// Specs for couch.js lines 201-265 describe 'CouchDB instance' before_each db = new CouchDB("spec_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); db.createDb(); end after_each db.deleteDb(); end describe '.allDocs' it 'should return no docs when there arent any' db.allDocs().total_rows.should.eql 0 db.allDocs().rows.should.eql [] end describe 'with docs' before_each db.save({"Name" : "Felix Gaeta", "_id" : "123"}); db.save({"Name" : "Samuel T. Anders", "_id" : "456"}); end it 'should return all docs' var result = db.allDocs(); result.total_rows.should.eql 2 result.rows.should.have_length 2 result.rows[0].id.should.eql "123" result.rows[0].key.should.eql "123" result.rows[0].value.rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 result.rows[1].id.should.eql "456" end it 'should pass through the options' var result = db.allDocs({"startkey": "123", "limit": "1"}); result.rows.should.have_length 1 result.rows[0].id.should.eql "123" end it 'should pass through the keys' var result = db.allDocs({}, ["456"]); result.rows.should.have_length 1 result.rows[0].id.should.eql "456" result.rows[0].key.should.eql "456" result.rows[0].value.rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 end it 'should pass through the options and the keys' var result = db.allDocs({"include_docs":"true"}, ["456"]); result.rows.should.have_length 1 result.rows[0].id.should.eql "456" result.rows[0].key.should.eql "456" result.rows[0].value.rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 result.rows[0].doc["Name"].should.eql "Samuel T. Anders" result.rows[0].doc["_rev"].length.should.be_at_least 30 end end end describe '.designDocs' it 'should return nothing when there arent any design docs' db.save({"Name" : "Felix Gaeta", "_id" : "123"}); db.designDocs().rows.should.eql [] end it 'should return all design docs' var designDoc = { "views" : { "people" : { "map" : "function(doc) { emit(doc._id, doc); }" } }, "_id" : "_design/spec_db" }; db.save(designDoc); db.save({"Name" : "Felix Gaeta", "_id" : "123"}); var result = db.designDocs(); result.total_rows.should.eql 2 result.rows.should.have_length 1 result.rows[0].id.should.eql "_design/spec_db" result.rows[0].key.should.eql "_design/spec_db" result.rows[0].value.rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 end end describe '.changes' it 'should return no changes when there arent any' db.changes().last_seq.should.eql 0 db.changes().results.should.eql [] end describe 'with changes' before_each db.save({"Name" : "Felix Gaeta", "_id" : "123"}); db.save({"Name" : "Samuel T. Anders", "_id" : "456"}); end it 'should return changes' var result = db.changes(); result.last_seq.should.eql 2 result.results[0].id.should.eql "123" result.results[0].seq.should.eql 1 result.results[0].changes[0].rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 result.results[1].id.should.eql "456" result.results[1].seq.should.eql 2 result.results[1].changes[0].rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 end it 'should pass through the options' var result = db.changes({"since":"1"}); result.last_seq.should.eql 2 result.results[0].id.should.eql "456" end end end describe '.compact' it 'should return ok true' db.compact().ok.should.be_true end it 'should post _compact to the db' db.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("POST", "/spec_db/_compact") db.compact(); end end describe '.viewCleanup' it 'should return ok true' db.viewCleanup().ok.should.be_true end it 'should post _view_cleanup to the db' db.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("POST", "/spec_db/_view_cleanup") db.viewCleanup(); end end describe '.setDbProperty' it 'should return ok true' db.setDbProperty("_revs_limit", 1500).ok.should.be_true end it 'should set a db property' db.setDbProperty("_revs_limit", 1500); db.getDbProperty("_revs_limit").should.eql 1500 db.setDbProperty("_revs_limit", 1200); db.getDbProperty("_revs_limit").should.eql 1200 end end describe '.getDbProperty' it 'should get a db property' db.setDbProperty("_revs_limit", 1200); db.getDbProperty("_revs_limit").should.eql 1200 end it 'should throw an error when the property doesnt exist' function(){ db.getDbProperty("_doesnt_exist")}.should.throw_error end end describe '.setSecObj' it 'should return ok true' db.setSecObj({"readers":{"names":["laura"],"roles":["president"]}}).ok.should.be_true end it 'should save a well formed object into the _security object ' db.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("PUT", "/spec_db/_security", {body: '{"readers":{"names":["laura"],"roles":["president"]}}'}) db.setSecObj({"readers": {"names" : ["laura"], "roles" : ["president"]}}) end it 'should throw an error when the readers or admins object is malformed' -{ db.setSecObj({"admins":["cylon"]}) }.should.throw_error end it 'should save any other object into the _security object' db.setSecObj({"something" : "anything"}) db.getSecObj().should.eql {"something" : "anything"} end end describe '.getSecObj' it 'should get the security object' db.setSecObj({"admins" : {"names" : ["bill"], "roles" : ["admiral"]}}) db.getSecObj().should.eql {"admins" : {"names": ["bill"], "roles": ["admiral"]}} end it 'should return an empty object when there is no security object' db.getSecObj().should.eql {} end end end