// Specs for couch.js lines 1-130 describe 'CouchDB instance' before_each db = new CouchDB("spec_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); end describe '.request' before_each db.createDb(); end after_each db.deleteDb(); end it 'should return a XMLHttpRequest' var req = db.request("GET", "/spec_db"); req.should.include "readyState" req.should.include "responseText" req.should.include "statusText" // in Safari a XMLHttpRequest is actually a XMLHttpRequestConstructor, // otherwise we could just do: // req.should.be_a XMLHttpRequest end it 'should set the options the CouchDB instance has got as httpHeaders' CouchDB.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("GET", "/spec_db", {headers: {"X-Couch-Full-Commit": "false"}}) db.request("GET", "/spec_db"); end it 'should pass through the options' CouchDB.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("GET", "/spec_db", {"X-Couch-Persist": "true", headers: {"X-Couch-Full-Commit": "false"}}) db.request("GET", "/spec_db", {"X-Couch-Persist":"true"}); end end describe '.createDb' after_each db.deleteDb(); end it 'should create the db' db.createDb(); db.last_req.status.should.eql 201 end it 'should return the ok true' db.createDb().should.eql {"ok" : true} end it 'should result in a created db' db.createDb(); try{ db.createDb(); } catch(e) { e.error.should.eql "file_exists" } end it 'should have create a db with update sequence 0' db.createDb(); db.info().update_seq.should.eql 0 end end describe '.deleteDb' before_each db.createDb(); end it 'should delete the db' db.deleteDb(); db.last_req.status.should.eql 200 end it 'should return the responseText of the request' db.deleteDb().should.eql {"ok" : true} end it 'should result in a deleted db' db.deleteDb(); db.deleteDb(); db.last_req.status.should.eql 404 end end describe 'document methods' before_each doc = {"Name" : "Kara Thrace", "Callsign" : "Starbuck"}; db.createDb(); end after_each db.deleteDb(); end describe '.save' it 'should save the document' db.save(doc); db.last_req.status.should.eql 201 end it 'should return ok true' db.save(doc).ok.should.be_true end it 'should return ID and revision of the document' var response = db.save(doc); response.id.should.be_a String response.id.should.have_length 32 response.rev.should.be_a String response.rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 end it 'should result in a saved document with generated ID' var response = db.save(doc); var saved_doc = db.open(response.id); saved_doc.Name.should.eql "Kara Thrace" saved_doc.Callsign.should.eql "Starbuck" end it 'should save the document with the specified ID' doc._id = "123"; var response = db.save(doc); response.id.should.eql "123" end it 'should pass through the options' doc._id = "123"; CouchDB.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("PUT", "/spec_db/123?batch=ok") db.save(doc, {"batch" : "ok"}); end end describe '.open' before_each doc._id = "123"; db.save(doc); end it 'should open the document' db.open("123").should.eql doc end it 'should return null when there is no document with the given ID' db.open("non_existing").should.be_null end it 'should pass through the options' CouchDB.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("GET", "/spec_db/123?revs=true") db.open("123", {"revs" : "true"}); end end describe '.deleteDoc' before_each doc._id = "123"; saved_doc = db.save(doc); delete_response = db.deleteDoc({_id : "123", _rev : saved_doc.rev}); delete_last_req = db.last_req; db.open("123"); end it 'should send a successful request' delete_last_req.status.should.eql 200 end it 'should result in a deleted document' db.open("123").should.be_null end it 'should return ok true, the ID and the revision of the deleted document' delete_response.ok.should.be_true delete_response.id.should.eql "123" delete_response.rev.should.be_a String delete_response.rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 end it 'should mark the document as deleted' var responseText = db.request("GET", "/spec_db/123").responseText; JSON.parse(responseText).should.eql {"error":"not_found","reason":"deleted"} end it 'should record the revision in the deleted document' var responseText = db.request("GET", "/spec_db/123?rev=" + delete_response.rev).responseText; var deleted_doc = JSON.parse(responseText); deleted_doc._rev.should.eql delete_response.rev deleted_doc._id.should.eql delete_response.id deleted_doc._deleted.should.be_true end end describe '.deleteDocAttachment' before_each doc._id = "123"; doc._attachments = { "friend.txt" : { "content_type": "text\/plain", // base64 encoded "data": "TGVlIEFkYW1hIGlzIGEgZm9ybWVyIENvbG9uaWFsIEZsZWV0IFJlc2VydmUgb2ZmaWNlci4=" } }; saved_doc = db.save(doc); end it 'should be executed on a document with attachment' db.open("123")._attachments.should.include "friend.txt" db.open("123")._attachments["friend.txt"].stub.should.be_true end describe 'after delete' before_each delete_response = db.deleteDocAttachment({_id : "123", _rev : saved_doc.rev}, "friend.txt"); db.open("123"); end it 'should send a successful request' db.last_req.status.should.eql 200 end it 'should leave the document untouched' db.open("123").Callsign.should.eql "Starbuck" end it 'should result in a deleted document attachment' db.open("123").should.not.include "_attachments" end it 'should record the revision in the document whose attachment has been deleted' var responseText = db.request("GET", "/spec_db/123?rev=" + delete_response.rev).responseText; var deleted_doc = JSON.parse(responseText); deleted_doc._rev.should.eql delete_response.rev deleted_doc._id.should.eql delete_response.id end it 'should return ok true, the ID and the revision of the document whose attachment has been deleted' delete_response.ok.should.be_true delete_response.id.should.eql "123" delete_response.should.have_property 'rev' end end end describe '.bulkSave' before_each doc = {"Name" : "Kara Thrace", "Callsign" : "Starbuck"}; doc2 = {"Name" : "Karl C. Agathon", "Callsign" : "Helo"}; doc3 = {"Name" : "Sharon Valerii", "Callsign" : "Boomer"}; docs = [doc, doc2, doc3]; end it 'should save the documents' db.bulkSave(docs); db.last_req.status.should.eql 201 end it 'should return ID and revision of the documents' var response = db.bulkSave(docs); response[0].id.should.be_a String response[0].id.should.have_length 32 response[0].rev.should.be_a String response[0].rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 response[1].id.should.be_a String response[1].id.should.have_length 32 response[1].rev.should.be_a String response[1].rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 response[2].id.should.be_a String response[2].id.should.have_length 32 response[2].rev.should.be_a String response[2].rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 end it 'should result in saved documents' var response = db.bulkSave(docs); db.open(response[0].id).Name.should.eql "Kara Thrace" db.open(response[1].id).Name.should.eql "Karl C. Agathon" db.open(response[2].id).Name.should.eql "Sharon Valerii" end it 'should save the document with specified IDs' doc._id = "123"; doc2._id = "456"; docs = [doc, doc2, doc3]; var response = db.bulkSave(docs); response[0].id.should.eql "123" response[1].id.should.eql "456" response[2].id.should.have_length 32 end it 'should pass through the options' doc._id = "123"; docs = [doc]; CouchDB.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("POST", "/spec_db/_bulk_docs", {body: '{"docs":[{"Name":"Kara Thrace","Callsign":"Starbuck","_id":"123"}],"batch":"ok"}'}) db.bulkSave(docs, {"batch" : "ok"}); end end end end