// Specs for couch.js lines 313-470 describe 'CouchDB class' describe 'session stuff' before useTestUserDb(); end after useOldUserDb(); end before_each userDoc = users_db.save(CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({name: "Gaius Baltar", roles: ["president"]}, "secretpass")); end after_each users_db.deleteDoc({_id : userDoc.id, _rev : userDoc.rev}) end describe '.login' it 'should return ok true' CouchDB.login("Gaius Baltar", "secretpass").ok.should.be_true end it 'should return the name of the logged in user' CouchDB.login("Gaius Baltar", "secretpass").name.should.eql "Gaius Baltar" end it 'should return the roles of the logged in user' CouchDB.login("Gaius Baltar", "secretpass").roles.should.eql ["president"] end it 'should post _session' CouchDB.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("POST", "/_session") CouchDB.login("Gaius Baltar", "secretpass"); end it 'should create a session' CouchDB.login("Gaius Baltar", "secretpass"); CouchDB.session().userCtx.name.should.eql "Gaius Baltar" end end describe '.logout' before_each CouchDB.login("Gaius Baltar", "secretpass"); end it 'should return ok true' CouchDB.logout().ok.should.be_true end it 'should delete _session' CouchDB.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("DELETE", "/_session") CouchDB.logout(); end it 'should result in an invalid session' CouchDB.logout(); CouchDB.session().name.should.be_null end end describe '.session' before_each CouchDB.login("Gaius Baltar", "secretpass"); end it 'should return ok true' CouchDB.session().ok.should.be_true end it 'should return the users name' CouchDB.session().userCtx.name.should.eql "Gaius Baltar" end it 'should return the users roles' CouchDB.session().userCtx.roles.should.eql ["president"] end it 'should return the name of the authentication db' CouchDB.session().info.authentication_db.should.eql "spec_users_db" end it 'should return the active authentication handler' CouchDB.session().info.authenticated.should.eql "cookie" end end end describe 'db stuff' before_each db = new CouchDB("spec_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); db.createDb(); end after_each db.deleteDb(); end describe '.prepareUserDoc' before_each userDoc = CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({name: "Laura Roslin"}, "secretpass"); end it 'should return the users name' userDoc.name.should.eql "Laura Roslin" end it 'should prefix the id with the CouchDB user_prefix' userDoc._id.should.eql "org.couchdb.user:Laura Roslin" end it 'should return the users roles' var userDocWithRoles = CouchDB.prepareUserDoc({name: "William Adama", roles: ["admiral", "commander"]}, "secretpass") userDocWithRoles.roles.should.eql ["admiral", "commander"] end it 'should return the hashed password' userDoc.password_sha.length.should.be_at_least 30 userDoc.password_sha.should.be_a String end end describe '.allDbs' it 'should get _all_dbs' CouchDB.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("GET", "/_all_dbs"); CouchDB.allDbs(); end it 'should return an array that includes a created database' temp_db = new CouchDB("temp_spec_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); temp_db.createDb(); CouchDB.allDbs().should.include("temp_spec_db"); temp_db.deleteDb(); end it 'should return an array that does not include a database that does not exist' CouchDB.allDbs().should.not.include("not_existing_temp_spec_db"); end end describe '.allDesignDocs' it 'should return the total number of documents' CouchDB.allDesignDocs().spec_db.total_rows.should.eql 0 db.save({'type':'battlestar', 'name':'galactica'}); CouchDB.allDesignDocs().spec_db.total_rows.should.eql 1 end it 'should return undefined when the db does not exist' CouchDB.allDesignDocs().non_existing_db.should.be_undefined end it 'should return no documents when there are no design documents' CouchDB.allDesignDocs().spec_db.rows.should.eql [] end it 'should return all design documents' var designDoc = { "views" : { "people" : { "map" : "function(doc) { emit(doc._id, doc); }" } }, "_id" : "_design/spec_db" }; db.save(designDoc); var allDesignDocs = CouchDB.allDesignDocs(); allDesignDocs.spec_db.rows[0].id.should.eql "_design/spec_db" allDesignDocs.spec_db.rows[0].key.should.eql "_design/spec_db" allDesignDocs.spec_db.rows[0].value.rev.length.should.be_at_least 30 end end describe '.getVersion' it 'should get the CouchDB version' CouchDB.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("GET", "/") CouchDB.getVersion(); end it 'should return the CouchDB version' CouchDB.getVersion().should_match /^\d\d?\.\d\d?\.\d\d?.