// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. couchTests.security_validation = function(debug) { // This tests couchdb's security and validation features. This does // not test authentication, except to use test authentication code made // specifically for this testing. It is a WWWW-Authenticate scheme named // X-Couch-Test-Auth, and the user names and passwords are hard coded // on the server-side. // // We could have used Basic authentication, however the XMLHttpRequest // implementation for Firefox and Safari, and probably other browsers are // broken (Firefox always prompts the user on 401 failures, Safari gives // odd security errors when using different name/passwords, perhaps due // to cross site scripting prevention). These problems essentially make Basic // authentication testing in the browser impossible. But while hard to // test automated in the browser, Basic auth may still useful for real // world use where these bugs/behaviors don't matter. // // So for testing purposes we are using this custom X-Couch-Test-Auth. // It's identical to Basic auth, except it doesn't even base64 encode // the "username:password" string, it's sent completely plain text. // Firefox and Safari both deal with this correctly (which is to say // they correctly do nothing special). var db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); db.deleteDb(); db.createDb(); if (debug) debugger; run_on_modified_server( [{section: "httpd", key: "authentication_handlers", value: "{couch_httpd_auth, special_test_authentication_handler}"}, {section:"httpd", key: "WWW-Authenticate", value: "X-Couch-Test-Auth"}], function () { // try saving document using the wrong credentials var wrongPasswordDb = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"WWW-Authenticate": "X-Couch-Test-Auth Damien Katz:foo"} ); try { wrongPasswordDb.save({foo:1,author:"Damien Katz"}); T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 1"); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "unauthorized"); T(wrongPasswordDb.last_req.status == 401); } // test force basic login var resp = wrongPasswordDb.request("GET", "/_session?basic=true"); var err = JSON.parse(resp.responseText); T(err.error == "unauthorized"); T(resp.status == 401); // Create the design doc that will run custom validation code var designDoc = { _id:"_design/test", language: "javascript", validate_doc_update: "(" + (function (newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx, secObj) { if (secObj.admin_override) { if (userCtx.roles.indexOf('_admin') != -1) { // user is admin, they can do anything return true; } } // docs should have an author field. if (!newDoc._deleted && !newDoc.author) { throw {forbidden: "Documents must have an author field"}; } if (oldDoc && oldDoc.author != userCtx.name) { throw {unauthorized: "You are not the author of this document. You jerk."}; } }).toString() + ")" } // Save a document normally var userDb = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"WWW-Authenticate": "X-Couch-Test-Auth Damien Katz:pecan pie"} ); T(userDb.save({_id:"testdoc", foo:1, author:"Damien Katz"}).ok); // Attempt to save the design as a non-admin try { userDb.save(designDoc); T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error on design doc"); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "unauthorized"); T(userDb.last_req.status == 401); } // set user as the admin T(db.setDbProperty("_admins", {names : ["Damien Katz"]}).ok); T(userDb.save(designDoc).ok); // test the _session API var resp = userDb.request("GET", "/_session"); var user = JSON.parse(resp.responseText).userCtx; T(user.name == "Damien Katz"); // test that the roles are listed properly TEquals(user.roles, []); // update the document var doc = userDb.open("testdoc"); doc.foo=2; T(userDb.save(doc).ok); // Save a document that's missing an author field. try { userDb.save({foo:1}); T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 2"); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "forbidden"); T(userDb.last_req.status == 403); } // Now attempt to update the document as a different user, Jan var user2Db = new CouchDB("test_suite_db", {"WWW-Authenticate": "X-Couch-Test-Auth Jan Lehnardt:apple"} ); var doc = user2Db.open("testdoc"); doc.foo=3; try { user2Db.save(doc); T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 3"); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "unauthorized"); T(user2Db.last_req.status == 401); } // Now have Damien change the author to Jan doc = userDb.open("testdoc"); doc.author="Jan