collect_node(Bt, EndNodeInfo, KeyStart, KeyEnd); [{_, EndNodeInfo} | _] -> {KVs1, DownNodes1} = collect_node(Bt, EndNodeInfo, nil, KeyEnd), {KVs1 ++ MatchingKVs, DownNodes1 ++ MatchingNodes}; [] -> {MatchingKVs, MatchingNodes} end end. adjust_dir(fwd, List) -> List; adjust_dir(rev, List) -> lists:reverse(List). stream_node(Bt, Reds, PointerInfo, nil, Dir, Fun, Acc) -> stream_node(Bt, Reds, PointerInfo, Dir, Fun, Acc); stream_node(_Bt, _Reds, nil, _StartKey, _Dir, _Fun, Acc) -> {ok, Acc}; stream_node(Bt, Reds, {Pointer, _Reds}, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) -> {NodeType, NodeList} = get_node(Bt, Pointer), case NodeType of kp_node -> stream_kp_node(Bt, Reds, adjust_dir(Dir, NodeList), StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc); kv_node -> stream_kv_node(Bt, Reds, adjust_dir(Dir, NodeList), StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) end. stream_node(_Bt, _Reds, nil, _Dir, _Fun, Acc) -> {ok, Acc}; stream_node(Bt, Reds, {Pointer, _Reds}, Dir, Fun, Acc) -> {NodeType, NodeList} = get_node(Bt, Pointer), case NodeType of kp_node -> stream_kp_node(Bt, Reds, adjust_dir(Dir, NodeList), Dir, Fun, Acc); kv_node -> stream_kv_node2(Bt, Reds, [], adjust_dir(Dir, NodeList), Dir, Fun, Acc) end. stream_kp_node(_Bt, _Reds, [], _Dir, _Fun, Acc) -> {ok, Acc}; stream_kp_node(Bt, Reds, [{_Key, {Pointer, Red}} | Rest], Dir, Fun, Acc) -> case stream_node(Bt, Reds, {Pointer, Red}, Dir, Fun, Acc) of {ok, Acc2} -> stream_kp_node(Bt, [Red | Reds], Rest, Dir, Fun, Acc2); {stop, Acc2} -> {stop, Acc2} end. drop_nodes(_Bt, Reds, _StartKey, []) -> {Reds, []}; drop_nodes(Bt, Reds, StartKey, [{NodeKey, {Pointer, Red}} | RestKPs]) -> case less(Bt, NodeKey, StartKey) of true -> drop_nodes(Bt, [Red | Reds], StartKey, RestKPs); false -> {Reds, [{NodeKey, {Pointer, Reds}} | RestKPs]} end. stream_kp_node(Bt, Reds, KPs, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) -> {NewReds, NodesToStream} = case Dir of fwd -> % drop all nodes sorting before the key drop_nodes(Bt, Reds, StartKey, KPs); rev -> % keep all nodes sorting before the key, AND the first node to sort after RevKPs = lists:reverse(KPs), case lists:splitwith(fun({Key, _Pointer}) -> less(Bt, Key, StartKey) end, RevKPs) of {_RevBefore, []} -> % everything sorts before it {Reds, KPs}; {RevBefore, [FirstAfter | Drop]} -> {[Red || {_K,{_P,Red}} <- Drop] ++ Reds, [FirstAfter | lists:reverse(RevBefore)]} end end, case NodesToStream of [] -> {ok, Acc}; [{_Key, PointerInfo} | Rest] -> case stream_node(Bt, NewReds, PointerInfo, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) of {ok, Acc2} -> stream_kp_node(Bt, NewReds, Rest, Dir, Fun, Acc2); {stop, Acc2} -> {stop, Acc2} end end. stream_kv_node(Bt, Reds, KVs, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) -> DropFun = case Dir of fwd -> fun({Key, _}) -> less(Bt, Key, StartKey) end; rev -> fun({Key, _}) -> less(Bt, StartKey, Key) end end, {LTKVs, GTEKVs} = lists:splitwith(DropFun, KVs), stream_kv_node2(Bt, Reds, LTKVs, GTEKVs, Dir, Fun, Acc). stream_kv_node2(_Bt, _Reds, _PrevKVs, [], _Dir, _Fun, Acc) -> {ok, Acc}; stream_kv_node2(Bt, Reds, PrevKVs, [{K,V} | RestKVs], Dir, Fun, Acc) -> AssembledKV = assemble(Bt, K, V), case Fun(AssembledKV, {PrevKVs, Reds}, Acc) of {ok, Acc2} -> stream_kv_node2(Bt, Reds, [AssembledKV | PrevKVs], RestKVs, Dir, Fun, Acc2); {stop, Acc2} -> {stop, Acc2} end. shuffle(List) -> %% Determine the log n portion then randomize the list. randomize(round(math:log(length(List)) + 0.5), List). randomize(1, List) -> randomize(List); randomize(T, List) -> lists:foldl(fun(_E, Acc) -> randomize(Acc) end, randomize(List), lists:seq(1, (T - 1))). randomize(List) -> D = lists:map(fun(A) -> {random:uniform(), A} end, List), {_, D1} = lists:unzip(lists:keysort(1, D)), D1. test()-> test(1000). test(N) -> Sorted = [{Seq, random:uniform()} || Seq <- lists:seq(1, N)], test_btree(Sorted), % sorted regular test_btree(lists:reverse(Sorted)), % sorted reverse test_btree(shuffle(Sorted)). % randomly distributed test_btree(KeyValues) -> {ok, Fd} = couch_file:open("foo", [create,overwrite]), {ok, Btree} = open(nil, Fd), ReduceFun = fun(reduce, KVs) -> length(KVs); (combine, Reds) -> lists:sum(Reds) end, Btree1 = set_options(Btree, [{reduce, ReduceFun}]), % first dump in all the values in one go {ok, Btree10} = add_remove(Btree1, KeyValues, []), Len = length(KeyValues), {ok, Len} = reduce(Btree10, nil, nil), % Count of all from start to Val1 Val1 = Len div 3, {ok, Val1} = reduce(Btree10, nil, Val1), % Count of all from Val1 to end CountVal1ToEnd = Len - Val1 + 1, {ok, CountVal1ToEnd} = reduce(Btree10, Val1, nil), % Count of all from Val1 to Val2 Val2 = 2*Len div 3, CountValRange = Val2 - Val1 + 1, {ok, CountValRange} = reduce(Btree10, Val1, Val2), % get the leading reduction as we foldl/r {ok, true} = foldl(Btree10, Val1, fun(_X, LeadingReds, _Acc) -> CountToStart = Val1 - 1, CountToStart = final_reduce(Btree10, LeadingReds), {stop, true} % change Acc to 'true' end, false), {ok, true} = foldr(Btree10, Val1, fun(_X, LeadingReds, _Acc) -> CountToEnd = Len - Val1, CountToEnd = final_reduce(Btree10, LeadingReds), {stop, true} % change Acc to 'true' end, false), ok = test_keys(Btree10, KeyValues), % remove everything {ok, Btree20} = test_remove(Btree10, KeyValues), % make sure its empty {ok, false} = foldl(Btree20, fun(_X, _Acc) -> {ok, true} % change Acc to 'true' end, false), % add everything back one at a time. {ok, Btree30} = test_add(Btree20, KeyValues), ok = test_keys(Btree30, KeyValues), KeyValuesRev = lists:reverse(KeyValues), % remove everything, in reverse order {ok, Btree40} = test_remove(Btree30, KeyValuesRev), % make sure its empty {ok, false} = foldl(Btree40, fun(_X, _Acc) -> {ok, true} % change Acc to 'true' end, false), {A, B} = every_other(KeyValues), % add everything back {ok, Btree50} = test_add(Btree40,KeyValues), ok = test_keys(Btree50, KeyValues), % remove half the values {ok, Btree60} = test_remove(Btree50, A), % verify the remaining ok = test_keys(Btree60, B), % add A back {ok, Btree70} = test_add(Btree60, A), % verify ok = test_keys(Btree70, KeyValues), % remove B {ok, Btree80} = test_remove(Btree70, B), % verify the remaining ok = test_keys(Btree80, A), ok = couch_file:close(Fd). every_other(List) -> every_other(List, [], [], 1). every_other([], AccA, AccB, _Flag) -> {lists:reverse(AccA), lists:reverse(AccB)}; every_other([H|T], AccA, AccB, 1) -> every_other(T, [H|AccA], AccB, 0); every_other([H|T], AccA, AccB, 0) -> every_other(T, AccA, [H|AccB], 1). test_keys(Btree, List) -> FoldFun = fun(Element, [HAcc|TAcc]) -> Element = HAcc, % must match {ok, TAcc} end, Sorted = lists:sort(List), {ok, []} = foldl(Btree, FoldFun, Sorted), {ok, []} = foldr(Btree, FoldFun, lists:reverse(Sorted)), test_lookup(Btree, List). % Makes sure each key value pair is found in the btree test_lookup(_Btree, []) -> ok; test_lookup(Btree, [{Key, Value} | Rest]) -> [{ok,{Key, Value}}] = lookup(Btree, [Key]), {ok, []} = foldl(Btree, Key, fun({KeyIn, ValueIn}, []) -> KeyIn = Key, ValueIn = Value, {stop, []} end, []), {ok, []} = foldr(Btree, Key, fun({KeyIn, ValueIn}, []) -> KeyIn = Key, ValueIn = Value, {stop, []} end, []), test_lookup(Btree, Rest). % removes each key one at a time from the btree test_remove(Btree, []) -> {ok, Btree}; test_remove(Btree, [{Key, _Value} | Rest]) -> {ok, Btree2} = add_remove(Btree,[], [Key]), test_remove(Btree2, Rest). % adds each key one at a time from the btree test_add(Btree, []) -> {ok, Btree}; test_add(Btree, [KeyValue | Rest]) -> {ok, Btree2} = add_remove(Btree, [KeyValue], []), test_add(Btree2, Rest).