*/ end end describe '.replicate' before_each db2 = new CouchDB("spec_db_2", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); db2.createDb(); host = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host ; end after_each db2.deleteDb(); end it 'should return no_changes true when there are no changes between the dbs' CouchDB.replicate(host + db.uri, host + db2.uri).no_changes.should.be_true end it 'should return the session ID' db.save({'type':'battlestar', 'name':'galactica'}); CouchDB.replicate(host + db.uri, host + db2.uri).session_id.length.should.be_at_least 30 end it 'should return source_last_seq' db.save({'type':'battlestar', 'name':'galactica'}); db.save({'type':'battlestar', 'name':'pegasus'}); CouchDB.replicate(host + db.uri, host + db2.uri).source_last_seq.should.eql 2 end it 'should return the replication history' db.save({'type':'battlestar', 'name':'galactica'}); db.save({'type':'battlestar', 'name':'pegasus'}); var result = CouchDB.replicate(host + db.uri, host + db2.uri); result.history[0].docs_written.should.eql 2 result.history[0].start_last_seq.should.eql 0 end it 'should pass through replication options' db.save({'type':'battlestar', 'name':'galactica'}); db2.deleteDb(); -{CouchDB.replicate(host + db.uri, host + db2.uri)}.should.throw_error var result = CouchDB.replicate(host + db.uri, host + db2.uri, {"body" : {"create_target":true}}); result.ok.should.eql true result.history[0].docs_written.should.eql 1 db2.info().db_name.should.eql "spec_db_2" end end describe '.newXhr' it 'should return a XMLHTTPRequest' CouchDB.newXhr().should.have_prop 'readyState' CouchDB.newXhr().should.have_prop 'responseText' CouchDB.newXhr().should.have_prop 'status' end end describe '.request' it 'should return a XMLHttpRequest' var req = CouchDB.request("GET", '/'); req.should.include "readyState" req.should.include "responseText" req.should.include "statusText" end it 'should pass through the options headers' var xhr = CouchDB.newXhr(); stub(CouchDB, 'newXhr').and_return(xhr); xhr.should.receive("setRequestHeader", "once").with_args("X-Couch-Full-Commit", "true") CouchDB.request("GET", "/", {'headers': {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"true"}}); end it 'should pass through the options body' var xhr = CouchDB.newXhr(); stub(CouchDB, 'newXhr').and_return(xhr); xhr.should.receive("send", "once").with_args({"body_key":"body_value"}) CouchDB.request("GET", "/", {'body': {"body_key":"body_value"}}); end it 'should prepend the urlPrefix to the uri' var oldPrefix = CouchDB.urlPrefix; CouchDB.urlPrefix = "/_utils"; var xhr = CouchDB.newXhr(); stub(CouchDB, 'newXhr').and_return(xhr); xhr.should.receive("open", "once").with_args("GET", "/_utils/", false) CouchDB.request("GET", "/", {'headers': {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"true"}}); CouchDB.urlPrefix = oldPrefix; end end describe '.requestStats' it 'should get the stats for specified module and key' var stats = CouchDB.requestStats('couchdb', 'open_databases', null); stats.description.should.eql 'number of open databases' stats.current.should.be_a Number end it 'should add flush true to the request when there is a test argument' CouchDB.should.receive("request", "once").with_args("GET", "/_stats/httpd/requests?flush=true") CouchDB.requestStats('httpd', 'requests', 'test'); end it 'should still work when there is a test argument' var stats = CouchDB.requestStats('httpd_status_codes', '200', 'test'); stats.description.should.eql 'number of HTTP 200 OK responses' stats.sum.should.be_a Number end end describe '.newUuids' after_each CouchDB.uuids_cache = []; end it 'should return the specified amount of uuids' var uuids = CouchDB.newUuids(45); uuids.should.have_length 45 end it 'should return an array with uuids' var uuids = CouchDB.newUuids(1); uuids[0].should.be_a String uuids[0].should.have_length 32 end it 'should leave the uuids_cache with 100 uuids when theres no buffer size specified' CouchDB.newUuids(23); CouchDB.uuids_cache.should.have_length 100 end it 'should leave the uuids_cache with the specified buffer size' CouchDB.newUuids(23, 150); CouchDB.uuids_cache.should.have_length 150 end it 'should get the uuids from the uuids_cache when there are enough uuids in there' CouchDB.newUuids(10); CouchDB.newUuids(25); CouchDB.uuids_cache.should.have_length 75 end it 'should create new uuids and add as many as specified to the uuids_cache when there are not enough uuids in the cache' CouchDB.newUuids(10); CouchDB.newUuids(125, 60); CouchDB.uuids_cache.should.have_length 160 end end describe '.maybeThrowError' it 'should throw an error when the request has status 404' var req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/nonexisting_db"); -{CouchDB.maybeThrowError(req)}.should.throw_error end it 'should throw an error when the request has status 412' var req = CouchDB.request("PUT", "/spec_db"); -{CouchDB.maybeThrowError(req)}.should.throw_error end it 'should throw an error when the request has status 405' var req = CouchDB.request("DELETE", "/_utils"); -{CouchDB.maybeThrowError(req)}.should.throw_error end it 'should throw the responseText of the request' var req = CouchDB.request("GET", "/nonexisting_db"); try { CouchDB.maybeThrowError(req) } catch(e) { e.error.should.eql JSON.parse(req.responseText).error e.reason.should.eql JSON.parse(req.responseText).reason } end it 'should throw an unknown error when the responseText is invalid json' mock_request().and_return("invalid json...", "application/json", 404, {}) try { CouchDB.maybeThrowError(CouchDB.newXhr()) } catch(e) { e.error.should.eql "unknown" e.reason.should.eql "invalid json..." } end end describe '.params' it 'should turn a json object into a http params string' var params = CouchDB.params({"president":"laura", "cag":"lee"}) params.should.eql "president=laura&cag=lee" end it 'should return a blank string when the object is empty' var params = CouchDB.params({}) params.should.eql "" end end end end