Lehnardt"; T(userDb.save(doc).ok); // Now update the document as Jan doc = user2Db.open("testdoc"); doc.foo = 3; T(user2Db.save(doc).ok); // Damien can't delete it try { userDb.deleteDoc(doc); T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 4"); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "unauthorized"); T(userDb.last_req.status == 401); } // admin must save with author field unless admin override var resp = db.request("GET", "/_session"); var user = JSON.parse(resp.responseText).userCtx; T(user.name == null); // test that we are admin TEquals(user.roles, ["_admin"]); // can't save the doc even though we are admin var doc = db.open("testdoc"); doc.foo=3; try { db.save(doc); T(false && "Can't get here. Should have thrown an error 3"); } catch (e) { T(e.error == "unauthorized"); T(db.last_req.status == 401); } // now turn on admin override T(db.setDbProperty("_security", {admin_override : true}).ok); T(db.save(doc).ok); // go back to normal T(db.setDbProperty("_security", {admin_override : false}).ok); // Now delete document T(user2Db.deleteDoc(doc).ok); // now test bulk docs var docs = [{_id:"bahbah",author:"Damien Katz",foo:"bar"},{_id:"fahfah",foo:"baz"}]; // Create the docs var results = db.bulkSave(docs); T(results[0].rev) T(results[0].error == undefined) T(results[1].rev === undefined) T(results[1].error == "forbidden") T(db.open("bahbah")); T(db.open("fahfah") == null); // now all or nothing with a failure var docs = [{_id:"booboo",author:"Damien Katz",foo:"bar"},{_id:"foofoo",foo:"baz"}]; // Create the docs var results = db.bulkSave(docs, {all_or_nothing:true}); T(results.errors.length == 1); T(results.errors[0].error == "forbidden"); T(db.open("booboo") == null); T(db.open("foofoo") == null); // Now test replication var AuthHeaders = {"WWW-Authenticate": "X-Couch-Test-Auth Christopher Lenz:dog food"}; var host = CouchDB.host; var dbPairs = [ {source:"test_suite_db_a", target:"test_suite_db_b"}, {source:"test_suite_db_a", target:{url: "http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_b", headers: AuthHeaders}}, {source:{url:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_a", headers: AuthHeaders}, target:"test_suite_db_b"}, {source:{url:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_a", headers: AuthHeaders}, target:{url:"http://" + host + "/test_suite_db_b", headers: AuthHeaders}}, ] var adminDbA = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_a", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); var adminDbB = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_b", {"X-Couch-Full-Commit":"false"}); var dbA = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_a", {"WWW-Authenticate": "X-Couch-Test-Auth Christopher Lenz:dog food"}); var dbB = new CouchDB("test_suite_db_b", {"WWW-Authenticate": "X-Couch-Test-Auth Christopher Lenz:dog food"}); var xhr; for (var testPair = 0; testPair < dbPairs.length; testPair++) { var A = dbPairs[testPair].source var B = dbPairs[testPair].target adminDbA.deleteDb(); adminDbA.createDb(); adminDbB.deleteDb(); adminDbB.createDb(); // save and replicate a documents that will and will not pass our design // doc validation function. dbA.save({_id:"foo1",value:"a",author:"Noah Slater"}); dbA.save({_id:"foo2",value:"a",author:"Christopher Lenz"}); dbA.save({_id:"bad1",value:"a"}); T(CouchDB.replicate(A, B, {headers:AuthHeaders}).ok); T(CouchDB.replicate(B, A, {headers:AuthHeaders}).ok); T(dbA.open("foo1")); T(dbB.open("foo1")); T(dbA.open("foo2")); T(dbB.open("foo2")); // save the design doc to dbA delete designDoc._rev; // clear rev from previous saves adminDbA.save(designDoc); // no affect on already saved docs T(dbA.open("bad1")); // Update some docs on dbB. Since the design hasn't replicated, anything // is allowed. // this edit will fail validation on replication to dbA (no author) T(dbB.save({_id:"bad2",value:"a"}).ok); // this edit will fail security on replication to dbA (wrong author // replicating the change) var foo1 = dbB.open("foo1"); foo1.value = "b"; dbB.save(foo1); // this is a legal edit var foo2 = dbB.open("foo2"); foo2.value = "b"; dbB.save(foo2); var results = CouchDB.replicate(B, A, {headers:AuthHeaders}); T(results.ok); T(results.history[0].docs_written == 1); T(results.history[0].doc_write_failures == 2); // bad2 should not be on dbA T(dbA.open("bad2") == null); // The edit to foo1 should not have replicated. T(dbA.open("foo1").value == "a"); // The edit to foo2 should have replicated. T(dbA.open("foo2").value == "b"); } }); };